19: Whoops
When thinking of the word 'intimidating' many people imagine presenting a project in front of their whole school, being teased by popular kids, having to sing in front of an audience or taking an intense exam. But for me the word makes me think about twelve football teams worth of guys. All wanting to tackle you to the ground and interrogate you.
To say that I was nervous would be an understatement. I was petrified.
Last night Dean and I had devised a plan that I was sure would work. I was going to stand guard with Dean at the security office and keep an eye on the cameras. Then I would use the bathroom excuse to leave and climb into the ceiling. I'd drop the jerseys like I had last time. I'd come back to the security office and Dean and I would pretend that we'd seen a girl on the security cameras sneaking out of the stadium.
We were going to every length to make this believable. And I had faith that we could pull this office. It was quite foolproof.
All the guys were spread out throughout the stadium already. Everyone had been given posts, and everyone knew Dean and I were in the security office.
"Officer Barclays here will show you guys to the security office." My dad told Dean and I.
We followed the large, burly man down a hallway, up a staircase that he had to unlock with one of his many keys, and down a dark and narrow hallway. He unlocked a door labeled 'security office' and let us in.
I was expecting him to leave, but he didn't. He stood by the door, keeping an eye on us.
Dean and I couldn't have a witness here to call us out on our lying. Our entire plan just got washed down the drain. Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating. He likely couldn't see the small screens from where he stood, so we could still get away with this. Maybe I'm just being over dramatic.
Dean leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Don't worry about him, just follow the plan."
I nodded, taking a seat in one of the rolling office chairs in front of the computers. Dean sat down next to me in another chair, his eyes trained on the other computer screen.
I sipped continuously on my extra large iced coffee as I stated at the screen. Nothing but grainy videos of football players scattered throughout the hallways filled my field of vision.
Officer Barclays stayed leaning against the door frame, obviously bored.
My straw started to make loud sounds as there was no liquid left in my plastic cup. I tossed it in the nearby trash can and returned my attention to the screens.
Ten minutes later I stood from my seat, informing Dean -loud enough for officer Barclays to hear- that I was headed to the washroom.
Slinging my backpack over my shoulder I headed out the door and down the narrow hallway,and down the stairs.
Ethan was posted outside the bathrooms and gave me a confused look when I approached him.
"Just using the bathroom." I explained and he nodded.
I climbed up the same way I had yesterday, but the toilet paper holder couldn't handle my weight. It broke open and I fell straight down, smashing my chin on the top of the stall wall.
That really hurt.
"Are you okay in there?" Ethan called through the door, confusion and concern lacing his voice.
"Yeah!" I called back. The toilet paper holder broke and fell on me, that's all!"
I let out a stream of quiet curse words as I walked over to the next stall and climbed up into the ceiling.
Taking the same route I had before I began on my way to the change rooms. I could hear Baylor and Evan chatting underneath me. Ignoring them I continued to crawl forwards, but my curiosity got the better of me when I heard them say my name.
"You don't seriously think that my sister could pull this kinda thing off, do you?" Baylor asked, his voice muffled.
"It wouldn't surprise me if she was the Jersey Girl." Evan replied.
"Really?" Baylor seemed surprised.
"I mean, she's your sister so you obviously know her better, but it makes sense to me."
"I guess..."
"Like she could easily steal the jerseys while delivering the letters. It makes perfect sense to me. I'm just surprised it took me this long to figure it out."
I seriously had to get a move on and put these jerseys away before Evan and Baylor told the others they thought it was me.
I crawled across the ceiling tiles at an unsafe pace, eager to get rid of the evidence in my back pack.
Shifting one of the tiles as cautiously as I could I was able to see that I was in the perfect spot to drop the first set of jerseys. So I did. And quickly closed the tile before the guys could see me and rushed to the nest change room. Moving the second tile I dropped the other jerseys down in the room.
I wasn't quick enough moving the tile back this time, and someone notice that the jerseys had fallen from an open hole in the ceiling.
I frantically tried to crawl away but I lost my balance and crashed through the ceiling, landing on top of a guy.
The crash knocked the wind out of me and I couldn't breath, even though this guy had broken my fall.
He groaned in pain, and I was able to catch a little bit of my breath, but I still felt like crying.
Placing my hands on his chest I got up and reached out a hand to pull him up. Once he was standing and his buddies were making sure he was alright, I took off down the hall.
I bolted past guys at their posts causing them momentary confusion before they realized what was happening. My shoes slid as I skidded around the corner, running faster than I had ever run before. The sound of huge football players stampeding behind me only made me run faster. Just as I though I was getting away from them, I felt someone jump on me, both of us crashing onto the hard floor.
A/N: Whoops. Bailey got busted.
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