The Judge
Hell is where souls of the living that have tainted their very souls end up
A mansion can be seen outside of Pentagram city where a single man, or demon, lives along with his personally chosen servants. In his room he can be seen sleeping soundly before an alarm clock went off waking him from his slumber. Though for those who see him sleep it's hard to tell due to his lack of eyes. With a slight groan the demon sits up to show he is purely a skeleton whose bones were black as night. Letting out a tired sigh the skeleton moved his legs to the side to show he was only wearing silk pants. Reaching to the side he turned off the alarm bringing silence to his room.
Hell is punishment for these souls that have decided to bring evil or partake in evil in the land of the living.
Though the punishment isn't as some religions would have you believe
Standing up, the skeleton stretched, hearing satisfying cracks from his bones. Walking over to the window he pulled the curtains apart to let in Hell's form of sunlight in. From his view he could see pentagram city in all its hellish glory. If the skeleton could smirk he would for he saw the city as his home for the past years whose number escapes him. Deciding to get ready for his day he snapped his fingers causing music to begin to play.
You see in the pride ring, one ring of nine, where sinners and some hell born live stands one city where they all mingle. Pentagram City
The skeleton walked to his closest with a form of content running through his bones as he listened to the music. Walking up to a rack he grabbed a white button up sliding it on buttoning each button then reaching just above him to grab a pure black tie. While tying it he walked over to another rack with multiple pairs of black pants. Grabbing a pair he switched it out with his silk ones neatly folding them and setting them to the side to be cleaned. After setting them down he moved over to two racks that had sports jackets hanging and waist coats. going into deep thought he decided he would wear a waistcoat under his jacket today. Once putting them on he opened a drawer that held multiple different watches and leather gloves. Picking the ones he wished to wear today he looked himself in the mirror making everything look right and once satisfied gave a nod ready to face the day ahead.
This city holds many powerful sinners called overlords. Among them are some well known ones such as Carmilla Carmine, Alastor, Zestiel, The three Vs and many others. Each known for their rise in power to earn their title as Overlord. But one is even more well known than the oldest Overlord Zestiel. The Judge.
Walking out his bedroom doors he was greeted by a secretary. Wishing them a good morning he buttoned two of his Jacket's buttons before walking down his home's hall with his secretary in tow.
"What do my plans look like today, Miss Mayberry?", the skeleton asked on his walk. Strange enough the music could still be heard throughout the whole house. Which didn't go unnoticed by Mayberry.
"There's a couple of meetings scheduled involving Miss Carmilla involving a deal with another overlord they wanted your insight on along with a small border dispute between two upcoming overlords. You also have lunch with Mister Corax today, after that you're mainly free though I must ask, must you always have this song play every morning sir?"
"It's a classic", he responds with a chuckle as he continues to walk.
No one knows where The Judge came from, his origins to this day are still a mystery. Many know he rised to become an overlord by solving problems for Overlords and Demons, becoming a fixer in a way. These many problems ranged from territory disputes, business deals, land rights, etc. If a problem may arise the Judge was called to solve it if needed.
Walking through his home many sinners and some hell born can be seen performing many duties. The skeleton made sure to greet any he passed on his way getting a greeting in return. Most respond to him as sir or mister Charon. At one point one servant saw him coming up. Reaching into his pocket he grabbed a cigar handing it to Charon as he reached him.
"Oh why thank you Chester. You know I have some of these in my office?", Charon said, taking it and putting it between his teeth. Chester produced a lighter lighting his cigar for him. Taking a couple of puffs Charon let some smoke out with a satisfied sigh.
The Judge is just as his name entitles. He is unbiased to anyone that he must solve a problem for. Any Decision he came to was final. There was no way to change it and if anyone tried to they were never heard from again. Even though he is good friends with many overlords he still keeps his unbiased views on cases involving them.
"Seems I've been mistaken, very good flavor I have to say. Well done Chester. When you get a chance let Miss Mayberry know where I can find these. Seems I have a new flavor for next month", Charon said, patting Chester on the shoulder.
Charon and Mayberry continued on their way outside as a black limousine with a gavel as a hood ornament pulled up. A imp dressed as a chauffeur came out of the car holding the door open for Charon. Taking a seat inside he rolled down a couple of the windows as he enjoyed his Cigar gifted by Chester. Across from him Mayberry sat down looking over important documents.
The limousine drove toward Pentagram city heading to Charon's neutral zone. On the way many demons who saw the limo made sure to stay out of its way afraid to garner his wrath. Once they were in his zone the limo parked outside a courthouse that acted as Charon's office in the city. Heading in, many sinners and hell born were at work handling smaller cases for sinners. When Charon walked in everyone at the same time wished him a hello which he returned with a simple wave. Soon a sinner ran up walking next to him and Mayberry.
The Judge held a special power that any deal made between either him or between two others became permanent. Similar to when sinners sell their souls to certain demons The Judge could do the same but also between two others if they agreed upon the terms.
"Are they here yet?", Charon asked.
"Yes sir, they just arrived. They're waiting in the main conference room". Holding up his watch he saw the time to see they were early, perfect. If you're not early your late he believed.
"Wonderful, I'll head up immediately", Charon said, making his way to the conference room with Miss Mayberry in tow.
This single power quickly made him gain the power and prestige he is known for. It also made him the most dangerous person to make a deal with second to Lucifer himself. He holds many deals with many sinners, too many to count all with their own benefits that he gains. making him almost the most powerful Overlord in hell.
In said conference room Carmilla Carmine is sitting patiently across from another newer overlord she wished to do business with. They were slowly starting to take over the gunpowder trade. Powder she needed to make ammunition for her guns. Since the overlord was just starting to become big she thought it better to make a deal now rather than later when they gained more power. Deals made with the Judge were permanent, there was no way to break them or change them without the Judges consent. Soon the door opened to show Charon with Mayberry. Taking a seat at the end of the table, with Mayberry sitting off at a small table to take record, he set his cigar down in an ashtray before folding his hands in front of him.
"Court is now in session"
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