plz help on title
Mane six:* run up to infinite * infinite
Infinite:* has his eyes closed *
Apple jack:* picks infinite up and puts him on her back *
Twilight:* runs out with spike *
Rainbow dash: where is she going
Location: golden oak library
Twilight:* puts spike to sleep before rushing down stairs and starts looking for a book about the elements * elements, elements, elements ugh ! How can I stop nightmare moon without the elements of harmony ?
Rainbow dash:* shows up and gets in her face * and just what are the elements of harmony ? And how did you know about nightmare moon, huh ? Are you a spy ? * Gets pulled back by her tail * Woah!
Applejack:* sighs * simmer down, sally she ain't no spy but she sure knows what's going on
* As she starts walking up to her with the others * don't you twilight ?
Twilight:* looks at them before looking at infinite who's was still on Applejack's back " I read all about the prediction of nightmare moon some mysterious objects called the elements of harmony are the only things that can stop her but I don't know what they are, where to find them I don't even know what they do
Pinkie pie: the elements of harmony a reference guide
Twilight:* push her out of the way * how did you find that?
Pinkie pie:* hoping up and down * it was under "e"
Twilight:* feels stupid * oh
{Wildcat: now we press x on the book self then a floating book will appear}
Book starts twinkling then opens up
Twilight: there are six elements of harmony, but only five are know " kindness,laughter, generosity, honesty, and loyalty " the sixth is a complete mystery it said the last know location of the five elements was in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters it is located in what is now
Location: th-
Mane six: the everfree forest?!
Infinite:* falls off apple jacks back *
Apple jack: oops
Pinkie pie: whee let's go
Twilight: not so fast I do look I appreciate the offer but I'd really rather do this on my own
A/n: I got lazy typing apple jacks full name so I'm just going to put a.j ok
A.j: no can do, suger cube we sure ain't letting any friend of ours go into that creepy place alone plus we got a score to settle on what she did to infinite so we're sticking to you like caramel on a candy apple * she starts trotting Into the forest with fluttershy, rarity, rainbow dash behind her *
Pinkie pie: hmmmm especially is there's candy apples in there
Twilight:* looking at her *
Pinkie pie: what? Those things are good* trotting into the forest *
Twilight:* sighs and follows her *
* Timeskip *
Fluttershy: so, none of you have been in here before ?
Rarity: oh h-havens no just look at it. It's dreadful
A.j: and it ain't natural folks say it doesn't work the same as equestria
Fluttershy: what is that suppose to mean ?
Rainbow dash: no pony knows
Rarity, fluttershy, pinkie pie:* look at rainbow dash *
Rainbow dash: cause every pony who's ever come in has no never come...out! * As the ground breaks below them as her and fluttershy use their wings to keep them in the air * fluttershy quick!
Fluttershy: oh, my goodness
As they mange to grab rarity and pinkie as apple jack grabs a root
As twilight was sliding to her death along with infinite twilight mange to grab the edge but infinite on the other hand slide off
A.j:* let's go of the root * I'm ma coming * as she slides to twilight and grabs her hoofs *
Twilight: apple jack what I'm I suppose to do
A.j:* looks up then back down at her * let go
Twilight: are you crazy?!
A.j: no I ain't I promise you'll be safe
Twilight: that's not true
A.j: now listen here what I'm saying to you is the honest truth let go and you'll be safe
Twilight:* looks at her for a couple seconds then let's go as she fell off then started screaming as she stop and look as rainbow dash and fluttershy catch her * phew
Fluttershy: sorry girl I'm just use holding a bunny or two
Twilight:* looks at apple jack *
A.j:* jumping down safely *
Twilight: wait where infinite !
Pinkie pie:* giggles * don't worry he landed In the water and I pulled him out
Infinite:* on the ground wet *
As purple mist show up looking at them before flying off to a shadow creature as sounds of growling was heard
* Time skip *
Rainbow dash: and once pinkie and rarity were safe-- woah -- me and fluttershy loop-the-around and - wham - caught you right in the nick of time
Twilight: yes rainbow I was there and I'm very grateful but we got to * gasp * a manticore
Manticore:* growls *
Twilight: we got to get past him
Rarity:* dodges and kicks him the face * take that you ruffian!
Manticore:* roars in her face *
Rarity: my hair !* Runs *
Fluttershy: wait
Manticore:* chases her but feels something on him as he looks up *
A.j: yee-haw get along little foggy
As the manticore trys to shake her off
Fluttershy: wait
Manticore:* throws her off and roars *
A.j: woah * as past rainbow dash who was flying * all yours partner * as she lands where you are where" power " is as she blushed madly *
Rainbow dash: I'm on it * as she dash past fluttershy *
Fluttershy: wait !
Rainbow dash:* begins to fly cycles around it *
Manticore:* slaps her with it's tail *
Twilight: rainbow !* As she got mad as her a.j, rarity, pinkie pie, rush the manticore *
Fluttershy:* gets between them * wait !!!! * She flys over to the manticore *
Manticore:* about to hit her but doesn't as he see her touching his paw as he shows the thorn in its paw *
Fluttershy: oh you poor, poor little baby
Rainbow dash: little?
Fluttershy: now this might hurt for just a second* as pulls it out *
Manticore:" grabs her and roars in her face *
All but infinite: fluttershy !
Manticore:* licking her *
Fluttershy:* laughs * oh you're just a little old kitty aren't you? Yes you are yes you are
As the others tort past them
Twilight:* stops and looks at her * how did you know about the thorn?
Fluttershy: I didn't sometimes we all need just to be shown a little kindness
As the thorn being turning as it turns into the purple mist as it followed them
* Timeskip *
Rarity: my eyes need a rest from all this icky muck
As they all walk I to a deep part of the forest
Rarity: I didn't mean It literally
Twilight: that ancient ruins could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn't even know it
As the Purple mist surrounded a tree and go inside of it
A.j: I think I stepped in something
Fluttershy:* screams *
A.j: it's just mud* as she turns her head * ahh!
As all the trees had monster faces
Twilight, rainbow, rarity, a.j, fluttershy:* screams *
Pinkie pie:* laughs as she started making funny faces at the trees *
Twilight: what are you doing run !
Pinkie pie: oh girls don't you see
( Yeah this time I'm not putting lyrics )
Mane six:* laughing *
As they were all laughing until they got stop by a river
Pinkie pie: how are we going to get across
???:* Sobbing *
Pinkie pie: huh ?
As they all look out the bush as they saw a monster with hair and a mustache sobbing
Twilight: excuse me sir why are you crying
Monster: well I don't know I was just sitting here minding my own business when a tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my mustache clean off and now I look simply horrid!* Sobbing as he falls into the water as the water hits them *
Rainbow dash: you got to be kidding me
A.j: that's what's the fuss is about
Rarity: why of course it is how can you be so insensitive? Oh just look at him such lovely luminescent scales
Monster:* sniff * I know
Rarity: and your expertly coiffed mane
Monster: oh I know I know
Rarity: your fabulous manicure
Monster:* gasp * it's so true
Rarity: all ruined without your beautiful mustache
Monster: it's true! I'm hideous!
Rarity: I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulously go uncorrected* pulls one of his scales off *
Monster: ow! what did you do that for ?
Twilight: rarity what are you-* gos shocked so does the others*
Monster: oohhh!* Falls down *
Rarity:* throws the scale away as she use her magic to make him and now mustache *
Monster: my mustache! How wonderful!
Rarity: you look smashing
Twilight: oh rarity your beautiful tail
Rarity: oh it's fine dear short tails are in this season besides it will grow back
Rainbow: so would the mustache
Twilight: we can cross now
Monster: allow me
Twilight: there is is the ruin that holds the elements of harmony we made it * runs "
A.j: twilight wait for us
Twilight: were almost there whoa !* Falls down as she try to stay up but the bridge was out *
Rainbow dash:* pulls her back * what's with you and falling off cliffs today
Pinkie:* sighs * now what
Rainbow: duh * flaps her wings and flys down and grabs the rope of the bridge and flys up to the other side
Female voice:* echoing " rainbow
Rainbow: who's there
Female voice: rainbow
Rainbow: I ain't scared of you show yourself
Female voice: we've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in equestria
Rainbow: who?
Female voice: why you of course
Rainbow: really I mean oh yeah me hey uh you wouldn't mind telling the wonderbolts that would you? Yeah cause I been trying to get into that group for like ever
Female voice: no rainbow dash we want you to join us * comes running out with two other points * the shadowbolts were the greatest aerial team in the everfree forest and soon we will be the greatest in all equestria but first we need a captain
Rainbow:* smiles *
Shadowbolt: the most magnificent
Rainbow: yep
Shadowbolt: swiftest
Rainbow: yes
Shadowbolt: bravest flyer in the land
Rainbow: yes it's all true
Shadowbolt: we need* whisper in her ear * you
Rainbow:* flys up * whoo-hoo sign me up just let me the this bridge real quick and then we have a deal
Shadowbolt: no it's them or us
Twilight: rainbow what taking so long oh no rainbow ! Don't listen to them
Rainbow:* thinking *
Shadowbolt: well?
Rainbow: you
Shadowbolt:* smiles *
Rainbow: thank you for the offer I mean* ties the bridge * but I'm afraid I have to say no* flys back to the others *
Shadowbolt:* gets made and turns into the purple mist *
Twilight: good job rainbow
Rainbow: see? Id never leave my friends hanging
Location: inside the ruin
All: woah
A.j:* puts infinite down * come on twilight this what you've been waiting for
Twilight: the elements of harmony we found them
As rainbow and fluttershy carefully grab the stone balls and fly them down
Pinkie: one two three four five there only five
Rainbow: where the sixth ?
Twilight: the book said when the five are present a spark will cause the sixth element to be revealed
A.j: what in the hay I that supposed to mean?
Twilight: I'm not sure but I have an idea stand back I done know what will happen* starts using her magic *
A.j: come on y'all she need concentration
As the purple mist shows up again and flys past her and takes the elements
Twilight:* looks * ah !
The others: twilight!
Twilight: the elements!
As the purple mist and the elements disappear and twilight disappear
The others: where did she go
A.j: twilight where are you
Rarity: look!
As there was a tower with lights coming out of it
A.j: come on !* As they all run *
Location: tower
Twilight:* coughs and looks up and gasp *
Nightmare moon:* laughs with the elements around her and infinite *
Twilight:* gasp and gets into a charge stance *
Nightmare moon: you're kidding right
Twilight:* runs at her *
As nightmare does the same
Twilight:* use her magic to teleport to where the elements are * just one spark come on come on
Nightmare moon:* teleports ins front of her and zaps her *
Twilight:ahhh * gets sent back *
As the elements where sparking
Nightmare moon: no no
As the elements didn't do anything
Twilight:* gasp * but where the sixth element
Nightmare moon:* laughs as she stomps the ground shattering the elements *
Twilight:* in shock *
Nightmare moon: you little fool! Thinking you could defeat me now you will never see your princess or your sun the night will last forever* laughs *
Twilight:* hears voices as she looks to see shadows coming from the stair ways as she gaps * you think you can destroy the elements of harmony just like that well your wrong because the Spirits of the elements of harmony are right here * as the other were right behind her *
As the shattered remains of the elements float up
Nightmare moon: what?
Twilight: applejack who reassured me when I was in doubt represents the spirt of honesty
Twilight: fluttershy who tamed the manticore with her compassion represents the spirt of kindness
Twilight: pinkie pie who banished feat by giggling in the face of danger represents the spirt of laughter
Twilight: rarity who calmed a sorrowful sperent with a meaningful gift represents the spirt of generosity
Twilight: and rainbow dash who could have not abandon her friends for her own heart desire represents the spirt of loyalty
Twilight: the spirt of thes five ponies got us through every challenge you threw at us
Nightmare moon: you still don't have the sixth element the spark didn't work
Twilight: but I did a different kind of spark I felt it the very moment I realized how happy I was to hear you to see you how I cared about you the spark ignited inside me when I realized that you all are my friends
Infinite:* opens his eye with a smirk *{ in mind }{ took you long enough I believe in you twilight I had faith }
As the sounds of the sixth element appears and floats down above her head
Twilight: you see nightmare moon when those elements are ignited by the spark that resides in the heart of us all it creates the sixth element of magic .
( this was the best pic I could find of them wearing the elements plus I'm not doing the transformation)
As they all power went at nightmare moon
Infinite:* grabs her and holds her in place * this is pay back for shooting me in the chest !
Nightmare moon: nooooooo!
As the rainbow energy flys around infinite and nightmare moon
* a couple seconds later *
Mane six on the ground
Rainbow:* groans * my head
A.j: is everypoony ok ?
Rarity: oh thank goodness!
Fluttershy: why rarity it's so lovely
Rarity: I Kno I'll never part with it again
Fluttershy: no your necklace it just looks like your cutie mark
Rarity: what huh so does yours
Fluttershy:* looks down gasp *
Pinkie pie: look at mine ! Look at mine !
Rainbow dash: aw yeah !
A.j: her twilight I thought you were just spouting a lot of hooey but I reckon we really do represent the elements of friendship
????: indeed you do
As the sun comes up
As a bright light shows up before vanishing showing a pony with rainbow hair
Pinkie, a.j, rarity, rainbow, fluttershy:* bow down *
Twilight:* gasp * princess Celestia* runs up and hugs her *
P. Celestia: twilight sparkle my Faithful student* hugs back * we knew you could do it
Twilight: but you told me it was all and old pony tale wait we
Infinite:* limps over * yes we I would bow Celestia but I'm still recovering
P.Celestia:* smiles * it quite fine infinite
Twilight: wait infinite you knew about this
Infinite: yes twilight I did but when she told me about this I knew I had to think of a plan so when I did I told Celestia about it she agreed
P.Celestia: I told you that you need to make some friends nothing more I saw the signs of nightmare moons return and I knew you who had the magic inside to defeat her but you could unleash it until you let true friendship into your heart
Twilight:* looks over at the others *
Celestia: now if only another will as well princess luna
Princess luna:* wakes up * huh
Celestia:* walks over * It's been a thousands year since I seen you like this time to put out differences behind us we are meant to rule together little sister
Mane six: sister
Celestia: will you accept my friendship
Luna:* gets up and runs over to her * I'm so sorry! I missed you so much big sister* crying *
Celestia: I miss you to* crying *
Pinkie:* blows nose and starts sobbing * hey you know what this call for? A party!
As a bunch of ponys were celebrating the return of the princesses
Luna: hey infinite my sis talk to you in private
Infinite:* has a crunch * sure
Celestia: ah infinite
Infinite: Celestia
Celestia: I want to thank you for help save my sister
Infinite: me save I didn't do anything I was paralyzed the entire way
Celestia: I Know but you help so much during the way you didn't see it now I want to give you a reward for saving her
Infinite: dont-* as mask gets taken off by Celestia magic and gets pull to her *
Celestia:* kisses him *
Infinite:* blushes*
Celestia:* pulls away * thanks again for saving her
Infinite:* quickly puts his mask back on * y-yeah no problem
Twilight:* ears go down *
Celestia: why so glum my Faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in canterlot?
Twilight: that just it just when I learn about how wonderful it is to have friends I have to leave them
Celestia: spike take a note please I princesses Celestia hereby decree that the unicorn twilight sparkle shall take a new mission for equestria she must continue to study the magic of friendship she must report to me her findings from her new home in ponyville
The others:* walk up * this is great
Twilight: oh thank you princess Celestia I'll study harder than before
Everypony: cheering *
Word count: 3,043
Welp rip my sanity if your wondering that he was gonna to become a element he was but I check other people story's they practically do so I didn't want to copy them so here it is again I think I lost a bit of sanity writing this
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