Alyssa in the House
If you got a notification of Chapter 37, it's NOT yet written. Instead I hope you all enjoy this... (The whole thing is not an A/N)
Thanks to @outinsider for making me four lovely banners (Wattpad allows to put one image only so I couldn't put all of them) they're amazing <3
A special thanks to @_TravellingThoughts_ for the current (new) cover of TIBF.
And A MASSIVE THANKS to all those who wished me. I wanted to reply to all of you but wattpad didn't let me 😕
Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR. May it bring lots and lots of happiness in the lives of your family as well as you❤️❤️
Hey Cookies!!
(Gosh I really am going to think of some other name because this just makes me think of a large chocolate chip cookie {big enough to fit in both your hands} with liquid chocolate oozing out from a few places and with bits of chunky brownie and tons of chocolate chips covered with melted chocolate)
So now you understand my misery.
Anyways, I know I'm being a really bad author with so many stupid authors notes and all.
And I know that you all want to chuck tomatoes at me for being annoying and all.... But I warned you all.
To be honest, I'd really request you all not to expect much from me these three months. (January, February and March)
Yes, I have exams again (I told you my school's cray-cray). But still I'm giving you a short cute post with Alyssa and Aaron answering the questions you all asked.
I'm NOT saying that I won't update at all in these three months, I'm just saying that my updates won't be fast enough.
Since I'm really tensed about my interview and entrance tests (in Feb) I'll be focussing more on it than writing because I really want to get into the uni I'm aiming for.
And if (some) you guys start to accuse me with 'you could've written a chapter instead', I'd like to ask you:
What do you prefer-
1) A Super-crappy chapter (with no cute moments between Cuffin)
2) A short and a cute post like this
3) No update at all -.-
And since I'd already started with this, might as well finish it.
Okay, so now since that's done,
Here they we go.
Author: Hey yo pretty people. First of all, Happy New Year!! I hope it goes well for all of you and may you all prosper this year. I hope-
Alyssa: *whispers* I don't think she's introducing us any time soon.
Aaron:*whispers back* Me neither.
Author: -and you all be happy no matter what happens. So before Alyron starts insulting me behind my back-which technically is not behind my back- BECAUSE I CAN HEAR YOU BOTH! *glares at both*
Alyron: *give sheepish look and mouth 'sorry'*
Author: *rolls eyes* Yeah so let's just quickly start with the questions. Before I start, Aaron, go to the sound-proof room on the other side since its Allie's turn right now.
Aaron: *whines* But whyyyyy? I also want to sit hear and listen to her answers.
Author: Are you sure? Because then Allie will be sitting here for yours too.
Aaron: *shrugs* I don't have any problem.
Author: *gets off her place from the podium and goes to Aaron* Take a look at your questions then answer my previous question again.
Aaron: * skeptically takes the cue cards and takes a glimpse of the questions*. Pause. *widens eyes*
I'll see you soon Muffin. Gotta go.
*runs out of the room*
Author: *smirks* Lets start.
Q1 What's the most embarrassing thing that you have blurted out (in nervousness)?
A: Embarrassing thing? Oh yeah. This one time I was at some Lawyers gathering ball or something where my parents had taken me. So when a cute boy approached me. He had apparently tasted some food that smelled like "gas". So out of nervousness, while trying to make a decent conversation, I blurted-
"Well, there's a pill that makes farts smell like chocolates."
Yeah. That was awkward.
Author: *falls of the chair laughing*
Allie: *blushes* Shut up!
Q2 Would you rather kiss Candy or eat slugs?
A: Kiss Candy. I mean cheek-kisses are normal for best friends, so...
You didn't give much of a choice though.
Q3 In one word describe the feeling you would get of Candy got shot....with a water gun?
A: Triumphant. Because I'd be the one shooting him, obviously. *grins evilly* That just gave me an idea for a revenge plan.
Q4 If you ever find out Candy likes you as well, what will you do?
A: What do you mean by 'as well'? *smiles innocently*
Q5 Would you kiss Aaron if Sam kisses Nate?
A: Uh... Why would I do that? I mean I don't think I'm having a kissing competition with Sam...
Q6 Do you like glasses? Would you plan a revolution, joining all the nerds and the teachers together? What part would you play in it?
A: Honestly, yes, I do like the glasses. Hmm, a revolution you say? That's not a bad idea but if I do plan one, and my first aim would be to steal all the makeup Shelly owns the night before a school day *grins* and see her reaction.
I would play the part of the mastermind behind plans while someone else executes it. And I'll gladly take the blame for Shelley's broken nails too.
Q7 Why do you think Candy gets flustered?
A: Um... I haven't really given it much thought. *pause* now that I think about it, why does he get flustered?
*narrows eyes at Author* Do you know the answer to that?
Author: *smirks* Wouldn't you like to know that?
Author: No
A: Okay. Fine. *fishes phone and calls Sam*
Sam: Damn. Yours was better. Anyways, aren't you being interviewed?
A: Thanks. And yes. That's why I called. I wanted to ask you something.
Sam: Sure. What?
A: Why does Candy get flustered?
Sam: Uh- will you hold on for a minute? *frantically dials Author's number* WHAT DO I DO?
Author: Dodge her question but DON'T TELL HER! I REPEAT DO NOT TELL HER
Sam: Uh. Okay. *goes back to Ali* Think of it yourself. Why do you get flustered?
A: I...I don't know.
Author: *rolls eyes* Why are you so clueless?
A: *gives flat look* You made me clueless.
Author: Haha. Okay. Next.
Q8 Will you ever forgive the friend who dumped you (notice how I even forgot her name)...? {Kinsy}
A: I like you already. And as for the answer to that, I don't even think she wants my forgiveness at all... So why bother?
Q9 If you had to choose one between your mother and Aaron, who would you choose?
A: *gapes* WHY WOULD YOU WANT ME TO CHOOSE?!?! I'd personally go on a mission to find a witch and ask her to temporarily combine them into one person and then choose the person. *smirk*
Q10 Were your parents friends with Aaron's even before you were?
A: Actually my dad and his dad are college buddies. So eventually when they started hanging out, our mothers met and immediately hit off since they both hated our neighbours wife who constantly kept hitting on our dads. So yeah....
Author: So guys, that's a wrap for today. Aaron will be answering his questions some other time.
AND JUST FOR THAT, I'll make the next chapter really exciting (not that I wasn't already planning to...)
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