ChickLit #104 Yayy!!
Payal's POV
It is amazing how the founders of M.S.T, who we famously call The Rao brothers, have managed to make the branch office look as big as the main one.Big not just in terms of appearance but everything else as well. Of course we had a huge turn-over last year but to have a vision to expand and the confidence that it would yield well, was worth appreciating. The location of the office was a half an hour drive from where I was staying. Sharp at 9 a cab had arrived to pick me up, arranged by Mr.Subbu. I was being treated like a V.I.P and I was enjoying it.
As I arrived at the office, there was a well suited man waiting to lead me in. He introduced himself as Anirudh who was appointed to be the PR for the company. He took me to a hall where a group of five people awaited my arrival. I recognized a couple of them from their visits to M.S.T, but the remaining were new to me. One lady came up to me with a basket that was beautifully wrapped with decorated piece of cloth and ribbons. She shook my hand and handed the basket to me suggesting that it was a welcome gift. I was now quiet eager to see what was inside this beautiful basket. The remaining people followed put and introduced themselves giving each a hand shake. These will be the brain of this branch who will come up with innovative strategies and will also be responsible for generating out of the box ideas. They were all almost of my age except one of them who looked at least 10 years older to me. Such people were always necessary to maintain discipline in the team and to keep them going. This reminded me of how the situation had been when I first joined M.S.T and that made me nostalgic. A brief breakfast along with coffee was served while we discussed about various things pertaining to this office and what could make this whole thing better.
It was now time to meet the team of employees who worked under the guidance of these extremely talented people. It was for them that I was here and interacting with them was what was expected of me. Not many had been employed yet, because of various reasons. Though it had a full fledged head office where great projects were being handled, this was still a mini start-up. The Rao's wanted to venture into new domains of IT division instead of sticking to the one that we were working. Right now there was just one project that a client who had immense trust in us had handed over to this new branch. This team was employed to work on it. This was thus out of my technical domain, though I had some fair knowledge in it. I was mainly here to talk to them about how it is to work for a start-up. Before I went on to give my presentation, I got an opportunity to know these people better and I was impressed that a lot of them had joined despite having an option to choose a bigger company. They had the zeal and the passion to grow with this company while working towards its betterment.
The session after lunch was occupied with my presentation. I highlighted on points about what extra one needs to put in while working in these circumstances. I also tried to throw some light on how to cope with the various emotional phases such a decision as theirs offers. People break under the pressure to deliver on time even at the cost of having to go sleepless for days. It was necessary to show them the reality as they would gear up in a right way. I tried to chip in any experience I had where ever it was possible. I tried to keep them motivated and inspired by showing examples of some successful people. I closed it with some advantages of working here and some of our achievements. I could see the impact the talk had on them and I was satisfied. On the whole, the day was a total success. Importantly it kept my mind very much away from Viren.
Viren's POV
Yesterday's call to Payal's mom was futile except for the fact that I came to know she was not in town. Where was she? I had no clue. I knew asking her mom again would not yield anything at all. If not her mom she would have informed something at least to her friends. But the problem was I knew none of them. I have not met them or at least heard of any of them. Unfortunately the only person I knew that was close to her was Sneha. But would it be okay to go and talk to her about it? She has no clue that I am Payal's fiancee.This was the only thing that was stopping me. Of course I did not have her number but if I decide to talk to her I can come up with something.
The day seemed to crawl slowly with my mind wandering off to Payal every other minute. I did not understand why was I fussing about it so much. She would be here the day after and yet I am not able to stop my self from attempting to reach her. After a lot of thinking I decided I would go and speak to Sneha. She deserved to know that I am getting married and with her friend. The only way I can catch her was to wait at their office entrance hoping she would come out sooner or later. That was if she was not on leave. I started from my office an hour early so that I wouldn't miss her and waited at the entrance clutching my heart. Within ten minutes I saw her walk out of the building towards the gate. I was lucky that I was here at the right time. My next move was to go up to her but my legs had a mind of their own, they just gave up not moving an inch. My luck helped me for the second time today as she saw me just as she came out of the gate. I smiled weakly but her expressions I could not read. She hesitated a second but turned to walk in my direction.
"What are you doing here?", she asked almost irritated. "Listen, Sneha. I did not come for you so please don't lash out at me", I requested. She nodded while I continued, " There is something I want you to know", I paused fumbling for words." If it is about your marriage and Payal, I know", she said with a calm demeanor. I was surprised not just that she knew about it but also at the calmness she was displaying. " Oh! good. I thought I should tell you", I said thinking about the main question I was here to ask." I am happy for you Viren. She is a great human and a wonderful friend. I am sure you will be very hap-.", she went on. I was not here for all this, all I want to know was where she was and why did she vanish, I cut her short before she said anything else, " Do you know where she is?", I asked her and she looked surprised . " What do you mean where is she?", she cross-questioned me.I rubbed my temple in an attempt to make this conversation a little easy. " She did not talk to me in two days. I called at her residence, her mom says she is not in town. I don't know what is happening here", I complained like I was complaining to a very close friend. A knowing look crossed her face.
" Actually Viren, I think I know what is happening here. The day before yesterday, she showed me a picture that you both had clicked and that was how I got to know about your marriage", she smiled and I don't know why after a long time I felt at peace, like I was with someone who cares, a friend." So, I though it was my responsibility to let her know about us. I thought about it for a long time as I did not want to spoil what you guys have but in the end I chose to divulge it to her.", she said looking slightly guilty. So, Payal now knows that the jerk she hates, is me. Now she knows I was involved with her close friend." Is that why she vanished?", I asked like I have found the reason. She shrugged." So you don't know where she is?", I wanted to confirm." No. She just told me she won't be here for few days. I thought it could be because of shopping and stuff", she replied. It was disappointing that she did not know where she was but at least now I know why she was behaving strange.
I bid her a goodbye and was about to leave when she stopped me, " You seem to have totally moved on", she asked. I did not answer as I have nothing to say to that. " You love her?", she questioned making me wonder. " I like her to start with", I replied and she laughed. " You will be there very soon. All the best!", she said walking away. I felt a huge weight lift off my chest. It was a whole new feeling like I have had a rebirth.Do I love her? Not yet may be. But I sure want to see her and clear this mess up.
Payal's POV
After the tiring day I got back to my temporary abode and had a long relaxing bath. I avoided calling my mom in the fear of facing her questions about Viren. I opened the gift they had given me and found the basket was full of chocolates and bars. Chocolate was my sinful indulgence and they hit the spot. After lazing around a bit, I wanted to explore the city as this was my first time. I hired a taxi and asked him to take me to the nearest beach. I paid him and took my shoes off as i walked in the sand. It was a full moon night and the tides were high. The moon light glistened on the water and the sky was clear with stars twinkling. It was so serene just to stand and watch as the waves hit my feet time and again. The thoughts I had been avoiding resurfaced as my mind started to get a little calmer. Was Viren still looking out for me? But why was he? I do not want to think he is missing me or is worried about me and then end up getting hurt. May be there was some work related issue that he wanted sorted out. The beach was full of couples enjoying themselves. Looking at them a thought came to my mind, how close did Priya and Viren get? Were they physical? It did not matter to me but still I wanted to know. She is better in a lot of ways and probably that made Viren fall for her. To sustain the love for all these years is a difficult thing these days. I don't know if I have to appreciate him or feel sad. A beautiful restaurant caught my sight as I was lost in my thoughts.
It was facing the sea and was covered in glass offering a beautiful view. I decided I would have my dinner at that place gazing at the sky and the sea. I walked in to find just one table empty in the row that was to the window. I rushed there before someone else claimed it. I took my own sweet time gazing out before ordering form the menu. This restaurant would be a very romantic place for a dinner date, I thought. And to prove me right there were may couples occupying the seats. There was soft music that played in the background and the lights on some tables were dimmed and a candle glowed on the table. There was one couple who could not let their hands off each other. If allowed they would probably go to next level right there. There was another were the guy got down on his knees and proposed his love as I watched them.
I was observing the couples when I caught the sight of a guy who was openly staring at me. At first I thought it was my mistake and I was overthinking but he was too apparent. He had a phone in his hand and he kept looking at me from time to time. I was alone and that made me vulnerable. I tried to avoid looking at him and concentrated on the view outside but I was distracted. My heart beat was so loud that I thought he would be able to hear it. Added to this my order was late. To get up and leave would not be a good option because he could follow me and then it will be easy for him to get me on the road. Luckily the place was crowded and he would not dare to do anything stupid for his own good. I thought once I finish my dinner, I will book a cab from my phone and hop in immediately and leave.
After almost 15mins my order arrived and I buried myself in the food. However I could still keep track of his moments from the corner of my eye. I was sure he was still looking at me and suddenly he got up holding the phone to his ear. I just wished he would leave this place but in contrast he started walking to my table. I started to panic and my hand trembled. I glued my eyes to the food not wanting to look up and face whoever he was. The distance closed and he stood right in front of me as my heart threatened to leap out of my mouth.
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