I walked into a wooden cabin there were animal furs hanging up everywhere. It gets pretty cold here you will need these. Alonso said handing me some cloches I nodded and went into a small room off to the side to change. The cloches felt much better than my old regs and fit even though I never said what size I was, but I would have to know my size first. I walked out and he turned around. Oh, good they fit, now I better get you to Jaison. Alonso said I had no clue who Jaison was or who any of these people were and why they were being nice to me. I followed Alonso to a slightly bigger cabin this one had no door but a wight sheet for a door. Alonso pulled to sheet aside and walked in he held it open for me I walked in. I will go get him, stay here. Alonso said I nodded and looked around there was a wired-looking bed to my right and three normal beds to my left that were facing the other why they were near two windows. There was a small room in front of me but it was cut off by a half wall. I saw the shadows of two boys and heard them talking they walked in and over to me. Hi, I'm Jaison the healer I heard you washed up on the island. Jaison said I smiled. Amelia. I said he nodded. Could you please sit down on that table? He asked I nodded and sat down. Ok, Alonso can you get me that bucket of water? Jaison said pointing to the bucket by the bed to the far left Alonso nodded and brought Jaison the bucket. Jaison picked up a cloth that was in the bucket and rang it out. I'm going to clean out the cut. He said I nodded and he started to clean out the gash on the side of my head he then took a bandaid and wrapped it up. I have to get going. Animals aren't going to sink themselves. Alonso said walking out. Can I see your wrist? He asked I shrugged and held out my hand he took my hand and looked at my wrist. 626. Jaison said I looked down at my wrist to see 626 written on there in ink. How did that get there? I asked he shrugged. Everyone has one. No clue as to why. He said pulling up his sleeve to show a 610 on his wrist. Ok, Tom will show you will be staying. Jaison said pulling down his sleeve and getting up he held out his head to me. Come on. He said I took his hand and he helped me up.
I followed Tom to a very small wooden cabin. There was a bunk bed on the right which was pined unto the wall and on the left there was a small table that took up a good amount of the room with a chair near it above the table was a window, and that was it just a 4 square foot space was left in the middle of the room. I turned to Tom he smiled. I know it's not that big, but it's the best we can do. We aren't the best at billing. You will have the room to yourself until someone deals washes up. Tom said I nodded he walked to the door putting his left hand on the frame then turned to face me. Watch out for the spiders. Tom said then walked out shutting the door behind him I looked around. The bed was made out of old wood the sheets were old fabric from what looked like boat sails. I looked out the window the sun was blocked by some trees but a little was shining in the room. I climbed up the ladder to the top bunk when I saw a small spider. The spider was really tinny and was orange with blue spots. I tilted my head I had never seen anything like it before. It turned around and bite the space in between my thumb and finger I jumped back and fell off the later hitting my head again. Ow. I said as I got off the floor and brushed myself off I looked at the bite it had two black little bums where the little twerp I mean spider bite me. I then remember Tom saying something about the spiders. He probably knows something about them. I thought and walked out of my room and over to Tom. Hi. He said turning to face me I smiled. What do you need? He asked I held up my hand. I met one of the little spiders. I said the color left his face I didn't have to be a psychic to tell something was wrong. Ok, follow me. He said I started to follow him. We walked past two people who were training with spares as we walked it got a little colder then I looked down there was snow on the ground. Not everywhere but there was snow. What did that spider do? I think I'm seeing stuff. I said he chuckled. No, your not. That is snow. On an island. In summer. He said I nodded. But that spider bite does need to be treated. He said I sighed. Oh, great deadly spiders. I muttered he chuckled. Don't worry. He said then we stopped at a lake that wasn't frozen even though it was snowing. What the? I asked looking up at the gray clouds. Are we even on the same island? I asked he nodded. Yeah, believe it or not. He said looking up. Now you see that weird-looking fruit? He asked I looked down into the water there was an oval-shaped fruit it was the same color as the spider. Yeah. I said looking that the wired fruit. Grab it. He said I looked at him like he was crazy. Go on. He said I shrugged and got down on my knees. The water moved up the rock I was sitting on and the waves started to just splash my knees I put my hand in the water and reach for the wired fruit. I leaned it to grab it, but not before I fell in. I was sinking I tried to swim up but I wasn't going anywhere, but down. I could see the small amount of sunlight disappearing from view with Tom looking down into the water I could hear him screaming before I passed out the cold water making me sink deeper and deeper. My eyes shot open as I coughed up water and gasped. I was on land really wet, but on land. I looked over to my left to see I had the fruit in my hand I then looked up to see Tom smiling at me my head was on his lap. I got it. I said he chuckled. Thought I lost you there for a minute. He said I got up. It will take a lot more than a little water to get rid of me. I said looking down at my hand the black bumps were twice their size. Ok, tough guy let's go you back to the healer. He said I nodded and followed him. I owe you one. I said he nodded.
We walked back to where the two people were training with spares they stopped and looked at us. I just feel in an ice-cold lake I'm not a zombie. I thought well sending the people a glare. We got to the wooden cabin and Jaison looked at us before chuckling. Someone went for an unexpected dip in the lake well trying to get one of the phoenix fruits. Tom said Jaison stopped chuckling and looked at me. How long ago was she bitten? He asked Tom helped me sit down. Thiry minutes ago. He said I was shocked. I was out that long? I asked he nodded. Do you have the fruit? Jaison asked I handed it to him. Thanks. He said then went into the small room and came out a few minutes later with a wooden cup that had a white liquid with black seeds in it. Drink this it will help with that bite. Jaison said I lifted the cup to my mouth and took a sip. It was disgusting. I can't even describe how bad it was not only was the taste enough to make someone want to though themselves off a cliff, but it was really spicy like drinking lava. I forced myself to finch the cup my face when red from the heat and green from the taste. Tom and Jaison chukled. Yeah, it's really bad, but that's the only cure for the spider bites. Tom said I glared at him. Ok, now that it's over with you better get dry you are already blue. Jaison said I looked at my fingers with had gone a light shand of bule. We will be having a fire in a few minutes got to get some new clothes and come join us. Tom said walking I nodded and got up.
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