meeting the princess, the twilight and the dragon
3rd pov
Infinite:* wakes up * huh were is this
* Crying in the distance *
Infinite: someone's crying I better check it out * fly's to were the crying is coming from *
????:* Crying *
( Sorry it's the only pic that I can find )
Infinite: excuse me Ms
????:* Stops crying then looks at you * w-who * sniff * are you how did you get here
Infinite: well you see Ms I kinda woke up here plus my name is infinite yours ?
????: I'm princess Luna
Infinite: oh a princess * bows *
Princess Luna: infinite you don't have to bow
Infinite: but your a princess
Princess Luna: you don't have to
Infinite:* nods *
* Suddenly their was a shake *
Infinite: huh what was that
Princess luna: oh no she's here
Infinite: who
Princess Luna: night mare moon
??????: Now Luna are you ready to talk !
Infinite:* looks at nightmare moon * look I don't know who you think you are but you do not come near her
Nightmare moon: hm I not sure how you got here but kneel and become my servent and who know if you play your cards right I just might make you my king
Infinite: no I don't like evil insane ponys
Nightmare moon: you dare insult your queen I'll make you pay !* Shoots a beam at you *
Infinite:* use the phantom ruby to make a blast then looks at Luna * Luna I promise I free you from her
Princess luna: promise
Infinite: promise
* As there a explodion *
3 pov realty -
Infinite:* wakes up and hears a knock on the door * coming !* Gets out of bed and fix it then fly's down then stops then opens the door * yes
Mayor mare: morning infinite sleep well
Infinite: yeah I did
Mayor mare: that's good we have a pony coming in from canterlot ( sorry if I miss spelled that )I would you like to show her around
Infinite:* nods* is that all
Mayor mare: yep that's it have a good day infinite * walks off *
Infinite:* close the door * so a pony is coming from this canterlot place well I better head to the train station * opens the door then close it behind him after walks to the train station *
????: Come on twilight
????: Spike you know we are only here to get the
A/n: yes I know that they come on the chariot but not in this book
Infinite: that must be them * walks up * excuse me but you be here for the summer sun celebration
????: Yeah that would be us
Infinite: great my name is infinite
Spike: my name is Spike this twilight sparkle
Twilight sparkle:* looks at Spike *
Infinite: well I'm here to show you around
Spike: that would be awesome
Twilight sparkle: yeah that would be great infinite
Infinite: don't mention it follow me we need to get food for the party I know just the place * starts walking to sweet Apple Acer's *
Twilight sparkle:* looks at Spike * next time Let me say my name
Spike: oh sorry twilight hehe * runs to catch up *
Twilight sparkle:* follows *
* Time skip to sweet apple Acer's *
Spike: summer sun celebration official overseer's checklist number one banquet prepartions
Sweet apple Acer's
Infinite: you seriously have a checklist
Twilight sparkle: I like to keep things in order
Spike: she does
Applejack: yee-haw * running stops in front on a tree and bucks it *
* As apples fall down into baskets under the tree *
Infinite:* walks up * hey aj
Apple Jack: oh heya infinite what brings you here
Infinite: i need to help them with the summer sun celebration * points to Spike and twilight *
Apple Jack:* nods *
Twilight:* sighs * let's get this over with * walks up to apple Jack * good afternoon my name is twilight sparkle
* Crunch *
Apple Jack:* shaking twilight hoof * well howdy-do Ms twilight a pleasure to meet your acquaintance I'm apple Jack we here at sweet apple acres sure like meeting new friends
Twilight: friends ? Actually I uh ...
Apple Jack:* stops shaking her hoof * so what can I do you for ?
Twilight:* still shaking her hoof *
Spike:* stops it then laughs quietly *
Infinite:* chuckles *
Twilight:* clears throat * well i am in fact here to supervise preparations for the summer sun celebration and your in charge of the food ?
Apple Jack: we sure as auger are would you care to sample some * zips away *
Twilight: well as long it doesn't take to long
Apple Jack:* ringing that triangle * soups on everypony !
Infinite:* looks to see a stamped of ponys running to them then flys in the air not to get hit *
Twilight and Spike:* look only to get run over by ponys but apper in front of a table *
Infinite:* floats down *
Apple Jack: now why don't I introduce y'all to the apple family
Twilight sparkle: thanks but I really need to hurry
Apple Jack: this here's apple fritter,apple bumpkin,red cala,red delicious, golden delicious,caramel apple,apple strudel * rambles on then takes a deep breath * big mcintosh,apple Bloom and ... Granny Smith
Granny Smith:* napping in a rocking chair *
Apple jack: up and at em granny Smith
Granny Smith:* snoring
Apple Jack: we got guess
Granny Smith:* snorts * what ? Soups on I'm uh I'm coming I'm coming
Apple Jack:* puts her hoof on twilight back * why, I'd say they're already part of the family
Twilight:* spits out a apple that apple Jack put in her mouth * bleh ! * fake Chuckles * okay well I can see the food situation is handled so well be on our way
Apple bloom: aren't you gonna stay for brunch
Twilight:* looks at apple bloom *
Apple bloom:* giving a sad face *
Twilight:* hurt emotional * sorry but we have an awful lot to do
Everypony but infinite,Spike, twilight: aww
Twilight: fine
Infinite face behind the mask:
* Processing *
* Time skip *
Spike:* walking while checking off the list * foods all taken care of next us weather * looks to twilight and infinite *
Infinite:* walking *
Twilight:* groans as her belly was full * I ate to much pie
Spike: is there supposed to be a Pegasus pony name rainbow dash in the clouds
Infinite:* looks around for he doesn't get hit again
Twilight: well she's not doing a very good job is she
Infinite: three two one * points *
rainbow dash:* Rams into twilight *
Rainbow & twilight:* in mud *
Rainbow dash:* gets up and looks at twilight then chuckles * uh excuse me * chuckles * let me help you * flys off *
Infinite:* sighs * she need to slow down
Twilight:* gets up *
Rainbow dash:* brings a rain cloud then gets on it then starts jumping on it *
Twilight:* mane and tail are all wet *
Rainbow dash:* laughs * oops I guess I overdid it um uh how about this * starts creating a tornado around twilight * my very own patented rainblow dry no no don't thank me * Flay's down then lands after looks at twilight *
Twilight:* mane and tail is mess up *
Rainbow dash:* holding in the laugh with tears in her eyes but fails then laughs while falling into the ground *
Infinite:* walks up to twilight * you ok
Twilight: yeah * annoyed *
Spike:* walks up then starts laughing *
Twilight: let me guess your rainbow dash
Rainbow dash:* stops laughing then gets up * the one and only * then starts flying * why you heard of me
Twilight: I heard you're supposed to be keeping the sky clear * sighs * I'm twilight sparkle and the princess sent me to check on the weather
Rainbow dash:* on a cloud relaxing * yeah yeah that'll be a snap I'll do it in a jiffy just as soon am im done practicing
Twilight:* about to say something else but feels something on her back look to see infinite *
Infinite:* shakes head * she will do it but for now we should go but they would never accept her into the wonderblots
Rainbow dash:* looks at infinite * and why won't they
Twilight:* smirks knowing what your doing *
Infinite: a pegasus who can't even keep the sky clear for one measly day
Rainbow dash:* flys down and gets in your face * hey i could clear this sky in ten seconds flat !
Infinite: prove it
Rainbow dash:* flys off and starts hitting clouds making them disappear at a high speed then comes back * what'd I say then second flat is never leave ponyville hanging
Twilight & Spike:* shock *
Rainbow dash:* looks at twilight and Spike * ha your should see the look on their faces ha your a laugh twilight sparkle I can't wait to hang out some more
Spike: wow she's amazing * then starts playing with twilight mane *
Infinite & twilight:* walk off *
Spike: hey it's kind of pretty once you get use to it !
* Back at sweet apple Acer's *
Granny Smith: you know something that boy is really something
Big Mac: yup
Granny Smith: you know you should be his girlfriend apple Jack
Apple Jack:* blushes * granny Smith !
* Back with twilight, infinite,Spike *
Spike: decorations
* As everyone looks at the decorations *
Spike: beautiful
Twilight: yes
Infinite: no doubt about it
Twilight: the decor is coming along nicely this ought to be quick I'll be at the library in no time beautiful indeed
Infinite: same to you twilight
Twilight:* blushes * oh thanks
Spike: not the decor * points to rarity * her
Rarity:* using her magic to bring ribbon to her * no no no
* Cuts to Spike with hearts in his eyes *
Rarity: oh goodness no
Spike:* making sure his spikes are good * how are my spikes ?are they straight ?
Infinite: is a dragon even aloud to date a pony ?
Twilight:* rolls her eyes then walks up to rarity* good afternoon
Rarity:* looks at twilight * just a moment please I'm in the zone as it were oh yes ! * Finish doing a bow with her magic * sparkle always does the trick does it not ? Why rarity you are a talent * turns to look at twilight * now I'm how can I help you ahhh-ah-ha
* Cuts to twilight looking at her with her mane and tail mess up *
Rarity: oh my stars darling ! What ever happened to your coiffure ?
Infinite: coiffure ?
Twilight: oh you mean my mane ? Well it's a long story I'm just here to check on the decorations and then I'll be out of your hair
Rarity: out of my hair ? What about your hair * runs up to twilight then starts pushing her *
Twilight: wait were are we going hel !
Spike:* follows with heart in his eyes *
Infinite:* shakes head and follows *
* Time skip *
rarity: no no unh-unh
* Cuts to twilight having different clothes on *
Rarity: to green,to yellow, to poofy,not poofy enough,to frilly, to shiny, now go on my dear you were telling me where you from * starts pulling on some strings to twilight dress *
Twilight: I.....been sent ... From canterlot to..
Rarity:* leats go * huh
* As both get sent flying *
Rating: canterlot ?! Oh I am so envious,the glamour,the sophistication I've always dream of living there I can't wait to hear all about it
Infinite: sorry rarity but we have stuff to do
Rarity: infinite Dearing I forgot to get you some to wear
Infinite: hey don- woah !* Gets pick up by magic *
* A little time skip cuts to infinite having different tuxedos on *
Rarity: no no to flashy,to shiny, to sexy,to handsome, to bad boy' just right !
Infinite:* has a tux on *
A/n: thank you follower who sent me this even though it may not be a tux but it will work
Infinite:* takes the tux off * look rarity I know that you have a lot for us to try on but we got stuff to do
Rarity:* nods *
* As infinite, twilight,Spike walk out *
Rarity:* looks around then use her magic to pick up underwear that she some how put on you the last minute then gos up starts to her room *
A/n: you can guess what happens from there
Spike:* sighs * wasn't she wonderful
Infinite: uh Spike I don't think you and her can date
Twilight: focus you two what's next on the list
Infinite: sorry twilight but that all we have for this chapter
Twilight: What do you mean chapter ?
A/n: damnit anyway I hope you guys enjoy this chapter
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