the jackals half power
Infinite: and this where you be staying
Spike: cool but infinite you never showed us your home
Infinite: well the place your staying Is my home so we'll be roommates
Twilight sparkle: well that's neat and all but we still have stuff to do spike what's on the list
Spike: oh uh music that's the last one
* Birds singing *
Twilight & spike:* peak the the bushes *
Infinite:* just walks around *
As they see a tree with different birds singing
Blue jay:* out of rhythm with the others *
Fluttershy: oh my um ,stop ,please ,everyone * fly's up to the blue jay * um ... Excuse me, sir I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny, tiny bit off
Blue jay:* nods *
Fluttershy:* fly's back to the ground * now follow me please a-one, a-two, a-one ,two, three
Infinite: hey flutters
Fluttershy:* looks and smiles and looks at the birds * alright everyone take a break * fly's down to infinite * hey infinity
Infinite: I want you to meet the pony who will be working for the ceremony
Fluttershy:* nods *
Twilight:* walks out of the bushes * HELLO !
fluttershy:* hides behind you *
Twilight: oh my I'm so sorry I didn't mean to frighten you I'm here to check up on the music, and it sounded wonderful
Fluttershy:* looks to the ground still hiding behind you *
Infinite: you see twi she's shy but her name is fluttershy
Twilight:* nods * I'm twilight sparkle
Fluttershy:* mumbles to herself *
Infinite: well we better go we'll see you around fluttershy
Fluttershy:* nods *
Infinite & twilight:* leave *
Fluttershy:* turn to her birds who were smiling * why are you guys smiling
- area change golden oak library -
Infinite:* opens the door *
Twilight & spike:* walk in *
Infinite:* close the door behind them * why is it dark ?
* Lights turn on *
Most of everypony: surprise !
Infinite:* gets so sacred jumps and clings onto the ceiling with his back fur standing up *
Twilight:* groans *
Pinkie pie:* shows up in front of her * surprise ! Hi I'm pinkie pie and I threw this party just for you were you surprised were you , were you ? huh ? Huh ? Huh ?
Infinite:* still clinging to the ceiling *
Twilight: very surprised libraries are supposed to be quite
Pinkie pie:* chuckling * that's silly what kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet ? I mean duh ! Boring ! You see I saw you first got here remember * sees twilight walking away and follows here *
In the background
A group of ponys:* poking you with a broom stick to get you down *
Cuts back to twilight and pinkie pie *
Pinkie pie: you were all, " hello " and I was all * gasp * remember you see I never saw you before and if I never saw you before that's means you're new cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony, in ponyville
Twilight:* groans *
Pinkie pie:* gos on yo ramble *
* Time skip * ( got lazy )
Twilight:* swallows hard as her face turn red *
Applejack: are you all right auger cube ?
Rainbow dash: hey guys look who I got * pulls you off her back as if you were still clinging to the ceiling *
Twilight:* takes off up stairs *
Rainbow dash:* holds you to her side like a surf board * was it something I said
* Time skip *
Infinite:* snaps spine into place with cracking heard * ack hey we'res twilight
Spike: she's up stairs
Infinite: I'll talk to her * walks up stairs then opens the door shortly after * you feeling ok twilight
Twilight: no because all of the pony's in this town are crazy do you know what time it is
Infinite: ( insert time )
Twilight: exactly !
Infinite: twilight you aren't the only one
Twilight: what do you mean
Infinite:" looks at the others sees them partying * you see twilight they might be crazy but really they are having a good time and trying to get to know you friendship is the most important thing trust me I still have suspicions on some of them but hey give it some time they will become one of the most amazing pony's you'll ever meet they gave me a chance sense I'm a jackel now you must give them a chance twilight * walks to the door and puts his hand on it * think about it * opens the door and walks through and close it behind him *
Twilight:* groans and lays back down * he doesn't know anything
Spike:* opens the door *come on twilight it's time to see the sun rise
As everypony and you head to the main hall
Infinite:* had his back on the wall watching mayor mare speak *
Mayor mare: princess celesta
Rarity:* pulls the rope to reveal her but no pony's there *
Rarity: huh ?
Twilight: this can't be good
* A couple minutes later *
Pinkie pie: ohhh she's good * looks up * ahh !
Nightmare moon:* appears from the smoke *
Twilight: nightmare moon
Spike:* faints *
Infinite: really man
Nightmare moon: oh my beloved subjects it's been so long since I've seen your previous little sun-loving faces
Rainbow dash: what did you do with our princess * fly's at her *
Applejack:* grabs her by her tail * slow down, nelly
Nightmare moon:* laughs evilly but sexy * why ? Am I not royal enough for you ? Don't you know who I am
Infinite:* fly's up with his red aura around him* your the mare in the moon nightmare moon
Nightmare moon:* looks at you * well, well, well something who remembers me then you also know why I'm here
Twilight: your here to.... to * gulps *
Infinite: I had enough* sends a wave of aura at her *
Nightmare moon:*fly's out of the way and use her magic to make a sword *
Infinite: hmph * also makes a sword and dash at her
Nightmare moon:* simply dodges and gos for a hit *
Infinite:* blocks it *
Nightmare moon:* blast him with more magic *
Infinite:* gets sent to ground *
Nightmare moon:* use her magic to make the balcony fall on you *
Mane 6: infinite !
Nightmare moon: fool * looks back at the other pony's. * Now that's
Infinite:* let's a big explosion of aura and looks at her as blood starts coming down his mask *
Infinite: you dare strike me I'll make you know much more then fear ! * Fly's up and lets out more of his power as his aura starts glitching *
Nightmare moon: hmph fool you should stay down * gos to us emote magic but stops when a glove appears in front of her *
Infinite:* punches her square across the face then proceed to grab her and throw her at a wall then grab her head and bash it against the wall repeatedly *
Nightmare moon: enough * makes a explosion of magic
Infinite:* lands on the ground * hmph I guess sh-
( infinite is sonic and nightmare moon is the other one )
Every pony:* shocked *
Nightmare moon let this be a lesson to anyone who dares to challenge me and try to take my rule away * turns into smoke and disappears *
I bet you weren't expecting that to happen were ya plus the title of this is a working progress
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