We walked into the healing hut. There were three boys passed out on the beds by the window. No doubt the work of spider bits. They will wake up the phoenix fruit really knocks it out of you. Jaison was wrapping a bandage around Billy's left hand before he saw us. Don't tell me. She fell into the lake again? Jaison asked I rolled my eyes. You fall in one time and never live it down. I muttered before looking at him. Let me guess. He burnt his hand... Again? I asked looking over at Billy. Don't bring me into this! Billy yelled but no one paid any action to him. We came to tell you that Amelia here has something that could help with the spider bites. Tom said with a smile Jaison looked skeptical. Get Billy. Jaiso said Billy rolled his eyes and left. I have made an antivenom for the bites. I tested it out on a mouse, but we don't know what it will do for a human. I said showing him the vial. And you want to test it? Jaison asked I nodded. Yes. I had volunteered to be the test subject if anything goes wrong and I need the fruit you have them. Tom said Jaison sighed. Ok, only because you are the leader. Jaison said Tom rolled his eyes and sat down. Jaison picked up one of the spiders by the window and put it on Tom's left arm. The spider walked around in a small circle before biting down Tom flinched at the bite. Get! Jaison said flicking the spider off Tom's arm. Ok, use the antivenom. I said Jaison took the vial and a needle. He filled the needle with the antivenom and walked over to Tom. Get it over with. Tom said and looked away Jaison rolled his eyes. It's a needle, not a knife. Jaison said and injected the antivenom into Tom. Done. Jaison said pulling away Tom looked at him. Uh? Didn't feel a thing. Tom said Jaison rolled his eyes again. Of course, you didn't because I'm good at my job. Jaison said putting the needle down on the table. You might want to get some ice and a bucket for when the feaver and puking start. I said Jaison looked at me. What feaver? Jaison asked Tom taping him on the shoulder. This feaver. Tom said Jaison looked over at Tom who was sweating a lot. Oh, god! Jaison said then get a bucket of cool water. Here. Jaison said taking a clothe and wiping Tom's forehead with it to try and cool him off. Tom nodded and took the clothe and put it around his neck. Here is a bucket. I said handing him an empty water bucket. Tom looked sick as a dog but didn't puck and instead passed out. He'll be fine. We just have to wait for him to wake up. I said Jaison looked at me and facepalmed. You have any better ideas smart guy? I sassed hands on my hips. After five munites Tom woke up. Did it work? He asked me Jaison walked over to him. Well, surprisingly yes. Your vitals are stable and the black bumps on your are gone. Jaison said Tom smiled. Well, that was much better than having to eat a phoenix fruit plus I got to take a nap. He said all three of us chuckled.
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