A Lying Witch And a Warden Part 2
[ Cut to the inside of a tent, where a door unfolds in three parts before opening. The little owl hops through it, and a second later, Luz follows.]
Luz: Stop adorably hopping away, you-Huh? [Looks around the tent, which is full of old odds and ends.] Whoa. I thought I had a lot of weird stuff. [Grabs a creepy-looking doll.] But this? This is impressive.[without knowing Loki and Joker followed her in shadow form]
Middle-aged Woman: [Offscreen.] Finally, you're back.
[Luz makes a noise and drops to the ground. She peeks back up and walks forward, moving the flap of the tent aside to see the back of a woman.]
Middle-aged Woman: Now let's see what we've got here.
[The little owl lands on top of the woman's staff. She turns him around, and it becomes a wooden fixture of the staff. Luz gasps.]
Middle-aged Woman :[Takes out a phone from the bag.] Garbage. [Takes out a ring.] Garbage. [Takes out a golden shining chalice.] Garbage. [Gasps.] Now, this... [Takes out a pair of joke glasses with eyes on springs and puts them on.] This will make me rich. [Takes out Luz's book.] And this... Oh, this will make good kindling. [Holds the book with candle.]
Luz: [Gasps; runs out of the tent and grabs her book back.] Excuse me, sorry, it's mine, thank you.
[Luz runs back into the tent and heads for the door. It folds up before she can walk through it and disappears. Camera zooms out to show the middle-aged woman holding a key with an eye on it, the same eye that was on the door.]
Middle-aged Woman: [Takes off the glasses.] You're not going anywhere.
Luz: Wah-ah!
[She shoves Azura into her messenger bag and ducks out the back of the tent. She runs, and skids to a stop mere inches away from falling off a cliff. She's clearly no longer on Earth, the town before her being made up of far too many arms and teeth. A dragon flies by and is caught by one of said arms. Cut to denizens of the town going about their days: a cloaked figure holding an ice cream cone which eats someone, the legs of what appear to be a giant chicken, a centipede-looking thing opening its mouth to let a winged creature fly out. The latter two kiss before going their separate ways. Cut back to Luz.]
Luz: [Backing away from the cliff.] Oh, no, no, no, no! What's going on? [Shrieks as a fairy approaches her.] Oh, hello, little fairy. Are you going to tell me this is all a fantastical dream?
Fairy :[The fairy's Mouth grows to half the size of its face.] Give me your skin!
Luz: [Screams, slaps the fairy into the ground. Loki absorbed the fairy in the shadows and ate it. ] Where am I? Did I die? Am I in the bad place?
Middle-aged Woman :[Touches her shoulder.] You wish.
Luz :[Sits down on a stool.] I'm so sorry! I just wanted my book! If you're gonna eat my skin, [Offers her arm and closes her eyes.] just make it quick! Just do it now!
Middle-aged Woman: Eat you? Why would I eat... a potential customer?
[Luz opens her eyes.]
Middle-aged Woman:Can I offer you a human foot filled with holes? [Holds up a green Croc, then puts it aside and grabs a stick of men's deodorant.] A bar of green human candy? Oh, oh! How about this black shadow box that reflects only sadness? [Holds a portable TV up to Luz.]
Luz: [Looks at the middle-aged woman and laughs.] That's not all it can do. Here, let me see it.
[Luz takes the TV and grabs two batteries from a dish labelled "Human candy! (????)" She puts the batteries in and presses the power button. A jazzercise video start playing with loud music.]
Luz :Voilà!
[Several customers and vendors stop at the noise.]
Monster #1: Huh?
Monster #2 :What's that?
Monster #3: The sound-it's so alluring.
[Several monsters are now crowded around the TV.]
Monster #1: [Holding up green bills.] I'll pay 40 snails for the screaming box!
Monster #2: I'll give you a hundred!
Monster #3: Can I eat the tiny person inside?
[The whole crowd starts bidding.]
Middle-aged Woman :[Looks at Luz.] What did you say your name was?
Luz :I'm Luz. Luz Noceda.
Middle-aged Woman: [Taking people's money.] Well, Luz, that was pretty clever... for a human.
Luz: That's kind of a weird thing for another human to say.
Middle-aged Woman :Oh, dear child, [Take off bandana to reveal pointed ears.] I'm not like you. [Climbs onto the table.] I'm Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!
Luz :A witch?
Eda: I am a respected, feared-
Guard #1: Busted! [Breaks the TV.]
Monster: Run! It's a guard!
[All of the customers run away screaming. Eda hops down from the table.]
Guard #1 :[Holds up Eda's wanted poster.] Eda the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors.
Luz: [Peeking over the edge of the table.] Whoa! Witch criminal!
Guard #1: [Grabs Eda's arm.] You are hereby ordered to come with me to the Conformatorium.
Eda :[Frees her arm.] Would you guys quit following me around? I haven't done squat.
Guard #1: And you're coming too... [Picks Luz up by her hood.]
Luz: Aah!
Guard #1: ...for fraternizing with a criminal.
Luz :Wh-What? That's not cool!
Eda: Oh, all right, all right, you win.
Just let me get my stuff.
[Eda reaches under the table and grabs her staff, swinging it at the guard. He falls to the ground with a grunt. Eda spins her staff and taps the bottom of it on the table, making all her stuff float in midair. Luz picks herself and her book off the ground.]
Eda :Whoops. Can't forget this.
[Eda reaches into her hair and pulls out the key, pressing the eye to summon the portal door. She closes her hand into a fist, making the tablecloth wrap itself around all of her stuff. She sticks her staff through the bundle and starts running.]
Eda: Follow me, human.
Luz: [Following Eda.] This is crazy. If I die here, my mom's gonna kill me!
Eda :Ha! I won't let 'em hurt you. A human like you is much more valuable to me alive than dead.
Luz: Wait. What's that supposed to-
Eda: Whoo-hoo!
[Eda jumps, pulling herself and Luz onto her staff. They take off into the sky as the guard runs into frame.]
Guard #1 You won't get away with this, Owl Lady! [Looks at his hands.] Yeah, all right. You did. You got away with it. She got away with it, everybody! Typical. [Behind him Loki sneaked in and pulled his underwear. Guard #1 screamed in pain. Loki stretched his underwear until they reached his head. Loki left laughing. Guard #1 lay down in pain.] It's like school again.
[Cut to Eda and a crying Luz flying on Eda's staff above the Isles.]
Eda: You can open your eyes now, human.
Luz: [Does so, yells and nearly falls off the staff when she sees the ground below them.] Flying staffs, crazy monsters, you're a witch! What is this place?
Eda: [Picks Luz up and rights her.] This is the Boiling Isles. Every myth you humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours.
[Various winged creatures fly behind them as Eda talks. A griffin that looks extremely similar to the one Luz made at school flies up next to them and screeches.]
Luz: A griffin!
[The griffin barfs spiders.]
Luz :[Points.] I knew it!
Eda :Yep. Griffins, vampires, giraffes....
Luz :Giraffes?
Eda Oh, yeah. We banished those guys. Bunch of freaks.
[Eda lands the staff and hops off, though her hand stays behind. Luz sees it move on its own. Loki and Joker are still laughing in the shadows. ]
Luz :Aaah! [Jumps off the staff.]
Eda: Oops. [Screws her hand back on.] That happens sometimes.
Luz: [Stands.] Well, I've had enough adventure for today. This is clearly not the PG fantasy world I always dreamed about. So, can you help me get back home?
[Eda levels her staff in front of Luz, startling her.]
Eda: Only if you help me first. [Chuckles, lifts her staff, and walks away with the bag following her.] Ah, now, come along, human.
Luz :Whoa!
[Cut to a tower, on top of which is an owl with an uncanny human face that cackles. Zoom out as it flies down to reveal the Owl House, which Eda and Luz walk up to.]
Luz :[Looking over her shoulder.] Aren't you worried about those guards finding us?
Eda :Nope. My house has a state-of-the-art defense system.
Hooty: Hoot-hoot! Password, please!
[Eda pokes both of his eyes.]
Hooty: Aah!
Eda: We got no time for this, Hooty. Let us in.
Hooty :All right, all right! Geez! You never want to have any fun! Ow! Hoot!
[Hooty opens his mouth wide enough to completely cover the door. Eda and Luz step through, though Eda's bag stays outside. Hooty closes his mouth. Hooty burps. He sees Loki and Joker trying to enter the house as shadows.] It seems to be okay.
Eda: Welcome to, [Snaps her fingers.] the Owl House...
[Candles ignite. A fire in the fireplace starts, a cauldron starts stirring itself, and a broom starts sweeping the floor. Overhead, a depiction of an owl beast of some kind begins to glow with a great screeching noise. Luz looks at all of this in awe.]
Eda: ...where I hide away from the pressures of modern life. Also the cops. Mm, also ex-boyfriends. [Chuckles.]
Luz :This place is beautiful! [Puts her book onto a coffee table.] Do you live here all alone?
[Thudding footsteps shake the house.]
Eda :Actually, I have a roommate.
King :[Deep voice.] Who dares intrude upon I, [Normal voice.] the king of demons? [Squeaks a rubber ducky.]
Loki: If he's the king of demons, I'm the prince of fluffiness. (Joker laughs)
Luz :[Gasps in overjoy.] ¡Ay, que lindo! [Runs forward and scoops King up in a hug.] Eda, he's so cute! Who's a widdle guy? Who's a widdle guy? Is it you? Is it you?
King: [Struggles to free himself.] No! I don't know who your little guy is![Loki and Joker laugh while filming] Eda, who is this monster?
Eda: [Drags Luz away from King.] Oh, this is Luz, the human. [Puts her down.] She's here to help us with our little... situation.
King :Oh! Hooray!
Luz :Wait, wait, wait. I don't like the sound of this "situation".
Eda: Just... let me explain. [Draws a spell circle that darkens and effectively turns into a storybook. Narrating.] King was once a mighty king of demons, until his Crown of Power was stolen, and he became... [Cut to Luz hugging King again.] this.
Loki(in mind): At his weakest form. (grin)
Luz :You mean this little bundle of joy?
Eda :[Narrating.] The crown is being held by the evil Warden Wrath and locked away behind a magical force field that only a human can break through.
[The storybook circle fades, return to Luz hugging King.]
Eda: A human like you. If you help us retrieve his crown, we'll send you back to your realm. So whaddya say? Plus, [Picks up King by his face and shakes him gently.] who could say no to this cute face?
King: No! Please don't encourage her! [Eda drops him.] Nyeh!
Eda: I mean, we're kinda your only way home.
Luz: So I don't really have a choice, do I?
Eda: Nope. [Picks Luz up and tosses her over her shoulder as she heads for the door.] Now, we've got no time to lose.
King: [Picks up his rubber duck.] Soon, Mr. Ducky, we shall drink the fear of those who mocked us. [Follows Eda.]
Luz: Where are we going?(Loki enters in her shadow)
Eda: Somewhere super fun.
[Cut to the Conformatorium, where thunder claps.]
Eda: The Conformatorium, a place for those considered unsuitable for society.
Luz [Notices Eda's wanted poster on the wall they're hiding behind.] Whoa. These guys really have the hots for you.
Eda: Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery.
King: Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella. Aah! [Falls off of Luz's head.] You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower, where they're holding my crown.
Eda: And I'm gonna make sure the warden's distracted.
Luz: [Gasps.] Will I need a disguise?
Eda: Uh...
Luz: I've been waiting to use this. [Pulls her hood on, flicks up cat ears.] Meow, meow.
King :It's hideous.
Loki : (In my mind) This is adorable.
Eda: Oh, you'll fit right in.
[Eda taps the butt of her staff against the ground, creating a round glowing platform. She steps away from it.]
Eda: Hang on tight.
Luz :Whoa!
[The platform rises, floating all the way up to a window in the tower. It disappears suddenly, forcing Luz to grab the edge of the window sill and King to cling to her feet. Eda, meanwhile, tosses her staff and casually sits down on it as it rises.]
Eda: Meet you guys at the top of the tower.
[King grunts as he climbs up Luz and into the window. Also grunting, Luz pulls herself up and in, falling on her face.]
King: Ha-ha! Cat's don't do that.
[Luz sits up and gasps. The two of them marvel at the amount of prison cells before them, all of them occupied by shadowy beasts of varying shapes and sizes, though all of their eyes glow in the light.]
Katya: Hey, cat lady, how'd you get out of your cell?
Luz :Oh, no, no, no. I'm not a cat. [Pulls her hood down.] Also, I'm not a criminal.
King: Not yet, you're not.
Katya: Neither are we. The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in. Like, I write fanfics of food falling in love. [Pulls out a book of said fanfiction.] I like food, I like love... Just let me write about it.
Eye-Eating Prisoner: I'm here because I like eating my own eyes. [Plucks an eye out of his head as he says this, swallowing it. The eye floats back into place.]
Tinella Nosa: We are agents of fwee expwession! They will never siwence us!
Katya: Yeah, she's really big into conspiracy theories.
Tinella Nosa: The world is a simulation! We are but playthings for a higher being!
Loki: (in mind) Maybe she's right.
Luz :[Pacing around.] Wait. These aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong. [Pulls out Eda's wanted poster.] You're all just a bunch of weirdos. Like me.(Loki looks at Luz sympathy and understands her what she mean)
[Thudding footsteps attract their attention.]
Katya: It's Warden Wrath! Hide!
[Luz exclaims and runs into an open cell, pulling the door down as she enters. Footsteps continue until a door is pushed open.]
Warden Wrath: I can hear you.
[Luz whimpers.]
Warden Wrath: [Stomping forward.] Just what are you fools whispering about? [Looks down at Eda's wanted poster that Luz had dropped.] Ah. The Owl Lady. [Picks up the poster and crumples it, turning his fist into a hammer and slamming it into the door of Luz's cell.] I'll get my hands on her soon enough.
[Warden Wrath looks into the cell, where Luz and King are huddled in the corner.]
Tinella Nosa :Fight against the oppwessor! We will wesist! We will conquer! We will never be afwaid of you, you old cweep!
[Warden Wrath walks over to her cell and opens it. She stares at the opening door.]
Tinella Nosa: Hooway! I'm fwee! [Squeaks.]
[Warden Wrath grabs Tinella Nosa, his fist fitting around her entire body. He holds her up and points at the other two prisoners.]
Warden Wrath: Let this be a lesson to all of you. There's no place in society for you if you can't fit in.
[He tightens his grip, making Tinella Nosa squeak again. Warden Wrath stomps away, crushing the crumpled up wanted poster on his way out. A door slams, and Luz opens her cell, running to that of Katya.]
Luz :Don't worry. I can get you out. [Pulls on the lever, but can't lift it.] No! My weak nerd arms!
Katya: Just get out of here while you still can, kid. Enjoy freedom for us.
[Katya walks deeper in her cell. Luz reluctantly walks away.]
Katya: At least someone has to enjoy freedom.
Loki: That's really sad.
Katya: What? (Loki appears in front of her) Aaa!
Loki: Not being yourself must be a real nightmare, I wouldn't want anyone to suffer like this. (he snaps his fingers and makes the cells open and makes Tinella Nosa appear)
Tinella Nosa: What? (confused)
Katya: Why are you doing this?
Loki: I don't know, I just had to do it. And you don't have to worry that you'll be caught by that ugly thing again. I'll take care of him.
Katya: (She smiles along with the other prisoners) Thanks. (they leave)
[Cut to a hallway, where Eda flies up to Luz.]
Eda: Hey, I just checked. [Hops off her staff.] The warden is distracted, tormenting some tiny creature. He won't be coming around here anytime soon.
[Luz continues walking without saying anything. Eda watches her, confused. They reach a towering door reading "CONTRABAND".]
King: My crown! It's close! I can sense its power! [Runs up to the door and fiddles with the doorknob that's as big as he is.]
Eda: Aw, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power.
Luz: It's not fair that they're all in here. They just want to be themselves. Why does everyone think that being a weirdo is so bad?
[King grunts. The doorknob is thrown to the ground with a clink. King pushes open the door, cackling, and runs through.]
Eda: Come on, before he hurts himself.
[Something zaps.]
King :Ow!
[Luz and Eda follow King in. Cut to the inside of the room, which is empty save a giant glowing pillar in the center. King rubs his skull before charging at the pillar headfirst, succeeding only in launching himself backwards.]
Eda: We have a human, remember?
King :Oh, yeah.
[Luz takes a breath. She puts a hand against the pillar before walking through it. Inside are piles of what can only be described as as junk: everything from books to skulls to a dead fish in a tank. Atop the central one is a glowing crown.]
Luz: Wait a second. Is that a...
[Cuts to Luz holding a Burger Queen paper crown, looking incredibly frustrated.]
Loki: (in mind) That's really embarrassing.
King :My crown! [Jumps in place before taking the crown from Luz and placing it on his head.] Yes. Yes! I can feel my powers returning! You, there. Nightmare critter. [Points to a stuffed rabbit with one button eye falling out of a box.] I shall call you Francois, and you shall be a minion in my army of darkness. Ha-ha! [Picks up the rabbit.]
Luz :That crown doesn't give him any powers, does it?
Eda: Uh, no.
[Luz glares at Eda.]
Eda: Oh, look at us, Luz. King and I don't have much in this world. We only have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to me. And besides, us weirdos have to stick together, you know?
[Luz grins and blushes.Loki smiles. ]
Eda: Well, we owe you one. Now, let's get out of here before the warden finds us and loses his head.
Warden Wrath: Too late.
[Warden Wrath's hand turns into a blade, and with an easy swing he decapitates Eda. Luz catches her head and screams.]
Eda: [Sticking her tongue out like a bad fake corpse.] Ow! Oh, I hate it when that happens.
[Luz screams louder and longer. Cut to commercial.]
Luz :Eda! Are you okay?
Eda :Yeah. This just happens when you get older.
Luz :Does it?
Warden Wrath: Finally, [Transforms his hand back into a hand.] I have you cornered, Eda the Owl Lady. [Takes King's crown.
King: Weh?
[Warden Wrath walks closer to Eda and Luz. King follows him, his arms up and reaching for his crown.]
Warden Wrath: My guards could never get you, but I knew if I took your pet's toy, you'd come running. [Crumples the crown.]
King: No! My power!
Eda: What do you want with me? I've never actually broken any of your stupid laws... in front of you.
Warden Wrath I want you... [Pulls out a bouquet of flowers.] to go out with me.
Eda :Wha...?
Luz: [Disgusted.] What?
Loki: (in his mind) That's the saddest confession I've ever seen. (Joker approves)
Guard #2 Go, boss!
Warden Wrath: [Shoots the guard a thumbs-up.] You've always eluded our capture. You've always been the one who got away. I found that alluring.
Luz: I hate everything you're saying right now.
Warden Wrath: You stay out of this!
[Warden Wrath tosses the bouquet over his shoulder, turning his now free hand into tentacles to grab Luz and hold her above the ground.]
Warden Wrath: So how about it, Owl Lady? [Picks Eda's head up by the hair.] The most powerful witch of the Boiling Isles and the feared Warden Wrath. We'd be the strongest power couple ever. I mean, it's-it's not like you can say no right now.
[Eda looks up at Luz, who's struggling to free herself from the warden's grasp. She looks to King, who gets picked up by one of the guards and also struggles for freedom.]
Eda: [Sighs.] All right, Warden. You win. I'd just like to say something first. Come closer. No. Just come a little bit closer. Just... Yeah, that's good. [Blows raspberry.]
[Warden Wrath yells and drops Luz, who also yells. He wipes Eda's spit off his mask. Eda laughs.]
Warden Wrath: Impudent wench! Don't you know how many germs are in your mouth? Blegh!
Eda: Get over it. You had your guards stalk me, and then you cut off my head. I am not going out with you.
Warden Wrath: If you don't accept, then I have no choice but to des-Oh!
[Luz hits him in the head with Eda's staff. He falls to the ground with a loud crash.]
Eda: [Chuckles.] Nice!
[The two guards step next to Eda's head. She glares at them as her body walks up behind them and drags their hoods over their eyes.]
Luz: Okay, we're going now.
[Luz runs forward, grabbing Eda's head. Eda's body frees King of the guard's grasp, and Luz grabs her by the waist and they all mount the staff. Owlbert unfurls his wings and hoots.]
Luz: Expecto... flying? Magicus... escapicus!
[Warden Wrath grunts as he gets up.]
Eda: Gun it, magic stick!
[The staff takes off. Warden Wrath clamors to his feet.]
Warden Wrath Owl: Lady, I won't let you get away again!
[His arms transform into bundles of tentacles, which he uses to chase after the staff. Cut to them flying past prison cells, Warden Wrath in hot pursuit. Luz and the camera zero in on the lever keeping Katya's cell shut.]
Luz: Eda, lend me a...... hand? [He sees that the cells are open and empty] That's strange, they were closed. How did they manage to get out?
Eda: We'll find out later after we escape!
[ They burst through an outer door high in the center of the Conformatorium with a yell from Luz, then plummet. Warden Wrath exits right behind them, front flipping off the pillar. The staff and Warden Wrath fall toward the ground. Warden Wrath extends one of his tentacles, hitting the very back of the staff and launching Eda, Luz, and King off of it. They roll when they hit the ground, and Warden Wrath steps in front of them, his hand shifting into a blade again.]
King :Ow, my bones!
Eda :Luz... [Reattaches her head, then reaches into her hair and pulls out the key to the portal door.] go back to the human world. [Hands Luz the key, then runs at Warden Wrath.]
Luz: What about you guys?
King: [Stands and runs to join Eda.] If you think this guy is bad, you shoulda seen her last boyfriend!
Eda: Not my boyfriend. [Grabs King and jumps back towards Luz, avoiding Wrath's blade-hands.] No! Go! [Puts Luz onto her staff.]
Luz: But-But I-[She is caught by Wrath]
Eda: No!
Warden Wrath: You've been standing in my way for too long. Now it's time to get rid of you. [He was preparing to cut her but suddenly a calm song was heard]
Eda: Hu? (she looked behind Wrath and saw a box with a crank moving. Wrath let go of Luz and looked at the box. It looked like a Jack in the box]
Warden Wrath: What's this? [The music stopped and out of it came a little jester with a stick in his hand]
Little jester: Want to play?
Luz: Oooo is adorable.
Warden Wrath: Pathetic. [He made his hand like a hammer to crush the toy. When he approached his hand to crush the toy, the little jestel flashed his eyes and stick. Little Jester Stopped Warden Wrath] What?!
Little jester: It's time to be punished for your sins. [his stick hit Warden Wrath with a beam that caused him to shrink.]
King: That's a dangerous toy.[The little jester turns towards them causing to scaring them]
Eda: Hey, hey. Little one, let's calm down.
Luz: I'm sure we can get along.[Little Jester transform back into Loki with the Joker in his hand. That surprised everyone] It's you!
Eda: Do you know the boy Luz?
Luz: He's at the same school as me. How did you get here? And how do you have magic?
Loki: Well, I've been chasing you to that door. And I have magic because I'm not human. (he takes off his hat showing that his ears are pointy)
Luz: You are a witch?!
Loki: I think so.
Eda: What do you mean: You think so?
Loki: I have memory loss and the only thing I know is that I come from here.
Luz: Well, that's what explains your pranks at school.
Loki: I had to have fun myself until I found a way to get back here. Now we're taking this pretty girl back home? (Luz blushes)
Eda: Yes, we have to take you home, Luz. (Luz and King climbed on her staff and Loki on his and then flew to the owl house)
[Cut to the living room of the Owl House, where Eda leans her staff against the couch.]
Eda: Well, a deal's a deal. Let's get you home. [Snaps fingers.]
[The key flies out of Luz's bag and into Eda's hand. She presses the eye, and the portal door unfolds itself in front of the fireplace. Luz walks up to it, then hugs herself and turns back to look at Loki, Eda and King. King looks at the ground, visibly sad. Luz reaches into her bag.]
Luz: Before I go... [Holds out the head of her Azura doll.] I know it's not the same, but... [Removes Azura's crown.] a king shouldn't be without a crown.
King :[Accepts the crown and places it on his head.] This shall suffice. You there, plant! You are now under my command. [He points to something and walks off screen.]
Eda [Grabs the Azura book off the table and hands it to Luz.] Oh, and don't forget this.
Luz: (she looks at Loki) Aren't you coming back?
Loki: I'm from here. And now that I'm back, I don't have to go back there. But I hope we will meet again.
[Luz takes it, and the pamphlet for Reality Check Summer Camp that's on top of it, and walks toward the portal. She stares at the pamphlet before putting it under the Azura book. She pauses in front of the door, looking at it. She looks back down at her book, then up, at a mirror above the fireplace. Luz gasps. She holds up the book, on the cover of which is Azura in the foreground, with an older witch looking at a dog/cat creature in the background and a jester with a big grin. She lowers the book to reveal the mirror showing a very similar image, King, Loki and Eda in the same positions as the creature, the jester and the older witch, and herself in the foreground between them. She brightens and turns around.]
Luz :Okay. I know you got your head cut off, and we started some kind of prison riot, but this was the most fun I've ever had.
[Eda blinks owlishly in surprise.]
Luz :I don't fit in at home. You don't fit in here. If I stay, we could not fit in together. [She looks at the pamphlet for Reality Check one last time, then crumples it.] I'm not going back to summer camp.
Eda: [Chuckles.] What's summer camp? What are we talking about here?
Loki: It's a place where they don't let you be yourself.
Eda: That sounds terrible.
Luz: And that's why I want to stay here and become a witch. Like you. [Holds her book up to Eda.] And Azura.
Eda: [Laughing.] What? All right, that's crazy. [Pushes Luz's book down.] Humans can't become witches.
Luz :Maybe that's because they haven't tried. If you teach me to become a witch, I'll do anything you want.
King :[Pulling at Eda's dress.] Let her stay! [Whispers.] She can make us snacks.
Loki: Give her a chance.
Eda: [Smiles and picks King up.] Well, I could use a hand keeping this goofball out of the cupboards. All right. I'll teach you how to be a witch. But you have to work for me before you learn any spells. Deal?
[Eda holds out her hand. Luz looks at it before grinning and crushing the three in a hug.]
Eda: Gah! What's going on?
King: Too tight! Too tight!
Loki: I like it.
Eda: Yes, I forgot about you. Where are you going to stay if you don't remember anything.
Loki: I can stay here till I remember something.
Eda: Okay, but you have to work for me if you want to stay here.
Loki: I'm okay with that.
[Cut to Luz opening the creaking door to a storage room. She unrolls a sleeping bag and, now wearing pajamas, throws herself on it, before turning over and taking a picture of her and her mom out of her messenger bag. She rubs her thumb over the glass before placing the frame right next to her pillow. Her phone vibrates, and she grabs it and turns it on. A message from "Mom❤️" reads: How's summer camp? Luz's expression falls, and she moves her phone away from her face.]
King: [Clears his throat, steps into view while holding Francois.] Your sleep cocoon looks fluffy.
[Luz sits up and pats the sleeping bag. King curls up at the bottom below her feet and falls asleep. Luz smiles at him before replying to her mom: "I think I'm gonna like it here". Smiling, she puts her phone down, turns to the side, and falls asleep. Zoom out to the exterior of the Owl House. The giant stained glass eye above the door blinks.]
[The camera goes to the moon. And suddenly on the moon there was a smiling face. Then a voice began to be heard.]
???: It seems that you are back after so long but without memory. It doesn't matter right now, you'll soon remember everything.(laugh) I can't wait to see you again very soon............
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