Chapter 21. Fire is friendly
{Location: Isla 0}(Violet's POV)
Something feels off.
I feel my eyes open only to still not see anything. I know where am I am.
Not too far away, I hear a man snickering, "Happy to be back?" Chen's voice breaks into snickers.
I reply with a responds a bit on the vulgar side.
"What? DO you hate me or something?"
"Yes. A lot."
"Why?" He sounds like he's playing innocent. "Whatever could I have done to bring such wrath?"
I pull myself up, gripping the bars, "Seriously?"
"Seriously," He sips a drink loudly.
"You took me away from MY daughter, lock me in a cage because you knew there was a curse that I didn't know about, practically ignore me unless you have a temper tantrum and that's all in the last few years." I feel my lips curling up.
"Yeah. So?"
"You honestly don't care about the people you stomp on."
He jumps to his feet, stomping loudly and scaring me, "Oh please." He holds something in his arms, "You've had power your entire life." ZZIP! A loud buzz rings in my ear as I am lifted into the air then slammed into a wall. "What do you have to complain about?" My cell becomes increasingly cold, "I'm the victim here."
I cough, "H-how are you doing that?"
"Oh, this precious little gemstone that I found." The elemental heart. My power. He has it. All to drive me more insane then he is. Chen slams his fist against the bars, his voice becoming louder, "HA HA! I LOVE THIS! How can you ever stopped yourself from not using this all the time?"
I clean my ears as I picture him staring at the elemental heart like he's in love with it. "Because I'm a real human being that doesn't like shoving whatever kind of power I have in other people's faces."
He growls, the cage door unlocks and I'm pushed back against the wall, "Take that back." There's a hard smack against my cheek, "Give me the respect I deserve." Another smack. This time feeling fady. Like his hand is smoke and just passes thought, "I AM CHEN! YOU WILL RESPECT AND FEAR ME. AS ALL OF NINJAGO WILL SOON!"
I lick my lips, a large smirk on my face as I spit, "Well you don't have a reason for me too." I think I missed the ground and hit him by mistake. But I take it. Smiling as I feel his hand around my neck, "Go ahead. Do your worst. Heck, kill me. Try and put respect in me you noodle head."
He growls much louder now. I can just tell he's pulling back his fist for another hit.
{Location: Skylor's room}(Skylor's POV)[When Skylor was 7]
"Skylor," Mom rests her hand on the door. Gently smiling with her braided hair over her shoulder. She looks like she's heading out for a run with a huge camp bag on her back. But she carries it with ease. "Do you have everything?"
"Almost," I push my doll's head into my backpack. For some reason, it doesn't want to join all it's 27 friends inside, "I just gotta-"
"Skylor," Mom slowly walks up behind me to not scare me, "Did you pack all your dolls instead of clothes?"
I lower my voice as she opens up the bag, "Mabey."
She pulls out doll, doll clothes and my boy dolls.
"What?" I shrug, "We're only gonna be gone for 3 days."
"Yes," She kneels down, placing her hand on my shoulder, "But there are Monsters out there in the jungle. They'll eat your dollies."
I gasp, "Even their clothes?"
She barely holds down a chuckle, "Especially their clothes." She stands back up, her arms folded as she takes a small step back, "Mabey you should leave them here for their own safety."
I nod, pulling my dolls out and tossing them on my bed as fast as I can. But what to wear? I shuffle to my dresser, pulling drawers open, "Is it gonna be cold?"
"At night."
I pull out an extremely fluffy coat that usefulness has so far been taking up closet space and making me hot when I wear it, "Will this do?"
Mom pats my head, "Mabey not that much." She puts it back, "I'll pack for you. Mabey you can have one last playtime with your dolls. Doesn't that sound good?"
"Yeah," I grab the two closet dolls and find a place to play. That place being on top of the stairs. I hold the boy doll in my left hand and changed his name from Camron to Cai. Unfortunately, he only has on red swimming trunks. Cai, come on dude, put on a shirt to cover up the washboard abs. While the girl doll in my right-hand keeps the name Sky, wearing a handmade orange beach shirt and skirt.
Cai curls his muscles, however far plastic muscles can stretch, "Hey Sky. What's up, girl?" I lower my voice as I make Cai wiggle as he talks.
Sky has a much higher pitched voice, "Oh. Hey Cai."
"Something wrong?"
"Baby," Cai half hugs, half stabs Sky's side in a weird doll hug, "You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm big and strong enough to handle any problem."
Sky turns around, knocking Cai upside the head with her elbow, "Well...you see."
"I feel like there's something pulling us apart," Sky leans back only to be held by Cai's plasticity hands, "I fell for you hard the first time I laid eyes on you. But now...I...I...havn't been able to tell you this before."
"Go on." Cai doesn't blink. Because he is a doll. "I'm listening."
Sky takes a deep breath, "I'm a SPY, working for my evil father who's planning to turn the world into bumble bees. I can't stop him alone. At least he doesn't know my true feelings about him. But Cai, he wants to beat and destroy everyone everywhere. I don't know how to stop him."
"Sky," I try to get Cai's hand to curl under Sky's chin but he ends up smacking her. Whatever. Romantic gesture still stands. Cai pulls her in even tighter, "We can defeat him together. I'm glad you told me."
"Because I know you find me far too fetching to keep secrets from me." I cover my index finger over his eye. Him winking.
Sky starts shaking in my hand then zooms down the stairs.
I growl as I roll my eyes, "Hi Clouse." I wanna stick my tongue out at him but last time I did he literally stole my tongue thought magic.
He holds Sky, floating just above his hand, "Shouldn't these be in your room?"
"Give her back." I leap, bearly catching myself before a nasty tumble down the stairs.
"No," Clouse snatches Cai, "You see, leaving your toys out," he snaps his fingers, Cai's left arm snaps off, "Means they'll break."
I reach to save my boy toy. "Give him back."
He holds Cai way above my head, "Earn him back you little brat. Go-"
His hand catches fire and so does the Cai doll. I start stomping on him, trying to put out the mesmerizing colored flames. Mom stands tall with my backpack in one hand and fire in the other, "Clouse. Don't you have a cold dark cave to study in?" She keeps the warmth on her face for me but her eyes have a sharpness to them. Kinda like, 'don't ever talk to me or my daughter ever again.'
Clouse drops the Sky doll just as I save the Cai doll. He wipes his hands as they gravitate to his poorly forming mustache, "Violet. I-"
"Shh," Mom points to me, "There are children here."
"Fine," he turns around.
Mom kneels next to me, "How is he?"
"A little burned up," I hold him up in the light, the Sky doll resting in my lap. Poor Cai, set on fire and lost his arm. "His chest is a little singed and black, but I think he'll pull through." I switch my doll's places, "Poor SKy. She was held hostage."
"Well," Mom takes both, taking them back to my room, placing them on my pillows together, "Mabey they just need a little rest together."
"Yeah." I hold my arms out for my bag. "Can we go camp now?"
"Yes," Mom leads the way out of the palace, across the courtyard and into the jungle.
Meanwhile, I try balancing on tree limbs, swing on the vines and continue the adventures of Cai and Sky in my head. When I look up, I don't see out normal set up. Did we take a wrong turn? I rub my eyes to make sure I'm seeing stuff right, "Where's our building?"
Mom gets low, so she is no taller than me, "Close your eyes and count to 3."
I nod, covering my eyes with my hands.
I feel a slight rumble in the ground as I open my eyes, "Yay, it's still here." It's not much but an old grey concrete slab with a few other look a likes. They're not very tall, just a story with a collapsing roof. I speed in, tossing down my backpack, "Can we make s'mores?"
Mom chuckles to her self, "We have to set up the tent first," she pulls out a mess of rods and red cloth, "Remember?"
I sigh, "Fine." I just want the sugar.
I have never been good at tents but at least Mom is. She seems distracted this year though, always looking away from me.
"Hey mom," I fail to put together the stupid thing for the 3rd time in a row, "How does this rod go in again?" I hold up the two poles.
Mom just looks at the exit or just beyond it.
"Mom." I clink the medal together. "Hello?"
"Sorry," she blinks but doesn't sound like she's fully focused, "Here," she takes over, accidentally taking over as I squeeze in a good cat nap.
"Skylor," Mom shakes me awake, holding a partly melted marshmallow between gram crackers and a bar of chocolate, "Aren't you hungry?"
I snatch it, shoveling it into my mouth and all around it too I bet, "Yummie!" I peek at her to see more snack supplies to last. "Can I make one?"
"Yes." She hands me the bag of marshmallows and a roasting stick. "Be careful of the fire."
Fine. But I will sit as close as I can. I plop my butt inches away from the flames. I stick my marshmallow on but get hypnotized by the dancing flames. My trance breaking when the sugary treat falls victim to the flame. "MOM!"
"Here." She gives me her's while holding another over the flames, "You wanna hear a story?"
"Yes," I answer as my mouth is stuffed with sugar.
"Years ago," Mom holds her palm out, fire dancing like people in her hand. Matching actions to her words, "There was a powerful alliance set against the evil anacondri."
"Evil snake dudes." I chew on a gram cracker.
"Yes," Mom smiles about as warm as the fire, "And they all had a power. Whether over elements or being the sons of the first spinjutzu master, they were a force to reckoned with. Slowly over the years of good work, they won back Ninjago, village by village."
I'm dazzled by the fire as it seems to dance to her narrating.
"One day, the master of amber-"
"THAT's YOU!" I shout through my messy mouth of chocolate and marshmallow.
Mom smiles sweetly, "Yes. And the master of fire was assigned a special task." In her hand, the fire takes shape to look like a large snake, "To hold a fierce beast at bay."
My eyes start to drop was the fullness of my belly and the warmth of the fire draws me to sleep.
"They fought but the beast was strong." The fire in her hand shows the figures ramming into each other, "They were very talented in their power but they were being worn down."
I force my eyes to stay open as Mom makes action sounds from her mouth.
"But then they got help," She shows her other palm, two women like flames erupt, "The master of lighting and water." She holds her hands together, "Slowly but surely, the pushed the sneak back."
"How big was the snake?" I cover my mouth with a yawn.
"Oh about," the fire from her hands flickers away as she stretches her arms ever wider, "That big."
"That's bigger then what you said it was last year," Oh man, I'm getting one serious sugar crash.
Mom comes to me, picks me up and starts rocking me, "Well, the bigger they are, the harder they fall," She tucks me into my sleeping bag, twisting her fingers into my hair, "Sleep tight."
I yawn one more time.
But still have enough energy to hear her blow out the fire but instead of coming to sleep with me in the tent, she walks away, muttering to herself, "I have to find it. While I still have time."
Me, I'm too sleepy to follow her and instead follow my dreams around.
She'll probably tell what she's looking for tomorrow morning.
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