Draco Malfoy-Part 3-The Journal
Entry 1-Journal 3 -(Possibly?) 3rd year -Hogwarts-Draco.M
So I went back to school the next morning with Lyra and Adam. It felt nice to be back at school. We had breakfast and nobody seemed to notice I was gone for all that time. I went up to Potter and started, well just being mean to him, it felt good, just to let out all my feelings, take it all out on him. Just then, Luna Lovegood came up to me and said: "You listen to me right now Draco Malfoy! If you don't shut up right now, I swear that one day I will make you!! Now I don't like to be mean like you are, but when it comes to my friends I will be!" Now I didn't think much of it at the time but little did I know it holds a big place in my future.
I wasn't too enthusiastic for classes. I didn't miss it at all. After charms, Transfiguration. After transfiguration Flying. After Flying.....You get the point. After our 4th class we had lunch. Honestly I just had some water. Lyra offered some grapes but I said no. After that we had potions, astronomy, herbology, defence against the dark arts, history of magic and dinner. I didn't eat anything. Whatever, I'm going to sleep cya in the morning.
Entry 2-Journal 3-3rd year - Hogwarts-Draco.M
So I just woke up but know one else is up yet. I'm sitting in the slytherin common room chillin' half awake. Oh Blaise is up. He's honestly just leaning on my shoulder. He figured out i'm writing down everything that's happening right now. It's actually really funny, He's so confused lol. Now he is screaming "GET UP IF YOU WANT BREAKFAST!!!!!" I can't help but crack a smile. Lyra and Adam walked into the common room. Lyra in her pjs. Lyra with the wrath of 1,000 suns stomped up to blaise and shook him back and forth screaming "HOW DARE YOU WAKE ME UP!!!!!" It was hilarious. Adam was half dressed. He sleepily walked to his favorite chair, sat there and curled into a ball. He obviously hadn't put on his clothes correctly. Blaise was still being shaken, Lyra still screaming and killing my eardrums. I went over to Adam, patted him on the head and said he had to get up and get fully dressed. He said no and said he wanted to sleep in. Fast forward a little and I Got my siblings dressed, dragged everyone to breakfast and got the day started. I'm gonna go eat breakfast. Nah just kidding they went to breakfast I wasn't hungry. Soooo I'm really bored aaaand I'm talking to a notebook. Maybe that's why I don't get any mail . This is depressing. Dear lord, I'm just gonna go to breakfast. Jesus christ no i'm not, I can barely hear myself in there! welp this is my life now. It's a very boring lifestyle......... Screw it, I'm going to breakfast. When I went to breakfast I saw another person sitting at the slytherin table who looked REMARKABLY like me i went over to talk to him."Hey, who are you?" I asked. "Draco Malfoy" He responded. "Full name." I said
"Draco lucius malfoy, your father told me to leave when saw you because he didn't want you to find out that he replaced you, so that you don't ruin the family legacy by everyone realizing that your father put you in a coma." ".....Oh no, I've said too much." He then ran.
Entry 3-Journal 3-3rd year ...I think.... -Draco.M
After breakfast we went to all our classes, lunch and then more classes, and then dinner. I still didn't eat. I was starving but didn't eat. After that we went to our dorm. I went straight to bed. My world dissolved into a dreamlike state. I dreamt that I was in a giant stop watch running and running for what seemed like forever. I ran and ran until the floor fell out under me. I fell yelling for help the entire time. I knew this was a dream but it all felt so real...A Green and black portal appeared in front of me. A shadowy figure in black robes emerged from the portal. He had a lock of blonde hair sticking out of his hood. I saw a silver glow coming from the cloak, He came closer, a needle and thread appeared in his hands. He kept edging closer. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my upper and lower lip. I tried to scream for help but no sound came out. I had lost the ability to speak. I sat up in my bed quickly, I was relieved that it was only a dream. I Went over to my sister to see if she was awake. I tried to ask but no words came out. I only felt a sharp pain in my throat. I felt my lips. It felt like there was a string, maybe metal encasing my lips , stitches? I started to wonder, Was the dream I just had Really a dream?
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