British Banana (One Shots)
Hey guys!
(Ohmigosh I miss you all so much💔)
Anyways! This is for all those who wanted to read British Banana's love story!! (Nate and Sam)
So I couldn't decide which one shot to pick so I've decided to put all of them up and YOU all can decide which one you like 🙃🙃
All of them are creative and cute in their own ways so here are those:
Oh, and thank you @babblers for all three covers!!
One Shot 1 by @AngelJenita
First Wedding Anniversary
Sam's POV
"Sam.... Sammy sweetheart get up", a deep husky voice said while poking my cheek with his finger. "No ... go away n leh me slleeep in peace" I grumbled unhappily covering my face with another pillow.
"Sam... Sammy please don't cheat on me with our king-sized bed, I beg of you. Don't break my heart or I'll diiiiiiieeeeeee", my husbandsaid placing one of my hands on his beatingheart. Amused by his theatrics, I opened my eyes to see Nate pouting adorably still holding my hand. "Aw you look so cute Natey I said while stretching his cheeks. Batting away my hands he retorted," Among many things, I'm manly, handsome and sexy but definitely notcute."
"Are too"
"Are not"
"Are too"
"Are not"
"Are too"
"Are not"
"Are not"
"Are too"
"Yay I win" I jumped on the bed doing my happy dance. "You tricked me", he muttered pulling me down before tickling my sides mercilessly, "take it back"
" N no oo" I replied laughing uncontrollably as I was extremely ticklish; a fact Nate knew as he was my childhood best friend turned husband. "Ok ... sto stoop hahahahha" I wheezed out breathlessly. "Ouch" he said as I escaped him by pinching his arms and ran to the bathroom.
Stepping out of the bathroom I was surprised to see a trail of red rose petals leading me to the balcony where my handsomely dressed husbandleaned casually against a table filled with my favorite breakfast foods awaited me.
"Wow", I said looking at the transformed balcony. There were fairy lights hanging from the ceiling casting a magical glow on the balcony, two bowls filled with lavender scented candles were placed on either corner of the balcony, a small portable heater was kept near the table to keep us warm and light snow was falling in the background giving the illusion that we were in a world of our own.
"Happy Anniversary love", he said hugging me from behind as he nuzzled his face in the juncture of my neck placing light feathery kisses working his way to my jaw before giving me a sweet kiss on the lips. "Happy Anniversary to you too but when did you get time to arrange all this." "I woke up early and Dorota helped me to set this up and Banana before you ask me where is our sweet housekeeper, I gave her the whole day off so she can pamper her grandchildren so that ..." Just then my stomach grumbled interrupting himmaking me blush in embarrassment. "Oh is my wittle banana hungry" he teased me ruffling my hair despite knowing how much I hated that. I jabbed my elbow into his stomach, his hard ripped stomach.... ok going off topic here.
In a very posh but genuine british accent he said "this way Milady" pulling out my chair. Smiling, I sat down while he served me my food along with my favourite mug of hot chocolate topped with cinnamon. "Thank you kind Sir" I replied before digging into my food to appease the beast aka my stomach. We ate, fed each other occasionally while sneaking a few kisses. "So what's the plan for today " I asked finishing my hot chocolate. "Well Banana" he said, his eyes twinkling mischievously, "we are going ice-skating". "No no no way" I yelled while getting up from my chair and backing slowly. "Nice try but you are not getting away", he declared as he started chasing me around before pining me against the wall five minutes later.
"Say yes", he said kissing me on my forehead. "How about no" I retaliated while he moved in to kiss my eyes as they fluttered close. "Say yes please", he pleaded again as he brushed his lips against mine after pecking my cheeks. After the third time his lips touched mine I was a goner and gave in. As soon as I agreed his lips collide with mine in a frenzied manner. He sucked my bottom lip before biting it making me gasp and took the opportunity to plunder my mouth with his tongue. We both fought for domination, which he ultimately won. We made out for nearly an hour before we separated to get ready to go to the ice rink.
Now while standing in the ice rink, my hands clamped on Nate's waist I regretted giving in earlier. I could not skate like at all. The first time our parents brought us to skate, I fell and broke my wrist. I was ten years old. Five years later I was dragged again into my personal hellhole and I fell on my tailbone as a six years old boy crashed into me. Needless to say I did not like ice-skating at all.
Seeing my nervousness Nate cupped my face with his hands, gazed in my eyes and said "don't worry Banana, this knight of yours will protect you with his life and will not let you fall this time or ever". "Promise". "Yes I promise", he said as he placed a chaste kiss on my lips before hugging me with his strong hands. True to his words, he held my hands all the time and guided me on the rink. Half an hour later, I was able to overcome my fear and really started enjoying myself as Nate twirled me around making it look as if we were dancing to a music only we could hear. Our allotted time on the rink finally ended an hour later with Nate dipping me and kissing me.
Looking at the time we saw that it was already past noon and we realized how hungry we were. So we decided to have our late lunch at a cute Italian restaurant named Chez Rico. It was our favorite eatery since we first came to eat there with our parents back when we still were in middle school as its food is simply mouthwatering. Lucy, the owner looked up from the register and smiled widely as she came to greet us.
" Hi my little lovebirds, it has been a year already since that foolish lad over here finally manned up to marry you, Sam, hasn't it?"
"Yes Lucy and it was about time as I was on the verge of giving up on him", I replied as I hugged her.
"Oh come on it's not fair, you two are ganging up on me", Nate protested as he hugged Lucy, the tips of his ears turning red. Both Lucy and I laughed at him as Lucy led us to our booth. "You two sit down, your meals will be on the house today and it'll be ready in a few minutes", said Lucy. Knowing that we were going to protest she told us not to refuse as it was her gift for us and left. I was busy fantasizing about my food when Nate's voice broke me from my musings.
"Don't eat too much Banana or you will be stuck at the door", the devil said while smirking smugly at me."
" Says the guy who can eat six hotdogs at once", I retorted.
"What can I say; I am still growing".
"Growing what; your brain? And it's you who is becoming fat; look at all the flab in your stomach."
" Flab? Banana, this is pure muscle. You should know that more than anyone as you never fail to trace my drool worthy abs every night".
"Haha, by the way, your ears are still red".
"Shut up..." Our banter stopped as Lucy had arrived and gave us our food. Without much ado we started eating the delicious spaghetti bolognaise with meatballs and garlic bread. The meal was simply amazing; we thanked Lucy and put a sizeable tip in the jar before leaving.
Hand in hand the both of us walked towards the nearby park. It was mostly empty with the exception of some children who were playing under the supervision of their parents. "To the swings we go, to the swings we go" I squealed as my eyes fell on the empty swings. "Huh, how childish of you Banana" Nate mocked. "Childish, I'll show you childish" I said bending down to scoop a snowball before flinging it on Nate's face. His face was hilarious and I wished I had a camera to capture the moment. Snapping out of his daze, he formed his snowball before pelting it at me, which I dodged laughing merrily. Thus ensured the snowball fight of the year as the children along with their parents joined us a few minutes later.
We didn't realize how late it was until the sky started darkening hence we made our way back home after buying take-out at Chineserestaurant for dinner. Dining in fancy restaurants for anniversaries or birthdays were not our thing; we preferred to celebrate privately between the two of us or with our families and friends, especially now as we were both tired. Back home, Nate went to prepare the movie room as I went to freshen up.
Entering the movie room I whistled at my husband. "Looking extremely dashing Nate, and hey we even color-coordinated". It was true as we were both wearing white (A\N here are the pictures of how they are dressed since I'm crap at describing people's clothing and Nate is not wearing the jacket).
"And you are looking gorgeous as always Sam", he said as he pulled down to sit beside him on the couch with our food placed on the table in front of us. "So what movie are we watching?" "Deadpool", he replied as he poured wine in our glasses. "To us, may we spend the rest of our lives together happily as we are now", we cheered as we took a sip of our wine before eating and laughing at Ryan Reynolds dialogues. One satisfying dinner later I nestled my head in the crook of Nate's neck as he pulled me close to him wrapping his arm around my waist as we continued watching the movie till it finished. Somehow I ended dozing off on Nate's shoulder. "Come on let's go to bed Banana". "Don't wanna move, carry me", I pouted. He chuckled as he lifted me up bridal style to our bedroom. "Nate..."I said as he laid me on our bed.
"I love you"
"I love you too Sam till eternity", he said as he kissed me goodnight, his heartbeats lulling to a world of dreams showing me a glimpse of our future together.
One shot by @creepyowl1
"Sam!" Ali came running up to me, clearly excited.
"Yeeess?" I sang. I think I knew why she was happy. After all, Nate and and I were the ones who arranged it.
"Guess what? Oh my gosh, you are not going to believe this. I'm getting a record deal!" Ali screamed into my ear.
I winced and rubbed my ear because, man that girl could scream. Maybe it was payback for screaming at her yesterday. Speaking of...
I smirked at her. "Honey, remember when I called yesterday and told you to come to school?"
Ali's eyes widened.
"It was you, wasn't it?! Thank you so much Sam, I can't believe it. How did I get lucky to have a friend like you?"
I laughed. She was a great friend, and she deserved it. Not only did she have a beautiful voice, but her personality was pure gold.
"I didn't do it alone, I had a little help from Nate. He came up with the idea." as much as I loved being praised by a soon-to-be popstar, I couldn't take all the credit, even as amusing as it would be..
"Really? No wonder, he was acting weird when my name was called. And I thought I was in trouble." Ali laughed.
"Congratulations! I knew you could do it." I squealed.
I was happy for her, my best friend's dream was coming true. She deserved it for being the bestest person ever.
"See? And you thought everyone would laugh at you." I teased. "I totally get you though, I'd be scared too."
Ali grinned a huge smile that, if it were on any other person, it would look extremely creepy.
But this was Ali we were talking about, I was used to all her silliness, how could I not? I was growing fond of her antics. After all, I had some craziness myself.
"So, does Aaron already know, or are you going to tell him now?"
She turned a light pink and said, "Actually, we're going out later on today. I was thinking maybe I would tell him then, If he doesn't know yet. I want to surprise him."
"Wait, you all are going out?" I grinned as she nodded.
"Ooh, tell me how it goes, unless you have some very personal moments." I wiggled my eyebrows at her.
Ali turned as red as a tomato, "w-what? Why would y-you say that?"
I merely winked at her, definitely enjoying this moment.
Then, out my peripheral vision I saw Aaron turn the corner into the hallway.
I nudged Ali. "Look here comes your boyfriend, guess I have to leave before you two start doing...stuff." I sent her one last wink and went to find Nate.
I was pretty sure he would be helping out in the drama studio, so that was the first place I checked.
And sure enough, there he was, talking to a girl, I think her name was Kayla, or something like that.
Once I reached them I sneaked up behind Nate and leaned in close to his ear.
"Boo!" I said, causing to him to shriek like a little girl, jumping a foot into the air.
I burst out laughing, the girl joining me. Seriously, I thought his voice may have gone up a few octaves. He practically broke the scale.
"Don't do that Sam! You scared the living daylights out of me."
I grinned victoriously. "No promises."
Nate sat back down, muttering. Or well, at least he tried to sit, he plopped down, slipping off the chair and landing on his butt.
I burst out laughing at the sight. God, he was hilarious.
"Ow!" he exclaimed, getting back up and rubbing his behind.
But when he took notice of Kylie-that was her name!-watching him, he clasped his hands together.
Wait, did he..? No, it couldn't be, could it? Maybe Nate had a thing for Kylie.
For some reason, that made my stomach clench, and my mouth go dry.
"Well, I have to go locker to get some stuff. Bye!" I waved and left.
Halfway there, I heard a voice call out out my name. Nate. I felt my heart flutter- what was happening?
I stopped and turned to face him, planting a smile on my face.
"Hey. Do you want to go to the park later on? I haven't been there yet." Nate suggested.
I thought about it. Ali and Aaron were going to be together, so why not?
"Sure, it'll be fun." I replied.
He fidgeted for a little then smiled. "Cool, I saw one that isn't very far from here, you want to go walking?"
I nodded. "It's not a problem for me. See you later, alligator!"
I had a few more minutes until school was over, enough time to think about what was coming.
I was somewhat nervous, what was wrong with me? First, jealous of a girl Nate might like, now- wait, jealous?
Why would I be jealous? I'm not his girlfriend or anything. And it's not like I have a crush on him, he's my friend.
So then why..
Why do I get butterflies in my stomach when I see him?
No, it couldn't be. But it was. I had a crush on Nate Matthews.
Great, and he probably invited me to the park to talk about how he could ask out Kylie.
Well, I'm doomed.
Nate and I were sitting comfortably at a bench in the almost vacant park.
We had walked here in a peaceful silence, and still hadn't said a word.
I felt awkward, especially with this newfound truth that I..I liked Nate.
But I knew this couldn't go on. Someone had to break the ice, and of course, it had to be me.
But Nate spoke first.
"Remember when we had a race to see who could get across the monkey bars faster?"
I chuckled. "How could I forget? I beat you. By a lot, may I add."
He groaned. "Why did I bring it up? I gave you a chance to win that time. But you kept rubbing it in my face."
I smirked. "Please, I was the one who gave you a head start. And it wasn't me who rubbed anything in you face, because you were the one that tripped and fell in your face. In a mud puddle." I laughed at the memory. Ah, the good ol' days.
"Whatever, can we talk about something else now?" Nate whined.
I raised an eyebrow. "You want some cheese with that whine?"
He rolled his eyes and fixed his gaze on some little kids playing hopscotch.
After another moment of silence, I spoke again.
"Why did you invite me here? Do you want to talk about something? Like maybe..a certain girl. Huh, huh?" I nudged him.
"Actually, yeah." my stomach dropped.
"Cool, who is she?" I didn't really want to know, but I had to know.
" it ok if she remains anonymous?" Nate looked uncomfortable.
I nodded, and he went on.
"There's this girl that I've liked for some time now, but how do I ask her out?"
I swallowed and thought.
"I guess..something cute, and memorable. It depends on what type of girl she is though. If it's some emo girl or something, then don't do that, or else watch out."
Nate laughed a little at that, then he said something like, "she's amazing", softly.
"But yeah, I honestly know nothing about asking other people out, since I've never done it. But go for it! If you like her, then I'm sure she's great, and I totally support you and her, I wish you the best, good luck, hopefully you all are happy together-"
"It's you." Nate's words stopped my long and painful rant.
"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"I like you, Sam, for a long time I've liked you, but I never got the guts to tell you."
I stared at him in awe. I felt so stupid, he's had feelings for me for a long time, and I barely realized I liked him because of some girl.
I was just there, thinking, that I didn't realize I'd taken long to answer.
"I'm sorry, it was stupid of me to admit anything, to ruin our friendship-" Nate started to get up.
"No, wait! I like you too." I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
"Sam, you don't have to lie, and say that you like me too. It's fine."
"No, but I do like you. For reals." I begged for him to stay with my eyes.
Slowly, a smile took over his handsome face and he pulled me in for a hug.
"Wow. I can't believe that the girl I like likes me back. I would've never thought-"
"Shut up and kiss me." I laughed.
He chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. It was short, but sweet, and the best one I could ever dream of.
"Wait, did you call me a liar? How rude." I pouted, when we pulled away.
Nate, my Nate, grinned sheepishly and let out a nervous laugh. "Hehe, yeah?"
I playfully swatted his arm- it was quite muscular, might I say- and dragged him over to the swings.
"Please, push me? Pretty please." I gave him puppy eyes when he didn't budge.
"Fine" he sighed in defeat. "Only because you asked."
I let out a squeal as he pushed me high, feeling the wind slap my face.
We had a lot of memories together, and now we would have many more, happier, ones, especially with the friends we had.
Especially because Nate and I were together now. It was hard to believe it, but it also made me really happy.
It finally happened, my dream, and I was pretty sure it was every one else's, came true.
British banana was finally made real.
The end :)
One Shot by @DeafReader
"It's peanut butter jelly, it's peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat, it's peanut butter jelly, it's peanut butter jelly, it's peanut butter jelly with a football cap," I sang, nodding my head vigourously to the beat as I did crazy dance moves like the one where you skip side to side but push your hips forwards with every skip. I had just got off the phone with Alyssa who blubbered excitedly about the record deal. My ears will never recover fully from all the screeching, shrieking and squealing she did. And yet, you're playing Peanut Butter Jelly at maximum volume. Oh shush!
Deep resounding laughter overlapping my music stopped me abruptly and I gasped, my mouth shaping into an embarrassed 'o'. A fireball shot through my body, colouring my skin red. I dropped the hairbrush onto the floor and spun, raising my hands in surrender. Nate stood in the doorway and his arms were crossed, enhancing his muscles. My eyes lingered on them for a second before I blurted out, "I didn't do it!" Really, Sam?
Nate raised an eyebrow at me in confusement and I grinned sheepishly, looking down at my banana suit. He chuckled softly and I cleared my throat.
"It's not what it looks like!" I protested weakly.
"Oh, so it doesn't look like you were dancing to Peanut Butter Jelly Time in that banana suit of yours?"
"Okay, it's exactly what it looks like... How long were you standing there?" I asked stupidly.
"Long enough." I huffed and his low chuckles caused my heart to melt, butterflies fluttering crazily in the pit of my stomach. Whoa. He stepped in, closing my door. I switched off the music.
"Why are you here? Not that you being here is bad and like you're welcome anytime but, I mean, yeah..." I trailed off, cutting off the ramble, as I struggled to take off the suit. Nate smirked and I groaned. He crossed the room in three long strides and instantly helped me. The suit was thrown onto my bed but one of his hands remained on my arm. A burst of warmth accompanied the hand and I found myself craving more. Huh?
"Do I really have to have a reason to come over to my best friend's house?" My mouth opened and closed repeatedly.
"Are you part fish or something?" I squeaked in surprise and hit his chest playfully, pouting.
"I need some advice." I nodded encouragingly.
"You see, I love this girl," Oh. Dang. ",and I don't really know how to tell her or ask her out!" It's okay. It's not like you like him anyways.
"Oh. Is the wise Matthews finally not wise?" He glared at me and my lips twitched.
"Assuming I know this girl, call her and say you love her." He bit his lip and the action was so sexy, my mouth parted unconsciously. I shut it and slinked towards my bed, plopping down on it and raised an eyebrow.
"Anytime today would be perfect." I teased and he snorted, sitting by me with his phone in hand. He tilted his phone so I couldn't see who he was calling and I whined. My phone began ringing and I grunted, leaning backwards to scoop it off the dresser.
"Someone's calling me." I accepted the call, not reading the caller ID, "Hello?" For some creepy reason, I heard my voice from Nate's phone. I furrowed my eyebrows and he grinned boyishly, staring into my eyes.
"I love you." I gulped audibly, phone slipping out of my hand and landing on the carpeted floor with a soft thud. I kept quiet, his words not fully clicking. Say something.
"I probably shouldn't have said that." Nate mumbled, standing up stiffly. I snapped out of my daze and stoop up too, hand flying to grasp his bicep. Oh, wow, that's some bicep.
"No, no." I began, fidgeting, "I-I love you too." He beamed and I blushed, squirming under his intense gaze. I crossed my arms on top of my cleavage.
His smouldering hazel eyes snapped down and then that's when I became self-conscious. I was only in Superdry jogging bottoms and a Calvin Klein sports bra, for crying out loud! His eyes roamed my figure shamelessly and I used the close proximity as an opportunity to scan his facial features. I noticed that he washed his hair so part of it was flipping into his sight and I suddenly got the urge to push the strands out of his eyes. Without registering my actions, my hand flew to his hair and gently ran through it. My breath hitched in shock and when my eyes flew back to his as they travelled upwards, they were filled with lust. I bit my lip in embarrassment and I heard a tiny groan emitted from him. I let out a small gasp when his hands rushed to my waist, pulling me closer, and made the gap between our lips minuscule. His dark eyes kept flickering from my lips to my eyes as my breath came out in short puffs. Stop breathing like you ran a marathon, you doofus!
"Let's say, hypothetically, I kissed you. What would you do?" Oh gosh...
"Hypothetically? I'd push you away because that's not allowed in my world, dude." As soon as the last word slipped from my mouth, chapped but soft lips landed on mine and my heart skipped a beat. My eyes fluttered close, my other hand joining the one finding refuge in his silky hair, and they both tugged on strands, and fireworks exploded. Wait, what?! I pulled away first, eyes still closed, and I brought three fingers to my lips, smiling contentedly. That did not just happen?
"That was the opposite of what you said you would do." I scoffed, rolling my eyes, and brought his lips back to mine. He grinned, his tongue darting out to run along my bottom lip. I gasped again, allowing his tongue to shoot in and we kissed passionately, breaths mingling while our tongues fought for domination. We separated, feeling the need to breathe, but his lips landed on my neck, sucking and nibbling at my pulse point. My head lulled to the side, my body reacting in ways it never had.
"Sam 'Beary'-" I whacked him upside the head and his body shook with silent laughter.
"I-I really do love you. So, w-would you be my girlfriend?" he whispered, stuttering adorably against my neck, his hot breath sending tingles down my spine and I tucked in my bottom lip, beaming.
"I thought you'd never ask." His smile grew and our lips met again. He pulled away, and stepped backwards. I blushed under his scrutinising gaze. What's up with the checking out?!
"You're so beautiful," he mumbled in awe. I hung my head, my auburn hair becoming a perfect curtain and his index finger curled under my chin, lifting it up.
"You are," he spoke adamantly. His hand left my chin, rooting through his jeans' pocket. He brought out a folded piece of paper and glided out my room. I stayed still, listening for the front door and when I heard it open then shut, I tiptoed to the window and watched as he padded to his car, the headlights flashing as he unlocked it. As if he could feel my intense gaze on him, he swivelled and caught my eyes. He opened the door of the car, reached in and retrieved his SnapBack, bowed then placed the hat onto as he straightened up. I giggled and he smirked, slipping into the car. He drove off and I glanced at the retreating sun and colourful clouds before turning and sitting on the windowsill. I unfolded the piece of paper and laughed, reading the note. Burying my head into my hands, I came up with scenarios of how to tell Alyssa. Looks like I'm going on a date then! Eeeek! I must have stayed in the same position for eon years, still not adjusting to the fact that I love my best friend and he loves me back!
My phone buzzed and I leaped towards it, hoping Alyssa kept her promise and texted me so I could tell her the news. It wasn't Alyssa though.
Goodnight. Sweet dreams. I don't know why but this message felt more intimate than the other goodnight texts he's ever given. I smiled tenderly, shuffling under my covers after I'd switched off the light. Another message came through and it made me smile huger.
And I love you baby.
And I you. Baby? I responded, giggling.
I'm calling you baby, okay?
Maybe our okay can be our always.
You're too cheesy.
Only for you, Sam. Only for you. I chuckled, placing my phone on charge and turned on my beside lamp, closing my eyes. Beautiful hazel eyes came to mind as I fell asleep and sweet memories followed.
One shot by @-infinities
(And Thank you for the gorgeous cover too)
"I'll talk to you later. Okay ?" I said and left the class. I held the bag in one of my arms and scrolled through Facebook in my other arm. Facebook seemed to can't stop blabbering about the video of Aaron and Shelly.
I shaked my head and scrolled more. And here, came the loads of pictures of those weird women who can't stop 'trying' to look good, by putting extra makeup. Sam never did them. Her makeup was,always,decent and beautiful. And, it was enough to make my heart flip.
Aaron and Alyssa are together, now. My conscience spoke.
So ? I asked.
When are you going to propose Sam ? It replied making my cheeks turn a girlish shade of red. Though it was sort of true, that I liked her. Okay fine, maybe loved her. But, she just never saw me, that way. I sighed and shoved my phone into the pocket.
"Nateeee !"
Holy Jesus ! Who was screaming so loud ? As soon as, the voice was registered in my brain, a smile crept up to my face. It was none other than Samantha Bury. My Samantha Bury.
I turned around to see an over-hypered, over-excited, too beautiful and too cute, girl running towards me. I grinned and opened my hands, since I was prepared for what she was going to do. It was our 'Special' hug.
"Nate ! Nate ! Nate !" She screamed as she immediately, collapsed into my chest and wrapped her arms around me. I held her firmly and lifted her slightly, to give the hug. Honestly, I love the feeling of Sam in my arms. It was as if, I was holding the entire world in them.
"Did I say that Aly got a big, big opportunity for her singing career ?" She spoke with her face hidden in my chest. I laughed and stroked the back of her head.
"Yes. Maybe this would be the hundred and forty sixth time."
"And did I say that I have been chosen for the finals ?" Her head still hidden in my chest.
"No. But, I heard that, in the announcement."
She looked up , with her arms still wrapped around me while her chin rested on my chest. I looked down at the perfection of her face and controlled the urge to kiss her.
"Did I tell you that I love you ?"
There came the butterflies, again. I know this is extremely un-manly to have butterflies, just by listening, to those three words, but, it came from her mouth. I know that she meant it in a friendly gesture but a part of me, hoped it was the other way.
"Something's don't need to be said." I chuckled while pecking on her forehead. She smiled cheekily and dropped her arms, making me a bit grumpy, for loosing her touch.
"Wanna go and see the sunset ?" I asked. She always, had loved the sunset and I loved the way sun rays fell on her face, giving it a beautiful, orangish glow.
"Sure." She said, swinging her arm around mine. "But, I would need my ice cream."
"Urgh. What is the combination of sunset and ice cream? You always do that, ya know."
"Let's just say great minds can only understand such relationships and combinations. So, you don't try, Natey." She said ruffling my hair.
"Not my hair ! Aw, man. It took one hour, okay?"
"You're worse than a girl." She rolled her eyes and walked out of the gate.
"Whatever. And yes, don't think, I forgave you for calling yourself 'Great Mind'. It's a sin to say such lies, remember ?"
"Whatever you say, Natey." She replied.
"Is this Ice Cream parlor in Japan ?" I heard her say. She was still, walking or rather 'crawling', behind me while, I jogged away from her.
"Yes. If that's what your 'Great Mind' says." I smirked. I turned around to see her exhausted face. She looked so cute while, she kept putting her locks back in place.
"I can't walk any further, Nate. I quit." She says and sat down on the road. The sunset was about to happen, and I had thought of a perfect parlour where people enjoy, watching the view. The only problem was, it was on a small hill. I jogged down to her, rolling my eyes while she panted for breath.
"Oh come on, Sammy. You can do it ! Just a bit more and then, is the beautiful scenery." I said while she glared up at me.
"You have been saying that to me, since last twenty six minutes."
"You were counting ?"
"Oh shut up !"
I chuckled and pinched her cheeks, slightly. I sighed and put my hands on my hip, thinking what should we do. Immediately an idea clicked in my head. Let's just say I had to look at that orange face of hers. So, I sat down on one knee and wrapped one arm around her back and another around her leg.
"What are ya doing ?" She spoke. I winked and scooped her in my arms. She immediately, grabbed me by my shoulders and her face defined cuteness and horror.
"Piggy back would have been better." She complained.
"Learn to accept what you have, Samantha." I said and started walking towards the hill. In few minutes, I had reached our destination and I carefully, placed her on her feet.
"Phew !" She exclaimed and turned around to face the view. It was beautiful. The sun was just setting behind the horizon while, the buildings and streets looked tiny, under it.
"This is gorgeous." She smiled and I looked at her face. Yes. Indeed , it is.
I walked over to the parlour and bought her favorite chocolate ice cream, with choco chips for both of us. Sam grinned and held the ice cream, delicately, taking a small slurp.
"Mmm..." She moaned. "You always know my favourite."
I grinned and replied, "Always."
She crunched the biscuit of her cone and finished by licking her fingers. I smiled and removed a bit of chocolate with her tissue while she smiled.
"Now what ?" I asked.
"Home. And you are talking me to sleep, okay?"
"Okay, ma'am." I saluted her and intertwined her hand with mine, while walking down the hill. Well, what can I say, watching her sleep is sort of the best passtime.
"Your room is so un-girly." I commented as I laid my eyes on the only girly object in her room, which was the teddy bears. Her room had violet and white wall colors, which had huge amounts of pictures of her. The cupboard had no pink hearts but instead, glittery stars and musical notes all over it. I liked it.
"Yeah. Yeah." She rolled her eyes while plaiting her hair. The night suit was so adorable, I swear. It had angry birds printed all over and it looked so cute on her.
She immediately, hit the bed and patted on her left side for me to sit. I sat down on the spot and looked at her face which was now,laid on my stomach.
"Talk." She ordered.
I smiled and kept stroking her hair, thinking about what to speak. I don't want any such topic which would make her jump in excitement and that's why, I thought to go with cherishing old memories.
"Remember how we met ?" I asked. She suppressed a grin and nodded.
"You were such a coward." She commented.
"Those bullies were huge and I was just a four year old. " I defended myself.
"I was three. But, they still ran away, when I warned them, to stay away from you."
"That's probably because of those braces and pigtails." I smirked while she playfully hit my leg, which was in her reach.
"Old times are beautiful. I loved them. Remember when we went to that park ? And, that idiot tried to kiss you on cheek ? I punched him so hard. For a thirteen year old, I was strong. And, that time you were sick ? I stayed up for the whole night taking care of you." I smiled. "What would I do without you, eh ?"
I looked over at her and found her sleeping. She had cuddled cosily around me, sleeping peacefully and looking absolutely amazing. I smiled and stroked her hair, pushing back one of the locks.
"I loved you, since so long, Sammy. I could just never get bored of you. I wish I could say you this. I so wish it." I said and closed my eyes.
"So say it."
Excuse me ?
I looked down at her face and saw her eyes wide open, with a huge grin plastered on her face. My eyes turned into big saucers. She heard it ?
"S-Sam, I d-don't r-really--"
"Oh come on ! Say it, Nate. How long are you gonna hold it back ?" She cut me.
"But what if you reject me ?" I said in a tiny voice. I scratched my head, feeling uncomfortable and looked everywhere, except her face.
"What the hell!" She screamed and sat upright. Immediately, she jumped on my lap, with one of her leg on my left and other on my right. Her arms wrapped around my neck.
"Say it. Say it. Say it."
"Say it. Say it."
"Just say it !"
"Properly, dumb."
"I love you, Samantha."
"And ?"
"Will you be my g-girlfriend ?"
"Yes !" She screamed and hugged me , tightly. As soon as the word entered my auditory nerve, I exploded into a big bubble of happiness. Sam is my girlfriend. Finally, the lady of my dreams is mine. Sam, Samantha is my girl, now.
"Really ?" I re-checked.
"Yes, you idiot." She squealed in joy.
"So can I kiss you ?" Immediately, a slap hit my face and I felt sharp pain rise.
"What ?"
"First, you take so much of time to speak. And now, you expect kiss ? You get nothing, Mr. Mathews."
"Oh come on ! I know you want to do it, too."
"Kiss me or I will tickle you to death." As soon as, the words left my mouth, her face was covered with pure horror.
"Okay." She said and brought her face close to me. I wrapped my arms around her body while her hands tightened around my neck.
"Wait. You don't have any bad breath or--" She began.
"Shut up and kiss me." I said while colliding my lips with Sam's.
The end
I hope you all enjoyed different versions of British Banana love story!
Do check out my other works if you guys have time!
Love you all❤️
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