Chapter 5
My eyes are watery and my heart is in a million pieces. Them, it's really them. I watch as Harry walks out, he waves with a big grin. Then comes Niall, then Liam, then Louis, then Zayn. They all have big smiles. I look down praying to god none of them recognize me. But it's impossible right? My knees feel like jelly. "Look up, and smile. Quit looking down." Ross says through the speaker. He's right, I should smile and look up. Why be ashamed? The only reason I should be ashamed is because of what I did to Niall. That's it. Plus it's my job right? To interview them. I take a deep breath and look up. Harry is walking up the three steps. Once his eyes meet mine my soul rips in half. Harry. It's Harry, the boy who broke my heart and destroyed all my dreams. The guy who used me. It's him. His face gets pale and he freezes. My lump is horribly hurting my throat making it hard to speak. Harry's eyes are still on me. He slowly walks to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek as well as a handshake. I don't kiss him back but do hold his hand for five seconds. I don't want to look like rude on camera that's why I held his hand. Next is Niall, he looks at me, the same way he looked at me that rainy day. He looks at Harry who is now sitting down in the couch looking at the floor. He comes over to me and gives me a handshake then a kiss on the cheek. Oh no! I feel myself break. I feel so embarrassed ashamed, how much of a fool I was! Now Niall has to go through this, sweet, noble Niall who wouldn't dare to hurt nobody in the world. He sits down looking at me. Liam's eyes widen when he sees me. He gives me a questioning look but quickly shakes my hand with a quick kiss. He tries to ignore me but I can' tell he is staring at me. Louis makes everything so much noticeable. I'm pretty sure everybody knows something is going on. And with Louis being quiet and serious makes everything so noticeable because Louis is never serious. He does the same thing as Liam, then sits down. When Zayn stares at me he looks at me but makes it less noticeable compare to the others. Yet he does look pretty surprised. "You?" He whispers in my ear as he kisses my cheek and shakes my hand. I sit down my knees are shaking and I feel like I've collapsed On the couch. The crowd is still wild and keep screaming "One direction! One direction!" "What the hell is wrong?! What's going on?" Ross says through he speaker. "Talk don't just sit there! Make them talk because they look like they don't want to be here!" Ross is right. They look so uncomfortable and like they want to run out of here. I do too. I want to leave, but no. I'm not going to let them ruin my JOB like they ruined my HIGH SCHOOL life. "Ladies and gentleman! One Direction!" I say excited with a fake smile. One thing I've learned in this career is how to be a good actress. I could be laughing, smiling and dancing but inside I would be dying. The crowd cheers and I keep a smile. Harry is now looking up. Niall hasn't stopped looking at me. "So guys, you've all become really famous in just three years. How do you feel about it?" I ask them. "We honestly love it." Niall says, his eyes are on me. My heart breaks a little more, seeing him and thinking how I made him cry. "We wouldn't be here without our fans though." Louis says with a grin. Wow, I gotta admit these guys are still doing their jobs. Right after I started speaking they are all smiling and acting normal, yet I know it's all fake. I'm pretty sure they don't want to be in a room with me. "Yeah, you've got a lot of fans." I say with a chuckle. They all laugh including Harry, "Well it's always overwhelming to see thousand of people love you and admire you. It's truly one of the best feelings ever." Harry says. "You're right, I can only imagine how wonderful it must feel." I say. "We can never get used to it." Liam says. Some girls scream in the audience, "You see what I mean?" He says with a laugh. The whole band laughs and the audience does too. I decide to play alone and laugh too. "It's incredible. We love our fans." Zayn says with that innocent smile. "We love you too Zayn!" Two girls from the audience yell. Zayn looks down and smiles, his cheeks turn a pink shade. "Well, tell us your new album is coming out in a couple of months right?" I ask them. "Yeah, it's coming out next month actually. It's Midnight Memories." Niall tells me, I give him a little smile hoping he has forget everything I did to him. But let's face it a simple smile isn't going to solve everything. "Midnight Memories huh? Well tell us about it. I'm pretty sure the fans want to know ain't that right?" The crowd cheers. "Well to be honest I love this album." Harry says. "It's full of love songs, party songs, heartbreak songs. You know songs that are catchy. Songs that make you remember that one person from your past." Harry says looking at me. "Yeah, actually half a heart that's a very touching song. Made me think of this girl that broke my heart." Niall says. Harry doesn't seem to realize who he is talking about but I do. Of course he's talking about me. I blink fast to stop the tears. "Well, I'm pretty sure the fans would love it." I say with fake excitement. This is too much for me. Way too much. "Commercial time." Ross says. My heart beats of joy. "Anyways, we will Be right back, do not move, we will still be with One Direction!" I tell the audience. "Anddd we're out!" Ross says taking his head set off. As he says that I get up. "What is wrong with you?" Ross stops me before I can walk out. I turn back and see the guys talking.. Obviously about me. "Nothing. I just need to go to the bathroom." "We have no time fore that! Here's what you're going to ask them next." He hands me notecards. "Ross please I have to get out this room, it's suffocating me." "Alana, stop whining go back and sit down and practice those questions." It takes all my energy not to run out that room but I walk back to my seat. The guys stop talking and stare at me. My heart is beating rapidly. "I told you I wasn't crazy." Zayn says. "Alana?" Harry asks. I look up and look at him. "Yes." I say calmly. "What are you doing here?" He asks. "My job." I simply say. "So it was you the one that Zayn saw." Niall says. He doesn't talk to me the way he did before. This time he sounds cold and cruel, I can't blame him for that now can I? "Just, try not to show how much you hate me in front of the cameras." I whisper. "It's my job, what I'm good at and can't lose it. Just pretend you like me." I say flipping my cards. "That's what we've been doing the whole time, pretending." Niall says. I look up to see him. His words stab me like knives. It hurts to see how mad he is at me. Harry gives him a mean look but Niall ignores it. The rest of the guys stay silent. Everything is getting worst now. "We're on in one, two.. NOW!" Ross says. I clear my throat. This one of he hardest things in the world. Trying not to cry in front of somebody and pretending everything is okay. "And we're back! Well now it's time for personal questions!" I say with a grin. "So," I read the notecard and look up to Harry. My stomach begins to burn, "so Harry. Rumors are saying you are dating this girl, Sarah George." I try my best not to sound mad, and hurt but I am. Why? Is it that I still care about this heartless boy? "Sarah? No we are just friends." He says. "Friends? Oh is that why she goes to your apartment all the time?" Niall says, Harry smiles and the burning in my stomach spreads all over me. "Yeah, in fact they were hanging out last Saturday." Louis says stretching over to pat Harry in the back. "No, like I said we're friends." Harry says looking at me. I look away and stare at the audience hoping that I don't look devastated in cameras. "They are friends.. For now." Zayn says. Oh bloody hell! The pain is back! That pain that I felt when I saw Harry kiss Becka, that pain when I saw them hold hands. I try to calm down but I can't. "Oh great! I feel so happy for you two! Wow, well you should bring her over sometime with you." I says with a huge smile. "He will." Liam says with a smile. Is this all some sort of plan? A plan to hurt Alana again? A plan to make me feel bad? "So, Niall is there anybody especial?" I ask. I am afraid of his answer, I am selfish yes I am I dont want to see Niall with any other girl. What is wrong with me? First I feel jealous of Harry and Sarah and now I'm jealous of Niall dating some body? What is wrong with me for gods sakes! "No. I'm still looking for that one." He says with a smile. "Hope you find her soon." I tell him. "I will." He says. "Well we are running out of time! Yes I know it we a short interview huh? Ah it was great having you guys here! Thanks so much for coming! I wish you all the best." I say getting up. They get up. I walk up to Harry and Shake his hand tightly, I would've wish to break his hand right there. When I'm about to let go of his hand he gives me a kiss on the cheek. How dare he?! Right after he was talking about Sarah! Oh my god. My intestines twist in anger towards him. If I could I would slap the living crap out of him! I give Niall a handshake. He gives me a cold look that freezes my soul. I dont wait for him to give me a kiss I give him the kiss. He looks shocked and I move to Liam next. Then Louis. And last Zayn. "But before they leave they are going to perform a song from Midnight Memories, Story of my life!" I clap my hands and watch them go to the stage. Harry starts to sing keeping eye contact with me. Quickly I turn away and walk towards Ross, "I need to leave now." I say. Ross shakes his head violently, "no! The show is almost over just wait." "I can't wait Ross! I need to get out of here before I explode!" "No! He says. I turn around and then two fat tears fall from my eyes. Ross doesn't see them but niall does. He quickly looks away from me as he didn't see it. Stop crying Alana, be strong just for two more minutes. My mind is somewhere else, floating in the clouds. I feel Ross push me then I realize the song is over. "That was story of my life!" I say walking towards the stage. Hopefully my eyes aren't too red from the tears. "Thank you for watching!" I say. "Anddd we're off!" Ross says. Before he says anything else I walk away from the room. The door slams shut behind me without hesitation I run to the bathroom, lock myself in a stall and start to sob. This is how it always ends when I seem them, nothing but tears.
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