Draco Malfoy-Part One-The Journal
Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy. Recently some bad things have happened. My older sister Allison died, And my family is falling apart. And if I'm being honest the only thing I'm concerned about right now is helping my siblings get through it well.
My sister Allison died in a big fire, that I still have no idea how it started but, Adam, Lyra, Allison, and I were sitting on Allison's bed talking with Dobby, all of us laughing. When I heard my Mother scream "LUCIUS!!!!" My father came running. My dad screamed "ALLISON GET THE EVERYONE OUT OF HERE!!!" Allison seemed. "Come on Guys we have to go..." Allison said in a worrying tone. And she gently picked Adam and Lyra up holding my hand.
"Allison what's happening?" I asked, sounding concerned. She didn't answer and THAT didn't help anything. I saw my mother and father running down the stairs, everything was on fire. My sister had started crying while my brother tried to comfort her. When we reached the bottom of the stairs we saw that the kitchen was already on fire.
We tried to rush back up the stairs but it was already engulfed in flames. We were surrounded but my dad held up his wand and said "APPARITION!" and we had appeared in the living room.
I Felt myself getting burned by the fire while my father's wand was bursting into flames. The fire raged behind us and we ran to the front door as quickly as possible. When we got to the door my sister got me, Lyra, Adam, and my mother and father out the door. But Allison wasn't quick enough. I saw her look back at the living room only for her to see the flames only an inch away. Then the fire suddenly grew and my sister was engulfed in flames. She looked at us and she faked a smile but you could see her tears, the fire reflecting in them. Everyone just stood there in shock. I had said nothing. I had my hands over my mouth saying "No...no no ..." I ran out and tried to see her. But she was gone.
When the firefighters showed up they came to me and told me "We found this in the fire" and the firefighter handed me a gold heart locket with 2 small green snakes guarding it. I recognized it. It was my sisters. She always had it with her no matter where she went. I clutched it in my hand and I smiled. "Thank you!" I said "No problem kid." He smiled and walked away. I felt my little sister tugging on my sleeve "Draco..Will sissy be okay?" My sister asked."Yeah she will ... I'll tell you what I know..." I knelt down to face her. "I will always be there for you ...No matter what.." I hugged her. From that day on I wore my sisters necklace with pride. The next day was my 1st year at Hogwarts. But it was hard to live with the horror of knowing that my sister is dead...and there was Nothing i could do about it.
1st year-Hogwarts-Entry 2-Draco Malfoy
I'm on the train alone. I put my hands into pockets and felt something cold. It felt like metal. I pulled it out of my pocket to see it was my older sister's golden heart locket with two green snakes guarding it.
I put it around my neck and tucked it my shirt so nobody could see it. Two guys who said their names were Crabbe and Goyle walked up to me and said Hi. We talked almost the entire train ride. Until Crabbe said that he saw Harry Potter in one of the train cars. And dragged me into the car. I wasn't too enthusiastic. Sitting with Harry was Ron Weasly, Harry's new friend. We introduced ourselves and got into a small fight. When we got to Hogwarts there was The Sorting Ceremony. I was put into Slytherin, no surprise there. Harry and his friends were put in Gryffindor.
Entry 3-Hogwarts-Halloween-Draco Malfoy
After the Halloween Feast a mountain troll attacked. Everyone was quickly evacuated to their dorms. "IS EVERYONE HERE!?!?!" Snape said as he stood at the front of the room. I quickly did a head count. And noticed that Blaise Zabini was missing. "Wait..." I said when it quieted down "...Where is blaise." We all went around the dorm looking for him, all of us calling out his name.
Then we heard someone desperately pounding at the door. I ran quickly to the door and reached to open it but professor Snape had grabbed my wrist to stop me. "We don't know if that's the mountain troll or not.." he said. "LET ME IN DRACO!!!!" I recognized that voice, it was Blaise. I Quickly opened the door and Blaise tumbled into the dorm and fell to the floor. I could see he was out of breath and he had been running from something.I helped him up. The bottom of His robes were torn. He tried to speak but he was still out of breath. When Blaise finally caught his breath I asked him what happened. He said that the mountain troll almost caught him. Everyone started asking him a bunch of questions like "What did it look like!?" "Are you hurt??!!" and "Was it awesome??!!??" Everyone screamed at him all at the same time. Blaise clearly looked overwhelmed so I told everyone to just back off and that he was obviously traumatized by getting chased by a Mountain troll. Blaise thanked me while everyone rushed to bed. We stayed down for a bit and he told me about the attack. He also said that apparently Hermione Granger was trapped in the girls bathroom with it, and how he was glad he didn't get it as bad as her.
Entry 4- 1st year-Christmas-Draco Malfoy
We are all getting ready to head home for Christmas, except for Potter of course he doesn't have anyone to go home to. But I am glad that I can go see my father and my mother and of course my siblings, but it will be my first Christmas without Allison and I am kind of , ever since Allison died. But I didn't notice it as much until I came home to see dad beating up Lyra. I was so surprised, and so ANGRY .I felt like I HAD to protect her, I promised I would protect her, I said I'd always be there for her. And I was NOT about to break my promise. Dad was yelling, he suddenly raised his wand above his head. I jumped in between them, terrified, my breath was heavy, I yelled the first spell that I thought of, "ACCIO SOUL MATE!" Thinking that whoever really loved me would help me, but before I could everything went black.
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