Ayyyyy BriarMoon tagged me (-__-) SO HERE WE GO FAMALAM
You have to post the rules
The tagged victim must share 13 things about themselves
The tagged victim must share 13 questions asked by the tagger
The tagged victim must tag 13 people
Tag backs are allowed
Oke here goes nothin
1. Favorite season is fall
2. I actually like school cuz I get to see my friends everyday and funny/amazing stuff and people are everywhere
3. I can get my feelings hurt rather easily (I know I'm weak)
4. I'm currently feeling sick
5. I currently work at Touchmark as a dinner server
6. I'm struggling to decide if I want to cuss freely or if I want to restrain myself
7. Favorite number is 12
8. I'm pretty sure I love dogs more than cats, but only by a lil bit
9. Dream date is a carnival by the ocean at sunset
10. Currently freaking out over a summer project that I haven't finsihed yet that's due on the first day of school
11. I want Androids to be invented soon
12. Extremely pro-life
13. I want to meet Adam Young one day
Yay that's done hopefully it was interesting to someone out there
Now for the tagger's questions
1. Marvel or DC?
-Marvel duh
2. What's your lucky number?
-A backwards twenty-one
3. What's something you need to work on?
4. What one great thing about yourself?
-I'm almost always willing to help soneone out as much as I can
5. What would you rate me, BriarMoon, out of 10?
-an 8 cuz you're awesome but sometimes a bit too crazy lol
6. How many pets do you have?
-One, my dog Jack
7. Whos your all time favorite character?
8. Name 3 people that you would room with for a year
-abbyissofun Space_and_Stuff and either of my sisters
9. What does your room look like?
-Literally, it all just fandoms...
...horses, and inspirational quotes
Well the quotes are inspiring to me anyways
10. Who's your favorite artist?
-Music artist? Owl City. Artist artist? Idk, I immediately love all art from my friends so I can't really choose
11. Do you watch any gaming YouTube channels?
-Do I breathe?
12. What's one thing Wattpad should change?
-Being able to use emojis in messaging and message boards would be nice
13. Who's your clan/family/friends on Wattpad?
-abbyissofun rak_ap_grazul Space_and_Stuff BriarMoon xXWild-OneXx PeculiarPolarbear audreyawake
Ok now for tags (-__-)
BriarMoon haha
Yet now it's time for me to make up the questions
1. Do you like school?
2. Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit?
3. Favorite thing to wear?
4. Any funny stories from your childhood?
5. Do you have a crush? (You don't need to say who it is unless you want to lol)
6. Favorite book series?
7. Favorite book character and why?
8. Do you like playing video games?
9. First thing you can remember?
10. What do you do when you're bored?
11. What pets do you have and what are their names?
12. What battery percentage is your phone at right now?
13. Why am I doing this stupid tag? 😂😂
Ok there ya go!! Here's a cute picture for your troubles:
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