I had been on the island for a year now. I just had my fifteenth birthday last week everyone else was now sixteen. I walked down the dirt path to Tom's hut. It was clear I couldn't keep Penny hidden in my cabin forever. So I was going to tell him maybe we could use them to help build things. Who knows? I was halfway there when Peter run up to me with a grin. I turned to him. He was holding a basket with some sort of plant in it. I got one of the seeds to grow. I tested it. It's safe to eat. He said with the biggest goofiest smile ever. I chuckled. That's great mouse. I said he looked at me confused. What? He asked I chuckled again. Well, you are small and squicky like a mouse. So, that's your nickname. I said he rolled his eyes. I'm not that jumpy. Peter stated confidently. I smirked as Alonso snuck up behind him. Boo! Alonso yelled Peter screamed so loud, a flock of birds flew out of nearby trees. In his shock, Peter tripped and fell into a muddy puddle. I didn't know anyone could get that scared. Alonso and I burst into laughter at the sight of Peter's mud-covered face. I helped Peter up. I was crying from laughing so hard. Bye boys have to go. I said walking away laughing.
I walked into Tom's office laughing a little. He was passing and then stopped to look at me. What happened? He asked I wiped a tear away. Alonso scared Peter and he fell into a mud puddle. I said with a smile forming on my face he chuckled. Yeah, that's flower boy for you. He said I tilted my head. That's a new one. I said he nodded. Well, he is always gardening. He said as he picked up some pieces of paper on his deck and stacked them neatly. What are those I asked pointing at the paper he turned around. I have been mapping out the island. I was trying to find a way where we might be able to get off of here. But so far nothing. We don't have a bote and even if we did it would get smashed to pieces. And none of us can swim out of here. The underwater caves are too big and deep for anyone of us to get out without gear. Which we don't have. He sighed shaking his head as he looked down at the papers. I think I can help with that. I said walking over he looked at me with a brow raised. How?
What?! We can't it's impossible. He said passing around and rubbing the bridge in between his nose. I was sate down in his chair just watching him. It was kind of amusing. I stood up and walked over to him. Nothing impossible just improbable. I said with a girn he sighed and shook his head. I will not put anyone in danger to try and do something that no man can. He said I smiled he started to shake his head. Whatever you are thing stop thinking it. He said crossing his arms. I just smiuled evern more. No, man but I'm a woman. I siad he facepalmed. This is stupid. You could get killed! He yelled I rolled my eyes. How do you even know if they came to be trained? He asked I smiled his eyes winded. You didn't? He asked I nodded he sighed again. Don't worry Penny is nice. I said he looked at me. You named it! Yeah. I siad in a calm voise he gronwed. Fine, let me see it... I mean Penny. He said I smiled and opened the door to walk out.
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