Chapter 1. Timer
Hey everyone, I'm glad you picked to read my book. Just as a quick warning, the paragrage below is a little intens so skip it you can. Other than that, this story is meant to be stand alone and to intertwine with my other series. With that being said, I am still working some story kincks out on this so until Pink Hair and A Broken Heart is finshed, this will have slow updats. Enough talk, let's get to the story. ~W.R.
{Location: Chen's island}(Skylor's POV)[Time: When Skylor was 8 years old]
I'm thrown down to the ground. I sit up only for my father to grab me by the neck. He sneers as he holds up a small silver gun. He forces me against a wall as the floor below me has blood dripping from my fat lip, "You washed my robes wrong."
I try not looking at him. He scares me. I watch a terrified little girl with bright red hair in the mirror. How can this be me? A lonely girl with nothing but a mad father to call family.
Father presses the gun to my shoulder, "You arrogant child. Were you attempting to sabotage me?"
Oh, come on. I am 8 years old. Who in their right mind would let me wash silk? And there's the problem. My father isn't in his right mind.
I try and find freedom, "No. I'm sorry." Somewhere in there, in that huge hulking pot belly snake-obsessed monster, there has to be a fraction of a human in there, "I never meant to-"
Father squeezes as I stare at myself in the mirror, "DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE POWER OVER ME?" His finger and thumb jam under my jaw. "Lesson one daughter, I have all the power and you do not." Bang. I feel the searing pain of a bullet shot into my shoulder, "And as long as I am here, You will never have any power," He lets me drop on my rear as he backs off. I see that my blood has splashed onto his red silk robes, "And now you have more a mess to clean up. Next time do it right the first time."
I brace for him to grab me again. To leave another white scar on my hands. Only he leaves me. I wait for what feels like forever.
Maybe he won't come back.
Maybe my Mom has come to my rescue.
Maybe I'll be safe for a while.
I breathe a sigh of relief only to feel his hand on my neck. He smiles as he opens his mouth.
Only this man yet childlike voice doesn't speak. A far younger more female once yells at me, "Wake up."
{Location: A town called Silverthorne on the west coast of Ninjago/Girl's dorm ground level 1}(Skylor's POV)[Present day]
I snap my eyes open. Oh, thank goodness. I'm not 8. I'm 22. I'm still in college and I'm not on that blasted island. I look over to see my close friend, Sam Marigold hold up a slice of pizza. She takes a bite which spreads pizza grease on her pink and yellow shirt. She looks like a model. Her short brown hair, brown eyes, and darkish skin. My eyes get drawn back to my black gloves. Which takes me back to something that has been in the back of my mind ever since I was sent to Ninjago 5 years ago, "3 weeks, 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 8 seconds."
Sam puts her feet up on the desk, "Chill out."
I feel my stomach growl as she nibbles on that pizza slice, "Believe me I want to." I shiver a little as the timer in my mind keeps counting down, "I just can't."
Sam swallows as she shrugs, "Well what can I do to help?"
I push back my chair and spin around a little, "Helping me study for my lines would be a good distraction."
She hums, "Um you practically WROTE the screenplay. And you've been studying that ever since you were allowed to finish your exams early. I think your good and in a desperate need for a break." I moan as I gently let my head hit my desk, "Hey, there is some good news. Clover is coming back."
I smile a little. Clover was sent to be my guardian since my father technically and legally doesn't exist. And I like Clover Kin far better than my father. Clover was taken when he was a kid and he became a sorta spy due to the fact that he first belonged to something called the Creed of Amber. Clover, however, is also one of my father's restaurant food drivers. So he's gone every other two weeks. I pick my head up, "That's nice. Wait, how'd you know that?"
"I most certainly didn't take your phone after I figured out your password and check your text messages." Sam stands up, heading into our room. A few seconds later she throws my orange sneakers at me, "You wanna go to the range? Clear your head?"
That actually sounds perfect. I grab my shoes and put them on my fuzzy socks, "Sound great. Can you-"
Sam reappears with a dark pink jacket, a light orange hoodie for me and my crossbow, "Already got it."
I tie my shoes on as she grabs her keys to her smart car. I pull on my jacket then strap my quiver to my hip. Together we head out the door then lock it.
"Careful!" A reddish-black hair boy with pale blue eyes by the name of Dasin Vu. His nervous voice echoes in the tall building. "Don't run over me."
I sidestep so Sam doesn't hit me, "Sorry," I shrug my shoulders which shows off my crossbow. Dasin backs up and points to it. I roll my eyes, "Yes. I have a license to carry a weapon. Yes, the safety is currently on. Das, I tell you this every time."
Sam folds her arms after she locks the door, "Why are you so twitchy around everything?"
Das still looks at the weapon like it's radioactive. Making him inches away, "I just am. Do you know how dangerous our world is? Even before the evil raining blobs we-"
I roll my eyes, I can't believe I had a crush on a guy like this....and now somehow I'm still dating him. Or that I freaking kissed him. At first, I thought he was kinda cute being scared. Like a little baby in need of protecting. But now it's just annoying. And now I feel bad for him and I'd feel horrible for wanting to break up with him, "Nice. Sam and I have to go. See ya around!"
Das scampers off to his dorm.
"He really hasn't changed since high school," Sam snickers as she puts her hands in her pockets, "Man, I can't believe how much of a scaredy cat he is."
I nod as we head out of the hallway and walk on the main campus, "Yeah. Doesn't someone get braver as they get older?" I smile as the sunlight kisses my cheeks. One benefit of living in a tourist trap beach city, the locals have amazing tans.
Sam snickers, "Apparently Das isn't normal."
"I could tell you that." I pause at hearing a deeper voice from behind a tree. I turn to see Clover leaning on a tree, his arms folded. His short light brown hair and hazel eyes complement his white t-shirt and jeans. I abandon my path and my crossbow to hug him, "Hey Skylor."
"Clover!" I almost scream in his ear as he lets me go, "I thought you were on delivery duty."
Clover shrugs as Sam picks up the crossbow, "I'm just passing through. I've got to head back to the island for another pickup, apparently, someone somehow, someway mixed up weapons with wontons."
I frown a little as someone tosses a frisbee over my head. "Do I have to go back? Ninjago is great and I have other opportunities here."
Clover and I follow Sam to her smart car. Clover sighs, "I wish. But he's everywhere. He's just opened 3 noodle huts in Ninjago city."
"I thought it was New Ninjago city." I open the passenger door and sit.
Clover has to deal with the tiny backseat he's cramped in, "I don't know. I don't pay attention to things when they get all flip-flopie on their names."
Sam starts the engine and backs out of her parking space, "To the archery RANGE!"
Clover and I snicker and say, "The RANGE!" Sam gets quite as she drives a little bit out of the city while Clover and I catch up. She parks again and gets out.
I shake my head and grab my crossbow, "No way."
Clover nods, "Yeah way. I'm telling you, I saw the Ninja's ship last night."
I huff, "I don't think so. There's a massive sea of fans that follow them. You'd be lucky to even see them from afar," I walk in after Sam heads into the small trailer, "and besides it would be on every news station everywhere."
Clover huffs as he holds the door open for me, "Fine. Don't believe me."
I walk in, the thick smell of dust and mothballs is calming to me, "Oh no I believe you," I open my wallet and pull out a few greens that I leave on the counter. Enough for a half hour of shooting and for Clover to rent a crossbow with me, "Yeah, you're right. I don't believe you." I head out another door as Sam has pulled up a chair for herself and sucks on a lollipop, "In fact, I'm calling bull-"
Sam smiles as she waves, "Wait a sec, Sky." She shows me her pink cased phone, "Check out this girl."
I look at the screen. Sam pulls her phone down to fast but I think I see a woman with brown hair and a white streak on the screen. "So?"
"The FDIA is hunting some lady called the Black Rose." Sam tucks her phone away as Clover and I collect our arrows, "Ya think she'll come this way?"
I pull out a foam target looking like an Anacondrai serpentine then load my first arrow in, "Nope." I wait for Clover to get clear as he pulls out a standard target.
"Why not?"
I breathe slowly, "Because why would she come to a city? She'd be spotted in a second."
Sam moans as Clover aims at his target, "Fine." She abandons her phone for her line on the play in a few weeks.
I hold the trigger and handle with my right hand and steady the crossbow with my left. I stare hard at the snake's eye. Then I start getting anxious for no reason. On the island, snakes were everywhere. I even think, my father may have imported a few dozens of the scaly things.
Clover aims for his bullseye, "Remember."
I'd nod but I'm glued to my target, "Stay low. Go fast. Strike first, die last. One shot. One kill." My finger becomes hungry to pull the trigger. I hold stiller then a statute as all my problems seem to fade away and gather at the fake snake's eye, "No luck," THWANG! The arrow flies as the bowstring wiggles back from the force. The arrow finds its target. Right in the fake snake's pupil. I lower my bow, almost overjoyed that I hit my mark on the first try, "All skill."
Clover shoots me a proud smile as he too gets a bullseye.
I wish I could be here forever. With a sea of endless arrows, having all the time in the world and me shooting down all the problems of my world.
I wish and hope against hope that I don't return to that island.
Sam claps while still holding her book, "Awesome."
"Clear," I search for a new target as Clover retrieves his arrow.
Clover twirls his arrow, "Oh yeah, your last play." He points at Sam's book, "What fantastic drama will I have the pleasure of seeing this time?"
"The final battle," I reposition my target so the other eye will get the same treatment, "Every since that Ninjago's gotten a little Ninja crazy."
"Can you blame them?" Sam smiles as she twirls her hair and reads, "They defeated the most powerful evil in the land."
"So obviously the main roles of the 4 ninjas, the green ninja, their allies and the overlord," Clover pulls his string back as I come back, "Congratulations on getting the part of the overlord. You'll make a great villain."
"Haha," I line up my shot, "I'm actually playing as Nya." I go through my process again, slowing my breathing and holding freakishly still, "Both the good and corrupted parts."
"Are you gonna have to dye your hair black again?" Thwack! His arrow gets another bullseye, "I vividly remember that nightmare when you were starring in of samurai and senseis. Or that disaster during Cinderella's tale."
"Ok, the Cinderella WAS a cause to be mad because the director picked me to be an ugly stepsister. And second, No." THWACK! My arrow misses and hits the shoulder, "I have a wig this time and I am much better at stage makeup thank you very much."
Sam kicks her feet up in the air, "I'm the great and powerful green ninja. Ya know since his voice is a little girly. I did try convincing Tommy to change the color to pink or yellow but he said something about 'accurate portrayal is a must.' Buzzkill."
"Yes, we all must fear the zebra striped pink and yellow ninja." I snicker as Clover tries to hold his chuckles in, "Ahhh!"
"What, like orange is a much more threatening color." Sam snickers at the lame zinger.
"It's scarer then pink or yellow any day," I reload. Clover doesn't speak up and slowly reloads. Something's wrong. "You are coming right?"
"Y-ya know I want to-"
"You're missing it." I lower my bow and fold my arms, "Again."
"I'm sorry but your dad's got me on a tight leash," Clover is still playful as he looks behind him for spies, "I think he knows that I am a very deep cover agent. And maybe doesn't want me to go run my mouth."
"But you're missing it." Welp, there go months and weeks of preparing only for no family to come watch. Swell.
Clover sets his bow down, "I'm sorry, Skylor. I'm your guardian but you know how he can get if he doesn't get what he wants."
I sigh as I fire, "Yeah, I know."
I know all too well.
Yay, chapter 1 is done. I just have a small question? Who's cooler so fer? Clover Kin, guardian/big brother/father figure to Skylor? Or Samantha Marigold, a funloving college kid with a love for yellow. (And looks similar to Willow from the Rose Chronicles for all of you in the LostChild Challange.) I'll see you next time or in one of my other books. ~W.R.
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