The Beginning of the End
Cal stood before the Jedi Council with his hands behind his back as he stared at Yoda. Many of the Council members were present through holo-grams, including Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shaak-Ti, Kit Fisto, Ki-Adi Mundi, Aayla Secura, and Plo Koon.
"With the new found information, my squad and I discovered a Vaccine for the illness. My sniper, Crosshair was immediately treated and he recovered quickly. I urge everyone to have their clones vaccinated,"
Mace crossed his arms,
"Why were you in Vassek?"
"Master Windu, it is my duty to get my hands on all the information I can get from the Separatists, one of my informants told me that there was an old base there that might have some plots. I believe that we all owe this informant our thanks as without this vital information, our forces would be no more. Every single clone would die as one of my troopers almost did. We need to get every single Clone Vaccinated so this does not happen,"
Yoda raised his hand as everyone started speaking at once. Everyone stopped and looked to the grandmaster,
"Right, you are, young Axel. Give our thanks to the informant, we must. Have enough of the vaccine, do you?"
Axel nodded,
"I told my sergeant to get the vaccine to every single medic in each battalion. We will have enough. But we need every single one to get vaccinated so they are all safe from the virus,"
Yoda nodded and looked at the those around him,
"Give the vaccines, we must, to save the men,"
Obi-Wan scratched his beard,
"Alright. And no one else will be effected by this virus?"
Axel shook his head,
"No, Master Kenobi. Crosshair and I were both in contact with the virus and it only affected him. Everyone else is safe from it,"
Mace nodded,
"Keep this between the Generals of each Batallion and the Medics. We do not want to have any panic,"
Shaak-Ti nodded,
"We should not alert the Senate, I will get the Vaccine situated on Kamino."
Cal felt himself finally relax at the words. Aayla Secura glanced at Cal,
"Axel, how are you feeling?"
That question made him frown in confusion,
"I am well, why do you ask, Master Secura?"
"You fell ill a week ago, and you mentioned that you were also in close proximity to this virus. You should see a medic before going back on the field,"
Cal felt himself blush at the reminder of what happened to himself and Nikki,
"Not to worry, Master Secura, I was already cleared by a medic before coming here,"
Mace stared at Cal but nodded,
"Alright, you are dismissed, Axel,"
Axel bowed and left to be greeted by his squad pacing outside the temple,
"Why hello,"
They immediately crowded around him and Echo put a hand on his shoulder,
"Did it work?"
Cal smiled largely,
"It worked!"
They cheered and Wrecker picked up Cal in a giant hug,
"We did it!"
Cal laughed and patted his shoulder,
"That we did, Wrecker,"
Hunter smirked,
"Now, what's our next mission?"
Cal shrugged,
"We have to wait to be called for support, I haven't heard any chatter about new Separatist bases that we can crash,"
Wrecker sighed,
"I want to blow something up,"
Cal laughed,
"I know you do, buddy,"
Cal took out his data pad and messaged Nikki,
"We did it, Nikki. The Council is moving forward with the Vaccine and won't be telling the Senate. The Suns will shine on us again.
He didn't expect a message back as he knew she was on a mission on Ryloth with Anakin and Obi-Wan. It always felt like they kept going back to that planet. But they needed the most help. Tech smirked,
"So, is there a part two for this plan of yours?"
Cal sighed and felt the weight on his shoulders once again,
Crosshair frowned,
"What do you mean, no?"
Cal groaned,
"Sora and I have to figure out who the Sith Lord is,"
Tech tilted his head,
"Sith Lord?"
Cal nodded,
"Yes. He's the one that caused the Clone Wars. He is the one that is responsible for everything that has been happening. I think he is the reason that Sora was lured to Dathomir and almost killed by that spell that the Nightsisters put her under."
Hunter frowned,
"How could he have lured General Sora to Dathomir if the Chancellor asked her to check it out?"
Cal sighed and shook his head,
"I don't know, Hunter...and I really need to start getting some answers,"
Wrecker patted his back,
"Food helps,"
Cal chuckled and Tech nodded,
"Food is proven to help get your thoughts together,"
Echo wrapped his arm around Cal's shoulder,
"Yeah, let's get some food!"
Cal chuckled and nodded,
"Alright, Echo can you tell our friend that the plan worked? Just leave him a message,"
Echo smiled and nodded as he quickly sent Fives a message that it worked. The squad walked over to the Mess Hall and ignored everyone else around them as they got their food and sat down. Hunter leaned closer to Cal,
"General, do you have any leads on this Sith Lord?"
Cal sighed and shook his head,
"No, as I mentioned before, I haven't found anything solid. We only know his name, Darth Sidious. We need to identify him so we can end this war,"
Tech frowned,
"You think that if we find this Sidious that the war will end?"
Cal looked over at him and nodded,
"If he started it. He will end it."
Crosshair sighed,
"Okay, what exactly do we know about him?"
"That's the problem, we don't know anything about him,"
Tech shook his head,
"That is not necessarily true. We know he might have orchestrated Sora's arrival on Dathomir. He must have ears in the Senate,"
Cal's eyes darkened and the small squad was taken aback by the dark aura surrounding him all of a sudden,
"He is..."
A beep interrupted him and he pulled out his data pad and saw that Nikki texted him back,
"Great! We are one step closer! Mission is going okay. Hardcase was lightly high-fived by a electro-staff but he will live. We are camping out right now to make sure that the droids left the last sector. Haven't heard from Skywalker or Kenobi yet so they might still be in battle,"
"You all split up?"
"Yeah, it's only temp. We are going to rendevous back on the Negotiator when we are done getting the clankers off. Everything okay?"
"Yeah...Do you remember anything that happened right before the war ended?"
"Cal...we talked about this,"
"I know I know...but something Tech just told me struck me and I don't know why,"
"He said that Sidious must have ears in the Senate,"
He felt Nikki's force-presence flow through the bond they had to calm him,
"I think he does. We need to be careful about what the Senate knows about us. It's a good thing you don't always report back to the Senate,"
"Don't worry Cal, gotta go talk to you next time."
"Bye, Nikki, stay alive,"
"You too,"
Hunter smirked as he watched Cal slowly calm down as he typed on his datapad. He glanced around at his squad and saw them slowly relax again and Tech locked eyes with Hunter and he shook his head,
Cal sighed and nodded,
"Do you believe what Tech said is true?"
Cal sighed as he put away his datapad again,
"Yeah. I do."
Wrecker shrugged,
"We never liked politicians,"
Cal chuckled,
"Except Padme Amidala,"
They all shrugged as they looked away from the knowing look he shot them as he recalled the portrait of the Senator on their ship. They talked a little more before they went their separate ways to get some sleep. Cal made sure to tell them to keep their comms by and get ready to deploy as always, he had a very weird feeling that they would be needed soon.
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