Thanks @VijayaLakshmi767 for voting :)
Priya POV
"Priya!", I felt someone tap me on my shoulder." We are blocking the way",it was Payal's voice. That snapped me out and I realized I had been rooted to the spot staring at the two faces smiling at me from the phone. One was my best friend and the other my ex-boyfriend. The person who Payal has grown to hate since the time I told her about us. "Are you alright?", she asked me trying to study my expression. I nodded making place for people waiting to take the elevator.
" Is something wrong", she asked, looking between the phone and me. I had to say something, else she would start suspecting. "You look good together", I said mustering up a smile." Really?", she said taking the phone back. " Yeah. Let's go", I dragged her before she would ask me anything further. "But, what happened to you. You look like you saw a ghost", she said raising her eyebrow questioningly. " Ah! that! Nothing. He closely resembles someone I know", I said not looking at her." Who?", she wouldn't let the topic go. I sighed," Someone Payal. You don't know him.Now shall we get back to work?". She gave me one last doubtful look before she walked to her cabin.
I closed the door of the cabin behind me and collapsed in the chair. How should I react to this? I should be happy, he has finally moved on and is getting married. But I don't know why it was pinching me.I met him a few weeks back and he seemed very distraught.When did all this happen? Why Payal? It would be so awkward between us. How will I visit her after they get married? Apart from all these, she hated him for what he has done in my case. Every time , his name came up she would swear. How would she react if she now knows that it is her fiancee
I shook my head to push these thoughts away. I had an important issue that I had to handle immediately. Whether to tell Payal about this or not? I had no idea to what extent Viren discussed about us, if he had discussed at all. I did not want to spoil the relation they shared. But what if she comes to know and feels betrayed? I mulled over it for the whole evening and came to a decision with great difficulty.
Payal, I have to discuss something. It's important. I will drop you home in the evening.
I left her a message on the internal messenger. I hope she would take all this in a right way.
Viren's POV
Our hands were intertwined as we strolled in the garden. I could see what the phrase,"Bed of roses", meant. The path we were walking on had red roses on either side and the fragrance was bliss to our nostrils. We were the only people in the garden and the privacy made the moment even special. My eyes caught the sight of a tree and its shade covered in green. I gently pulled her towards it. Her eyes twinkled looking at the beauty of this place. I was mesmerized too. The sun was just setting in giving a orange hue to the sky. The stars were just coming out from their hideout. The lights in the garden started to glow giving a different color to the surroundings.Making sure there was no one around, I bent down to the crook of her neck and closed my eyes taking in the fragrance of her body. She smelled better than the roses. She giggled as my nose traced her skin. A smile crept my lips as I pulled her close to me. I placed my self on the floor pulling her down with me onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her thin waist and I could feel her skin against my cheek. I slipped her dress from the shoulder and moved the strands of hair, gently placing a kiss.Her hands involuntarily reached mine and clasped it tight. Our eyes locked for a few seconds but I broke it to look at her beautiful lips. As if anticipating my next move her lips quivered. I took a deep breath and moved close to kiss her luscious lips. She closed her eyes raising her chin waiting for my touch. A sudden high-pitched laugh got us out from our moment as we frantically looked for the source.
There standing amidst the garden of roses, was Sneha. Payal jerked to stand up from my arms and I did too. There was a smirk on Sneha's face and she only stared at me with her hands folded to her chest. Payal looked confused looking at us share a moment. There were now tears streaming down Sneha's cheeks. Payal walked to Sneha, still confused at her friend's reactions. I realized I have to open my mouth before Sneha tells her everything. I tried to call her name but I could not find my voice. I yelled but not a single sound escaped my lips. I tried to walk to her before she reached Sneha, but something was pulling me to that specific spot. Payal closed the distance and was now standing with her. "Payal, listen to me before you talk to her", I wanted to say but all I could do was let out a yelp.
I knew I was dreaming. It was close to a nightmare. I told myself ,'this is just a dream. Relax. It will end soon' but I was sweating profusely.I tried to wake up from that wretched dream.But my eyes were shut tight. The sudden sound of my alarm made me sit up in bed. It was afternoon and I was at home. I had taken the day off as I was not able to concentrate on work. I was relieved the dream was over but a few things about it kept troubling me.
Why was I dreaming of getting intimate with Payal? Strangely I was feeling good being so close to her. I saw her in a total different light in the dream, something I had not imagined before. Why? Am I attracted to her? Why was I getting so disturbed? Why am I so bothered that Payal would be disappointed or angry if she hears about it from anyone else? Since when have I started to worry about her reactions? What was happening to me? Whatever it was, can wait for me to find answers but I have to meet Payal and tell her about Sneha. I tried to call her but there was no response. The phone kept ringing but she did not answer. I left it at that expecting her to call me back but that did not happen.
Payal's POV
A smile crossed my lips as I saw the caller id. It was from Viren. I am sure he was planning to meet. We have not met for the last few days and I was missing him. No matter how badly I wanted to pick his call, I couldn't. Priya was waiting for me at the parking and she sounded really disturbed. I had to be with her as soon as possible. I ignored his call and decided to revert back once I am home. Now, it is the time to get things out of Priya.
I reached the parking only to find Priya lost in her own world. She was leaning onto her car and was looking intently at something on the ground. Something was terribly wrong and I could sense that. I slowly walked to where she stood, " Hey! Whats up?", I said with a wide smile but it soon faded when she did not smile back. " Let's go", she said and I felt a knot in my stomach. This was bad.
She was silent as we drove towards the outskirts of the city. I did not know where she was taking me and why. I kept quiet expecting her to tell me. But she was not opening her goddamn mouth and the curiosity was killing me. " Where are we going?", I finally asked. "There's a place", she said and fell silent. What? is that even an answer? She was a very careful driver but today I could see nervousness in her driving. I realized it would be of no use trying to make her talk when she was not ready to. She is taking me somewhere to discuss something. So, I am sure she will tell me whatever it is. I turned to face the window and was lost looking at the things that passed past us. She halted the car after almost a 45min drive and got down.
Oh my! That place was beautiful.It was on an altitude in comparison with the rest of the city. She stopped her car almost at the edge of a cliff. Standing here, one could get a breath taking view of the entire city. The city was just turning up its lights and the lake that divided it into two parts was looking like it had jewels adorned on its banks. The summer evening breeze was soothing as it played with our hair. I stood at the tip and inhaled the fresh air admiring the beauty in front of me before turning back to her.She was sitting on the car's bonnet. Her face was grim as she sat with her chin propped on her folded knees. I sighed walking to her and jumping onto the bonnet. "What's the matter Priya?", I asked her, placing my hand on her shoulder hoping that would make it easy for her to speak.
" Jain", she said looking into my eyes. I could not believe all this was about that good for nothing ass. This was the second time she is disturbed because of him. If I would ever meet him, I will slap him tight for putting her through all this." Now what did that git do?", I asked gritting my teeth." Why is he behind your peace of mind?", I continued when I did not get a reply. She cringed at my comments and I could not help but shake my head. After all that he did to her, she still feels bad if I swear on him. She is nuts. " Listen Payal! This is important for you to know and that is the only reason why I am telling you. This is in the past and I have nothing to do with it now. Please don't get me wrong. I hope all this will not change what we have", she rambled and I swear to God, I did not understand a bit of what she just spoke." What?", I blurted out." Just promise me you will not misunderstand", she held my hands in hers. I looked at her, confusion written all over my face," Alright!", I said doubtfully. She let go my hands and turned to face the city. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes." Jain's full name is Viren Jain", she said.
I opened my mouth to say something but shut it the moment realization hit me. And I tell you it hit me hard! It was like how you feel when a very unexpected twist comes up in the novel you read. A moment where the heart stops beating and then it goes into a crazy mode. That was how I felt that very moment. My hands turned cold and I don't know for how long had I been staring at her. May be she had mistaken?May be they share a same name and might look the same. Yes! that must have happened. There was a glint of relief that was starting to spread when Priya noticed, " I have been with him for 4 years. You think I will not recognize?", she said reading my thoughts and there was pity in her voice. "But-", I said but did not finish not knowing what to ask. Things were starting to form a shape now. The reaction Viren had when he saw her at M.S.T. Her reaction to his name and most importantly her reaction in the morning. How could we have been so stupid not to link both the names? Why didn't Viren tell me about it that day? Why was it hurting me knowing it is Priya? It is not like I didn't know he had a past but Priya? Then a sudden thought crossed my mind, " Priya", I called her for attention. She hummed." The last time you met him. When was it?", i asked hoping her answer not to be what I expected. " Hmm. May be the mid of last month. Why?", she asked. That meant it was after we met and that he still had his heart tied up to her. It was indeed only for his parents that he was doing this. This marriage was nothing but a compromise to him. There were no feelings.His reaction when he spoke about her came rushing to me and tears welled up in my eyes. But I had no intention of letting Priya know my weakness. I wiped away and stared ahead as we sat there engulfed in silence.
He still loved her and would always do. But where do I stand?
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