Chapter 37 - "Am I still your Wise Ole Sage then?"
Courtney didn't breathe. In fact, she'd decided that breathing was overrated. It was also pointless to breathe when she wasn't moving, couldn't move, her body frozen with tension.
But in a breath, she decided to breathe after all. She turned from a statue to a firework, exploding from her seat and screaming as Aiden twisted out of the reach of a linebacker and dove into the end zone.
Around her, the stands were filled with fireworks instead of people, their excitement as explosive as Courtney's. On the sidelines, the cheerleaders were firecrackers, their pompoms sparks in the air. Courtney turned to Miguel and they both screamed in each other's faces then at the field.
Courtney faced Micah and found him cheering as well. She hopped on her good foot and grabbed his arms. He laughed and Courtney threw her arms around his neck. When he hugged her back, Courtney kissed him.
"I think I understand why people like football," Micah said, grinning.
"Because it was a great game or because a cute cheerleader kissed you?"
"Can it be both?"
"As long as I'm the only cheerleader kissing you."
Micah blushed and Courtney broke away from him, cheering again, needing somewhere for her excitement to go. On the field, the team surrounded Aiden and hoisted him onto their shoulders. The squad joined in, encircling the team. Courtney moved to join the mob but remembered she stood on the bleachers, not the sidelines.
No matter. Next week she'd be on the sidelines. Next week she could be back in uniform. For now, she'd be one of the fireworks in the stands. Besides, how often did someone get the chance to be a firework? Very rarely, if at all; she needed to remember this moment.
"What?" Courtney asked Micah, catching him staring at her.
He shook his head, looked down at the ground, then back at her.
"I can see why you and my brother are such good friends," he said.
Courtney smiled. When he said that statement Micah didn't sound small. A completely nonsensical thought but it made sense to her. When Micah talked about Denzel before he sounded...well like a little brother, not the Micah she knew. But now he sounded like himself.
"Because we love football?" she asked.
"No," he said. "Because when you love something, you love it in a way that makes everyone else want to love it."
"You love football now?" she teased.
"I think because of you I finally understand my brother."
Courtney kissed Micah lightly. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For coming with me."
"I thought I drove you here?"
Courtney shoved his shoulder and Micah laughed. Which she hoped he never stopped doing around her because it was one of the best sounds.
"And you drove me here so can we please leave now?" Miguel said. "I've put in my allotted time of being normal. I'd like to revert to my former self now."
Both Courtney and Micah looked at Miguel sitting on the bleacher.
"Forgot I was here, didn't you?" Miguel said. "You should know I've been ignoring your soppy moment."
"For that," Courtney said. "I feel like making you walk home in those new loafers of yours."
"Oh yes, because I don't possess this thing called a phone and an Uber account."
"Great! Enjoy making conversation with a stranger. Let's go, Micah," Courtney said, walking towards the bleacher stairs.
As they joined the crowd, Courtney was a sparkler. Yes, this was different from her previous state of being a firework. A firework had a bright display but died out. Now she sparked and flashed constantly set off by the excited energy from people around her that called out to her. At her current rate, she figured she could be labeled a pyrotechnic. But was she a pyrotechnic if she was the thing that burned instead of the one burning? A question for the philosophers. Or not, who cares!
"What are you smiling at?" Courtney asked Micah.
Okay, not a question for the philosophers since he was smiling at her. Not a strange event but his smile was amused.
"This will sound weird," Micah said. "But...well... usually you're like sunshine but right now...uh you remind me of a sparkler."
Courtney laughed. He understood her. More than that he know her state could change. Boy, if you don't stop I'm in serious danger of falling hard for you.
"That's weird to say," Micah said.
Courtney spun around and walked backward. "Not at all. You get me."
Micah beamed but rushed forward as Courtney bumped into someone. He caught her arms and kept her steady. Kept her steady, what a comforting thought.
"Careful of your ankle," Micah said.
"With how I feel right now I could fly home," Courtney said.
"Just don't leave me behind, Wendy."
"Never. You're my Peter Pan."
"I think I prefer being the Idiot instead."
"Am I still your Wise Ole Sage then?"
"That's one of many things you are to me."
Nope! He's not allowed to look that cute and say things that smoothly. Where did my awkward Micah go? And do I want him back? I don't know, but this Micah might set my heart on fire. Then which one of us would be the pyrotechnist?
Oh had I forgotten how to breathe again? Gotta stop doing that. This could lead to some deadly consequences.
"You're going to Ted's party, right?"
Country nodded and waved in acknowledgment to the shouter. Oh, thank goodness, a moment to get the fire department to my heart.
"Do you still want to go?" Courtney asked.
Micah nodded. "You made me enjoy a football game, I have a feeling you'll have the same effect on me with a party."
Sure, if she survived the journey there. Holy smokes he needed to stop being so perfect, she'd go up in flames sooner or later. Again with the pyrotechnic theme, she needed to think of something less flammable.
By the time they reached Micah's car, Courtney had reverted to a more stable state. She still felt the glow from the team winning but she wasn't likely to spontaneously combust, which seemed a possibility with her reactive state.
As she opened the door, Miguel appeared and climbed into the backseat. He buckled up and laid down on the bench.
"I'm not paying for an Uber," he said, draping one arm over his eyes.
Clearly the screaming, normal teenager had left his body and the old man had returned. At least that was a more stable transition of forms than Courtney's explosive phases.
"Admit it," Courtney said. "You didn't want to have to make small talk."
"I can make small talk with anyone," Miguel said. "I'm an expert at saying nothing for hours on end."
"I'm shocked you'd admit that. But I know from experience, you spout nonsense all the time."
Miguel lowered his arm to give Courtney the full force of his glare. She quickly counteracted it with a dazzling smile. Micah chuckled and the back of his head received one of Miguel's piercing stares. But since Micah, unlike parents, was not gifted with eyes in the back of his head, he wasn't withered by the look.
As Courtney explained to Micah where to go, she sent off a text.
"Never mind," Courtney said, reading the response. "We need to stop by the grocery store. Ted's mom says they could use ice."
"You text with Ted's mom?" Micah asked.
"Micah," Miguel said dully, his arm once again covering his eyes. "Have you not realized yet that Courtney knows everyone."
"I didn't know it extended to texting parents."
Courtney shrugged. "We've worked on a lot of football and cheer fundraisers together. Here, turn right here. There's a convenience store."
After the brief stop, Micah pulled into a street already packed with cars lining the sidewalk. Lights flooded the street from Ted's house and the noise of hyper teenagers could already be heard. Miguel raised himself onto his elbow and looked towards the house with a disgusted frown.
"Why am I here?" he asked.
"I believe it's because you didn't want to pay for an Uber and didn't jump out of the car at the convenience store or even as we were driving," Courtney said.
"I knew not making any bad decisions in my life until this point was going to come back and bite me." He dropped back down on the seat. "I'm not going in."
"Suit yourself," Courtney said, stepping out of the car.
Micah grabbed the two bags of ice and joined her on the sidewalk.
"Is he going to stay there?" Micah asked as they headed towards the warmth of food and friendship.
"Most likely," Courtney said.
As they cut up the driveway to Ted's house, Kimber jogged up and joined them.
"I thought I spotted Miguel with you at the game?" she asked. She glanced around as if Miguel was merely sticking to the shadows. He wasn't but that did sound like something he'd do. "Did he go home?"
"No, he's sulking in the back of Micah's Jeep," Courtney said. "I suggest asking him if he's read any good books lately."
Kimber winked and turned away. "I'm an avid reader, don't you know."
Courtney paused with her hand on the door handle, looking at Micah. "Are you ready?"
What could be expected to be inside was normal for Courtney, but with the way Micah had been looking big bunny-eyed at the game, a constant onslaught of people was not for him. The life of a cheerleader was not for the faint of heart. Hopefully, Micah's heart won't faint.
"Yeah," Micah said.
The bobbing head nod could use some work to be more convincing but it's now or never. Okay, more like now or later since this wasn't likely to be a one-time thing.
Courtney opened the door and stepped inside. The noise wasn't deafening, but it was definitely an acquired taste type of volume. To Courtney, the sound was a fuse to her smile.
A pair of arms latched around Courtney before she even registered the face.
"Where have you been?"
Courtney laughed. "Lizzie, we've seen each other every day this week at school. I haven't been a hermit."
Lizzie waved this way. "You know what I mean, last week you weren't at the game, and let's face it, it was not the same without you."
"The team won."
"Yes," Lizzie said. "But you know what I mean. Oh! Who is this?"
"Lizzie, this is Micah."
"Hi!" Lizzie said.
"You look familiar. Wait! You're Denzel's brother."
Courtney nodded and gestured to Micah. "Yes, Micah."
"Micah," Lizzie repeated. "Got it. It's good to have you back, Cory."
As Lizzie bounced away, Courtney tried to steer Micah further into the house, mainly towards the kitchen, the ice need to be saved.
"Cory! Your ankle is better."
"Almost! Can you tell I'm walking on clouds?" Courtney asked.
Thinking about it made sense since earlier she had taken up residence on Cloud Nine. Though what their policy on a pyrotechnic living in a vaborious environment was, she wasn't entirely sure. Honestly, this metaphor had gotten out of hand.
She felt like herself. That was the heart of the metaphor. She might still walk with a brace but for the first time in weeks, she felt like she wasn't completely lost.
"Cory! Cory! Cory!"
"Marco! Marco! Marco!"
"You saw, didn't you?"
"An interception that could go down in the history books and one that made your father scream in Spanish. Nope, I think I missed it."
Marco laughed. "I think I heard him too. It's a good season."
"Don't get cocky, kid. You still have the rest of the season to work hard for"
Grinning, Marco grasped Courtney's shoulders. "This is why I keep you around."
"Of course, your big head would carry you away without me."
Marco left them with a final grin and Courtney continued with the endeavor to make it to the kitchen without creating a river of melted ice on the way. She reached out and grabbed Kyle's arm as he walked past, holding his gaze.
"Hey," she said, seriously. "It was one mistake. You can make it up in the next game. Don't let it get into your head, okay?"
"Really? Because someone told me you yelled at me for my mistake."
"Yes but I've yelled at you before and it's never affected you, why start now? What matters is that you won. Let it go and move on. There's always next week." She gripped his arm tighter. "Okay?"
Kyle nodded once. When Courtney let go, he walked away, still with the air of self-frustration. She'd have to let Aiden know to talk with him. Kyle might be a goof-off in general but football remained the one aspect in which he put in the effort.
Now. Onward ho!
"I said leave me alone, Brit. Seriously, I've had it with you tonight."
Courtney let out a sigh as she watched Jason storm away from his girlfriend. As Brit went to chase after him, Courtney cut into her path.
"Brit, girl," she said. "Power bar, Gatorade. You know how he gets after a game and doesn't eat. It's not about you, you know this."
Brit smacked her forehead and spun away. "Why do I always forget this!"
Courtney turned to Micah. "He gets hangry and she gets forgetful. Not sure how they've managed to be together for two years."
"Courtney, please tell me you aren't doing anything tomorrow. Correction, tell me what you're doing is going with me to buy a Homecoming dress."
"Okay, tomorrow I'm going dress shopping with you, Kiki. Send the word out, I don't think you're the only one who hasn't gotten their dress yet."
Kiki whipped out her phone. "On it! Thank you."
"By the way, Kiki, this is Micah."
Kiki lifted her head and gave Micah a warm smile. "Hi, Micah!"
With a returned 'hey' from him, Kiki continued on her mission.
The kitchen! They'd made it! Victorious, they arrive to the cheers of none, but that wasn't a big deal. They'd made it without destroying the flooring with water stains.
"Courtney, you are such a sweetheart for getting ice," Ted's mother said.
Despite the invasion of teenagers in her house, Ted's mom seemed completely at ease as she moved about the kitchen setting out plates and utensils.
"No problem. Where do you need it?"
"If you're up for it, fill up those two ice chests and put all the sodas into them."
As Courtney poured one bag of ice into the cooler, she glanced at Micah. He was still conscious which was a good sign. It seemed his heart hadn't fainted yet. No wide bunny eyes, another positive.
"How are you doing?" Courtney asked.
The journey to the kitchen had been an ordeal but the night was not even close to being over and that ordeal could possibly look paltry to the rest of the party.
Micah focused on the ice chest, placing soda cans into the bed of ice cubes.
"I realized," he said. "That for the past few weeks, we've been living in a bubble."
Courtney paused with her task. It was true. They'd been interacting in a bubble. A wonderful bubble that only they seemed to live in. Them and his clothes. Occasionally others popped in. Popped in without popping the bubble. A defiance of science that clearly could only exist in Courtney's mind.
But it was true, the last few weeks had felt like it was just them.
But now that bubble had popped and the rest of the world, or rather the rest of Courtney's everyday life, rushed in.
"Do you wish the bubble was back?" Courtney asked, going back to placing sodas in the cooler.
"No," Micah said. "It's not very realistic that it would always be just us. This is your life, your friends. But since I'm getting to know them tonight if you wanted to... If you wanted, you could come with me to Damon's birthday party tomorrow."
"Would he be okay with me intruding?"
Micah smiled at her. "Courtney, I don't think anyone would call you an intrusion."
Stop it, smile. That wasn't even the cutest thing he'd said before. You're going to break my cheeks if you keep doing this to me.
"Okay." Courtney placed the last of the soda cans into their ice bath and stood up. "Ow!"
She stumbled and Micah jumped to his feet, reaching out to her. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
She held up her hands. "All good. I forgot I haven't crouched in a long time. My ankle disagreed."
Micah bent over, inspecting her ankle. "But you're okay? It's not hurt again?"
Even if it's hurting this cuteness might just be making it feel better.
"Stand up," Courtney said. "Unless you plan to propose to me here and now."
Flushing, Micah straightened but Courtney only grinned at him.
"I see. One word of commitment and you're rethinking everything."
Despite his still bright red cheeks, Micah didn't back down from her teasing look. "Technically, we haven't even put a label on this so I think fiancé would be a big leap."
"True. Does boyfriend sound doable to you?"
Oh boy, I could swim in those brown eyes. Can one swim in a lake of chocolate? Does that sound like a glorious and strange thing? Yes, but an experience that should at least be tried once.
"That sounds doable," Micah said.
Boyfriend. Have at it, heart. Strike up the marching band. Blow the eardrums of every organ closest to you. That doesn't make anatomical sense but I'm a sparkler on cloud Nine, so it seems logical to me.
Oh, was her heart playing the trumpet too loud? Maybe she was going to get a neighborhood complaint.
Jennifer rushed up to Courtney. "Sewing emergency. Come on."
Okay, so her heart could continue its parade. That was reassuring.
"I'll be right back," Courtney said to Micah.
"I know. I'll be here."
Courtney hurried off with Jennifer. As hurried as someone with a braced ankle that was mildly twinging could hurry. It was more like a quick step. She made it up the stairs fine, which was an accomplishment nowadays. Jennifer led Courtney into a bathroom where she found Jessa, a sophomore on the squad, sitting in an oversized bathrobe on the edge of the bathtub. On the sink lay a sundress with a tear along the zipper line.
"Easily fixed," Courtney said, to the dejected Jessa.
Jessa buried her face in her hands. "It was so embarrassing. I don't want to go back out."
"Please, if you could die of embarrassment, I would be six feet under. This is nothing. Jen, go see if Ted's mom has a needle, thread, and scissors." As Jen left, Courtney squeezed Jessa's shoulder. "Hey, don't stress about it. It's one instance and tomorrow no one is going to think about it."
Jessa raised her head, her makeup a little blurry from tears. "Are you sure?"
"I'm your captain, don't you trust me?"
Jessa nodded. Jennifer returned and Courtney settled herself on the edge of the sink, setting to her task.
"This dress is so cute, where did you get it?" she asked.
"Do you know that vintage shop in the mall?"
"Yes. I haven't gone in yet. Do you like the clothes?"
Jessa perked up. That's it Jessa, cheer up. It will be okay.
As Courtney made quick work of the tear, Jessa talked about the items she'd bought, encouraged by Courtney's positive responses. By the time the dress was repaired, Jessa seemed to have forgotten her fear of embarrassment.
"Put this on and we'll touch up your makeup."
Jennifer acted as assistant as Courtney reapplied Jessa's makeup.
"You know," Courtney said. "I think this dress is perfect for approaching Angelo."
Jessa blushed to the top of her head. "What? No. He's a junior. I can't talk to him."
"I'm going to tell you something," Courtney said. "Angelo is so shy he wouldn't talk to a girl unless it was written in a playbook and he was told to do it by his captain. But if you say hi first, it might just help nudge him."
"You think so?"
"I know so. This dress can't go to waste, use it."
Biting her lip in excitement, Jessa left the bathroom.
"Thanks for fixing that," Jennifer said. "She was a bit of a mess."
"No worries."
"I'll go return these."
As Jennifer left, Courtney searched the medicine cabinet for aspirin. She didn't need much, one tablet should be fine. No need for crutches, it's fine. Just something to stop the minor ache. It's fine. It's a big night for us both. Back in the world. Back to being normal. It's natural for my ankle to be nervous. How can a limb have emotions? Well, how can a heart have emotions?
Courtney found the aspirin and took one tablet. Now back to Micah.
When she exited the bathroom, she found Aiden approaching.
"Hey," she said.
"Everything all right with Jessa?" he asked.
"Yeah. Wardrobe malfunction but all it is taken care of now."
"Dressmaker Cory to the rescue then."
"I mean, not everyone can be a superhero, but if it's a role I must fill then I will be the superhero this city didn't ask for but the one it needs."
Aiden laughed. Oh, that's a good sign.
"You were amazing tonight," Courtney said.
"That final goal. I think I made myself hoarse from screaming so loud. It was crazy."
"It all happened so fast I kind of don't remember it."
"Then make sure to watch the video of it. It's a moment for the books."
"I'll make sure to do that."
"Also talk to Kyle. He seems to be beating himself up a bit. Not that I don't think he could use a knock in the head on occasion this one might affect the team."
"Thanks. I'll talk to him."
Silence settled down between them. Though not awkward, it still held a hint of uncertainty. Aiden looked back down the hallway and then to Courtney.
"Is Micah here with you?" he asked.
"Okay. Cool. Um...well." Aiden pointed to the bathroom. "I came up here to use this."
"Then I'll get out of your way."
Aiden nodded and they slipped past each other. Courtney let out a breath. Could have gone worse. Now back to Micah who most likely needs rescuing from isolation.
But as Courtney descended the stairs and walked back into the main part of the house, she seemed to step into a football game. Only in this strange version of the game, she was the sole running back in possession of the ball trying to get to the end zone and everyone else was linebackers blocking her path.
Had she always been stopped this much before?
She knew she'd been out of the game for a couple of weeks but had there been these many conversations to be pulled into?
And why was it so hard to make it to the goal line?
A goal line that was very cute with curly hair and chocolate eyes. A goal line that hopefully hadn't disappeared.
But when Courtney managed to detach herself from another conversation, she entered the kitchen to find Micah no longer there. The party had risen to a more overwhelming level with the rest of the football team and cheer squad finally arriving.
My goal line has moved. Back into the game.
Courtney wound her way through the house, searching the secluded areas for Micah. She smiled and waved at people but kept moving. She wasn't a running back anymore, nope she was a linebacker and no one was going to stop her from breaking through the line of defense.
When she couldn't find Micah anywhere in the house, Courtney headed out the front door. It was possible he'd found safety in his Jeep with Miguel.
But as Courtney approached the car, she heard voices but neither of them was Micah's.
"No," Miguel said. "People look at Pride and Prejudice and see the cliches that litter every part of romance novels today. What they don't understand is that Pride and Prejudice is where it all originated. You have to understand the brilliance of Jane Austen for creating aspects of stories that still live on."
"That I can understand that," Kimber said. "But I feel like it's still slow and boring."
"Because you aren't getting into the right mindset. You don't read Tale of Two Cities expecting to find the action of a John Grisham novel."
Courtney watched the pair, Miguel lounging in the back seat and Kimber in the passenger seat, twisted around to be able to look at Miguel. An endearing sight but not one that had Micah in it.
Courtney headed back into the party, trying not to worry that her recently declared boyfriend had been swallowed up.
Where did one hide when all the hiding places had already been searched?
But if she found him maybe she could join him in that hiding spot and they could create a bubble again.
Better yet, maybe they could slip away. Playing first running back then linebacker took more out of her than she'd thought.
And it wasn't advisable with her ankle.
Besides, every sparkler died out eventually, right?
Now she simply needed to find the boy who didn't mind her not always being a sparkler and sneak away with him.
"Aubrey," Courtney said, snagging her friend's attention. "Have you seen Micah?"
"Of course," Aubrey said.
She pointed out the living room windows to the poolside and the crowd formed there. Sitting among Lynn, Rosa, more cheerleaders, and a few football players was Micah. Micah, who laughed at something someone said. Micah, not hidden away somewhere but sitting among her friends.
"What?" Aubrey said. "Did you think we wouldn't include him? We found him alone in the kitchen. He's part of your life now, that means he's a part of ours."
Courtney watched as Micah said something and the group around him laughed. She smiled but found her muscles tired with the action. That made sense, they'd been working overtime that night.
"Courtney," Ted's mom called out. "Are you willing to help me make a new batch of potato salad?"
Courtney turned away from the windows. "Of course."
"It's so good to see you walking again. I bet you're happy about life getting back to normal," Ted's mom said.
"Yeah, I am."
But even as she said it, Courtney didn't know if that were true.
Flaming fries!
(That seems a little overcooked if you ask me)
Another party, come and gone. It has been survived once again. No one was stabbed. No hearts were destroyed. Really, the probability of yet another party not having disastrous ending just seems impossible. Especially in a Wattpad book! I mean, we know how these things usually go! How did this break the mold once again!
Go ahead and tell me your thoughts and speculations. Personally, I think it has something to do with the author, but what do I know? I'm just a weird girl sitting on a couch writing this. 💬🗯💭🤪
Random fact: I start writing chapters in my head before I even get to my computer. The other night I was reading A Pirate's Tale ( I wanted to see if it was still readable. Yes, I am my own worst critic) and thought about how to start this chapter. If you know that book then you know the style is vastly different from this one.
But it was funny because in my mind I started this chapter with: The breath had been sucked from the air. Nothing around Courtney seemed to be moving. Tension crackled about her. Courtney sat made of stone.
As you can see that's not Courtney's style and so instantly I had to mentally delete everything and rewrote it starting with: Courtney couldn't breathe. In fact, she'd decided that breathing was overrated.
Definitely more her style.
Anyways I thought it was amusing. Now! Question for you, sabiskuqi (and everyone else): What is a completely random thing you are in love with? Object, subject, anything.
Question back to me from DemiMarvellousWizard: What inspires you to write and keep updating chapters?
Answer: That has a couple layers to it. First, I want to see the book completed. Second, You! The people who love my books. You make me want to keep writing to discover what comes next in the story and share it with you! So thank you for helping me keep going!
(If you are stuck with being unable to finish a story, I would ask: have you mapped your story out? Do you know where it's going? Where it ends? If not, that might be the reason you struggle to complete it.)
Vot, cometariu, Urma (Romanian)
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