Chapter 13: Treasure box...
#106 in Romance as of today...
Aiden's P.O.V.
I stared at her sleeping form just like I had when we had brought her here the first time after her attack. Her long black hair covered most of the pillow while her petite body looked small in the King size bed. She looked at peace though I knew she wasn't. Her low moans and whispers in her sleep let me realize that she was having a bad dream. A dream that I probably caused her to have.
Brayden was right. I could have told her we wanted her in a better way. I could have eased her into the idea that all we want to do is take care of her, but I didn't. The Alpha male side of me just wanted her to know that we wanted her, point and final. But now I know that with her, things needed to be explained so she could understand and not feel like we want to enslave her like she thought we wanted to do to her.
Sighing deeply I rest my head on the back of the chair. My eyes closing. Thoughts and questions of what she may have endured in her past run through my mind. Was it those two guys that she mentioned earlier that had her this scared? Were they the reason she had run away and what exactly did they do to her? Do I even want to know?
"No...please no. Please...don't touch me..."
Snapping my eyes open I sit up once I hear Isabel's voice. She was talking lowly but I could hear her. "...please don't make me do it...not again...please."
Clenching my jaw at what I hear her say I get up from the chair and sat down on the mattress. She began to whimper, her cries being muffled by the pillow she was now holding on tightly. Her face scrunched up as if she were in pain. The pain Brayden and I wanted to take away even though we didn't know why.
I watched her stir. My hands itched to touch her. To calm her down and bring her to my body but I didn't want to scare her. Especially when she was having a bad dream.
Her whimpers continued and all I can do is watch her and hope she woke up. "Isabel." I managed to say to see if she could hear me. "Isabel, wake up."
Seconds passed and she continued to stir, the pleads for whoever was hurting her to stop became louder until she sat up screaming. "STOP! YOU'RE HURTING ME!"
Her breathing was erratic, a panic attack evident. After a minute or so I saw her calm down then bring her knees up, wrapping her arms around them. The rocking motion started just like she was doing downstairs.
I stayed quiet so I wouldn't startle her. But after a while the silence was suffocating me though I am a quiet person. "Isabel."
Startled she turned my way with her eyes wide. Her scared eyes bore through me and it gave my heart a pang. Something I never feel.
Scooting forward, she quickly scooted back. "Isabel, I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to see if you are okay." putting my hands up to show her.
Eyeing my hands and then me, she closed her eyes shut. "Did I have a nightmare?" lowly asking without opening her eyes.
"Yes." answering back, then silence.
"Did I say anything?"
Opening her eyes she stared at me. "What did I say?"
Taking a deep breath I answered her. "You were pleading for someone to stop touching you."
Nodding her head slowly, she looked down. "How long have you been here." she whispered.
"I brought you up here a few hours ago when you fell asleep downstairs."
Glancing up at me she furrowed her eyebrows. "You were watching me sleep?"
"Why?" asking confused.
"Because. I wanted to make sure you were alright."
"You mean you wanted to make sure I didn't make a run for it?"
"That to." chuckling a bit but that only made her roll her eyes.
Silence fell upon us again until she spoke. "Why are you and Brayden interested in me? I'm a nobody. I am broken and dirty...worthless." looking the other way.
Taken back by her words I scooted myself closer to her. "Isabel." breathing out. "Look at me please."
Reluctantly she did. Her eyes watered until a few tears rolled down her flushed cheek. "Why would you say or think that?" lifting up my hand I wiped the tears away and I was surprised she let me.
"Look at you and look at me. I am worth nothing compared to the two of you. I am no one but a waitress who lives in a rat hole. I will be homeless soon, I can hardly save money and I've worn the same clothes for years. You and Brayden..."
"Me and Brayden what?"
Sighing out she says. "You and Brayden can have any woman who is prettier and taller than me. A long legged, well dressed, classy and educated model looking woman."
Raising my brow I shook my head no. "Isabel. That's not what we want. We've had women like that...and that's not what we are looking for. Not anymore." telling her the truth. Brayden and I had our share of beautiful, high class females. All of them being stuck up and full of themselves.
Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion she then asks. "Why me then?"
Cupping the side of her face, I tilt it over to look over at me. Her eyes still showed a hint of fear. "Because you are a mystery and we find you intriguing. Like a treasure box that hides away many secrets and priceless jewels. Once you find it's way to the mark which is buried in, you can dig it up, clean it and unlock it with the key that you have been holding on to for a very long time. The key to your new possibilities and dreams. The treasure that you'd knew you'd find and cherish once you found it...and the treasure that will always be looked at and taken care of forever. But only if it wants to be found."
Isabel looked at me with a strange face expression. "I think you should throw away the key before you open the treasure box and won't find anything worth cherishing. Don't waste your time searching for something that isn't there." and with that she uncovered herself and stood up, heading to the bathroom.
Sighing in frustration I dragged my hand over my tired face. She really doesn't believe she is worth anything...well I will make sure Brayden and I see differently. Even if it takes us a long time to dig up her heart from the hell she was put in years ago.
A/N: 11/3/16
Hello guys, hope you are all well. I've been sick over the past week after my two boys had a cold/virus. Hope you guys like it and I will try to update when I get another chance.
Anyways, what do you think about Aiden's analogy to Isabel? Will she let Aiden and Brayden in?
Thanks for Reading, Voting and Commenting. Bye.
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