Episode 7: One Person's Tears, Are Everyone's Tears.
~ 3 Days Later ~
^ Lucy's POV: ^
It's been 3 days since that dude came here, running after Metallica.
3 days since we heard her talk.
3 days since she was brought to Porlyusica.
3 days since we've laughed.
No one has had the strength to do anything.
No jobs.
No fights.
Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Freed, Bixlow, and Erza have all just sat in one corner, alone. They haven't spoken a word since then, and you could all see the dried tear streaks on all of their faces. Even Laxus and Bixlow.
But the other 3 are even worse.
You could hear Wendy's screams from the back of the guild, and Carla's desperate attempts to calm her down. Obviously to no avail.
Gajeel's anger was being drowned in alcohol beside Kana. He was even worse than her. At least she was sober some of the time, where he hasn't been since then.
No one has been able to talk to Lily without getting a sword to the mouth. He won't come out of the corner he is constantly sitting in, always staring into space, crying.
The guild has been dead silent without it's usual troublemakers, and Makarov hasn't shown his face in awhile. Everyone is worried.
I'm worried.
Suddenly, Gajeel slammed his cup down, and shakily stood up.
"It's my fault!" He belted out, and everyone's head snapped to him. Wendy ran in to see what was happening, small hiccups taking her breath away every once in awhile.
"It's my fault that she's on 'er death bed! I did this to 'er! I yelled at 'er, and now? She's dyin'!" He cried, and stormed out of the guild and into the rain. We all ran after him; Natsu, Gray, Laxus, Freed, Bixlow, Erza, Lily, Happy, Carla, Kana, Wendy, Levy, Juvia, Evergreen, Mira, and me.
"Gajeel-san!" Levy shouted, attempting to grab his attention. He merely ignored our cries for him to stop, and continued to stomp into the wet forest. Now I know where he's going.
To see Metallica.
Just as the familiar wooden door came into view, Gray, Wendy, Laxus, and Natsu tackled him. Laxus was the one who surprised everyone, though.
"Stop! You can't see her!" Laxus yelled.
"Not in this state! You're drunk, you stupid Screw!" Natsu added, and shoved Gajeel's face into the mud.
"Just stop it and listen for a minute!" Gray belted out, helping Natsu keep his arms down.
"Stop, Gajeel! You aren't helping!" Wendy cried from on top of him, trying to calm her already-falling tears.
"No! I want to -hic- see 'er!" He shouted drunkenly. He thrashed around wildly from under the 3 Dragon Slayers, before halting from lack of breath.
You could hear his heavy panting over the falling rain, and every hiccup that came from any one of us.
Mira, Levy, Carla, Juvia and I went to help them all up off the muddy ground, and held them back as they all went to fight each other. Mira gripped Laxus' arm, Levy wrapped her arms around Gajeel's waist, I put Natsu's arm over my shoulders, Juvia clung to Gray like she usually does, and Carla latched onto Wendy's outfit.
"Stop this at once, child!" Carla exclaimed, but Wendy seemed to have ignored her. She continued to thrash against the cat's hold, and almost got all the way out until someone came to halt them.
"Humans are so ignorant."
All of our heads snapped to the tree house, to see Porlyusica standing at the entrance of her house. She had her usual unamused look on her face as she stared at our little group, before twisting back around. She walked back inside, but beckoned us once to come in.
Natsu and I shared a look between us, before I let go and he moved to walk in first, but Wendy shoved passed him. Gajeel and the rest of us wandered inside of the tree house in silence, and soaking wet.
Porlyusica led us into the room where she lay, and we all crowded. Wendy was sat in beside the bed on her knees, silent tears rolling down her face. Gajeel crouched down next her, obviously now sober.
Metallica lay in the bed, the blankets pulled all the way up to her chin. Her face was scrunched up in pain, her teeth clenched tight. Her eyes squeezed shut as well.
Natsu dropped to his knees. I went to rush over, but Levy snatched my hand. I glanced back at her, and she shook her head.
Laxus took slow steps to her, before his legs gave out, and he dropped, too.
Soon, we all were on our knees.
Natsu, Gray and Laxus had their heads to the floor, no doubt wanting to shield us from the tears they were shedding.
"Mama," Wendy whispered, placing her forehead to Metallica's bare arm, "Please wake up."
"Metallica. I'm so sorry," Gajeel cried quietly, and set his hand on hers, "I'm sorry, baby sis."
"Stupid Metal Head. Always puttin' people ahead of yer-self," Laxus growled angrily, but no one said anything, knowing that he was angry at himself.
"No one messes with one of my friends and gets away with it," Gray threatened as Juvia stood above him, but staring at Metallica, her hand covering her mouth.
"I'll kill them! I'll kill every last damned on of 'em! I swear it!" Natsu shouted, hands clenched into fists as he pounded on the ground. His eyes were shut tightly as angry tears rolled. It was so rare to see Natsu cry, and yet, here he is; crying his heart out.
We all snapped our heads up, and to the hoarse voice that croaked.
Metallica shakily turned her head to look at us, a small smile on her face as she saw Wendy. Then, her smile vanished, only to be replaced with a scream of pain.
"Metallica-chan!" Wendy cried, and clutched her shoulders.
"Move, child," Porlyusica moved passed Wendy, pushing her hands away from Metallica, before she placed a white cloth on her forehead. Metallica's screams silenced, and Porlyusica twisted to face us.
"I'm sending her back to Makarov after the rain lets up. I have already given the medicine required to treat her. Now, get out," She shooed us all out of her house, slamming the door in our faces, and leaving us out in the pouring rain.
"That stupid old woman!" Gajeel yelled, and raised his fist in the air. Laxus grabbed the back of his shirt, though, and began dragging him out of the forest. The rest of us silently followed, the rain mixing in with our tears.
I felt a tug at the bottom of my skirt, and cast a glance down. Wendy.
She wiped the back of her hand over her eyes, ridding them of their already-replaced tears.
"W-Will she be ok, Lucy-chan?" She hiccuped, and I smiled down at her.
"Of course she will be, Wendy! Whatcha sayin'? It's Metallica we're talkin' 'bout!" Natsu butted in with his signature grin. But I could tell that it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Wendy's lips spread into a big smile, and she giggled a little. With a nod, Natsu picked her up onto his back.
"Yeah, you're right. Thank you, Natsu-san!"
~ ~
Our little group continued out of the forest and into the guild like that. Light conversation acquainted itself among us, but steering clear of sensitive topics.
Makarov sat on the counter, downing Kana's alcohol while he was at it. She went to join him automatically, and Guildarts sat next to her, pestering her, of course.
"Ah! You have all returned, -hic-! How was she?" Gramps asked drunkenly, a big smile on his face. I gave a sigh, and sat down next to a sleeping Wendy.
"In pain," Was all Laxus grumbled to his drunk grandfather. Gramps' smile was wiped clean off his face as he, somehow, immediately sobered up.
"Who did this to my child?" His rough voice came out a little strangled, like he was holding back his anger. We all were.
"Shadow Stock," Gajeel spoke up from the other side of Wendy. She had fallen over, but landed in his lap, still sound asleep. I guess these last 3 days have finally taken their toll on her small body, despite her being a Dragon Slayer.
"What?" The intensity of that one word shocked and silenced everyone in the guild.
"He's from that guild. The man who almost... Killed... Metallica," Erza forced out. That was the first time we had heard her speak since then, and her voice cracked when she paused.
"Do we have the man's name?"
"Metallica mentioned it. Nathan. He... He killed Kysta....," Wendy's voice suddenly piped up, and she took a sitting position. More tears filled her eyes, but Gajeel pulled her too him, a surprising act that astonished anyone, yet no one questioned it.
"Nathan. Anymore information?" Gramps opened his eyes, and I saw the burning rage in them. I cast my eyes away from the terrifying man, and to everyone else around the guild. Tears were gathered in their eyes, and some allowed them to fall.
'One person's tears, are everyone's tears.'
* * * * * * * *
I thought this was a good place to end it.... Don't hate me!!
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