New Beginning
To say many were surprised would be a massive understatement. Going through the portal back to hell with my undead army we were greeted with Charlie, Vaggie, and the whole crew staring at us. They weren't alone since it seemed a group of cannibal town's residents were present as well. Seems she was able to persuade Rosie and the town to help, even from that bitch susan.
"Do not worry everyone, they're with me", I said looking at my undead army. Charlie walked up on edge.
"So, where did you go?"
"Took a trip to the human world to boost your numbers"
"wait, so that mean. You can raise the dead!?", Charlie said surprised. Feel like people are forgetting who I am.
"Lord of death remember? easy ability to use but one I never used until today. Made a promise to myself that others knew I would never raise the dead. I've defiled these corpses by bringing them back like this. Their souls may have passed on but the bodies that once held them deserve to rest but because of me their eternal rest has been defiled". Looking at the corpses the feeling of regret seeped back into my bones. continuing to tell myself it was necessary didn't quell it in anyway. "Add it to the list of mistakes I've made".
"It means a lot that you do this for us. I'm sure it was hard". Hearing her words of empathy made me remember who I saw trying to stop me from doing this. Everyday it feels like I'm continuing to disappoint her. Makes me wonder how much I've changed since my time in heaven as an angel. Need to push that down for now, there are more concerning tasks that need my attention.
"They are yours to command", i said starting to walk away. She grabbed my arm stopping me.
"Where are you going?"
"You are not the only one who got onto heaven's bad side Charlie. As they will come for you they will come for me. Divide and conquer. So I'll wait in my mansion for them to come"
"But but we need you here!". Stopping for a moment I put my hands on her shoulder leaning down toward her height.
"Maybe but maybe not. You have gone far Charlie. You have gone far on this journey of yours and you will continue to go far. Nothing can stop you. Nor heaven or hell can. You have friends willing to fight with you and family. I have faith, something I never thought I would say after all these centuries, that you will succeed. By me not being here I split their forces which means your odds of success here rise. Stay strong", I said before again walking away.
"Be careful"
"You should be telling heaven that"
Turning into mist travelling over Pentagram city I head toward my home. There were preparations needed to be made for Heaven's arrival. Adam won't turn the other way after my insult the first time we officially met as I am now and in the courtroom. Which means he'll be coming right to my door step. Thankfully my preparations won't be too complicated. Just need all my employees out of my home and I'll handle the rest. Can't have them being mixed up in this. They didn't ask for it. Reforming into my physical form I walked up the steps to my home to see miss mayberry waiting for me.
"Sir, welcome home. Feels like it's been awhile"
"Indeed it has. We've both been busy lately. Thank you again for handling the arrangements. Once recent events are settled we'll be putting them into action. Now we need to have the staff in the house head home for the day along with giving them the news that they won't be coming into work for awhile but they will still be paid as if they were working", i said walking past her. Pushing the doors open she followed me.
"May I ask why sir?", she asked quickly matching my steps by my side.
"Of course, the forces of heaven will be arriving during the next extermination and part of them will be coming here. Where I'll handle them myself. Now though, summon the staff to the front room. I'll address this new news to them myself. Best we do that. I'll be in the main room in five minutes. There's something I need to pick up from my office"
"Yes sir", Mayberry said before turning into another direction.
Walking through the halls to my office I was greeted by my staff. Many announcing their glee that I was back in the home. Made sure to let miss Mayberry know why I would be away for some time. Making it to my office it felt nice walking back into my office. Haven't been here in some time. It's home. Now the need to protect it has arisen and I intend to deliver.
Walking to one of the book shelves in my office i pulled a book forward. Doing so activated the hidden mechanism causing the door to slide outward. Taking a step to the side I walked past the book shelf into a small basic room. A room that housed one important item. Standing on a stand was my weapon during my time as the angel of death. My scythe, the one that many mortals picture me with. Though it's able to kill basically anything it never got much use during my duties. That's about to change soon.
Grabbing it by it's wooden shaft I felt comfort wielding it once again. Holding it in front of me I took it in holding it once again. Though my abilities without could easily handle the angels I felt a need to bring this back. Time that hell knew who I REALLY am. The anticipation of hell's residents finding out fills me with excitement. Where I once saw my past as a curse I now see it as a part of me I denied. Ghosts of the past being denied now being let to rest. Willing it it turned into a golden ring with a sigil of the weapon. Putting it on I headed to the main entrance of the mansion to speak with my staff.
Walking into the room most the maids, butlers, ground keepers, your usual staff were all gathered. As I entered the room all eyes quickly fell to me. Most parted as I made my way through them to the stairs leading to the second floor. Walking up the steps taking a stop mid way I cleared my throat loud enough to catch everyone's attention before speaking. Looking over the crowd to make sure I had their attention I finally spoke.
"As many of you know the next extermination is coming up. With that will come our usual plans to limit the causalities or our own. With this I also ask that no one come into work that day and the days after this one. You are not fired, you will continued to be paid as if you never stopped working. The reason behind this is because the exterminators will come here. Where they will find me waiting. So go home, enjoy the extra time with your families. Your all dismissed", I said turning around to head to my room. But I stopped in my tracks when hearing a single voice that then turned into many.
"I'll fight with you sir"
"So will I"
"Let them come!"
"We'll tear their wings off!"
Soon the group turned into a roar of battle cries wishing to fight along side with me. To say there wasn't a warm feeling in my ribs would be a lie. This here was true loyalty being shown. Raising my hand as a sign for them to stop they all began to quiet down. With a voice filled with pride I responded to their wishes.
"Your willingness is heart warming to say the least. But I can not allow you to risk your lives. You all have people waiting for you to come back for. You have reasons to live. Though it may be hard to hear, I do not. So if anyone must take this risk it will be me. Thank you for your loyalty. It'll be rewarded by putting you all out of danger. Now finish your duties for the day and go home"
Finishing my small speech I finally headed to my room to rest and think. In truth I haven't been in my room since I started helping at the hotel. Walking in to see my bed, nightstand, along with my nice balcony I loved to enjoy a cigar on was nice. Reminds me how much i need to protect this place, my home. The very grounds where I created a whole new life for myself. Standing in the middle of my I reflected on everything.
How I got involved with the Hazbin hotel. The connections and even beginning of a niece and uncle relationship that's beginning to form. Going against the Vs, heaven, other overlords to protect before mentioned hotel. The thoughts of wanting more then what I have now. Even reflecting on my past history as the angel of death which included thoughts of her. Thinking about her made me so badly want to go back to her side but it was selfish of me. She may have forgiven me from what it sounded like during our last meeting. But I don't forgive myself.
"Sir, are you sure your ok with this?", miss mayberry asked. Seems she entered my room without me noticing. Looking down at my ring that also doubled as my scythe I began to play with it by twisting it back in forth on my finger.
"You've been a most trusted friend these few years miss Mayberry. You always did what was asked no matter how strange and never asked a question about them. It's that same loyalty you've shown with the others that I don't want you involved in this. And before you begin worrying about me allow me to personally award your loyalty with the truth of who I really am". Pulling off the ring it transformed into my scythe. At the same time my body began to turn into mist before taking my original angel form with it's bone like wings. Turning around she dropped her clipboard as her glasses slid off in a comedic fashion as she had a look of shock.
"My true name is Azrael, The angel of death. Like our good friend corax I am no officially a fallen angel like him and king Lucifer. I hid my identity all these years to create a new life for myself. Now the truth of who I am has come out and I no longer choose to hide it. So I gift the truth to you for your loyalty and ask that you continue to work for me. If not, you are free to leave if you wish", I said finally telling her the truth. After I was done I returned to my normal form.
" I didn't expect this at all sir and don't really know what to say"
"That's ok, I'll expect an answer after everything is handled. Your free to go, i wish to be alone"
"yes sir", she said without hesitation. Hearing the door close after her I took a seat at the end of my bed.
------------Extermination Day----------------
The day that many dreaded came though this time would be much different. In Heaven Adam and Lute gathered together their exterminators. Adam had a look of glee on his face excited for what's to come with Lute next to him having a more calm look showing no emotion. Down in hell the Hazbin Hotel were making their finals preparations. This whole time Charon sat in his office smoking a cigar as he played with his lighter. Opening and closing it as he waited for what was to come next.
Though he didn't have to wait much longer. Feeling a familiar presence Charon stood up walking to his window to see a heavenly portal open above the Hazbin Hotel. Sure enough exterminators could be seen coming form it. Not long after another opened up above his home with more exterminators coming out. Charon showed no signs of worry as he watched some land and other continue to fly. Seeing no need to watch any further he turned around walking to an old record player. Looking next to it was a small shelf full of records. Reaching he grabbed one taking it out of it's case then setting it down gently on the player. Moving the dial he set it down letting the record play.
Outside the angels approached the mansion with smiles ready to kill the traitor. Getting closer to the doors they opened on their own welcoming them in. Stepping into the mansion they grew confused when they heard the sound of classical music. Heading into the mansion they entered the main entrance. On the sides were columns representing Greek architecture all leading to the main staircase where Charon sat continuing to enjoy his cigar.
"Welcome to my home. Sorry about the lack of proper welcome. Usually my staff would greet you all but they were given the past few days off. So allow me to do so", he spoke breaking his silence.
"Don't patronize us traitor!", one of the exterminators shouted. Charon just chuckled at the outburst before burning his cigar away with fire.
"Then I apologize, it was not my intent. Was just trying to be gentlemanly. I pride myself on it actually. In an act of such i will give you all a chance to turn around and walk away. None of your blood needs to be spilt today. It's a chance I gave heaven, which they ignored, that I give to you now. You are merely the foot soldiers following orders. They do not speak for you. So, will you leave peacefully?". All the angels looked at each other before looking back at Charon with their weapons raised ready to fight. "So that's your answer. What a shame, but not unexpected", He said standing up forming his scythe in his hand.
"Now approach me if you wish but know that if you do you will be facing death himself. So, let us begin"
Charon began walking down the stairs slowly showing no actions of striking. His scythe rested in his left hand with the blade pointed downward. One of the angels, seeing his lack of defense as an opening, launched at him with a spear. Coming down on him Charon simply took a step to the side dodging the spear letting it get stuck in the ground. With another fluid movement he swung his scythe walking past the angel. taking three steps down the angel's head slowly slid off its body.
Seeing this the angels grew shocked on how quickly one of their own was killed. Turning around the doors they entered slammed closed. Turning back to Charon three of them flew at him ready to strike. Charon with minimal effort blocked all their strikes. With one hand he used his scythe to block their strikes along with precise body movements to dodge. To anyone watching it looked like Charon was performing a dance routine with his movements.
All three angels came from above striking at the same time. Raising his scythe sideways he caught and blocked all three of their attacks. Looking up at them they saw a flame in both his eyes. Pushing their attacks behind him he followed up with a single slash cutting all three of them in half. This same attack caused flood to splatter everywhere including on his suit. Looking down he took notice of this detail.
"Seems I've ruined my suit. What a shame. Though in hindsight I should have seen this coming. I'll be sure to pay the cleaning crew extra for this clean up. Now, where were we?"
"Don't underestimate us!"
Without Charon knowing an angel flew to the second floor to get behind him. Flying from behind said angel flew at him ready to impale him. Though with speed that the angel has never seen before Charon was able to catch his spear before it impaled him. The angel tried with all its strength to jam it into him but Charon's grip didn't budge. Before the angel could try to pull his spear back Charon stabbed him with his blade. Blood seeped down the blade dripping onto the ground as he was hoisted into the air before Charon spun slamming the angel's body into the ground. This led to blood being thrown around the room.
"Good effort, but not good enough"
Taking his scythe out of the angel's chest the rest decided to finally attack. What happened next was a massacre. Charon would move through them with minimal ease dodging attacks as he got deeper into the group. Then with swift moves he would kill one angel after the other. The whole time the music played displaying the emotions felt by the angels. The emotions of regret, despair, agony, and pain before they were killed. All the angels can remember is Charon's eyes full of fire as he struck them down.
At the end Charon stood in the middle of the room surrounded by the dead bodies of angels. He was covered in golden blood as was the whole room. Hearing the small sound of scratching he turned toward the noise to see an angel still breathing trying to crawl away. Dragging his scythe across the ground toward the angel brought a full sense of despair to the angel now knowing he was seen. This only made him try to crawl faster in pain from his injuries.
"The regret is visible, you know. I gave you all a chance and you turned it down. If it means anything I didn't want any of this. Killing you and your brothers and sisters brings no joy to me. You're all just mindless drones following orders. It's been awhile since I've done this but why not. When I would go to help a soul pass on I gave them one thing before we would talk. A final conversation to ease their worries. It was up to them if they wanted to take one though", Charon said. In his hand Charon summoned a pack of cigarettes before offering one to the angel.
"", the angel spit out in pain. Charon let out a long sigh, not surprised with the answer. Puting the smokes away he looked disappointed. Suddenly he pulled his gun out shooting the angel in the head. Holstering his gun he stood back up.
turning his scythe back into its ring he walked out of his home taking a deep breath. Looking across pentagram city he saw the Hazbin Hotel in shambles. Leaning his head back he reached out feeling who was still alive. Satisfied to find out Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, and the rest of the hotel's occupants were ok along with most of the cannibal town residents that offered to fight. hearing a crow land next to him he looked to it to see it turn into Corax.
"Looks like you had an unpleasant experience"
"*Sigh* sadly yes. The cleaning crew will not be happy with this but I'm sure a bump in pay for this will ease them"
"Seems everything has come to an end. Heaven will lick their wounds before possibly attacking hell again. Princess Charlie is still alive along with her friends and lover. One could almost call this a happy ending but I feel this is only the beginning. Time will tell if it's the beginning of something good or bad", Corax said as we looked over Pentagram city. He was right on all of his points.
"So, how do you feel? about the future?", he asked me. Looking over Pentagram city I took a few steps forward, really taking in the view as a breeze flew through. Letting it all sink in I snapped my fingers getting rid of the blood on me by changing my suit to a new one.
"Birds flying high, they know how I feel. Sun in the sky, it knows how I feel", I begun sing. Above me some hell birds flew over as we looked at the artificial sun of hell.
"Breeze driftin' on by, it knows how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life. For me. And I'm feeling, good. And I'm feeling good"
A stronger breeze went through as I held my arms out. Letting out a quick laugh I couldn't get over this feeling. I haven't felt this good in well ever! The feeling of freedom and untouched potential that was now being touched.
"Fish in the sea, they know how i feel. River running free, it knows how I feel. Blossom on a tree, it knows how I feel. It's a new dawn, it's a new life for me. And I'm feeling good", I sang taking in this new feeling. Corax stood to the sight letting me have my moment as I spun around facing him.
"Dragonfly out in the sun! you know what I mean, don't you know! Butterflies all having fun you know what I mean. Sleep in peace when day is done. That's what I mean! And this old world is a new world and a bold world, For me!", I sang turning around again toward pentagram city. Reaching my hand out grasping toward it.
"For me!", I said clenching my hand into a fist. Walking toward the city my surroundings changed so I was standing in a dark space. Stopping circles showing each ring of hell surrounded where I stood. Looking at each circle if i was able to show a smile I would be showing one.
"Stars where you shine. You know how I feel. Scent of the pine, you know how I feel. Oh freedom is fine! And I know how I feel!", I said looking over the rings of hell. Looking at them with great plans in store.
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life"
"It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life"
"It's a dawn! It's a new day! it's a new life! For me! And I'm feeling good!". Slowly everything began to fade returning to normal. Though my excitement didn't. Soon I was back where I was in front of my house.
"Haven't heard you this happy in a long time. What plans do you have?", Corax asked full of interest.
"I've been making arrangements to expand my empire. Now with Heaven dealt with for the time my schedule is open to do so. We're expanding to every level of hell. No longer am I going to limit myself to Pentagram city. Soon all of hell will know my name. A new beginning is coming Corax, with me heading it. First though, I am going to need to boost my numbers which means to go shopping for new employees"
"And how do you intend to do that?", Corax asked. Snapping my fingers a card popped up in front of him. Grabbing it before it fell he looked at what was written before looking back toward me.
"IMP? Immediate Murder professionals?"
"The best way to get new employees is to have someone bring them down to me. I do it, it'll get heaven even more angry and at the moment I don't need that kind of heat from them. It's best to just let things settle down. So having a third party do this work is the smart way to approach it. Already set up a meeting with them in the coming week"
"Not sure how more sinners will help since they're limited to the pride ring"
"Not to worry, I've already got that problem figured out"
"Seems like you almost have everything planned out then?", Corax asked with a noticeable smirk.
"Mostly, still some minor details that need to be ironed out but nothing that won't take long"
Our conversation was cut short as a portal opened above us, another heaven portal. Me and Corax both were on guard ready and not expecting another wave of angels to attack. Instead of an army though a single figure came through but they weren't flying. They were falling. Feeling the presence I was shocked on who it was. Without a moment's hesitation I ran before jumping into the air spreading my bone wings flying straight toward the figure.
They were in free fall which meant I had to fly faster to catch them before they crashed. Flapping my wings faster I was able to swoop them up in my arms before she hit the ground. Flying into the air I circled around landing back in front of my home. Corax ran up seeing me land as I took a knee. Looking her over I tried to find any injuries which thankfully there were none. Though it did make me take in how she was already under hell's effects. Damn it Meta, what did you do to deserve this?
"Charon, that couldn't be", Corax said, surprised to see who was in my arms.
"Yes Corax. It's my wife"
To Be continued in Helluva Overlord
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