The Mirror
"Alice wake up wake up!!! "Three voice chanted, when I opened my eyes I saw I was on the couch. Harry, Ron, and Ash were standing over me.
"What's up guys? "I asked sleepily rubbing my eye. Harry grabbed my hand without warning and pulled us under his cloak.
We walked through the dark halls. Harry finally stopped at a door, the second we walked through he threw the cloak away and dragged us infront of a giant mirror.
"What do you see? "He asked.
"I only see us." Ron replied, staring at the mirror confused. Harry moved Ron to where he once stood, then asked if he saw -
"That's me!! And....I'm head boy. I'm holding the quidditch cup too, and I'm captain. I look good." He muttered the last part.
"Ash, can you try? "
Ash moved where Ron was, before I could ask him he shouted out,
"I'm a Pokemon Master!!!!" He and Pikachu started jumping up and down. Harry grabbed me and shoved me infront of the mirror.
"What do you see? "
I stared at the mirror, wondering how Harry could possibly forget I was 'blind. ' But before I could answer no I saw myself waving and me. That was it.
"Your forgetting I'm blind. Harry."
He ignored my comment, then stared at the mirror in confusion. "Do you think this mirror shows the future? "Ron asked.
"How can it? Both my parents are dead." He said glumly.
Harry sat infront if the Dining Hall fire, he hasn't budges a bit.
Standing up from my food I walked over and sat next to Harry, Ron and Ash followed behind.
"You wanna play chess? "Ron asked, Harry shook his head.
"We could go visit Hagrid! "Ash added. When he didn't get an answer I spoke,
"Harry I know what your thinking, but don't.
Somethings not right with that mirror."
Timeskip...General P.O.V
It was night, Harry sat infront of the mirror, staring at the mirror like his parents were going to walk out of it.
Dumbledore stood silently nearby, staring at him.
"Good evening Harry."
At his voice Harry bolted straight up and faced Dumbledore.
"I see like many others before you you have discovered this mirror. I trust you know by now how to use it? "
Harry stayed silent.
"Let me give you a hint, those men see what they wish."
"So, we see what we want us to see? Whatever we want? "
"Yes."he tilted his head, then shook it. "But then no."
"It shows us no more, or no less, than the deepest desire in our hearts. But what I find interesting is that Alice saw herself, and only herself."
Harry was confused, wasn't she blind? When he asked Dumbledore that he knelt down for their eyes to be at eye level.
"I will tell you another secret, only Ash and Alice themselves know. But I will give it to you in riddle form :The eyes can play tricks on others who don't open their minds."
Harry looked up in realization, "Her eyes are the trick. She isn't blind....she's just.....different."
Approvingly Dumbledore nodded his head. "The reason why Alice only saw herself was because she's pure of heart. No desire inside of her is found. Because she's lived in the shadows of her brother.
You mustn't tell anyone -even Alice and Ash -that you know their secret. And you mustn't go looking for this mirror again, it will be moved to a new home. Do you understand? "
Harry nodded his head slowly. "Good, now off to bed."
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