Chapter 29
Simon turns to Kira, a look of pure delight on his face. "Imagine what we could do once we get our hands on that girl," he says.
"Yeah, than we can travel to other dimensions like it was designed to be," Kira says, rolling her eyes.
"Maybe we can do more than that. Maybe we can access any planet, in any dimension," Simon says excitedly. "Maybe there's other rifts out there, and this machine can act like a gate to these other rifts in time..."
"I think you like power too much," Kira says, but once again, Simon ignores her. "All I have to do is get Callie, and that's proving to be a little difficult, but I'm sure we'll get our hands on her..."
That's when I wake up.
I clutch the sheets to my heaving chest. I already knew Simon wanted me, but for what reason, I didn't know. I wipe the sweat off my face and climb out of bed, then go knock on James's door.
"What?" he mumbles on the other side of the door. "Come in."
I push open the door and shake him, even though he's already awake. "Callie, Callie, calm down. Calm down. What is it?"
"I think I know why Simon wants me," I say shakily.
James yawns and sits up. "Flashback? Or premonition?"
I quickly fill him in. Once I finish, he brings his knees to his chest and rests his chin on them. I can tell by the expression on his face that he's known. Or at least figured it out before I did. "So you knew?" I say.
"I had a suspicion, a thought that I mentioned to Alex briefly when he said that Simon took over Marix," James says.
"But you knew, didn't you? This top-secret military crap-you knew it, like you knew about Simon." I'm angry now, sick of all the secrets.
"No. I knew that you were chosen to be a time Keeper, and it was for the portal to other dimensions-but I wasn't the only one," James explains patiently. "Your father knew, Marilyn knew-in fact, both Amacus and Alexa know, but I didn't know why. I didn't trust them, I didn't understand why your father did."
"But they came through that machine. They only knew because I was their way home. Are they here to protect me or something? Or are they here for to train us?" I ask. "Do you know what's going on?"
"Before tonight, I knew you were chosen because your power worked with a machine to other dimensions, like I said. I didn't know why Simon wanted you, why Marix- well, I knew the machine was on Marix, so I figured that's why Simon wants you," he adds quickly.
I sit down next to James. "I'm just really, really scared. But it does make sense, why Simon wants me. I just don't understand what his motives are. He wants to go Tura, and I think he wants to go back to Earth, and he's waged this huge war here for a machine, but why? What is the point?"
"Power? I don't know, I haven't seen him since he was twelve, though he did seem a little... bossy." James shrugs. Then he puts a hand on my shoulder and his face grows serious. "But you can't tell anyone, you hear? What you just witnessed, that's classified military information."
"I know, Poppa couldn't even tell us. But what about Alexa and Amacus? They know it too, don't you think?"
James rubs his forehead. "They must know about the machine, since they came through it, but about your connection to it? I don't know, Callie, if they do. I don't know."
"Should I ask them?" I ask. "Do you know?"
"I don't think it would be wise to ask them," James says. "Unless you're absolutely certain that no one can overhear." He glances behind him at the wall that Masan is on the other side of. "This isn't a soundproof building." Even though we're practically whispering, his voice grows softer. "If you really want to talk to one of them, I would do it outside. Nobody really takes advantage of it, you know."
"I know, because of the war. I do want to talk to one of them about it, though."
James gives a cough that sounds oddly like Amacus.
After struggling through another Religion and Study Day, I finally find the time to talk to Amacus. We're in the gym, putting equipment away. As we close the closet doors, I tell him, "I need to talk to you in private."
"Um, okay," he says, sounding very surprised. "What is it?"
"Well, not here. Like, um, uh..." Why am I so flustered? "Like, after we shower, maybe meet up at the surface or something? We have two hours until lights out, so..."
"Er, Sure. That works." Amacus runs a hand through his long hair-he doesn't like it pulled back when he trains. "And what would you like to talk to me about?"
"Well, not here," I say. Behind me, I hear James go, "D'awww! Young love." I roll my eyes and say to Amacus, "It's not that, trust me. James is just a jerk."
"It's so sweet," James says. "She won't even admit it."
"Shut up, James," I say.
"Amacus, do you believe this? She has no respect for her elders." James shakes his head in mock disbelief.
"Elders? You're thirty-nine. Azerans don't die until they're about 200 years old."
Amacus just rolls his eyes. He's finally realized that James and I like to banter and has stopped telling to respect adults, which is nice. "I don't mind meeting up tonight, Callie. I really don't." I swear, there is a note of hope in his voice. Thanks to James, this situation just reached a whole new level of "awkward".
I open my mouth to say "It's not romantic," but just then, the little intercom embedded into the mats on the wall began to beep. James hits the red button next to it and speaks into it. "James Stakrah speaking."
"James? I need you, Callie, and Amacus in my office immediately," Matilda answers.
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