Chapter 13
Waking up to Jai not being there feels weird. He hasn't slept in my apartment since Monday, since that day I saw Harry. Since he kissed me, since he confessed the way he feels, since that day he made me get all the butterflies all over again. He revived all those feelings I worked so hard to forget. Somehow I don't feel so angry at Harry no more. No doubt, Harry's kisses are completely different from Jai's. Harry's kisses make me feel fire all over my body. When his lips touches mine there's a spark, I feel like an eel, electricity all over my body. The warm feeling on my stomach, the way my heart beats. Everything. And Jai, his kisses don't do that. His kisses feels like nothing. I hate myself for feeling this way, I shouldn't feel that way about Harry's kisses. I should feel that way about Jai's! As I walk towards my car to go to work I remember today is Friday. The interview. One Direction. Crap. My heart races, how did I forget about the interview?! I still haven't told my boss if I'm going to do it or not. He gave me until today to decide. I'm confused, scared, terrified. Should I do it? I Cant deny it, I want to see Harry so bad. So, so, so bad. I want to see his green emerald eyes, his smile, his dimples. Ugh. Why?! Why?!! Why can't I just forget?! Why? I slam my head on the car steering wheel. Then grab my hair furiously (it's a habit, I do it when I'm frustrated). "Ms. Alana?" My head shots up and I see Cecilia knocking on my window. I open the car door, she's standing there shivering. "Are you okay ma'am?" She asks, simply I nod and get out the car. "Well, didn't look like it. You slammed your head in the steering wheel." She smiles wryly. I lock my car as I start to walk, she walks beside me. Hands in her pockets still shivering and teeth trembling. "It's just," I take a deep breath. Of course I can't tell her is because I'm getting feelings back for Harry, aka a member from the most popular boy band in the world, and that I feel like a jerk for acting like an idiot with my boyfriend. "The interview." "Can I tell you something Ms. Alana?" She asks, "Of course." "I think you should do the interview." "Why?" I ask feeling puzzled, should I really? "Because it's a great chance for you. Plus one more interview can't hurt you now can it?" She says entering the building and opening it for me. She's wrong, this can hurt. Really, really bad. "Thanks, and I still don't know." "Do it Ms. Alana." She says. My head is spinning. If I say no who knows when I'll ever see Harry again? If I say yes, then what if he's already changed his mind? What if..? What if- "Are you going to do it?" Mr. Brantley says behind me. He has a serious look, I know he wants me to do it. "Yes." As soon as I say that he immediately runs to me and hugs me, not even letting me breath right. "I knew my favorite employee won't let me down!" He says excited. I try to smile, because this is what I want.. Right? Cecilia indicates me to go with her so she can do my make up and stuff. This time I let her chose my outfit. "I think you'd look lovely in this Ms. Alana." She says holding up a bow shaped bandeau (looks like a bra) and a black skirt with white heels that match the bandeau. "Don't worry the skirt goes up your waist so it'll cover your belly button, it won't show much skin I promise." She says, probably she saw the worry expression on my face. But I trust Cecilia. And if she says it'll look good, it will. She does my hair in curls, some black glitter eye shadow and pinkish lip gloss. "Hurry! Hurry!" Ross scream busting in through the door, gosh I hate when he does that! I walk with him to the set. "Please, don't look dead out there! Not like last time!" He says fidgeting nervously. "I won't. I promise." He doesn't look too convinced but he still puts the earpiece in my ear. "We're on in ONE! TWO! And go!" Ross says. Once again the crowd is crazy. Posters everywhere. Lots and lots of screaming girls (typical). My legs feel like jelly and my heart, I feel like it's going to pop out my chest any second. Harry comes out first, the second I see him I smile. This time he grins as he walks up the stairs. He gives me a handshake and a kiss on the cheek, "You look beautiful, like always." He whispers in my ear. I feel myself blush. Yep. Definitely this interview is way different from the other one.
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