Chapter Two
Song: Swing Swing Swing by Keely Smith
Any words or sayings that are in the chapter that are unclear given the fact they are from around the time period of 1930 will be put at the end of the chapter in a glossary.
Smoke filled the small room which I was in. Strangely enough I enjoyed it. The scent was familiar and set me at ease. I swirled the clear liquid in my glass around slowly. I took slow sips not wanting to drink it too fast. Soft chatter filled the bar harmonizing with the soothing jazz music. I got up from my seat to search the bar for Rose. I had got here right at eight but decided to get a drink before I met with Rose. I had changed my dress to a silky red one with thin straps. I had borrowed it from my Aunt, but never got a chance to return it.
My heels clicked on the hardwood floor, but it seemed to go unnoticed. I watched as people laughed and hummed along to the music. Each of them seemed to be carefree and relaxed. I walked into the room where the music was playing, and there in all her glory was Rose. She was accompanied by a small group of people. Most of them being men, who seemed to each have their own large personalities. However the spotlight was on Rose, even if the women who sat with her were equally beautiful, there was something uncommon and fascinating about her. As I approached her, her gaze shifted onto me.
She broke out into her famous heart warming smile. "Darling, you made it. Come join us!" I returned a smile and took a empty seat at the large round table. Just like at the store I heard a faint accent in Rose's charming voice. It was odd because it sounded faded, making it hard to understand what it was. I sat between a muscular man who seemed to be too concentrated on his cigar to notice my presence, and a woman that eyed my actions carfuly. All eyes were on me in confusion until Rose spoke up. "This is my good friend Jane. I had mentioned her to you all earlier."
I was suprised by what Rose said. Not from the fact that she said she mentioned me but from the fact she said we were good friends. We had no idea who each other were, yet she acted as if we were long lost friends. It made me recall something she said earlier, she said the people she was with now were her good friends. It could be a good possibility that Rose didn't even know the last names of some of these people. Her good friends could be just like me, someone she had just met today.
"Yeah, I remember." The small man sitting next to Rose spoke up. He turned to me and continued. "I'm Johnny." The way he spoke was in a rushed tone. It was almost like he couldn't get the words out fast enough.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said in response. He was a tiny man, but held harsh features. The air around all of us seemed to clear and everyone went back to their own conversations like nothing had changed. Johnny let out a high pitch whistle and turned his attention to the female singer. "Man, can that canary sing."
"Oh Johnny. Can't you keep your thoughts to yourself. We all know what your thinking." The lady beside me snorted and huffed in annoyance.
"All I'm saying is she's a good singer. I'm sure if Eddie was here he would certainly agree with me. Say, where is that goon anyways?" Johnny said forgetting the conversation he was having with the lady.
"You know him. Always late, I think he thinks he's some kind of hot shot." Rose lit a cigarette while saying this not seeming to really care about Eddies whereabouts.
"Dang it! I'm suppose to sell him my old car, and I can't do that if he's not here." Johnny lightly slapped the table in frustration. The people around us payed no attention to the conversation the two were having.
After Johnny said that Rose gave him her complete attention. She pulled the cigarette from her mouth and gave Johnny a twisted smile. "Wait a minute, do you mean that old fliver of yours?"
"Yes." Johnny tilted his head downwards in embarrassment.
"Jane, you see Johnny here has this car. About a few weeks ago he was driving down the road, and I tell you he was drunk-" I was startled when Rose began to talk to me, I hadn't realized she knew I was listening.
"Rose, I told you a million times I wasn't drunk! I hadn't had one drink." Johnny spoke up protesting.
"Don't be rude, let me finish." Johnny rolled his eyes at Rose and took a swig of his drink. "Anyway, he says his brakes just stoped working. Which wouldn't surprise me, the thing is older then dirt, however I think he was drunk. Well, he drove that thing right into a tree in the ditch. Didn't do much damage, but I tell you it's a funny story." Rose giggled to herself and shook her head like she was trying to get rid of her giggles.
"Rose, it's not a laughing matter, I could have killed myself." As Johnny said this it made Rose laugh even more. "It doesn't matter Ed said he would buy it and fix it up."
"Come on now Johnny don't get so bent up. I'm just playing with you." Rose slapped Johnny on the shoulder causing him to shake his head, but behind his frown a light smile played at his lips.
Rose smirked once more while putting the cigarette back up to her lips. I smiled at them and took a few more sips of my drink. Once I realized it was gone I excused myself to go get another one. Clintons Bar was small and large at the same time. Many different type of people had arrived, adding to the dazzlement of the old bar. It was charming, it was a place where old friends could meet up, or a place where you could sit and enjoy your solitude. When I reached the counter I handed the man my empty glass and asked for some white wine.
I took a seat on a stool while waiting for my request. Once he handed it to me I asked for the charge. "None mam. The gentleman right there had picked up the cost." He pointed to the other side of the counter where a man facing away from me stood talking to a older man. From the back of his head I couldn't tell what he looked like, however he had light brown hair that almost looked red. He was tall, and skinny, and I couldn't help but think he seemed familiar. Pushing aside the thought I nodded towards the bartender and started to walk back towards the table with my drink in hand.
"Wait, darling!" I turned around at the outburst to see the man who had bought my drink was calling me. He waved his hand in a action telling me to stop walking.
Now that his face was towards me it became clear why he seemed familiar. His name was Edward Wilson. He was from London where he became a successful jockey. A few years ago he moved here, Arcadia California, where he continued to race on the tracks. He was not the best by any means, but he wasn't the worst eaither. I didn't know anymore about him other then he gained most of his fame when we raced and won on the Santia Antia track. I only remember this because the race he won, the Santa Margarita Invational Handicap, happened to be one of the larger races. I felt dumb after realizing it must have been him Rose had mentioned. This explained Rose's accent as well, she must have moved with him. I looked down feeling anxious. I took slow carful steps to where he stood at the counter.
"You weren't going to leave now were you?" He asked playfully, but I didn't smile.
"It seemed to me you were preoccupied. I can't wait all night." I said this and felt the coldness in my words. Despite that his joyful atmosphere didn't change. If anything he seemed to be more intrigued in what I had to say.
"Well now, what do I have here. Little miss sunshine huh?" I smiled at his words not able to keep it back. I hadn't even spoke with him for a minute and I could understand why he was so well liked. He had a laid back, yet sophisticated aura. Just speaking to him lifted your sprit and made you feel elegant on your own. It was a odd feeling and I loved it and hated it at the same time. Being so close to him I could see every feature he held clearly. I had only seen him in small black and white newspapers which didnt produce clear pictures. He wasn't the most muscular man, or most attractive man I had ever seen, but in his own way he had charming features. His dull blue eyes looked at me as if he was trying to figure out a puzzle.
"So I've been told." I set my drink down and sat down on the stool once again.
"My name is Ed-" I nodded my head and stoped him.
"Edward Wilson, it's quite the pleasure to meet you." I said softly trying not to come off too rude.
He twitched his eye and tilted his head looking at me. He paused searching for a response. "Eaither we have met before and I don't remember you, or you must be a fan of the races?"
"I wouldn't say a fan, but I'm quite acquainted with the sport." He took a seat next to me smirking.
"Now how is that?" He didn't seem to be really interested in the topic but he continued.
I looked into my drink like it would give me the anwser. The only anwser I saw was the reflection of my distorted face. "I have a friend who's in the business. " I felt slightly guilty for lying, but not enough to where I would tell him the truth. I have said this sentence so many times before, that when I said it it didn't even effect me.
"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name?" He held out his hand waiting to shake mine.
"It's Jane." I slipped my hand into his. He pulled it up to his face where he planted a light kiss. His lips were rough and cold. I pulled my hand away and quickly held onto the wine glass in front of me. I swallowed the lump in my throat that grew as soon as his lips touched my hand.
As if sensing my discomfort he quickly began talking. Edward still didn't stop smiling, which made me feel good. "Look I am here with some of my friends, I don't know if you are here with anyone or not. But would you'd like to join us?"
I nodded my head knowing who he was with. He picked up my drink for me, and stood up waiting for me to stand as well. I took my drink from his hand and walked with him into the room with Rose. When we entered I was startled with the rupture of laughter. It was a gaiety sound which was pleasurable to hear. I walked around the table taking my empty seat from before. When I glanced at Edward I could see the slightest confusion laced in his usual cheerful expression.
"Edward! Where have you been?" Johnny spoke up from the multiple voices surrounding him.
"Oh, I just got cought up." He dismissed Johnny, and looked at me then at the rest of the group. He looked like he was about to introduce me until Rose patted him on the shoulder.
"Jane this is Eddie. Eddie this is my friend J-"
"Yes, Rose. Jane and I have met." He took a seat next to Johnny while keeping eye contact with Rose. "So what have I missed?"
"Just a couple of songs, but if you were here on time you wouldn't have missed any." Johnny replied, mumbling the last part.
"Ah, John come on now. I was busy dealing with my trainer." Edward leaned his chair back on the back two legs.
Everyone continued to gossip about recent events, people they new or all the little problems that faced their life. I'd occasionally join in but most of the time it was hard because I had no knowledge of what they were talking about. The lady beside me would ask me questions about myself and I would usually reply with a vague anwser. She didn't notice and seemed please with the anwsers. I turned my focus to the music most of the night. A crowd a few feet away from us had formed and began dancing to the music.
The longer I stayed, the more I realized who these people were. The people that had accompanied Rose did know her. They knew her name, knew who she was, but all they wanted was the benifit of saying they knew Rose. When Rose was finish speaking someone from the table would speak up and almost try and prove to Rose how pretentious their life was. They would share the stories of places they've traveled and act as if money meant nothing to them. I couldn't tell if Rose, or Edward realized this or not but it made me sick to my stomach.
When I couldn't take it any longer I slowly stood from my seat. "It's been great to meet all of you, but I must be going. It's getting dark out, thank you Rose for inviting me."
She quickly stood up and engulfed me in a large hug. " It's my pleasure dear, but are you sure you must leave?"
I took small steps away from the table, Rose followed me with a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but I must go."
Rose nodded her head. It was odd because this seemed to be our first real conversation of the night. "Okay, I understand. But we must meet up sometime, yes?"
"Of course."
"Okay, just wait right here." She moved back towards the table scavaging around for something. I lost focus as the band finished the song and began playing a softer song.
When Rose returned she handed me a napkin with small neat handwriting one it. "This is my number, if you are ever free, please give me a call." I nodded my head and Rose smiled at me before walking back to the table.
When I took my first step out side it was pleasant. I hadn't realized how hot and stuffy it was inside until I took a breath of the the fresh air. It was dark outside but thankfully the street lights helped me find my way. I had to take a taxi here so I decided to wait at a bench until I see one. Only a few people walked by me. Most of the were on their way to the boardwalk on the other side of the street. Very few cars passed by me which caused me to slightly worry how long it would be until I see another taxi. I could still hear the jazz music from inside, but it sounded muffled. It didn't sound as clear and loud as it did before, but it sounded like it was in the distance.
"You weren't going to leave now were you?" I looked up in shock at the familiar voice. Edward stood a few feet away from me with his hands in his pocket.
I laughed slightly and replied. "It seems to me you were preoccupied. I can't wait all night."
He laughed at me while shaking his head. He took one hand out of his pocket and pointed towards the bench." May I?"
I nodded my head and slid over giving him more room to sit down. "Now what are you doing out here?"
"Well I had to say goodbye didn't I."
"Now I guess you've said it, goodbye Edward."
"Call me Eddie, Edward is my father." He smiled up at me with the same smile that Rose had given me. "And that's not all darling, I'd be a fool not to ask a doll like you on a date."
"Now what makes you think I would want to?" I lifted one eyebrow at him and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Trust me, you'll have a wonderful time-"
"Eddie, I have nothing against you personally but jockeys like you usually only want one thing. You just want your name on the lips of the young. " He stoped talking and dropped the smile, only for it to return bigger. What I said was the truth. The jockeys that usually won the races were hot heads that wore expensive clothing, acted rudely, and wanted to whole world to know their name. Eddie was kind, but most of the jockeys did seem to be kind to women. Especially the ones they had an eye on.
"That's not a bad thing to have in mind love. And I guess your right." I was expecting him to come up with an excuse and deny what I had said but I was speechless as he agreed with me. "But that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun."
"You are quite the character Eddie."
He looked out into to dim lit road and smirked a little. "Six o'clock tomorrow, all you have to do is show up."
"Why don't you just go find some other random girl tonight?" I waved my hand in the air and directed it towards the direction of the bar. In the corner of my eye I caught a slight movement. I turned my head to see a taxi round the corner. I stood up and began to wave my hand. Eddie followed my movement and stood behind me still concentrated on the conversation.
"Because tonight your that random girl." I turned around to see a smile on his lips and the mischievous look in his eyes.
I stoped for a minute of waving at the taxi to gasp at what he said. "Is that how you treat a lady?"
The taxi pulled up beside me. Eddie opend the door for me but grabbed onto my wrist before I could get in. "Only when she's being difficult."
"If I say yes will you go."
"If you say yes, I will kindly let you get into the cab."
"And if I say no?" I could tell the taxi driver was becoming inpatient. He began to tap on the passenger seat in frustration.
"Well I can't stop you, but I might get a little sour over it." He smiled at me and droped my wrist, he leaned against the door waiting for my answer.
I felt my heart pound in my chest and I felt weak and beaten. "You are a stubborn man Wilson." I smile at him knowingly and got into the taxi. He gave me a smile back before shutting the door of the taxi.
"Where to?" The taxi drivers voice was dry and raspy.
"West Fishers Avenue please." As we drove from the bar I felt as if I had gained and lost something.
I had lost the feeling of being unknown and gained the feeling of being seen. It felt good at first, but deep down I know it could only end badly. I felt apprehensive of thinking of my future. I wanted to look back at Edward through my window, but I couldn't help feel guilty for what I'm putting myself into.
Hello lovelies! Sorry for the late update but here it is! If there is anything that needs to be fixed please tell me! Also I plan on updating every sunday. Thanks for reading it means a lot to me.
Guys this book was just rated #173!!Thank you all soo much!!❤❤
Canary- female singer
Fliver-old car, usually broke
Bent-mad, angry
Doll-girl, usually meaning in a faltering manner
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