Chapter 8: Realizing she's gone...
Brayden's P.O.V.
Once we caught up to Isabel I was relieved and I know Aiden was also. You could imagine my worry when I went to the room that she was sleeping in and not find her there. Thinking that she was in the bathroom, I had rushed over but saw the door was open with the lights off. I even went into the walk in closet to see if she had gone in but no luck.
Leaving the room I went to check the other rooms inside and out but to no avail...panic set in. She couldn't have left the house. We would have heard the alarm.
Rushing down the stairs I shout for Aiden. "Aiden! Come here!" once I made it down the stairs I hear his rushed footsteps.
"What's the problem? Why are you shouting, you are going to wake her up." he gritted.
"She isn't in the room." I tell him quickly.
"What do you mean she isn't in the room? Did you check the bathroom?" he asked and I just rolled my eyes at my brother's stupid question.
"Hmm, why didn't I think of that? Of course I did! I checked everywhere upstairs and I can't find her." I responded sarcastically.
He stared at me for a few seconds then responds. "She has to be somewhere in the first floor."
"Do you think she left?" I ask him but I had a feeling she was still somewhere inside.
Aiden turned around and walked towards the alarm keypad next to the closet by the front door. Punching in the pass code and hearing the robotic voice say "Front door open".
"She obviously didn't leave since the alarm was still on. Check the other rooms on the other side while I check this side." he says.
"Alright." I respond turning to go check my side which includes the living room, kitchen and garage.
Right when I was going to walk into the living room I hear the front door's robotic voice say "Front door open" which was strange.
Turning around I make my way back to the foyer to find Aiden walking towards me with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. We didn't say a word but knew what had happened.
Rushing to the door, Aiden flings it open stepping out into the winter morning. Looking both ways I hear Aiden shout. "ISABEL!" which made me look over and down the street where I see a petite figure moving away in a fast pace.
"ISABEL! STOP!" I begin to scream but she didn't. "STOP ISABEL...YOU ARE GOING TO FREEZE!"
"F**k!" Aiden cursed.
"Come on, let's go to the car and find her. She looked like she was heading in the direction of the train station." I tell him turning around to get inside so we could go to the garage.
Grabbing the keys from the wall hook I open the door and turn on the light to our two car garage. "I'll drive." Aiden says so I toss him the keys. Unlocking the door we both get him and sit. Putting the key in the ignition, he revs the car while pushing the button to open the garage door.
Pulling out, Aiden makes his way down the street we saw Isabel heading towards on. I looked around intently making sure I don't miss her.
"She must of been scared waking up and not knowing where she was." I say out loud still looking down the streets.
"Probably. She's going to freeze and get sick if we don't find her soon Bray. How could she just take off like that? Wearing practically nothing." hitting the steering wheel. Someone might think that he was mad but I know for a fact that he is just worried about her. I am also.
We made it to the train station in a few minutes. It was early morning so there wasn't that many people around. Plus, in this side of town, hardly anyone uses the train.
Speeding down the parking lot Aiden brakes hard causing the car to screech. Shutting off the ignition, Aiden takes the keys out opening his door as I do the same.
Glancing around I see her. She was looking at the both of us confused. "Isabel." I call out concerned at her well being. She looked so cold and scared.
Thinking she would walk to us she turned on her heels darting up the stairs.
"Damn it." Aiden grunted taking off running after her, me doing the same.
We both began to shout her name hoping that she would stop but she didn't. Looking up I see her finally stop, Aiden had made it to the top of the stairs. She then turned around but saw me.
"Isabel, please. Stop running." I tell her calmly.
"We were worried, why did you run?" Aiden tells her making her turn and look up at him.
"What do you want from me? Why did I wake up in your house?" she asked.
"Isabel. You are going to get sick if you stay out here in the cold. Please, just come back with us to our house and we can explain everything to you." Aiden pleaded.
She shook her head no. "I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't know you and what you want from me." raising her voice but swayed a bit.
"Isabel? Are you alright?" I took a step up. She didn't look well.
"I'm fine...just...I don't feel too good." lifting her hand up to her forehead where I noticed sweat accumulating. Her face looked flushed.
"You are burning up. We are taking you home." Aiden was now at her side taking her face in both of his hands.
"I'm fine, whichever one you are." she hissed pulling her face away from his hands. "Just let me go home. I can take care of myself." trying to walk past him. She was so determined to go back to that rat hole.
"No you're not. You are pale and the longer you stay out in the cold, the worst you are going to feel." Aiden snapped back at her. Now I know he was getting mad at her stubbornness.
Stumbling back my arms caught her tightly from behind. "No arguing. You are burning up and need to be seen by a doctor." I tell her as I lift her petite body from the ground. She felt cold and hot at the same time.
"Please...take me home. I can take care of...myself." I heard her say lowly and I knew she was going to be drifting asleep in a few minutes. She sounded so weak that it tugged at my heart. All Aiden and I want to do is take care of her and protect her.
Tightening my grip on her body against my chest, I could feel her relax. "Don't worry Isabel, you are going home where you don't have to take care of yourself anymore." I tell her. Looking down at her once we make it to the car I see that she was asleep.
Aiden opened the passenger door so I can sit down with her. "I will call the doc again so he can check up on her. She is burning up and I'm hoping she doesn't have the flu."
"Hopefully she doesn't. Come on let's get her home and put her back to bed so she can rest and get better." I say to him.
Nodding his head he closes the door and makes his way to the driver's side then turns on the car.
Looking down at her I smile as I push aside her black hair from her sweaty face. Even pale and sick she looks beautiful.
"Stubborn, isn't she?" Aiden chuckles.
"Very." I simply respond.
"She will be hard to convince." he added and I nodded in agreement.
"It will be."
"She may even take off again."
"Most likely." looking down at her again with a wide smile. "It just means that we have to do everything in our power to convince her to stay...and be a part of our family...permanently." adjusting her closer to my chest I couldn't help but smile at the thought of holding this feisty beauty in my arms every night.
A/N: 07/11/2016
Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been very busy and will be most of the summer. I am also trying to publish my book "I'm Only His" in the next month or so. Check it out if you haven't already.
So, I decided to do a filler chapter with Brayden's P.O.V. to show you his side of when Isabel took off. I may do Aiden's, haven't decided yet.
If you guys like Stephen Amell like I do, check out my new story starring him called "Her Best Friend's Wedding."
Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting. Bye!
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