Chapter 10: Preparations on both sides.
(No POV)
It's the week that every senior dreads whenever they are studying themselves to death for the final exams or some are in despair of not being able to graduate due to unlucky circumstances. Y/N is the many seniors who are studying for the exams and he is not even doing anything fun cause he also has to write one paper to send to a university for review to have a chance of getting accepted. He has some serious pressure on his shoulders but he got lucky once by Mr.Butler by the volunteer program and that's why he is able to pass high school so that's one thing but this time he has to put some work into it cause he wouldn't get lucky twice.
Y/N's mind- But this hell will soon be over with and I can finally do something with my life. But first, I gotta get through university again.
While that is happening, The parents of the children are currently at IKEA to buy some nice furniture for the house, things like beds, cabinets, TV stands, and much more. Basically, they are getting the house ready for their kids and their "Big brother sibling" to live there for most of their lives. The kids are in the house playing in the backyard and talking about what kind of fun things they and Y/N are gonna do once he gets here. Justin is already making plans of all kinds but the one he is most focused on is how they should proceed if Y/N were to try to escape, that is one plan he needs more time to think about but hopefully, they don't need to do that at all but if something happens, then that's how it's going to be. But as they were playing, a man in a work uniform arrived at the door and pressed the doorbell waiting for someone to answer. Justin got a notification on his phone that someone is in their home and based on the camera, it looked important somewhat.
Justin- Guys, we have someone in the front door.
The rest stopped what they were doing and took a look at his phone and thought about what the hell he was doing in their house. Justin told Nora to answer the door but bring a boxcutter with her just in case. The rest will pretend to be normal kids and see what happens next. Nora went to the door and saw the man who looked like he was up to no good at all.
(Sketchy man's POV)
I heard that this place was an easy one to loot from so that's why I'm pretending to be a "health inspector so I can look around while "doing my job" and come back later when everyone is gone so I can grab their stuff and get the fuck out of here.
Man's mind- This should be a piece of cake.
I ranged the doorbell and right away the door opened to reveal not an adult but a....
Man's mind- A girl?
Man- Hello there! Is your mom or dad here right now?
Girl- No. What are you doing here?
The way she said those words were not right but I'm already here so I'll do this anyway.
Man- Well, I got a couple of reports of a health hazard around here and I was called to come and check the place out.
Girl- Do you have any proof?
I got out my fake health inspector license and showed her to trick her, she is just a kid they won't even know the difference.
Girl- that so? Well, in this case....come in mister.~
Wow....that was easy. Not suspicious at all, no threats of calling someone or even the police. Boy, this is gonna be easy money.
Man- Great, thank you for being patient with me. I'll let myself in and do my job ok?
Girl- ...Sure thing.~
This girl is very weird and kinda creepy but I can deal with a brat or two so it's no problem. Anyway, I looked around and saw that this place was loaded and very luxurious. Damn, whoever lives here is super-rich.
Man's Mind- let's get this party started.
(Nora's POV)
I was telling Justin about this foolish man who dares come to this house and try to ruin what we are trying to do. I was going to scare the man off but I feel like the gang wanted to have some fun getting rid of him. I went to the backyard and Justin was there in the table area sitting down and looked at me with some confusion.
Justin- So....what did he want?
Nora- Oh, he's no one important, just someone who is pretending to be a "health inspector" and check the house out when in reality, he is just checking to see what kind of stuff we have here in the house and rob us when we are not here.
Justin- So...what did you do?
Nora- I let him in.
Justin- WAIT WHAT?!
Nora- No no, I did that because I thought we would get rid of him...together.
Justin- huh. That is actually really smart of you...good thinking Nora.
Nora- *Giggle* No problem.
Justin- Hey everyone! Come here, please!
Patrick, Liam, Lucy, and Amaris stopped playing and went to Justin to hear what he had to say.
Justin- Listen up guys, Nora went to the man who is in our house right now snooping around.
The gang's reactions were confused at best and angry at worst.
Justin- But Nora thought of something, we shall let the man have his fun but near the end, we lure him in with a trap where we can have our own fun. What do you folks think?~
The others and I were nodding and smiling with this plan so it's all clear what we need to do next.
Justin- Then...I have a plan.
Justin then told us his plan and the details were all coming together fast so they will have time to prep for the trap. I can't wait already.
(No POV)
The man was almost done with searching around the house and he was about to leave the house but as he went downstairs, the girl Nora was there waiting for him.
Nora- Hello again mister, did we...pass the test?
Man- I must say that this house is in tiptop shape so yes it did.
Nora- Good, say would you like some refreshments to take home with you?~
The man was debating whenever he should take her offer or not but he was kinda thirsty so he was like...
Man's mind- Eh? One drink couldn't hurt.
Man- Sure, I'll take one.
Nora- Great, there is a cooler in the backyard where they are sodas and sorts of goodies there.
Man- Ok, thanks. I'll head over there now.
The man walked to the backyard and Nora had a big evil smile on her face. The man found the cooler in the middle of the yard.
Man- Weird place to put it there but whatever.
He then walked over to the cooler and opened the lid to grab a cold one but then he heard a sound.
Man- Huh?
Then suddenly, a rope was wrapped around the man's feet and the rope lifted him in the air by a hook.
He was hoping the girl was coming to help him but what he didn't know was that his fate was sealed. Nora walked to the man along with the rest who also had evil smiles on their faces.
Man- Oh thank god. Quickly, help me out of here.
Justin took the first hit on the man.
Justin- You never should've come here, mister.
Nora- Trying to fool us and snoop around in a place you don't belong.
Patrick- So that's why we are here.....
Liam- To show you what happens when someone.....
Lucy- Tries to intrude on our home...
Amaris- And to send you on your way to hell.
Man- Hey! What do you mean-
Justin then went to the shed and grabbed some tools for them to use.
The man was now shaking in his body and the kids were shaking in anticipation.
Justin- Now, let's play a game and the game long can you survive some beatings.~
Everyone grabbed what tool they wanted and talked about who was going first.
Nora- Oh can I go? Can I?
Justin- my guest.~
Nora aimed for the man's face and readied herself for a big swing.
Nora- Batter up mister.~
(End...for now)
Have yourselves a good-night folks! :)
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