Chapter 12
I struggle to lose my arm, Harry's grip is strong and I'm pretty sure if he doesn't let go soon I'll have a big bruise on my arm. And the last thing I want is to walk out the bathroom with a freaking huge bruise on my arm. "We have to talk? Ha no." I say writhing. "I'm not going to let go until you let me talk to you, and if you keep writhing like that then my grip will just get tighter." He says. I stop moving my body and stand still. I know if I don't say yes, Harry will keep me here. The last thing I want is to be in a girls restaurant bathroom stuck with him. Plus Jai will start to suspect something's up. "Fine." I say in a cold voice. He let's go of me and my arm is red. He stares at me and takes a deep breath. "Why do you do this?" He asks. "Do what?" I ask puzzled. "You know what I'm talking about, him. Arians." He says. "Arias." I correct him. "His last name is Arias not Arians." "Tell me why." He says ignoring my correction. "I don't know what you're talking about." I say. "Don't you get it?! Don't you know what you do to me when you hold his hand?! Do you think that I do not look at the magazines?! The fucking pictures of you two!" He screams. I almost jump back. He is screaming at ME! Now he is the mad one?! "Oh cut it off Styles!" I say. "You have no right to scream at me! When you are here with your girlfriend!" he laughs, those dimples though..gets me every time. "She's not my girlfriend for gods sakes!" He says coming closer to me. "Oh really?! Well that's not what magazines say, you were with her at the club, I saw her grinding on you! You were smiling the whole damn time! Then I see you here with her! I'm not stupid Styles! And honestly you sound dumb because it's clear there's something between you two." My eyes burn from holding back the thousands of tears I want to cry. But I am not crying In front of him. "I am not dating her Alana! Why don't you believe me?! That's just gossip! She's just a really good friend!" This time I'm the one who laughs, "Good friend? Good friend? Bullshit." I say crossing my arms over my chest. He runs his fingers through his hair, something he does when he is frustrated .. Not that I've noticed or anything. He curses under his breath. "I am not dating her!! Believe me, for one time! Just believe me!" He says. "How do you want me to believe you when .. When she's here with you. In a romantic dinner I bet." My voice fades at the end. He steps closer to me, I can feel his breath. "Why don't you trust me? Is it because of what I did to you in high school? Alana, I regret that. I regret it so much.. And it hurts. It hurts to see you with Jai. And you know what's worse? I feel like you don't even like him, and then there's Niall. I'm not dumb okay? I know he still has feelings for you, and the way you look at him is different. It kills me to see in what way you look at him, when you look at me all I see is hate. And it- truly hurts. Look into my eyes. Does it look like I'm lying?" He asks, I look at his green emerald eyes. Oh. I can see it, I can feel it, he isn't lying. Something inside me tells me this. I just know it. This time I can't stop the tears. "Don't cry." He says, his fingertips are cold.. To the point they feel like ice. He slowly rubs my cheek to wipe my tears. "I'm not crying." I say. He chuckles, "Yeah I know, something got in your eyes." He says. "Exactly." I say wiping some tears that are about to fall. "That's what you told me that day, during prom remember?" He says. I just nod my head. I walk to the mirrors and grab a paper towel to dry my eyes. My heart stops for a second and I jump back, someone is trying to open the door. "Somebody there?!" My eyes widen, Sarah! I look at Harry who is looking at me. He's got that oh-we're-screwed look on his face. "Hello?! I gotta pee!" She screams knocking more on the door. "Come on! You know what I'm just going to get a worker to open the door." She says. I hear the click-clack of her heels. In a heartbeat Harry runs across the room and throws me over his shoulder. "What the hell?!" I scream confused. "Shhh!" He says. He opens a stall and puts me down, and then pushes me to the wall. He presses his body on mine, so close I can feel his heartbeat. "What are you doing?!" I say way too loudly. He covers my mouth with his big hand. "Do you know what will happen if Sarah found us in the bathroom?! You know I'm famous and so are you! You are here with your boyfriend! This would just get you into a lot of mess. And the last hint I want is for you to get into a rumor because of me." He says. For some reason I get this warm feeling in my belly. He cares about me. He does right? Or else he wouldn't have said that. I lick his hand so he would take if off my mouth. He grins, "Mmm getting freaky?" He says and laughs. I feel my stomach twist in embarrassment. My cheeks for sure are red. "I was just doing that so you would remove your hand." I say. He still has that grin on his face, "Yeah sure." We both look at each other as we hear keys. Crap! "Oh my god! We are gonna get freaking busted-" I'm cut off my Harry's lips on mine. I freeze not moving, he's the one kissing me. I open my eyes and his are close. His warm, soft lips on mine. Oh this is wrong! Why does it feel so right? Don't kiss him back, don't kiss him.. Crap. My lips move like his. He stops kissing me, before I can even speak he says, "Sorry, I didn't mean to- well yes I did but- I um, had to stop you from talking." He whispers. The keys keep moving.He quickly sits on the toilet.. What is he doing?! "Sit on me.. Now!" He whispers. I shake my head no, is he crazy?! "Or we'll get busted." He says. Ohhhh.. I can't believe I'm going to do this. I sit on his lap. He puts his hands right under my breast.. Almost touching them. "Hey! No touching!" I whisper. "Put your feet up." He orders. "No! I have a skirt on!!" I whisper. "Do it!" He says. I groan silently and put my feet against the door. I bet my panties are showing. How embarrassing! He puts his feet under mine, at least I have support in his feet. Even though I can't see it, I can literally feel Harry grin in my neck. "I like this.. You know what we could do in this position?" He whispers in my ear. My cheeks erupt. My heart rate increases. This feels.. Um .. "Thank you so much!" Sarah says walking in. I hold my breath and Harry rests his head on my shoulder. Click-clack. Her footsteps get closer and closer.. I see her orange five inch heels. She's pushing the stall and I lean back on Harry. "Shhh." He whispers quietly on my ear. I realize I haven't been breathing and exhale slowly, and quietly. "Ugh. What's up with these stupid doors?!" Sarah says. She curses under her breath and walks to the bathroom stall next to us. Oh thank god she didn't notice we were in here! Harry's grip under my breast gets tighter. I whimper, good thing Sarah can't hear it since she is peeing. "Sorry." He whispers In my ear and slowly loses his grip a little. Sarah flushes the toilet. I watch her from the little space in the stall, she is walking to the sink. Her perfect Barbie body, her perfect hair which today is curly, and those huge heels. How can Harry not like her? In other words she's perfect. She dries her hands and looks in the mirror. She's walking away when One of Harry's foot slides down in the floor. I squeeze my eyes shut and I hear her stop. I can't hear her heels anymore. "Fuck." Harry curses under his breath, his grip once again gets tight like he's afraid she'll take me away from him. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod. If she catches us here no way in earth we can explain what's going on. When I hear her walk out the door I open my eyes. Is she gone? Or is she really waiting out there to see if we go out? "She's gone. Thank God." Harry says. I can finally breath again, and my heartbeat is final back to normal. "Yes. Thank God." I say. "That was a close one." He says breathing heavy. Even though he didn't say anything, I knew he was just as afraid as I was. "Mhmm." I tell him. Then I realize he is still holding me, I am still in his lap. I push his legs down, I can finally put my legs down that's a relief, they were starting to hurt. "Harry. You can let go now." I say. "I don't want to let go." He says. I gulp. Oh curse these feelings! These stupid butterflies I get! "We," I take a deep breath, "have to get back. We're here with .. You know." I say nervously, Harry still doesn't let go. "I don't want too." He says. "Harry." I say. He groans and lets go. It feel cold and chilly without his arms around me. I get up and he gets up from the toilet. I open the stall. Breathing fresh air. It felt suffocated in there. Just me and Harry, alone. And I was sitting in his lap! "I better get back to, um." He says pointing to the door. "Oh. Yeah. Yeah I have to go back to.. Um." He nods good bye and walks towards the door, a little smile in his lips. Before he opens the door he runs back and gives me a kiss in the cheek. I gasp and he laughs. He's about to walk out the door when he says, "oh by the way.. You have gotten wider." He says With a huge grin, his hands are in front of him showing how wide my hips are. Now my cheeks are practically on FIRE. "Perv!" I say and he laughs walking away. I grab my cheek. He kissed me twice. On my cheek, and on my lips. I can't help but to smile. No, I'm not smiling but I'm grinning. A huge grin on my face. Then it hits me, Jai! I've been gone for at least twenty minutes! Ohhhh bloody hell! I run out the bathroom and bump into Jai almost knocking him over. "Jai!" I say. He grabs onto the wall. "I was worried about you!" He says. "Sorry I was gone too long, I was.." With Harry sitting on his lap. "Was um, there. Because there was a um, long line. And um the bathroom was locked so I had to wait for the man to come open it. Then I had to wait, about seven or eight girls were ahead of me, and then I had to use the bathroom. After that um, I had to wash my hands, and um, yeah." I say with a smile. He chuckles, "Wow. Gosh, I was about to walk in the girls bathroom! How ridiculous would that be right?" I laugh, laugh A LOT. Because Harry was just in the girls bathroom. He laughs with me even though he doesn't know what I'm laughing about. We head back to our spot. My food is cold now, but I eat it anyways. I can't complain now can I? Its my fault I was stuck in the bathroom. With Harry. I'm chewing my food when I see Harry and ugh.. Sarah walking to the exit. Harry grins at me and touches me with his hands as he walks by. I follow him with my eyes and he turns around and winks. I swallow my food. Butterflies. Oh Harry, why?! Then again I smile.. A smile that's so big I feel like my face is going to split in half.
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