"Ahem!The world is not ending, u can both adore each other later.Let's go", Chetna said pulling me into the hall. I could feel all eyes on me and I was squirming inside. Viren's mom came to me with a wide smile " You look very pretty", she said, taking my hand into hers. "Come I will introduce you to some of our relatives",she said leading me. From the corner of my eye, I could see Viren still looking at me. They were 50 odd people gathered in a group sitting to one side of the room. " This is my soon to be daughter in law", she announced to no one in particular. I did a 'namaste' as people looked me up and down. It was embarrassing and awkward to stand like that while people assessed you based on how you look." You have got a very pretty daughter in law", one lady said bobbing her head and gesturing the 'super' sign. Aunty beamed looking at me while I gave a little smile. " Beta, look after our Viru well. He is the apple of of our eye", another said. What? Is he a little kid? Am I adopting him? Look after! huh!
" Please bring the bride and the groom, we should start the havan", the priest announced. His relatives finally let me go but only after advising me enough about 'Viru'. We were made to sit close to the havan while all the others gathered around us. The priest chanted some mantras as he started the holy fire. He added various ingredients into the fire chanting a different mantra each time. The first half an hour went fine with me stealing occasional glances at him and probably he did too. But after that, it was a havoc.
The smoke was burning my eyes as they uncontrollably watered.I started coughing as the smoke that I inhaled irritated my throat. The heat from the fire in the kund was burning my face and the skin. My nose was extra sensitive and reacted like crazy to anything strong. It kept triggering sneeze after sneeze and every time I sneezed, I earned a glare from someone or the other in the group. After I struggled for a while, Viren slowly handed me his handkerchief and I grabbed it not thinking once how gross it might seem to him if I clean my nose or eyes with it. I had to stop the smoke from triggering another sneezing marathon. I tried to cover my nose with it after requesting the priest if I could do so. He agreed, though reluctantly. All the while Viren had an amused smile on his face. Of-course he was effected too, his face was red and his eyes watered but this bout of sneezing was my forte. This torture lasted for another hour during which I did not bother who was around me, all I did was to pray that this would end soon. We both were asked to move around the kund once and the relatives followed put. After this was done, his parents gave me a saree with some matching jewellery. My parents did the same with Viren. We were shooed away after that, to change into our respective dresses.
There are some perks of being a bride and having people to help you in dressing up is one of them. I was followed by a group of aunts to my room, where I was supposed to change. People started working on me even before I realized. They helped me get into the saree and I had to put no effort. In just 15 mintues I was all ready and I didn't know who did what. I put on the jewellery they gave. I was thankful they were simple and not too pompous. The saree was a maroon color silk saree with a golden temple border. Once I was set, I was taken back into the hall.
The hall looked totally different now. It was rearranged to suit the next event. The carpets that were laid before for people to sit for the havan, were now removed, replaced by our sofa sets and chairs. The kund was still burning but was now abandoned. Viren was nowhere in the vicinity making me wonder what was taking him so much time. It suddenly dawned on me that my parents had given him a silk dhoti to wear and he must surely be struggling with it. This made me chuckle. My mom wanted to give something different and not what people usually gave, so she chose Dhoti. I don't know how much he must be cursing us right now.
I looked around the gathered audience. I could see my Bade Papa and grand pa discussing something animatedly. Chetna's parents were here.Then there was the ever famous Padma aunty who was responsible for setting us both up, she was engrossed in a discussion with Viren's mom. This made me wonder if she was on his side or mine. I realized the line between his relatives and mine diminished, as a lot of them were interacting with each other, may be there were a lot of common relatives. My mom was running here and there with Sanju in tow trying to overlook everything possible. I had not seen her sit even for once the whole time. She was tired but she looked happy. My dad, on the other hand was sneaking occasionally to get some rest but my mom's summons kept him on his toes. It was so touching to see them do everything possible to keep me happy.I just wanted to give them both a huge hug for all that they have been through because of me.
My friends Ramya, Shivani, Janani and others were there too trying to do their part in helping mom. But from my mom's expressions, am sure she wanted them to sit instead of blocking her way while she worked. They were too many resulting in too much traffic. " Ramya",I called a little loud and a couple of people around me gave a look that said, ' Behave a little civilized. You are the bride'. I gave them an embarrassed smile as my friends now gathered around me. They pulled me to a couple of empty chairs and we settled ourselves. We spoke for a few minutes and then I fell silent with my stomach grumbling.
I did not eat anything since morning because of the pooja and havan. But now my stomach was demanding food and it was hell bent on embarrassing me. The problem with having a group of friends is that, even if you do not speak up, it takes time for them to notice as they have others to talk to.Just when I was looking for some help, " Why do you look like a lost puppy", Chetna said sitting in the chair next to me. " Thank God! Chetna! I am hungry. Do something", I pleaded. " I don't know if you can eat", she said unsure of how she can help. "Go find out and please save me", I said dramatically. She thought for a minute, " Ok! I will ask aunty", she got up to go. " No, not aunty. Uncle!", I said and she looked at me like I was crazy but did what I told her to. She was my sweetheart.
After some time she came again and announced that my dad wanted to talk to me. I excused myself and followed her to our backyard where dad was busy with the food arrangements. He slowly produced a plate of kichidi as soon as he saw me approaching."Eat this, soon", he hurried looking around to make sure no one paid us attention. I grabbed the plate and started gobbling up the contents as fast as I could. My dad and Chetna stood right in front of me obstructing the way, so that I would not get caught. Had my mom or any of my grand mothers seen me like this,there was a fair chance that the ceiling of this house would crumble down. " Who did you make this for?", I asked my dad while I kept pushing the food into my mouth. " Don't ask me anything. Finish it up. Don't get me caught", he almost pleaded. I took in the last morsel and put the plate aside looking up at him. I could not control my urge to hug him. I did that and also planted a kiss on his cheek, " Thank you Dad", I said with tears threatening to come out. " For this?", he asked not believing my stupidity. I shook my head " For being my hero. For being my guide and mentor. For letting me survive despite the whole world being against me. Finally, thanks for breaking all the rules just to see me happy", I said hugging him again.He smiled lovingly and kissed my forehead," You are our little princess. Your smile and happiness gives us strength to fight any battle. We are proud parents and we shall always be", he said. " I love you Dad", for the first time I told him. " I think we should go, they are looking for you", Chetna pulled me. I gulped down a glass of water and waited, so that I could burp. I would not want that to happen and give away my sin.
The scene in front of me was hilarious as Viren struggled to walk with the dhoti. Like he knew I would laugh, he shot a look at me and I bit my lip to control. Boy, he knew me too well. Now that the groom was ready too, we both were made to seat on the huge chairs arranged. The minute he was by my side, " Is this your idea?", he hissed into my ear. " No. It's mom's", I said between clenched teeth. He turned towards me and gave a doubtful look. " Swear",I mouthed and he simply nodded letting it go. All the while I was controlling from laughing on his face.
We settled in the seats and the audience slowly started to notice both of us. The hall was growing silent with every passing minute and my nervousness was resembling a sky rocket.After some time Chetna and his sister came to stand with us. My mother for the first time today, stood still looking at us. My dad stood by her with his arm around her shoulder. Viren's parents stood next to mine. Slowly, Sanju slipped the ring box into my hand and gestured me to stand up. As soon as I followed her order, Viren stood up too with a similar box in his hand. Starting from now everything happened in a slow motion for me, as we stood looking at each other waiting for someone to assist us with what to do next."Exchange the rings",I heard someone. I don't know when Viren opened his box and retrieved the ring but he was now holding it waiting for me to extend my hand. I did what was expected but my hand trembled. He smiled at me, taking my hand in his and slipped the ring into my finger. The ornament touched my skin cold and there was a shiver in me. It took me time to take my hand back, while Sanju helped with taking his ring out. He extended his hand that was surprisingly steady and I put it on his finger. There was a sudden blast as tiny bits of sparkling paper were flew all around. There was clapping, probably from all our relatives. Someone showered us both with a lot of flower petals, but I was lost.
After all the noise died down, I got back to understand my surroundings. There were two cakes being arranged on the table in front of me. One, I saw was from my friends and the other I did not know. "Why are you dazed", he whispered as I kept staring at the cakes. " Hmm?", I said trying not to look at him. " What happened. You are lost somewhere?", he asked again."We are engaged?", I asked him the obvious. " Apparently yes", he said and I could see he was a little overwhelmed too. "Don't worry. It will not be that bad", he said assuring me. I nodded. All my friends and cousins gathered around and made us cut the cake and forced to feed each other huge chunks. The piece he gave me was so huge, half of it was spilling out. I realized the other cake was from his friends, all guys by the way,as they filled the space that was previously occupied by my friends. We cut the other cake but this time, his friends pushed the chunks into his mouth, totally ignoring my presence. Typical guys!
It was now finally time for people to come,congratulate us and get pictures clicked.People walked up to us and shook our hands congratulating and there were n number of pictures clicked. My jaws started to ache from all the fake smiles I had to give to the camera. I wished people understood that and stopped for a while but it went on and on. As we were talking to a couple who were his mother's friend's son and daughter -in-law, I saw Priya standing in the line that lead to us. Viren was telling me some funny instance when the son and him were kids but I was not concentrating. All I could think of was how awkward would it be for us to stand here with her. Do I introduce her or will he introduce? What, if his expressions change to something that I do not want to see? She was looking so beautiful in a pink saree, that any one could fall for her. Would he feel the same, again? I knew I was over reacting but I was hopeless. She was getting closer as people moved. Like Viren knew what I was going through, he suddenly put his arm around my shoulder just when she approached us. The warmth spread through me with his touch and my doubts rested. " Congratulations! Both of you", she screamed joyfully and she was genuinely happy. " One less person to introduce", she joked and we both smiled at her. " Thanks a lot Priya..Sneha", we both said at the same time and the three of us chuckled, like it was some inside joke. I could not believe that the issue was nothing but a joke to us now, the stupid thoughts I had a while ago seemed really baseless in presence of them. His sweet gesture, though it lasted for seconds, meant so much to me. " Meet my fiancee Kailash", she said as I observed his presence only then." Congratulations", Kailash said shaking both our hands.No matter how much Viren did not care about her life, it was a difficult thing to look at you ex's fiancee. Unknowingly, my hand reached for his and I gently brushed my fingers holding him. I could feel him relax instantly with my touch and his demeanor just changed. There were no more words exchanged as we stood to take a picture, Priya beside me and Kailash beside Viren.
May be marriage was all about this, comforting each others fears. Supporting each others thoughts and understanding each others emotions.
I hope this chapter is up to your expectations and made you smile :)
The next chapter will be a leap and I will narrate the story after the wedding.
Thank You. Vote! and Comment!!
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