Shinso Hitoshi Origin
"What a freak!"
"Useless villain!"
"Control freak!"
"What a villainous quirk!"
"You're not my son!"
He ran. And ran. And ran.
That day had particularly been rough for the young kid. Poor kid was only 8.
Shinso Hitoshi.
Quirk, Brainwash. He can control someone completely if they respond verbally.
Many believe this to be a villainous quirk.
No matter what the poor boy did, he was always viewed as a freak. An outcast. A loser. A villain.
But is that true?
Is he really a villain? No.
He isn't.
This society is just fucked up.
If you don't have an ideal, flashy, powerful quirk, you are nothing. People call the poor lilac haired boy a villain just because of his quirk. Sure. You may be able to do so much bad and horrible things, but you can also do so much good too! You shouldn't be defined by what your quirk is. You should be judged on how you use your quirk.
But did he ever hear those words? No.
At least, not until he met Izuku Midoriya.
Hitoshi kept running, not really sure what he's running from anymore.
All that he knew was that he couldn't go home. Home. Could you even call it that? I wouldn't. Neither would Izuku.
Home is what you make of it. That place that he was living in can't be called a home. Not to him.
His parents acted different towards him because of his quirk. By parents, I mean his birth dad and his step mom. His biological mother was the main reason why he was treated the way he was. She has the exact same quirk as him. And even better for him, she is a villain. Her villain name is the Puppeteer.
No not the creepy pasta who by the way is a total badass, no.
His 'dad' if you can even call him that, had divorced her ass when he found out about her 'hobby'. So he kept their kid, which she didn't mind, and raised him. At least until he got his quirk registered.
His sperm donor had married his step mom when he was 6. Instantly, she had taken a disliking to the boy. And since her husband also did, nobody stopped her when she made a rude or hurtful comment.
However, Shinso's birth giver when she found out about his quirk somehow, had wanted to take him back.
How did she find out? Well, even though Shinso's dad and mom are divorced and all that jazz, they never went to court or anything since she just gave the kid up. So when Shinso had his quirk appointment, his dad was informed since he was there, and his mother was called and informed of it. She has never been revealed to be the villain Puppeteer so nobody ever knew.
Was she ever successful? No. Ever since her and and her ex husband's divorce, he had moved on and left the city, moving somewhere else. Getting a new girl and moving on.
The lavender haired boy was running until he accidentally ran into someone. Literally. He collided with a man, about twice the tween's size, and fell to the ground.
"What the hell you brat!" the man shouts while roughly grabbing at the lavender boy's hair. "I-i'm sorry!" the 8 year old boy cried out, tears brimming the edges of his eyes.
"Tch. Fucking crybaby." the man says while violently throwing the poor kid on the concrete. The boy merely whispered as there was a new found injury on the side of his head, blood pooling slowly out of said wound.
"Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size you bastard!" someone shouts as the fall on top of the older male. The adult comes crashing down to the ground, instantly falling unconscious as the mysterious person had landed on a pressure point.
Violet eyes look up to be met with fierce yet dull emerald eyes. "Are you o-okay?" the new person had whispered while holding out his hand for the boy to take.
"Y-yeah." Hitoshi muttered, barely even auditable. Hitoshi was pulled up off the ground and was standing up right. The new guy took off his black mask and grinned. "Hi!" the boy said cheerfully.
"What's your name?" the boy said while carefully dragging the adult up against a street post and sticking a sticky note to his forehead. There seemed to be something scribbled on it but Hitoshi couldn't make out the symbols as his head was pounding.
The once masked boy pulled out a bottle of spray paint and painted a green smiley face on the man's jumper.
"Not much of a talker? That's fine! Can you get home on your own or should I walk you?" the shorter boy asked as he skipped back over towards the purple haired boy. Hitoshi shakes his head but doubles over as starts to fall to the floor.
The shorter boy quickly caught him before he fell and supported him upright.
"Woah! Guess that head injury is worse than I thought. Let me help you home or something." the boy suggests. Hitoshi shakes his head again, more carefully this time.
"What's your name?" the boy asked again. But before Shinso could answer, darkness had consumed him.
You can imagine the shock when the purple haired boy opened his eyes to be met with two unfamiliar faces. In surprise, Shinso had panicked slightly and moved sideways on the bed, causing him to fall off the bed and land on the floor not so gracefully.
"Oh my god! Are you okay?" a blonde boy asks in concern as he sits at the boy's side, but kept his distance as to not scare the boy any further.
Shinso rubbed his head and noticed the bandage. He nodded slowly and looked around.
He was in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar people. The room itself was pretty bland. The people weren't that unordinary either. One boy who looked about Shinso's age had green hair and emerald eyes. The same ones Shinso had seen earlier. He also had noticeable freckles. Everywhere.
The other boy looked also his age had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. However something that stuck out to his violet eyes, were the scars that the two boys had.
Many scars were littered all over their visible skin.
There was one on Izuku that was very noticeable that Shinso has no idea how he didn't notice it before.
There was a hand print on the boy's right side of his face. It was scarred and was pretty rough looking.
"Hello?" the blonde boy asks while snapping his fingers in front of Shinso's face.
"H-huh?" he asks, slightly dazed.
"I asked what your name was." the blonde clarified while staring the boy down.
"O-oh. S-sorry. I'm Shinso Hitoshi. Y-you?" the boy replied quietly. "I'm Monoma Neito. This is my friend Midoriya Izuku." the blonde responded for both of the two boys.
"W-where am I?" he asks quietly while looking around again.
"Our home." Midoriya piped up. "Oh. Why am I here again?" he asks while still observing his surrounding. "Because you got a nasty blow from that bastard!" Midoriya cursed.
"Oh. It was my fault. I should have l-looked where I was going an-" Shinso had tried to say but was cut off by the smaller boy shushing him. "Hush child. You didn't do anything wrong. That bastard was just some prick." the boy cussed again.
"Why did you call me child? I bet I'm older than you." Shinso mumbled. "Whatever." he huffed out.
"Where do you live?" Monoma asks. "Not in an overbearing way but just so we can help you home and everything!" Midoriya quickly jumped in to clarify. "I don't really want to go back there." Shinso said quietly. "What? Your house?" Monoma asked. Shinso just nodded to confirm.
"Mr and Ms aren't very nice. They don't really like me because of my villainous quirk. Neither do any other kids." he explained. The two boys nodded, understanding on a personal level. "Who's Mr and Ms?" Midoriya asks softly, not wanting to pressure the boy or anything.
"Mr is my dad and Ms is his wife." Shinso answered. "What's your quirk?" Monoma questioned while looking at Shinso in concern.
"Blondie! Hush idiot!" the greenette scolds while smacking the blonde's head. "Sorry. You don't have to say unless you want to." the green eyed boy says while smiling softly.
"So, when are we dropping him off at the police?" Monoma asks. "W-wait. I don't want to go to the police. Please?" the purple cabbage begs.
"Then where are you going to stay?" Midoriya questions, eyebrow raised. "Uh. I- I dunno." he whispers quietly. "I have an idea." Monoma starts. "Hey Shinso. Let me ask you something." Monoma mumbles while grinning.
"Yeah?" Shinso asks. Midoriya smirks a shit eating grin, seeming to get where his blonde companion is going. "Shinso, do you want to live with us?" he asks. Shinso stares for a second before nodding his head quickly.
"There's a catch." Monoma adds.
Millions of possible outcomes start coming through, filling his brain.
"We want to know." Midoriya says.
"If you want to." Monoma adds.
They both pause for suspense.
Then they both continue.
"Become a vigilante with us."
"But, you don't even know what my quirk is! What if I'm useless to you and-" Shinso tries to understand what they are truly asking when Midoriya flicks his forehead.
"Hey. Nobody is useless. And it doesn't matter what your quirk is." he says with a serious face. The boy rubs his forehead and nods slowly.
"Okay. I'm in."
And that is the start to Mind Wipe's journey of his vigilante career.
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