The Hazbin Hotel
Sitting in my office I was going through old papers reviewing old and new deals I've made. I like to do this to remind myself what deals I have made. You've been around as long and made the amount of deals I have. It's understandable you lose track. It's why I have miss Mayberry around to help keep track of my deals. It also helps to see if any deals may need updating or changing with the person I made. Which does remind me that Miss Mayberry's is coming to an end in a few days. Truly hope she chooses to say, she has been a great help around the manor and work.
Speaking of which she just walked in. As usual she had her red blouse buttoned up with a darker shade of red for her skirt. Couldn't help but see her hooves and horns were a little shinier than usual. Nice to see my gift is working. Walking up to my desk I peaked up pulling my glasses down. A skeleton with bad sight, bet you didn't expect that. Thankfully I only need them for reading.
"Your meeting with princess Morningstar is soon sir. We should head out soon"
"Thank you miss Mayberry. Seems I lost track of time as usual", I said, closing my book before it vanished. Have to love sorcery in hell.
"I'll go get the car ready", she said before leaving.
When she left I stood up stretching after sitting for so long. Walking to the side I grabbed my Jacket putting it on but not before putting my shoulder holster on. Then going back to my desk I opened a drawer to see a specially designed colt 1911 with the words "Memento Mori". Was a gift from Carmilla for helping her one time. It's fully functional and I hold it very dear to me. Holstering it I made myself presentable before heading outside to meet Mayberry.
Walking down the steps Miss Mayberry was waiting patiently with her clipboard held close to her chest. As I walked up she opened the door letting me in as she followed after me. taking our seats we were off. Reaching into a small compartment I grabbed a Cigar with a cutter cutting its end then putting it between my teeth. Miss Mayberry leaned forward with a lighter lighting it for me earning a thanks as I took a puff.
"May I ask something sir"
"of course miss Mayberry"
"Why did you arrange this meeting?". Silence fell after as I thought about how I should answer her. I could tell she was getting skittish which is due to when I go quiet many say I look like a dead man.
"To see if it's possible", I finally answered. This answer earned a confused look from Miss Mayberry.
"Believe it or not, Miss Mayberry I once believed in something similar but it died. Now I feel those old beliefs returning, yearning to live once again. it's not smart to deny ghosts what they want Miss Mayberry. Or one can be given deadly consequences for doing so. So I wish to see this hotel for myself and if it's bringing forth the goals that she wishes. Then maybe I may just give a helping hand to help ease the ghosts of my past". I said truthfully. Miss Mayberry was caught off guard by my honesty.
"Why are you telling me this sir?"
"Because unlike others I find you to be one of the few most trustworthy people. You do handle my books along with other personal matters for me everyday. So with that you deserve the truth more than anything", I said, surprising her again.
"But you could have easily lied sir"
"true but you should know I never lie. To lie denies one a truth. Truth that even sinners in hell deserve. That is what I refuse to do, hide the truth. Heaven has its lies and Lucifer himself even has his but I am neither. I bring true equality in a sense, or at least some semblance of it", I said with a slight hint of a red glow in my eye sockets.
"The longer I work for you sir the more of a conundrum you become"
"*chuckles* good, I like to keep people on their toes"
After a nice drive we made it to the hotel. The driver parked the limo before opening the door for me and miss Mayberry. Taking a moment I looked over the hotel with curiosity. The hotel looked just like that, a hotel, with the addition of a pirate ship going through it and an old tower toward the top of the building that strangely looked like a recording booth. A most curious hotel indeed. Walking up with Mayberry in tow I stood in front of the doorway giving it a knock. Soon it was answered by a moth demon who I was about to introduce myself to but the door was quickly slammed in my face.
"Well that was rude wasn't it?", I asked, earning a small nod. Looking back at the door I knocked again. Hearing some voices behind the door I waited patiently. Soon the same moth demon opened the door with Charlie Morningstar right behind her.
"Good afternoon Princess, my name is Charon Moth. I hope my presence wasn't a surprise. I did send a message for a meeting a few days ago", I said with a bow. Both looked surprised before they looked toward something out of view.
"Must have gotten lost in the mail sadly", Charlie said with a friendly smile. Vaggie behind her sent a glare at something out of view.
"Happens to all of us. May we come in?"
"Sure, of course"
We walked in to be greeted by the hotel's lobby. Taking a moment I observed the lobby. Most of it had the same run down design. Could see some hell roaches scurrying in places with someone chasing them with a big sewing needle. Couldn't get a good look at them but they looked familiar. Ignoring that I looked in the gathering area to see only one currently laying on one of its coaches. It was pretty easy to know who he was considering he's a celebrity in the porn industry, Angel Dust. Looking to the opposite side of the lobby there I saw what looked like a demented bar, which is strange to say since we're in hell. Who would even think of this design for a bar? A deer skull above it? really? actually it reminds me of someone I know. That's when I finally noticed who was manning the bar.
"Husk? now isn't this a surprise", i said walking up. Vaggie and Charlie looked confused.
"Well if it's the fucking Judge himself. Haven't seen you in awhile"
"Feeling is mutual. I'm surprised to find you here of all places. Thought you would be at a bar as a drinker or a casino testing your luck"
"Who says I'm not drinking? And who says I want to be here?", he said, taking a swig from a bottle of scotch. Couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle. Same old Husk.
"Ah, if that's the case then where is he?", I asked. Soon I saw shadows move from the corner of my eye catching my attention. Watching the shadows they ran across the floor next to me before a man emerged. The man wore a nice pinstriped suit of different shades of red with a red bowtie. In his hand was his usual cane that had a radio mic on the top. Then he had the ears of a deer with a red glassed monticule over one eye.
"Here I am surprised to see Husk but then I'm further surprised to find you here. Alastor, the Radio demon! HA! I thought you were dead old friend", I said as we both met into a friendly hug. Leaning back I took a look at him.
"You haven't changed at all over your seven year absence. It's so good to see you back"
"It's good to be back, Charon. Happy to know you're still around", Alastor said resting both hands on his cane.
"you jest, you know no one would ever think about trying to kill me", I said as my voice became more demonic as one of my eyes glowed red. Alastor's smile became more malicious after my statement.
"Nice to know you never changed during my absence"
"Wasn't aware you two knew each other", Charlie chimed in.
"Oh yes, I still remember when Alastor first arrived in hell. It was very interesting to see his humble beginnings as an overlord. Never was a dull moment, even now. So know my surprise when I hear he apparently perished though I was pretty sure the rumors were false. Before that though we became good friends with the resentment of another mine"
"Oh Corax", Alastor said with an eye roll. Couldn't help but chuckled at his behavior. Next to Charlie was Vaggie who I took a closer look at to soon burst into sudden laughter. Everyone looked at me confused as I tried to calm myself down with Vaggie glaring at me.
"Something funny?"
"I'm...sorry. Sorry for my Rude behavior. I just didn't expect to see that here. What an interesting surprise to find. A very interesting one that I feel will bring even more", I said, wiping my none existent tears of laughter away. Vaggie's glare just became sharper.
"Though I'm getting off topic of my visit. Miss Morningstar I would like to propose a business deal if you would hear it"
"What's your game?", Vaggie said pulling out her spear. Looking at the tip with a single finger I slid it to the side away from my neck.
"Well before you pull out the pitchforks and torches hear me out. I find your hotel to be VERY fascinating even though I've only been here for such a short time. Alastor here shows me that he sees something in this Hotel that I myself do not. I don't fully believe in this Idea of redemption but there could be a chance I'm wrong, which doesn't happen often. Alastor has never led me astray on certain topics so this furthers what I'll be proposing", I said walking to the middle of the lobby.
"Which is?", Charlie asked nervously. Quickly turning around I held my arms out.
"To help your hotel grow! Just imagine it! having TWO overlords instead of one helping you run this hotel. Imagine the promotion you'll get with especially having me working alongside you as your humble books keeper. With this I can also give you some funds to help with running the hotel, maybe fix it up a bit more. No offense Alastor. Along with this you gain more security in a sense. No one even thinks about messing with me and me being here will ward off most demons. You can't account for the idiotic ones, always ready for a fruitless power play against me. But not to worry since they are easy to be disposed of. So, do we have a deal?", I said, reaching my hand out. The room around us became slightly darker as dark mist started coming off me like smoke.
"What do you get out of this?", Charlie said on edge. The mist started to become less as I took a step forward towering over her before bending forward to her height.
"Nothing except to watch and see where this project goes. For once I'll get nothing of material value or a promise of a future favor out of this. The Judge will be at your disposal miss Charlie. So, won't you shake...a poor sinner's hand?", I said keeping my hand out. The room became even darker now as my eyes glowed a slight red with the mist around me becoming darker. She took a look a Vaggie nodding no but I could tell she saw the perks to this deal.
"Deal", she said, shaking my hand. Soon two chain cuffs formed around our wrists before they were connected with a chain. Pulling my hand back the chains slowly vanished.
"Very good, shall we get to work then?"
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