13: Full House
"Baylor!" I yelled. "BAYLOR!" When I still didn't receive an answer, I ran down the stairs and opened the door.
Keenan was on the other side, holding a duffle bag and football gear.
"Hey," He smiled, and I stepped out of the way to let him in. "Sup?"
"Not much, I replied, taking his duffle bag and leading him down to the basement. "You're the first one here, so you got the whole place to yourself."
"Woah, this place is dope." Keenan's blue eyes doubled in size as he took in his surroundings.
I laughed lightly. "Here's your bunk, and here is where you can put all your stuff."
"Thanks." He smiled.
The doorbell rang, and I excused myself, heading back upstairs.
"Hey Thomas." Evan said when I opened the door.
"Davidson." I nodded, letting him in. I led him downstairs, showing him everything as well.
"I gotta bunk with this looser?" Evan laughed smacking Keenan on the arm.
"Don't complain, you get the top bunk." He replied, as they bro hugged.
"Yo!" Someone called from the top of the stairs.
The three of us turned our heads to see a smiling Dean, weighed down by his luggage. He came down the stairs, and gave me a quick peck on the lips.
"Where's Baylor?" He questioned, throwing his bag up on the top bunk next to Evan's.
"Who?" Keenan furrowed his bold brows.
"My brother, Baylor. I'm not really sure, I thought he was here." I answered. "He probably left with my dad to the stadium."
"You have a brother?" Evan was still evidently confused. "How old is he?"
"Seventeen, he's only a year older than me." I replied, and as if on cue, Baylor walked down the stairs with Vylad behind him.
"Is that him?" Evan gave me a knowing look.
"Yep. Baylor I thought you went to the stadium with dad."
"No, I was napping." He stated as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
I wasn't about to argue with him about something so stupid, so I just rolled my eyes. Sometimes he just makes me wonder if he's all there.
Now that I knew Baylor could answer the door, I grabbed Dean's hand and took him upstairs. We hadn't been able to hang out as much lately, so I was excited that I'd get an entire week with him.
Dean flopped down on my bed, burying his face in my pile of pillows and spreading his arms and legs out like a starfish. He let out a muffled groan as I sat down next to him.
"I'm so sore." He grumbled, turning over.
Before I could say anything though, he wrapped his arms around my waist and rolled me over on top of him. The his started tickling my sides.
"Dean,"I cried, gasping for air. "Stop."
But he just ignored my pleas and kept tickling me.
"Dean!" I laughed, trying to escape his grip.
He finally let go of me, and I decided I needed my revenge. So I tried to tickle him, but I got absolutely no reaction.
"Did you for get that I'm not ticklish?" He stated, crossing his arms and smirking.
I stuck out my bottom lip, and lightly smacked his arm. He let out a deep chuckle and planted a kiss on my cheek. I laid down on top of him, grabbing his face I kissed him quickly on the lips. Dean pulled me closer and smashed our lips together. But he stopped and let out a groan of pain.
"Sorry." I apologized, getting off of him.
"It's fine." He reassured, sitting up and rolling his shoulder and wincing.
"Come here," I instructed, patting the spot on the bed in front of me.
He sat down, and I tried to reach up to his shoulders, but he was too tall.
"What are you trying to do?" He turned around to look at me.
"I'm trying to give you a massage, but you're too tall." I explained.
"Thank you, but I already told you that I'm fine Bails." He chuckled.
"No, just sit down on the ground." I instructed.
Rolling his beautiful dark brown eyes, he slid off the side of the bed and on to the floor. I'm no masseuse, but I can only assume I was doing a decent job, because I could feel Dean relaxing.
"Oh my God, your muscles are so tense." I stated, slightly in awe.
"I know. My dad has really been putting the heat on us at practice." He replied, leaning in to my touch.
"Your dad knows what he's doing, he's a great coach."
"I know, I just hope all this work isn't for nothing."
My mother frantically ran around the kitchen, trying to get everything ready. I knew better than to try and help her, because I'd probably just get in her way.
"Bailey can you please set the table." She requested.
I nodded, collecting a stack of plates and a handful of silverware. I spaced out the plates on the large table and set a perfectly folded napkin beneath the forks and knives.
Downstairs, all they guys seemed to be getting along great. They were playing video games and making bets on each other. It came as no surprise to me when Baylor beat Dylan. He spends way too much time playing video games.
"You wanna put some money down?" Owen asked me.
"Sure, who's playing?" I replied, taking a ten dollar bill out of my phone case.
"Wyatt and Jaiden."
"I'll put ten on Wyatt." Jaiden seems like he's way too busy with hockey and football to spend tons of time playing video games.
"You don't think I can win Bailey?" Jaiden teased, picking up a controller.
"Nope. I think Wyatt will." I shrugged.
Everyone else placed their bets, most on Wyatt's side.
I was far from shocked when Wyatt did win. We all split the pool of money and I ended up with fifteen bucks.
"Who's up next?" Owen asked and Ryan stood up.
"I'll play." He said, taking the controller from Jaiden.
"Me too." Evan added.
"I'll put ten on Ev." I set my money down on the table.
I felt arms wrap around me, and they rested their chin on my shoulder. I held his hands in mine. Dean yawned in my ear, and I let out a light laugh.
We watched the game and, unfortunately Evan lost. And I lost ten dollars. That's why you shouldn't gamble, kids.
"Hey, guys?" My dad stuck his head in to the basement. "Dinner is going to be ready soon, you guys should get dressed."
I got up and Baylor and I headed to our rooms to get ready.
Deciding on a navy blue blouse and a pair of black jeans, I quickly changed and brushed my hair. I touched up my makeup and double checked my reflection in the mirror.
Not my best, but it'll do. I jogged down the stairs and saw all the guys standing around in the living room some talking to my dad.
Wow, I forgot how attractive Dean looks when he wears nice clothes. His light blue button-up paired with his dark wash jeans, matched well with his light brown hair and chocolate eyes. God, I was so lucky he was my boyfriend.
Deciding my mom probably needed help, I walked in to the kitchen, where she was still running about frantically.
"Need some help?"
"Desperately." She scoffed. "Can you please put the bread and butter in the table?"
I obliged, and eventually we had everything ready.
"Dinner's ready." I called, gaining everyone's attention.
Eagerly, we all took our seats, Baylor on my left, Dean on my right and both of my parents at the heads of the table.
"Wow. Mrs. Thomas this looks amazing." Keenan said, receiving agreeance.
"Your mom makes the best pasta." Dean stated, taking a huge bite of his bread.
Keenan nodded furiously from across the table.
"It's the best pasta I've ever had." Evan agreed taking a sip of his water.
All the food was quickly devoured, which didn't come as a surprise to me. Thirteen teenage guys will eat a lot.
Keenan and Dean offered to help with the dishes, but my parents protested. After a few minutes of arguing they finally gave in.
Baylor and I started clearing for the table with help from everyone else. And it didn't take long before everything was cleaned up.
We were all hanging out in the basement, when my dad came down the stairs.
"Okay, guys." he clapped his hands together. "There's going to be two games tomorrow. For the first game Central Valley will play J.L. Carmichael. The second game will be Pinecrest and Nor'Wester."
"Your ready?" I asked Dean.
"I'm always ready." He replied confidently.
Hello people. I know I've missed a few update days, but with everything that's been going on, my life has been hectic. I've already got next week's chapter partially written, so hopefully I'll get all my updates back to normal soon. Until then, have a great day.
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