pony what ?
Infinite:* after the final fight with Sonic * impossible I cannot be defeated
Sonic: wrong loser! The things that can't be defeated are heart, soul, and the bonds of friendship Three things you and your counterfeit cronies lack!
Infinite:* Punch's the ground while glitching * gah * glitch out more * no wait! I can still fight! * Fades away *
Phantom Ruby:* fly's to the tower *
* Location equestria
Part woods *
Infinite:* wakes up * were Im I
Infinite:* gets up * I'm I in some froset * walks out of the forest and see a village * huh
Infinite: maybe they can help me out * walks to ponyvill *
Pony 1: woah who is that
Pony 2: I don't know but they look cool
Pony 3: look at his tail
Foal: so cool !
Infinite:{ in mind }{ this a village full of pony's }
??????: Look out below !
Infinite:* looks at ????*
?????: Woah * crashes *
Infinite:* turns around and walks up * you ok
????: Yeah I am
?????: I haven't seen you around here
Infinite: I just walk into town
?????: Im rainbow dash the faster flyer of ponyville
Infinite: prove it
Rainbow dash: oh is that a challenge jackal
Infinite: yes it is
Rainbow dash: fine we start here and finish at sugar cube Conner
Infinite: k
Rainbow dash: ready
Infinite:* waiting *
Rainbow dash: set
Infinite:* looks at her *
Rainbow dash: go * flys off *
Infinite:* flys after her *
Rainbow dash:* looks back * looks like I got this in the * looks in front of her * wait what !
Infinite:* flying *
Is that the best you can do
Rainbow dash:* trys to fly faster *
Infinite: hmph * stops soon they reach sugar cube Conner * looks like I am the winner
Rainbow dash:* stops * but how did you get in front of me
Infinite: I have my ways * lands * well I should be going* walks off *
Rainbow dash:{ in mind }{ he faster then me !}* blushes *
Infinite: hmmm* walks away to
Sweet Apple Acres *
?????: Howdy there
Infinite:* looks at ???? to see
????: I haven't see ya around these parts im guessing your new here ?
Infinite: that is correct
????: Well then welcome to sweet apple acres I'm apple jack but you can call me aj
Infinite: well apple jack I'm infinite
Apple jack: well it's nice to meet ya infinite what are doing
Infinite: well I woke up in the forest
Apple jack: well I better get back to what I'm doing see ya later infinite * walks off *
Infinite:* walks away from sweet apple acres * well I met apple jack, rainbow dash * hears birds singing * huh * walks to where the birds are singing only to see a yellow pony with a pink mane and tail *
?????:* Flys up to the blue jay * um.... excuses....me.....but.....your.... kinda.....off...Rhythm... Can you please.... again * says in a soft tone *
Infinite: um excuses me ms ?
?????: Hmmmm ? * Flys down then turns around * oh...no...your...a...jackal
Infinite: woah Ms I'm not here to hurt no one not even your birds
?????: Your....not ?
Infinite: yeah I'm not my name is infinite what's your name ?
????: Well...it...uh* mutters *
Infinite:* hears * fluttershy
fluttershy: you....heard....that... * Says shyly *
Infinite: yeah it's a cute name for a cute pony
Fluttershy:* blushes * um...thank...you
Infinite:* smiles under his helmet * well then fluttershy I'll leave you to it * walks away *
Fluttershy: um...infinite
Infinite:* stops then turns around * yeah ?
Fluttershy: um....when...I'm...not...busy....um....do....want....to...get.... know... each...other... better
Infinite: sure fluttershy * smiles and walks off *
Fluttershy:*smiles and gos back to her birds *
Infinite: hmmm fluttershy a cute shy pony and quite beautiful and her- what no infinite don't think like that * walks to the place where the party is * hmmm * bumps into a pink pony * oops sorry
Pink pony:* gasp with a shock face *
Infinite: you ok Ms ?
Pink pony:* dash past you *
Infinite:* spins around then stops * oh well there you don't see every day * eye is going in circles then stops * well I better continue walking * starts walking then opens the door to the party place ( please tell me what it is so I can fix it ) * woah * walks inside then sees a white pony with a purple mane and tail then walks up * hey Ms
????: Hold up I just need to finish this * finish it * yes dear ? * Turns around *
Infinite: these are nice decorations did you make them
????: Why yes Dearing * gets a good look at you * my my Dearing what happened to your hair ?
Infinite: my hair * looks to see it's just normal * it's looks fine to me
????: Oh no no Dearing I'll fix it
Infinite: wait just h-gah !
????:* Runs to her place with you using magic *
* Time skip *
????: There you go Dearing all fix * says in a clam voice *
Infinite:* hair gos back to how it was and is in a tux *
????: That wasn't supposed to happen
Infinite: well Ms my hair is fine and* gets out of the tux * plus I never got your name
????: It's rarity
Infinite: well rarity my name is waluigi
* Take two *
Infinite: my name is infinite
Rarity: it's nice to meet you infinite
Infinite: like wise well I better get going
Rarity: see you around
Infinite:* nods and walks out *
Rarity: huh the first jackal in ponyvill how wonderful * gos back to here work *
Infinite: well I been everywhere I think we'll I should look for a place to stay * see the mayor then walks over * um excuse me
????:* Turns around * yes
Oh your the jackal everypony has been talking about
Infinite: yeah what's your name
????: Well everypony calls me mayor mare
Infinite: well mayor mare do you have a place to stay
Mayor mare: well there's the golden ork library
Infinite: well if it ok if I stay there
Mayor mare: of course it is you see the old owner left but you can stay there long as you need* hands you the keys
Infinite:* takes the keys * thanks
Mayor mare: no problem and welcome to ponyvill
Infinite:* nods and walks of to the golden oak library then walks in side then walks to the bed then falls asleep *
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