The Talk
Hey people! Sorry for the late update. I was caught up with something else. I hope this chapter will make up for it :)
You know those Bollywood scenes where everything around freezes and is in haze, the only thing that is clear is the hero or the heroine? That was happening to me. All I could see was my hero. He was at the airport like he promised and I found him the moment I stepped into the parking lot. He was standing leaning to his car, his hands folded across. His face lit up with a huge smile as his eyes landed on me.
He started walking towards me and I stopped in my tracks. I was anxious, nervous, tensed and myriad of such other emotions . I didn't know how to greet him. A hand shake would be too official, a hug would be too overboard, besides we never hugged before. I remained rooted till he was close to me. I was engulfed in his warmth as he stood there looking at me, not uttering a word. " Hi", I gave an awkward smile waving my hand.He moved forward and I panicked as my mind raced trying to read his next move. I extended my hand involuntarily and it caught him off guard. I could see confusion in his face yet he took my hand in his. May be he wanted to hug? Shit!
Amidst my protests he grabbed my baggage from the other hand and walked to his car. "So, How was the trip?", he asked once we were settled and started. The last two days were exactly how I wanted them to be. I spent some more time at the branch office yesterday and headed to Aakash and Neetu for dinner. Despite wanting to spend some alone time, I actually enjoyed their company. " It was refreshing. Aakash and Neetu are so nice. I went to their place yesterday. We had a great time together ", I said wanting him to know about his friends. They divulged a lot of information they about him and I am sure he would not be too happy with that.Mischievous ideas started to form in my mind. " That is nice. But did you have your lone time", he teased. How rude! It was because of him that I went into that hibernation mode and now he is teasing me. I glared at him and that made him laugh. " A quick question", he said after he was done laughing.I nodded still not happy with his stupid teasing.
"Is the wedding still on?", he asked and that surprised me. Why was he asking that? As if reading my thoughts, he continued " I mean in the last two days, has your decision changed owing to all that happened?". Did he really think I would cancel the wedding? Wow! Before I could say anything ,he said ," Actually mom wanted to buy an engagement ring for you but I thought it would be better if you select it, yourself. So, if your decision has not changed we will go right now". I was surely not calling off the wedding but I wanted to know his version of him and Priya. "Can't we do that tomorrow?", I asked. " We don't have time Payal. I wish we could do it tomorrow but we have to do it today. I know we have things to discuss and you have questions to ask. We will do that but I need to know this ", he said tapping nervously on the steering.
I thought for a moment, " Viren, this issue is not huge enough for me to call off the wedding but it is nagging me. We have to discuss it. However,I have not once thought of taking a back step. I don't know why you had that idea. We are going with it." I said and he smiled. I knew, hiding behind that smile were a lot of unspoken words. He reached for my hand and squeezed it, letting me know how immensely relieved he was with what I said. I realized he took a detour and we were now driving away from the direction of my house. When he said we had to go shopping, I did not know he meant right away. " Are we going now?", I asked and he nodded. I had to report to Mr.Subbu about the happenings in Chennai. He would be expecting me in the office any time now and not informing him was a bad idea. "If you are thinking of office, I called Mr.Subbu and requested for a day off", he said very casually. Should I be happy that he was doing this for me? or should I be a tough, professional woman who would not spare anyone interfering in her work? "What are you thinking?", he asked noticing my blank expression. "How is everyone at home?", I asked and the topic comfortably drifted away. After driving for a while, he parked the car in front of an amusement park that I had visited just once. It was a place known for its gardens of fragrant and beautiful flowers. But, for me the best part was a lake that occupied most of the park area. Why he got me here was beyond me but I wanted to wait for him to tell me.
"Let's talk" Viren said, while he worked on the pedals of the boat. The clear water showed the school of fish swimming underneath, amidst the underwater flora.The rays of the morning sun reflected back looking like particles of glimmering gold. Number of picnic baskets were seen scattered all along the bank as couples enjoyed their holiday with kids. There were a couple of others enjoying the boat ride like us. I was afraid this discussion would hurt him and he would become that numb person he became the last time we spoke about this."You tell me" I said carefully, struggling to pedal the boat. Except for the struggling part, this entire thing was so romantic that I wished we were discussing something totally different. "What do you want to know?", he asked and his expression was very casual. No discomfort, no hurt, nothing. "You don't have to talk about it if you are uncomfortable", I offered hoping he would not think of me as a demanding woman. Looking at him struggle with his emotions that day made my heart weak and there was a strange pain. Was it because he was sad? or is it because he felt that for someone else? "I want to talk. Ask me what you want to know", he said with confidence.
Thousands of questions swarmed my mind since I got to know about Priya and him but at this moment only one question dominated everything else." Do you still love her?", I asked and my voice gave away how much his answer would effect me. He laughed, there was nervousness in it and an unknown pain. At that very moment I realized how everything I built until today stood at the mercy of his answer. My heart pounded as I waited for him to open his mouth. "Tough question", he said scratching his head. I loved her, very dearly. She meant the world to me. But, today I don't know what I feel for her. A tiny bit of me still jumps when I see her or her name is mentioned. The news of her marriage disturbed me.So much that I had to resort to alcohol. I still care for her the way I did when we were together. I can undoubtedly say that they were the best days of my life so far", he said giving me a weak smile. The fact that some one was so dear to him and occupied a very important position in his life was hurting me. That was silly. "She was his past I know that", I tried telling myself over and over again but the pain wouldn't go. When did I start getting so jealous and possessive? I started to regret asking this question. Not knowing all this was a lot better than listening to it from him. " Having said that, I should add, I don't wish to have her in my life. She is a figment from my past that I have probably learned to cherish gracefully. Whatever I just told you is just a small part of me. The major part is actually looking forward to this marriage and for 'us'. Talking to Sneha when you were away has bought a lot in perspective for me. I can now safely say I am happy she is getting married. I have almost moved on", he said. He met Priya when I was away? Why? How? When? I wanted to ask but I restrained, not wanting him to think of me as a freak. I was a little happy that he said he moved on. Better than that was that he was looking forward to 'us'.
Another question popped up even before I could rejoice his statement."You asked me time because you wanted to get over this?",I asked, now not concerned about what he would think of me, shooting questions like this. If that was the reason, it would only mean I come next to her for him and it was unacceptable for me. Not that I wish to replace her but I want to be important to him and not some obligation. Who can accept that the guy you love, loves someone else?He looked at me, surprised."No,not at all. Like I told you I am not prepared for marriage. It will just take time. That is to it. The more I get comfortable with you, the lesser time I would need to accept you as my wife. We will be great together I have no doubt about it", he said and I mentally struck another question off my list.
I would ask one last question, the one that nagged me.The one which earned him the name 'jerk'." If you loved her so much why did you not fight enough? Why did you give up like that", I asked, my voice bordering on rude. It looked like he was expecting this and had his answer prepared,"I don't know what she told you but I tried. That one year was no less than a nightmare for me. I was the only witness to how my mom was affected by my decision. I stood strong enduring the pain of seeing mom cry every other day. It went on to an extent that she was hospitalized and was slipping into depression. I had to take a decision of pushing it further and letting her health deteriorate or give it up and see her recover. I chose the latter because I owe it to her. I am not particularly proud of the decision I took but I don't regret it either" he sighed." I am sure Sneha doesn't blame me for it as much. I know she was hurt, disappointed and broken because of it but she understood. May be it was all for good. If it was meant to be,I would have had the strength to pursue it further. She wouldn't have found her 'knight in the shining armor' and I wouldn't have found this crazy girl", he grinned. It was unbelievable that his mom, who by the way seemed really sweet to me, could have been so stubborn. " Why was aunty so against it?", I asked. " Well, caste to start with. She could not accept that her son would get home a girl who did not belong here. Then there was her job. Back then she worked for an NGO that involved fighting against human trafficking. Mom never really appreciated that. Sneha even left it in an attempt to please her but I feel sad that she has never got back to it again. Above all this, mom couldn't believe I would choose my bride and not leave it to them", he replied and I found the reasons ridiculous. I was surprised that Priya had once worked for an NGO, she never mentioned it to me. I would surely find out more about it from her.
I had the answers for the most important ones and my mind was at rest for some time. The discussion totally ruined the boat ride. I wanted to come back here and on a day where we could really enjoy it. We were now driving, probably to the jewellery shop. He remained silent after that discussion and I let him be. I was myself lost in pondering over it. My mind being at rest for more than half an hour is really impossible and to prove that a new question popped up. This was a little too personal and I did not know if he would be okay with answering it. But once a question comes up I need to know the answer." Viren", I called and fell silent. " Are you not done yet?", he asked raising an eyebrow. I grinned making him shake his head." Shoot!", he said." Ok! This is personal. Don't mind me asking but did you guys get er- hmm physical?", I asked and looked away not able to meet his eyes. "Why do you want to know?", he asked, a tone of mischief in his voice. " I want to know", I said trying not to sound awkward. " Hmm yes, we kissed and went a little beyond but nothing major", he said and I realized he was studying my expressions. I stayed silent as he continued to look at me. " Is someone jealous?", he smirked and I got so defensive that it gave away. He laughed heartily while we stopped in front of a three storied jewellery store.
We rummaged the entire store only to find one beautiful ring in gold with two leaves placed to form the famous heart shape. There was a diamond glistening in the center. It was simple yet attractive. It was something I would love to wear always. He spotted it first so I would give the credit of choosing it, to him. "What about your ring?", I asked once we got it packed. " Oh! I get one too?", he asked sarcasm dripping in his voice. He chuckled," I got it yesterday. I went with your mom and mine". Poor guy, had to go shopping with two ladies. I don't know how he got through it fit and fine.
We waited as the ring was being billed, when my phone beeped. It was from mom and I realized I had not informed her after I reached. I told her Viren was coming to pick me up, so she must have guessed I would be late but this was way over board. I knew I will have to bear the wrath of it and as expected she started it as soon as I picked her call. " Payal? Where the hell are you? You could have at-least called when you got down. I am worried sick here", she went on.This phone was so loud that people standing around me could hear what my mom was saying. Viren who was standing close had an amused expression on his face listening to my mom's one sided conversation. I gave him an embarrassed smile, " Mom! I am sorry. I am fine. I am with Viren. We came to shop for the engagement ring", I said over her voice hoping she will calm down. She stopped to listen to what I had to say and I was a bit relieved but not for too long. " So you saw Viren and forgot the world around you?Remember us at-least till you are married", she said and Viren grinned wide at that. I was so embarrassed that I did not know what to say. He pulled the phone from me and spoke," Hi aunty. Viren here. I told her to call but she was so lost looking at me that she forgot. Don't worry, I will drop her home in an hour", he said all the while looking at me with a smirk. Cheater! Liar! What will my mom think? He is the good boy and I was lost in him! Stupid! Surprisingly my mom's voice turned sweet. She spoke for a minute and he handed the phone back to me. I cut the call and punched him on his arm. Ouch! that must have been hard.He grimaced rubbing the spot I punched him and it was now my turn to smirk.
We drove back talking about a lot of other stuff. While we almost reached my home ," Payal", he said and his voice had a strange warmth in it. I looked at him trying to gauge his expression." You have no clue how much I was worried when I couldn't reach you. I called your mom not even realizing it was late in the night. I even went to the extent of meeting Sneha only to find your whereabouts. That was when she told me that you are now aware of the issue. I was so relived when I could reach you through Aakash" ,the way he put it out was so emotional that I had to control myself from holding his hand."For a while I thought you have decided to put down the wedding plan. I am so happy that I was wrong. Never ever leave like that without telling me. We can have a discussion no matter what the issue is. Hmm..and", he paused like he was struggling to find words"I realized one thing.I don't know what you feel for me but I think I have started seeing you as a part of my life", he said giving me his dazzling smile that I had always been crazy about. He stopped the car in front of my house, I turned to face him before getting down. " Viren I always liked you. Even before this marriage proposal came up.In-fact I think it is more than just liking", I said and was finally relieved that I could say it out. He was surprised and that was apparent. " Really? You never told me?", he said still surprised. " Why should I? When I don't know how you feel about me. I would make a fool of myself had I told you", I smiled. He looked away with a smile of his own, " Wow! Ms Payal likes me. I am so honored", he said and I blushed like a fool.
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