I Was a Teenage Abomination
[In the owl house Eda drink apple blood and King eat break fast. Luz comes to the kitchen happy]
Luz: Good morning everyone.
Eda: Hey, Luz.
Luz: Is it possible today to do something amazing?
Eda: Well, you can come with me to the beach. I have to take something from there. You can come if you want.
Luz: Yes! [she notices that someone is missing] Where's Loki?
Eda: He went to the museum to the exhibition of extinct beasts.
Luz: Extinc beasts? What are those? Aren't they like the normal beasts?
Eda: [she talk serious] Not really. They are beasts that lived a very long time ago. Ordinary beasts can usually be trained and controlled, but the extinct beasts cannot be controlled by anyone. They are wild and all they do is survive, and they are the biggest predators that have ever existed in the Boiling Isles. When one hunted you, you could barely escape alive. [talk normal and smile] Superb creatures. It's a pity that they disappeared.
Luz: And he told you what he was going to do there?
Eda: He said that there he would find what he would need. But he didn't tell me what.
[At the museum, Loki was in front of the entrance to a room that reads "The Exhibition of Extinct Beasts"]
Loki: (looks at the Joker who is sitting on his shoulder.] We are here Joker. TheThe place that will help me collect everything I need to prepare for my new creation.(Joker make few noises) I know it's risky, And I probably won't be able to control it. But hey, if you don't risk you don't win. [Joker laughs in agrement. The two of them enter the room]
[Open on the sun, panning down to show Luz, Eda, and King standing on a beach.]
Eda: Well, Luz! [Elbows her.] Did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breathtaking as this?
[She gestures to the corpse of a trash slug that towers over them. It's surrounded by trash and muck. Flies audibly buzz around the corpse.]
Luz: [Shaking her head.] I don't like this. [She plugs her nose.]
Eda: [Walks to the trash slug.] Yes, it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside. [Pulls a rubber chicken from the trash slug's mouth.] Until, blam, it gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then we get to sell the stuff it ate. [She pulls out a pickaxe.]
Luz: Please don't make me.
King: [Walking away.] Aw, come on, Luz. [Unfurls a towel.] It's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass.
Eda: Ah, nuts to you both.
[Eda swings the pick at the trash slug.]
Luz: So, Eda...
[Glass shatters.]
Luz: What if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship? Like...
[Something crashes.]
Luz: Read ancient scrolls or mix together potions, or—
Eda: [While tossing things from the trash slug's mouth.] Ugh. That sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff.
Luz: Wait. Is there a magic school here? Like, winding towers, cute uniforms, 'dark plots that threaten your life' kind of magic school?
Eda: Mm-hmm. What's worse, they force you to learn magic the "proper" way. But magic isn't proper. It's wild and unpredictable. And that's why it's so beautiful. I didn't finish school, and look at me! Who wouldn't envy where I am right now?
[Flies are flying around the pile of trash Eda is currently standing in. Luz's expression falls.]
Eda: Uh... Hey, here's a lesson. [Drops her pick.] A great witch is resourceful, [Sticks Luz's hand in a puddle of trash slug bile.] like this.
[Eda drags Luz's hand back and forth before letting go. Luz continues digging until she pulls something out.]
Luz: Oh, hey. Greasy slime ball.
Eda: [Closes Luz's hands around the slime ball.] Use your slime ball wisely, young witch. [Stands and heads back for the trash slug.] Back at it! We'll hit the stink nodes first.
Luz :Actually, if it's okay, [Starts backing away.] I think I'll head home and look at pictures of animals that are still... alive. Love you, King. [Pets his belly.]
[King giggles.]
Luz :You little beach peach. [Continues walking into the woods.]
[King lies on his stomach and sighs.]
Eda: [Shrugs.] More for me, then.
[She climbs into the trash slug, sending several things clattering.]
Eda: There we go. Okay.
[She tosses out a cheese grater, an electric fan, and a tuba, the last of which lands on King's head.]
King: Ow! [Struggles to free himself.]
Eda :This is awesome!
[A monster that looks very distantly related to a butterfly flies across the woods, panting. Luz walks down the path, glaring at the slime ball.]
Luz: Ugh! If magic's all about digging for slime balls, maybe I don't have the stomach for it. [Pockets the slime ball. Then she hear Loki]
Loki: Disappointed? (he comes out of the trees and lands next to it and has next to him a bag full of vials that have in them skin, fur, feathers and so on in them)
Luz: Hey, Loki. Did you find what you needed?
Loki: Yes, I have everything I need right here. (he points to the vials)
Luz: [she take a vial sees that it writes something on it ] Slamworm? What this? (Loki take the vial from her)
Loki: It's a sample of some of the extinct beasts. And I'm going to use them to create something. How are you?
Luz: Not very good. I asked Eda to teach me something new, magical, but all she did was give this to me. (point at the slime ball.]
Loki: Her methods are really strange, but maybe she knows what she's doing.
Luz: Maybe.
Girl :[Offscreen.] You can do it! You can!
Luz: [she and Loki looks around.] Mysterious voice of encouragement? [Looks through the bushes and gasps.] No! Little witch girl.
Girl: [Stands to pace around.] You can do it. Even if you get a bad grade, it's not a reflection of you as a witch. And my parents are right. [Stops pacing.] There are better opportunities on this track. Now, get to school! [Steps forward and points confidently, but gets sad when she realizes she stepped on a flower.] Oh, no! Oh, little friend! I'm sorry!
[She kneels down and repeatedly traces a spell circle. The flower perks back up and fully blooms.]
Loki: It seems that she knows how to do plant magic. Luz
Luz: Awesome. [The girl's ear wiggles as something rumbles off screen. She turns as a wagon, being moved by magic, rolls to a stop in front of her, carrying a pot and a girl reading a book.]
Mean Girl :[Looks away from her book.] Willow! Wow. [Hops off the pot.] You're so unnoticeable I almost rolled into ya. [Chuckles.]
[The flower that Willow just healed wilts.]
Willow: Hi, Amity. [Stands up.]
Amity: Uh, shouldn't you get to class early to prep your...
[Rattling cuts her off. They turn to Willow's pot as it spills, pouring out a purple substance and an eyeball that blinks and groans.]
Amity :Oh, Willow. You don't have anything to show, do you?
Loki: She seems to be one of those.
Luz :Witch drama!
Loki: I think it's normal drama.
Luz: Yes but with witches.
[Willow pulls up her hood as she blushes.]
Amity: [Sighs.] This is why people call you "Half-a-Witch Willow." Oh, looks like someone wants to say something to you. [Takes the cover off her pot.] Abomination, [Snaps.] rise.
[Her abomination rises, becoming more solid until it's humanoid in shape. It bends out of the pot to poke Willow's forehead, leaving behind abomination matter in a star shape.]
Abomination :You're a... star
Amity :Aw. It's like mine. [Readjusts a star shaped badge that reads "Top Student".] But much smaller and meaningless. As top student, it's my duty to tell you to keep at it. [Puts an arm around Willow.] Even you could get a passing grade someday. Abomination, cower.
[It groans as it melts back into the pot. Amity :replaces the pot lid and takes hold of the cart.] See you in class, superstar.
[Amity walks away. Willow removes her hood. As Amity leaves, Luz sticks her tongue out at her.]
Willow: "Oh, see you in class, superstar!" [Wipes the star from her forehead.] I hate when she does that.
[Luz flinches as she watches and Loki fill worried a for her. Wind blows leaves around Willow as she rants.]
Willow: I hate making abominations. I hate getting bad grades. Ugh! I can't stand this anymore. [Shouts, her eyes glowing green.]
[Luz gasps. The flower from earlier gets lost among giant thorny roots that burst out around it. They surround Willow, glowing and writhing angrily. One snakes out and grabs Luz and Loki by the ankles.]
Loki: What the?! [Luz screams. The root drops them on the ground a bit behind Willow, who turns and glares at her, her eyes still glowing. Cut back to the beach, where Eda is tying a sack to her staff as King watches.]
Eda :Not a bad haul. That oviduct was loaded.
King: Ah. Lose apprentice, gain garbage eggs. Fair trade.
Eda :[Scoffs.] I didn't lose anything.
King: If you don't teach Luz right, you will. And that's when I come in, make her my apprentice.
Eda :Ha! And what would you teach? How to get stuck in the arm of a sweater?
King :Hey, that only happened once! I'd teach her about demons. How to identify them, talk to 'em, raise an army with them and tear apart the world!
Eda: After they tear you out of the sweater arm, right?
King: You think you're so smart! Well, [Hops off the trash he's sitting on toward Eda.] why don't we make a little bet where I can prove that I'd make a better teacher.
Eda: Okay. [Reaches into her hair.] I'm obligated to remind you that I only use our bets to utterly humiliate you. [Pulls out a book called "Eda + King One Sided Wagers".] And... [Opens it.] that you've never won.
King :I like those odds.
Eda: So how's this? [Grabs an egg.] Teach this trash slug to be your loyal soldier in one day. Prove that you can be a better teacher than me, and Luz is all yours. But if you don't, I change your name from King to... Mr. Wiggles.
King: Well, when you lose, you'll have to... wear a shame hat and sleep in a shack and never come into the Owl House again! Ha!
Eda: Deal.
[King squeaks as he stamps his paw to a page. Eda tosses the egg at King's head, breaking it and leaving a baby trash slug between his horns. It slips down his skull, but King catches it. It coos at him.]
Eda: [Walking away.] Ha ha!
[Cut back to the forest, where Luz is watching in awe as the roots are still writing around Willow while Loki look worried . She finally seems to snap out of it, leaning forward worriedly and letting the roots fall.]
Willow: Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm so sorry! [Makes the roots still wrapped around Luz's and Loki legs retreat.]
Luz [Rubs her leg.] It's okay. The thorns only went through a few layers of skin.
Loki: I suffered worse than this.
[Willow gets very close to Luz, forcing her to lean back a bit.]
Willow: So... circly.
[Luz squeals and covers her ears.]
Willow: [Gasps.] You're human! This is astounding! [Gasps and grabs Luz's face, then helps her stand and walks around her.] A human on the Boiling Isles! How'd you get here? What are you doing here?(look at Loki) You are a human too?
Loki: No. Full witch. But I lived in the human world for a while.
Willow: Really?[Bells pealing. Flinches and puts Luz's arm down.] Uh, I'm sorry. I can't stay. I have to go disappoint my teacher. It was nice to meet you, human. (to Loki) And you two. [Walks away, half-waving.]
Luz: [Half-waves back, then rushes after her.] Wait! I'm Luz.
Loki: And I am Loki.
Luz:And you're Willow, right? What you did with that flower and those plants, it was... wow.
Loki: You are talented.
Willow: Thanks, but... I'm not even supposed to be doing plant magic. My parents put me in the abomination track at school.
Luz [Squeals, grabbing Willow.] Like, magic school?
[Willow nods and Luz's smile grows.] That's so cool! [Lets Willow go.] I'm so jealous. I have a teacher, but her lessons are a bit... untraditional. I bet she wouldn't even let me enroll. But I wish I could spend one day there.
Willow: I wish I could get a passing grade for once. Then people would stop calling me "Half-a-Witch Willow."
Loki: Half-a-Witch?
Willow: People basically saying that I'm not strong.
Luz: Hey, wait. I know how we can both get what we want. [Picks up abomination goo in both hands and splashes it on her hoodie.] Make me your abomination. I'll get you a good grade, and you can get me into magic school. It's fiendishly clever.
Willow: What?
Luz: I saw that girl's thing. It's just chunks of stuff that talks weird. I'm chunks of stuff, and I talk weird!
Loki: Are you sure about that Luz?
Luz: Of course. And I will learn something new. So it's a deal Willow?
Willow:[Giggles.] Okay. It's a deal. Luz.
[They shake hands.]
Luz: This is a great plan.
[They try to pull their hands apart, but the abomination goo on Luz's leaves them stuck together.]
Willow: Oops. Abomination goo.
[Luz uses her foot to free them, but the force sends her splashing in the goo on the ground.]
Luz: Great plan.
Loki: If you go there, at least I can come too. To keep an eye on you.
Willow: Yes, but you are not a student.
Loki: Don't worry. [takes the Joker in staff form and uses him to make a uniform just like Willow's] Here.
Willow: You have a palisman?!
Loki: Yes, this is Joker. [Joker comes to life and shoots a beam of magic from his mouth towards Willow. And when he hits her, Willow is covered in flowers]
Willow: Oh thanks.
[They go to the exterior of a school.]
Willow :Welcome to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Remember to stay hidden, okay? And you Loki say that you are new.
[Luz, of inside Willow's abomination pot, squeals and giggles. And Loki nod. Cut to the interior of Hexside. Willow stops at a locker, tickling it to make it open its mouth and give her her books. A shorter witch reading a magazine bumps into her.]
Willow: Hmm?
Boy: Willow, you would not believe humans.
Willow: Humans? Psh. I haven't seen any. What?
Boy: [Showing her the magazine.] Did you know that humans nail barbed wire to their kids' teeth? But why? Maybe to make them magnetic.
Luz :Actually, it's for storing treats.
Loki: Really Luz?
[He looks confused.]
Willow: Okay, Augustus. I'm gonna tell you something. But you have to be cool.
Augustus I can be spool. [Stammers.] I mean, cool.
Willow: Okay. Abomination, rise.
Luz :[Stands out of the pot.] Ta-da! I'm an abomination.
Willow: Luz, that's not how abominations act.
Augustus: [Drops his magazine.] No. No, it— [Plays with his ears while staring at Luz's.] it couldn't be.
Willow :He's the president of the Human: Appreciation Society. Most witches wouldn't be able to recognize a human right away. But Augustus is an expert.
Augustus: Where are your gills?
Loki: Humans don't have gills. Those are the sea creatures.
Augustus: How do you know that? You are a human too?
Loki: No. Full witch. But I lived in the human world for a while. (Augustus gasp)
Luz: I knew an Augustus back in the human world. We called him Gus.
Augustus (Gus): Gus? Nickname? Human nickname? Gus? Call me it. Wow. Gus! This is the best day of my life!
[A bell screams.]
Gus: I've gotta get to spelling class. [Grabs his magazine and a wand before running off.] See you guys at lunch!
Willow :[Waves at Gus.] All right. Into the darkness you go.
[Luz hisses as she sinks down.] Come on Loki we need to go to class. I must warn you today, we must present the abominations. Maybe the teacher will leave you alone, thinking you're new.
Loki: No worries, I'll manage it somehow.
Willow: If you say so.
[Cut to the outside of the Owl House, where King is giving the baby trash slug a dog treat.]
King: Aw. Who's a good Prince, Jr.? Who's a good guy?
Eda: [In a lounge chair drinking out of a coffee mug.] Hey, Mr. Wiggles. You're not gonna teach it anything doing that.
King: It's called positive reinforcement, Eda. And it works wonders.
[Prince Jr. eats the treat King was dangling in front of it and doubles in size.]
King :Ha ha! See? Now watch this. Prince, Jr.! Attack Eda! Knock over her drink! Mess up her hair!
Eda :[Deadpan.] Oh, no. Please stop.
King :Well, I haven't seen your student in forever. For all we know, she's not even loyal to you anymore.
Eda: Ha-ha-ha, you wish. But yeah. Where is she?
[Cut to Abomination 101.]
[Luz, Willow and Loki are in class. Loki goes to sit next to Amity. Luz, Willow and Loki are in class. Loki goes to sit next to Amity. Then she look at him]
Amity: Who are you?
Loki: I am Loki. I am mew. [He wants to shake hands with her but she refuses]
Amity: I don't shake hands with the weak.
Loki: Do what you whant.
Male student: Hope I pass.
Female student: I'm confident about this.
[Female student with ram horns stands at the front of the room with an abomination with eight feet sticking out of it in various places.]
Professor Hermonculus: Hmm. Too many toenails in unexpected places. Fail. Pathetic!
[The abomination and the student deflate. She wheels her abomination off the platform at the front of the room.]
Professor Hermonculus: The biggest abominations are all of you! If the next abomination is a failure, everyone gets extra homework for a month!
[All grumbling.]
Male student: Extra homework? Not again!
Professor Hermonculus: [Clears throat.] And the next one to come up is...
Amity: Excuse me, sir, but I am ready to present my abomination. Rise!
[It rises from the pot, groaning, and poses.]
Professor Hermonculus: [Chuckles.] I've always saved the best for last, Amity. You'll have to wait your turn. How about...[he wanted to choose Willow but then he see Loki] You there who you are? I don't think I've seen you in my classroom before.
Loki: I'm Loki. I'm new here.
Professor Hermonculus:Then I don't think you have to present anything in case I don't think you found out.
Loki: I don't mind presenting my abomination. [gets up and goes to the front of the class. He makes a magic circle and an ordinary abomination appears. The students were amazed and the teacher was satisfied]
Professor Hermonculus: Impressive.
Loki: Thank you. But I'm not done.
Professor Hermonculus: What? (Amity lift a brow)
Loki:Making the abominations look so simple even boring. So I thought I could change them. Professor, the abominations can look like we want them to look, right?
Professor Hermonculus: Well yes.
Loki: I'm glad you said that. Because I managed to do this. (clenches his fist and starts to glow. The abomination begins to change its shape and begins to look...)
(Imagine it's made of goo and the fire is purple)
[It took on the appearance of a large bat in fire and that amazed everyone. And the most shocked was Amity]
Professor Hermonculus: Amazing! Looks like we have a new top student.
[he prepare to takes Amity top student badge but Loki stop him.]
Loki: I don't need a badge to be good at something. Only those who think they are better than others need that.
Professor Hermonculus: Okay then. You can go back to your seat and take your Abomination . (Loki returns to his seat. Amity looked at him furiously. The bat abomination hisses at her and that scares her. )
Professor Hermonculus: Now comes Willow.
Male student :Not Half-a-Witch.
Female student: Great. Homework for a month.
Luz: [Peeks out of the pot.] Don't listen to them, Willow. We can do this.
[Willow gives her a small smile and nods. She wheels her pot to the front of the room and sets it down nervously.]
Willow: Uh... Abomination, rise.
Luz :[Punches the lid off and jumps out.] Ta-da!
[Everyone gasps.]
Willow: Abomination, bow.
Luz: [Grunts.] Blah!
Professor Hermonculus: Very impressive. But does it speak?
Luz :Uh, I may be your abomination, but you're my a-mom-ination.
Students Aw!
Professor Hermonculus: [Laughs.] "A-mom-ination!" Splendid wordplay. A plus!
[Students cheer, but Amity huffs in suspicion. The bell screams, coughs. Students leave the room.]
Professor Hermonculus: Wonderful work today, Willow. Looks like we have a new top student.
[Amity, who was leaving the room, gasps and drops her books as she stops. Professor Hermonculus takes her top student badge.]
Amity: [Growls and reaches for her badge.] But...
[Professor Hermonculus pins the badge to Willow's cowl.]
Willow: Uh—Thank you, sir.
[He nods and his abomination carries him away. Willow turns to leave, but Amity is standing in front of her.]
Amity :Hey.
[Willow gasps.]
Amity: Last time I saw you, your abomination was mush. What did you do?
Willow: I, uh, took your pep talk to heart, Amity.
Amity: I bet you did. I've got my eyes on you, Half-a-Witch. That badge is mine. [She walks backwards, not breaking eye contact with Willow even as she bumps into another student.]
Student: Hey!
Willow: [After Amity rounds a corner.] Uh-oh. I think Amity is onto us.
Loki: Don't pay attention to that madwoman.
[Cut to the front door of the Owl House, which is slammed open by Eda.]
Hooty: Ow!
Eda: Have you seen Luz?
Hooty :I heard her tiny mouse feet walking close by. Or that might've been some mice. Anyway, someone started moving in that direction. [Slightly gesturing with his head.] Hoo, hoo-hoo, hoo.
Eda :Are you trying to point, or—?
Hooty: Look at the weather vane!
[She does.]
Eda :But the only thing that way is the... [Gasps.] No. [Runs off.] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
[She reaches Hexside and looks into various windows. The first is a kindergarten classroom.]
Teacher #1: Okay, everyone. Recite your runes.
Kids :Krom, Zix, Elgrim, Zenomide—
Eda: No. Blind obedience.
[The next classroom has several older students writing at desks while a snake-like teacher speaks.]
Teacher #2: Heximal system time! Let's get memorizin'!
Eda: No! Pointless busywork!
[Luz, still covered in abomination goo, is in the last classroom, writing along with the rest of the class and Loki.]
Eda: No! Why! School! Wait a minute. [she see Loki there too] No! They also took Loki!
[Cut to the cafeteria, where Luz, back in the pot, is sitting at the end of a table with Loki, Willow and Gus.]
Gus: Hey. Do humans eat PB&J's?
Luz: Oh my gosh, I haven't eaten real food in so long, please give me some.
[Gus breaks the PB&J in half and gives Luz one. She takes the whole thing in her mouth and sinks back into the pot.]
Willow: I don't know, Gus. [Grumbles.] If Amity saw that...
[ Amity suddenly jumps onto the table.]
Amity: I saw that! Abominations don't eat! I know you're in there! You can't hide from me. What are you? Who are you? I want answers! [Grabs Luz by her shirtfront and shakes her violently.]
Loki: Stop you crazy woman. (He grabs her by her clothes and throws her on the floor)
Amity: I know she cheated!
Professor Hermonculus: Amity Blight.
Amity: Huh?
Professor Hermonculus: I suspected a twinge of jealousy, but this, this is just sad.
Amity: But I—No!
Professor Hermonculus: Report to Principal Bump's office.
Amity: But—
Professor Hermonculus Now!
[ As Professor Hermonculus leaves, Luz pops back out, sharing a concerned look with Willow. Cut to the outside of the Owl House, where King is tossing handfuls of dog treats to Prince Jr.]
King :Roll over! Yes! Heel!
[Prince Jr. did neither command, focused only on the treats. He now towers over King.]
King :Yes, yes!
[Prince Jr. roars. Eda returns.]
King :So, did you find your runaway student? By your expression, I can tell Luz has gone and found herself someplace else to learn. Which means I have won!
[Prince Jr. roars as he catches more treats.]
Eda: Yes, great, you won.
[King throws a handful of treats to the side. Prince Jr. chases them.]
Eda: You have a giant soldier thing and I have nothing. Congrats!
King: Oh, Eda. Don't say that. At least you have this! [He pulls out a shame cone and cackles.]
Eda: Ugh. [Snatches it up and stalks off.]
King: [Laughing as Eda enters the shack attached to the Owl House.] I am so funny! Ah, well, Prince, Jr. training complete. Go forth! Make the world tremble at your feet—or worm stubs.
[Prince Jr. doesn't move.]
King :Go forth?
[He still doesn't move.]
King :Oh. [Chuckles.] Right.
[He picks up the dog treat box and shakes it, but it's empty. Prince Jr. moves closer, growling.]
King: Ah!
[Cut to a classroom, where Luz is standing out of the pot.]
Luz :Whoo! I'm a sweaty little abomination. But now we don't have to worry about Amity. High five!
[Willow and Gus stare at her hand, then share a confused look. Gus shrugs.]
Loki: [Demonstrating.] We slap our hands look. (high five with Willow) .
[Gus high five with Luz. Then he does it several more times with growing confidence.]
Gus: Oh. Oh, my. Oh, man, what a rush!
[The classroom door opens, revealing Amity. She smirks and steps aside, allowing Principal Bump to enter the room.]
Principal Bump: Good afternoon, students.
Willow: Principal Bump.
[Luz drops, pretending to be an abomination. Principal Bump steps closer to her. Willow and Gus back off as he kneels down, turning her head.]
Principal Bump: Hmm. Abomination, rise.
[She does, looking nervous.]
Principal Bump: Abomination, lie.
Luz :Uh, viral fame is a worthy pursuit. Your cat would never eat you if it got the chance. Chemtrails are real—
Principal Bump: Oh, no, abomination. How strange for it to get the command wrong. I mean lie down. [Points to a desk.]
[Luz whimpers as she goes to lie down on it.]
Principal Bump: So very lifelike. [Approaches the table with Willow.] When Miss Blight told me about your abomination, I had to come by, see what she's made of. And she also said something about a new student.
Loki: Oh no.
Willow: Oh, I have her list of ingredients right here.
Principal Bump: No. We were hoping... [Pulls a dagger out of his sleeve.] for a closer look. Willow, I'll allow you the first cut.
[Willow takes the offered dagger and smiles at him nervously. She steps closer to Luz.]
Willow [Quietly.] Uh, you can't just cut open a human, can you?
[Luz shakes her head.]
Principal Bump: Willow, go ahead and make the first incision.
Gus: Wait, Principal Bump! Uh, high five!
[Gus knocks over three abomination pots. The goo spills together, and the formed abominations stand.]
Gus :Run!
[Willow, Loki and Luz run.]
Amity: They're getting away!
Principal Bump: No, the intruder won't get far.
[He approaches a wall and traces a large spell circle, then slams the wall in the center of it. Red light forms patterns on the walls and floor, spreading from the spell circle. Cut to Willow, Loki and Luz running through the halls, both panting as they stop at a corner.]
Luz: This is all my fault, Willow. I just wanted to see what a real magic school was like.
Willow: Well, how do you like it?
Luz: It's lovely, actually.
[Both giggle.]
Willow: What about you Loki?
Loki: It's interesting. This school is not bad.
Willow: Okay, we should get out of here before—
[The red light patterns converge on the walls. When they reach a doorway, a red shield blocks it off. Several more doorways are blocked off, the patterns taking over the school.]
Loki: Seals us in?
Willow: ...Yes.
[Cut to the inside of the Owl House's shack, where Eda is sulking in the shame hat. She looks up at King's voice.]
King :Help me, help me, help me!
[He runs in and slams the door, then dives into Eda's arms, whimpering. The door shudders under Prince Jr.'s attacks.]
Eda :[Smirking.] Trouble with your student?
King :Yes, yes!
[Banging on the door continues.]
Eda :Are you sure you need my help? Maybe he only wants more of your brilliant lessons.
[The door shatters as Prince Jr. bursts through and roars. He grabs King by the tail and drags him out of Eda's arms.]
King: [Squeals.] Please help me! You can call me Mr. Wiggles!
[Eda stands, removing the shame hat and grabbing her staff. She smacks Prince Jr. in the face with the butt of her staff, making it release King. Prince Jr. retreats as King clings to Eda's leg. King whimpers.]
Eda: Okay, Mr. Wiggles. Here's what we're gonna do.
[Cut to Hexside. Willow, Loki and Luz reach the central atrium, but doorways are still being sealed off. Shadows fall over them. They turn and gasp. Bump is there, directing abominations toward them. They run a bit and hide behind a pillar.]
Willow: Oh, this is awful. [Sinks to the ground.] I don't know what to do. Amity's right. I'm just Half-a-Witch Willow.
Loki: Stop saying that. You're Full-Witch.
Luz:And you're great. And someone once told me great witches are resourceful. [Pulls out the contents of her pockets.]
Willow: That's it! [Takes the slime ball.]
Luz: You mean that greasy slime ball?
Willow: Luz, it's a seed! Thank goodness you had it on you.
Luz :Yeah. Thank goodness someone told me to hold on to it.
Loki: So Eda gives good lessons after all?
Luz: It seems so.
Willow [Puts the seed in her lap and traces a spell circle over it.] Please grow!
[Thorny vines grow from the seed, reaching to the ceiling. They stab through abominations and eventually target Principal Bump, sending him to the ceiling and pinning him there. Principal Bump gasps. Vines now cover the entire atrium, curled around pillars and reaching from the bottom most floor to the absolute ceiling. Pink petals fall from above, and several of the vines have flowers on them.]
Principal Bump: Remarkable.
[The lights sealing off the hallways fades.]
Luz: There's the exit!
[Willow puts the seed on the floor and follows Luz and Lokito the exit.]
Amity :[Blocking the way.] Not so fast!
[Both gasp.] I'm not letting you get away so easily. I want my badge!
Loki: Seriosly? It's just a piece of plastic.
Amity: I don't care. Abominations, seize.
[An abomination comes from behind them. Loki just roll his eyes. He snapped his fingers and made the bat abomination appear. The bat destroyed the abominations, ate some of them and burned them. After he finished he looked at Amity and that worries her.]
Loki: (grin) Have a pleasant flight. (snaps his fingers)
Amity: What? (Suddenly she is grabbed by the Abomination bat and takes it flying through the ceiling. Amity screams taken up)
Luz: Was it really necessary to do that?
Loki: Because of her, you could have been dissected.
Luz: You're right.
Willow: Let's go!(They were heading for the exit but Willow was grabbed by a magic rope that was created by the school principal]
Principal Bump: (to Willow) I need to talk to you.
Willow: (to Luz and Loki) Get outta here!
Luz :No! Were not leaving you.
Willow: I may get detention, but you'll get dissected. So go!
[She waves a hand, summoning two vines to carry Luz and Loki out the door. The door slams after the vines retreat.]
Luz :Willow! [Sighs.] I can't save you right now.
Loki: Let's go to Eda. Maybe she know what to do.
Luz: Let's go! [Runs off.]
[Cut to Eda fighting Prince Jr. It spits lava at her, which she easily dodges. She smacks it in the face with her staff, twice. It backs her toward the front door. Meanwhile, King is pushing a barrel on the roof.]
Eda :Pour the salt, now!
King :Baby boy!
[Prince Jr. looks up at King, whimpering. Then it roars.]
King: I have no son. Eat salt!
[He shoves the entire barrel full of salt into Prince Jr.'s mouth. It shivers and makes noises of protest, before shrinking back to its original size. It whimpers as it runs off.]
King :[Dances.] Yes, I did it! I'm amazing! Ahh!
[Eda catches him.]
King: [Chuckles.] You helped too. You are a good teacher.
Eda :I wish Luz thought that too.
Luz: [Running toward them and Loki .] Eda!
Eda: Hey, hey, hey, hey! What is this? [Luz hugs her and King.] Ugh! I never understand when you do this.
Luz :Your lesson worked! Keeping junk in my pocket saved my life!
Loki: Although we still have a problem to solve.
Luz: My new friends. They're in danger.
Willow: Luz!
[Willow and Gus hug Luz, who happily returns it.]
Eda: Seriously, what is that?
Willow: You won't believe it, Luz. Everything is perfect now!
Luz: It's true. I don't believe it.
Loki: Really?
Willow: Principal Bump was so impressed by my plant work he's switching me to the plant magic track! Look!
[She backs away and snaps her fingers. With a glow of green magic and a twirl, her sleeves and leggings go from magenta to green.]
Luz: [Hugs Willow again.] Yes!
Loki: Congratulations.
[Willow giggles.]
Luz :Whoo! Oh. What about Amity?
Gus : We don't know. We still haven't seen her after she was taked by that abomination bat.
Loki: I think he's still carrying it somewhere in the sky. I think it's time to land. (snaps his fingers)
[Amity is still being carried in flight by the abomination bat]
Amity: I'm ordering you to let me go! Right now! You stupid abomination! (The bat's eyes shine and so he let her go. Amity screams as she falls) I didn't mean like this!
[Back to The owl house ]
Luz :Well, I can't wait to see you in action next time I sneak in.
Loki: Me too. I can't wait to do some more crazy things there. [Willow winces.]
Gus: Uh, about that. You two are kinda, sorta... banned.
[He pulls out and unfurls two poster reading "BANNED" with one picture of Luz covered in abomination goo under it and the other one with Loki in which he shows the peace sign while grinning and sticking out his tongue.]
Eda: That's my childs!
Loki: At least the picture came out properly.
Willow: But we could come here and teach you what we learned.
Luz: Aw. That would be nice. But... I have a pretty great teacher already.
Eda :Yeah, that's right. Luz is my student. And Loki, in case he wants to learn something from me too.
Loki: Sure.
Eda: Great. [Steals the poster.] Back off, academy twerps. Ah, baby's first wanted posters. Good job, kids. [Pats the top of Luz's and Loki's head.] (to Luz) Looks like I taught you something after all. (to Loki) And I'm glad that school didn't change you. I thought I'd be the only one to do crazy things.
Loki: Don't worry about it.
Gus: Uh, you high five with your hands, not your head. [Luz and Eda's eyes widen as Gus smiles. And Loki facepalm.]
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