Episode 6: The Star Wars Wanna-Be's Return!
* Metallica's POV: *
"You're back!"
"Welcome back!"
I ignored all of the greetings and continued walking to a corner table.
I took a seat, alone, and perched my head on my palm, glancing around at the guildhall. There were so many different wizards of all different abilities, sizes, ages, shapes. All so unique from each other.
Then there was me.
So ordinary; boring.
Gajeel sat next to Levy with Lily, who was reading a book with 2 other boys standing over her.
Mirajane worked the bar, Makarov seated in front of her.
Laxus and his group sat at the top, overlooking the guild.
Wendy sat at the bar with Carla beside her, smiles lighting up their faces.
Lucy, Natsu, Erza, Gray, and Happy were nowhere to be seen, so I assume that they're out on a job together.
I breathed out of my nose, and quietly stood up. I walked by Gajeel, Lily, Levy, and those guys as I headed to the Request Board, and skimmed through them, plucked it from the wall, and left without a single word. The whole time, I could feel their eyes on me.
~ ~
I finished the job, and returned to the guild. I sat my reward money on the counter beside Makarov, and walked back over to the board. I snatched several down from their pinned places, before leaving, once again, silently.
I walked down the street in silence, my hands stuffed in my short's pockets, and kicked stones with my combat boots. I reached up to fix my headband, and accidentally bumped into someone.
"Yo! Watch it!" I whipped around as the cloaked figure didn't respond, and continued on their way.
"Tch. Douche," I scowled, and turned back around on my heel, only to be met with a chest. A familiar chest. A deep frown lined my face, and I took a step back.
"What do ya want?" I growled in his face. He merely smirked.
"I want you back. We didn't finish what we started, dear," He licked his lips and leaned in close to my angry face. I growled at him, and shoved him back.
"Don't come near me, Nathan. I don't givva shit if we 'finished what we started'. Ya know very well that I don't wanna finish," I crossed my arms as I stared at the tall male. He flipped his dark brown hair out of his blue eyes, and smirked a white toothy smirk.
"C'mon, babe. I know you missed me," He whispered as he inched closer to me. I stood my ground, and glared at him. My lips curled up into a nasty snarl.
"No. I miss the old Nathan. Not this one," I spat, and went to turn on my heel, but froze when he spoke.
"The one that raised Kysta with you? The one that you fell in love with?"
I whipped around, startling him, but his smirk twisting into a grin.
"The hell'd you say?" My voice came out dangerously low, and he put his hand on my cheek. I snapped my head back, resulting in his hand to fall back to his side. He rolled his eyes.
"Kysta was my daughter too-"
"Then why the hell'd ya do it? Huh?"
His amused eyes shifted a shade or two darker, indicating that I was pissing him off.
"I had no choice. I wanted my freedom-"
"Bullshit. That's crap and ya know it. Just leave me the hell alone," I stalked away from him, and down the street. Suddenly, I saw a flashing light out of the corner of my eye, and jumped back, just in time to miss the explosion.
"Dirty," I spat, rage building up in my stomach. I glanced back at him, and snarled. He gave a half-smile, and put his hands in his coat pockets casually. I dusted my hands off, then flicked my wrist. A sly smirk worked it's way onto my lips as iron spikes suddenly shot up from the ground, right under Nathan.
"Shit! Screw you, Metal Head!" He shouted as he clutched his sides. Thick, crimson blood seeped through his shirt, jacket, and soon his fingers as well. I waved my hand at him, brushing his insult off, and proceeded down the sidewalk to the train station.
"Get her!"
I snapped back around, and saw a few cloaked figures running my way.
"Fuck!" I cursed loudly, and broke off into a sprint. I cut across a busy street, leaving a few of the men stuck in the traffic. The ones who didn't get caught still ran after me. I made a quick B-Line for the guild, and bolted off in the direction.
"Iron Slice of the Iron Dragon!" I shot back a ton of different shaped knives, swords, and any other sharp weapon that I could think of, in their direction. I took out most of them, leaving just 5 left. This brought back memories.
I saw that Fairy Tail was close by, and ran off after it, the men tailing me.
"Don't allow the subject to escape!" I heard Nathan yell from above me, before a few more tiny blinking lights appeared in my path. I shielded and dodged a few of them, but the remainder of them blew up in my face.
I used the smoke to my advantage, and lost them as we ran through it.
"Damn it! What did I say? And what do you do?! You lose the damn girl!" Nathan shouted, now behind me. I ducked out of the smoke, and leaped into the shadows. I guess the same trick doesn't work twice.
"Not this time!" One shouted, the others yelling in agreement.
'Shit!' My head rushed as I took off again, now just wanting to get to the guild.
'Just a few more feet, and I'll be home safe!'
"Roar of the Iron Dragon!" My breath attack landed on the last men, but sadly, Nathan was smart, and dodged at the last possible moment.
"I know your tricks, Metallica-sama!" He chanted, and I scowled at him.
"Shut it, Bomb-Bomb!" I yelled over my shoulder, but still running. I was slowly loosing my breath, and that last attack had taken a lot of it. Still, though, I pushed through it and kept on.
Just as I was about to open the guild doors, I was tackled through them.
"Get the hell offa me, ya stupid psycho! I can't believe you went back on our promise!" I hissed, and kicked him off of me. He landed a few feet away, before charging at me again. I grabbed his arms, and slung him back outside. He only got right back up.
"Damn it, Meta! Just let me take you!" He yelled in frustration, and ran at me again.
"No! I'm not goin' back! Especially with you! Now leave me alone, ya dirty daughter killer!" He froze just as we were about to clash again. His blue eyes bled black, but I punched him before he could react.
"Don't you dare," I growled lowly, and he shakily stood back up. His face was shaded by his hair, but then his lips twitched into another evil smirk.
"Why? Is it because this is the same magic I used to kill your precious Kysta?" He laughed, and my fists clenched. I gritted my teeth together, my eyes blazing with a new-found anger and hatred. His eyes widened at my more-than-murderous gaze, then licked his lips.
"Mm, such sweet looks. More," He chuckled, and we circled each other.
"C'mon, Meta! Unleash the power we gifted you with!"
"Gifted? Ya stupid Star Wars wanna-be's cursed me. I'm never usin' that again."
"Really? Why? Would it scare your new nakama?"
Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my fist. My head snapped down to see Wendy.
"Who the hell is that?" Nathan shouted, drawing my attention back to him. His eyes were wide, and I smirked as I realized that he noticed the resemblance between Kysta and Wendy.
I ignored him for a moment, and looked back down at Wendy. She looked up at me, squeezing my hand. I smiled, and nodded my head back over to the silent guild, silently indicating that she should go back over to join them.
Then, I felt the vibrations.
My eyes widened, and I turned back to Nathan, only to see the black magic already in his hands. He smirked, his blue eyes now black.
"Say goodbye to Kysta again, Metallica."
He launched the ball at us.
(A/N: Play Now...)
It seemed like what happened next played in slow motion.
I shoved Wendy back, Gajeel managing to catch her before she fell, then the black sphere closing in.
I didn't have enough time to move.
The ball collided with my chest, penetrating straight through.
Everyone's cries of my name, Wendy and Gajeel's being the only one's that truly reached my ears.
I fell back, my hair shielding my eyes, blood flying everywhere.
Slowly, my body landed roughly on the ground, bouncing up at the hard impact.
I went still as blood seeped through my shirt and vest, some trailing from the corner of my mouth.
My vision went in and out, but I could make out Natsu, Erza, Gray, Laxus, Bixlow, Freed, Evergreen, and a few others run to take vengeance on Nathan, while Wendy, Gajeel, Levy, Lucy, and the exceeds dash to me.
"Metallica!" Gajeel screamed, falling to his knees beside me.
Tears streamed down all of their faces, and I smiled.
"Metallica-chan! Mama!" Wendy screamed, also falling down beside me.
Gajeel pulled my head into his lap, and Wendy hurried to try and heal me.
I smiled up at them, trying to memorize their faces; feature by feature.
"I... Love, you - guys..."
My eyes slowly fluttered shut, my smile slowly falling off of my face.
"Baby sis!"
They were the last thing I saw before I lost complete consciousness.
I'm comin'...
Baby Kysta.
~ ~ ~
^ Natsu's POV: ^
"I'll kill you, you damned bastard!" I screamed. I could feel my real self slowly slip away as an unknown power unleashed itself from me.
The dude ran away, throwing what looked like bombs in my way, which distracted me as smoke went up. The smell coated his from my nose, and I let out furious screams and coughs.
"Metallica! Don't shut yer eyes! C'mon, baby sis! Come back! Open 'em!"
The ones that were helping fight the bastard rushed over to Metallica, but I shoved passed all of them. I snatched Metallica out of Gajeel's arms before anyone could properly protest as an idea shone in my head.
"Natsu! Bring my sister back to me!"
I ran through the forest, dodging and weaving easily through the trees. Everyone was hot on my heels, screaming at me to stop.
Rich blood coated my hands as I carried her. She had passed out, which pushed me to run faster.
I finally reached the place, and I shoved my legs faster. I slammed into the door, not hard enough to knock it down, but hard enough to get her to the door faster.
"What- Come in. Put her over there."
We wasted no time, and I ran to set Metallica down where Porlyusica pointed to. I backed away after placing her on the bed, and watched silently as Porlyusica went to work.
"Out. I need to concentrate."
I followed her orders, too worried to argue. I shut the door behind me, but was surprised when someone grabbed my collar.
"Ya could've told me what the hell ya were doin' before just takin' off with my sister, Flame Brain!" Gajeel shouted, but then softly set me back on the ground.
"Thank you," He whispered, to where it could only be heard between us.
My eyes widened, but then I smiled a little.
"No problem, Screws for Brains," I joked, and he rolled his eyes before backing up.
"Don't scare us like that, you freaking jerk!" Lucy cried, and kicked me. I smiled sheepishly at them, and rubbed the back of my head.
"But great thinking, for someone as stupid as a rock," Gray crossed his arms. I decided that, just this once, to ignore his comment and insult, and sat down beside the door.
"Might as well get comfortable. It's going to be a long while," With that, Erza requipped into her usual outfit, without the armor, and took a seat on a nearby log. The rest followed, and we continued to wait patiently for the news.
I hope she'll be alright.
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