Chapter 12: Graduation walk and one more day remaining.
(The next morning)
(Y/N's POV)
I was walking to the theatre stage for the graduation walk practice run and I had my robe and cap on so I'm more than ready to do this. I gotta admit that I'm really nervous about tomorrow night where I will have to face a huge crowd of hundreds of parents, siblings, and love ones of all kinds seeing their senior on the stage, I always get stage fright in these situations but fortunately, it's not a speech or a play so I don't have to be there longer than I should but still... it's scary. I made it to the theatre where other seniors are there along with Principal Armstrong himself standing front stage probably waiting for more to come in and take a seat. I sat down and went on my phone to pass the time, I looked at the news to see what's happening and one news story popped up that a man has been reported missing yesterday evening. All I read was that line, the rest I didn't care to read cause this is another cause of missing people. This is now getting scarier and I wonder who are these killers are and if the police are close to finding them and put them in jail for good.
Y/N's mind- Damn, how-
Armstrong- Hello everyone.
My train of thought was interrupted by Armstrong and now I have to put this thought on hold for now and listen to what he has to say.
Y/N's mind- Well Y/N, let's get this show started I guess.
After a couple of hours of watching people practicing and me being oddly good at this for some reason, it was finally over with and I was walking to the door but I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Armstrong walking towards me. I wonder what he has to say
Y/N- What's up Armstrong?
Armstong- I wanted to tell you two things really. One, you did great on this, and second...I kinda want to make one last offer to you.
Y/N- And what's that?
Armstong- If you would like to give out the class of 2021 speech?
Y/N- Why me?
Armstrong- Well, I think that all year long, you have shown great persistence, motivation, and optimism that lead you here to this very day, and when I gave you that volunteering opportunity, you took it and succeeded with flying colors. I think that no one would be more qualified to give out the biggest speeches of the night. So...what do you say?
Ok, I remember what I said about me having stage fright know what. Fuck it, I'm leaving this place and never coming back here ever again so I might as well do this.
Y/N- Ok, you got yourself a deal.
Armstong- Oh that is great news! Well, you have to write a speech of whatever you want and it will be smooth sailing for you.
Y/N- Ok, well cant wait for tomorrow, see ya.
Armstong- Yes, see you later.
I can't believe he gave me a huge offer right off the bat but I took it and there is no going back on that now. Now, when I get home, I'll get started on my speech.
Y/N- It will probably take me all night to make but it's now or never from here. The endgame is afoot.
(Armstong's POV)
Oh, thank god Y/N accepted that I thought he never would and my escape plan will fail but now it can be done. Although, it is incredibly selfish of me to do this, what else can I do? And besides, if there is one thing I know about the monsters is that they will be there in the seats watching Y/N from afar and I will use this to slip out of the school, get on my car and leave this town for good.
Armstrong's mind- At this point, I don't care what happens as long I get out of here with none of them in my way. Now, this will definitely get me in hell but oh well that's how it's gonna end anyway.
(Nora's POV)
We just got done with the final touches and everything is ready for tomorrow. Oh, I can't wait already....for Y/N to be in this house with us as our big brother. ~
Justin- Its looks beautiful Nora...everything does.
Nora- I know right. This is gonna be the best place ever.
Justin- Hell yeah.
Justin and I fisted pumped before we went back inside and sat down on the comfy couch and watched Batman The animated series on HBO Max.
Liam- I can't wait to watch some awesome cartoons with Y/N soon!
Lucy- Me too!
Patrick- Me too!
Amaris- And me too!
Nora- I know, so as soon we watch Y/N leave the school from his graduation thing, we take him and bring him here where he should be knocked out and lay him down in his room we made for him.
Justin- Good thing we got bulletproof windows, smart locks, security cameras, and even some a moton tracker bracelet for him when he gets here so i can track him on my phone whenever i want to.
Nora- Very smart of you usual.
Justin- Thank you. So...who wants Pizza!?
Nora/Patrick/Liam/Lucy/Amaris- ME!
Justin called Dononoes and I went back to thinking of all the stuff we did so far that lead to here. Well, the people we had to kill was worth it, the close calls along the way and one of the saddest day was when he left the club and all of us were very sad that day. But no matter the ups and downs, it led to here and I couldn't be happier than I'm already am.
Nora's mind- Tomorrow is the day...the day Y/N will be ours forever.~
(No POV)
With everyone in anticipation for different reasons, tomorrow night is the night everyone's lives for the better or worse will change forever. Tomorrow, the kids will get a new older "sibling", a man now on the run from his dark past, and a boy who will step into the world of adults not even knowing that he won't ever have that chance and will instead be the loved and fun sibling to Justin, Nora, Patrick, Liam, Lucy, and Amaris.
"The night will be the night that everyone will never forget and some who won't even get to see the next sunrise."
(End...for now)
Oh man, almost there folks!!!! So before I go, I gotta ask you want me to...
1. Make a new yandere children's book of a different kind.
2. Focus on my current books when it is done.
Either way, I want to say thanks to the people who read and vote on this book and hope you enjoyed this yandere adventure. Anyway, hope you folks have a good night and I will see you guys later!!!
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