20) @kyeoul
INTERVIEW WITH: @kyeoul :)
Me: What's behind your username?
kyeoul: So basically 'kyeoul' or '겨울' in korean means winter. It's my favourite season because I love christmas and cold weather! That's why. Hehe ^^
Me: What country are you from?
kyeoul: I'm half filipino, half british! Well my nationality is british but yeah, my ethnicity is filipino/british. :3
Me: Why did you join Wattpad?
kyeoul: Ahh, so I joined about 2 years ago because I used to be a big directioner, so I was really into all of the 1D fanfics. haha. But just recently I got into kpop, and discovered all of these fanfics, mainly Exo ones at first. I was inspired to write my own stories so I created a new account and here I am!
Me: What was it like when you first started writing?
kyeoul: Hmm, well it hasn't been that long at all since I've started writing on wattpad, so I'd say it's pretty much still the same since then? Haha. It's just that now, from reading a lot of books, and asking people for feedback, I've changed my writing style a little bit to make it more interesting. But if I compare my writing now to maybe only a few years ago, it has definitely improved significantly.
Me: *nods head* Where do you get your ideas from?
kyeoul: Usually it just comes out of nowhere. Sometimes when I watch a tv show or movie, I think of this random idea and note it down so I don't forget it. i have this list of story ideas on my phone actually! Sometimes just reading other books on wattpad gives me the inspiration as well. Especially those idea books people make. i love them!
Me: How do you deal with Writer's Block?
kyeoul: Ugh. I hate Writer's Block with a passion. Usually I just force myself to write the story, pretty much. Even if I don't feel like writing, or if I'm not feeling creative that day, I'd still make myself do it because eventually the ideas will come. That's like, my number 1 fear in starting a new story! Because it's likely for me to get writer's block in the middle of writing or planning it, and you know, that'll leave the readers hanging. Usually, if I feel inspired, I try and write it straight away before I forget about the ideas.
Me: [That is a good idea :) ] Who are your favorite author's here on Wattpad?
kyeoul: Oh, gosh. This is hard. gazingat , @sacheeko, @thanks4dbrokenheart, @KimchiiDesu, @yesternights, @xxfckai88. I could go on forever lol. But these are some of my favourites right now.
Me: What was your most embarrassing moment ever?
kyeoul: Oh, god. Not sure if this is the most embarrassing moment but it's the only one I can recall. So anyway, I was in my drama class with the rest of my classmates, we were rehearsing this play we were gonna do. I was sitting on this chair which was on this elevated platform thing, and guess what. Ughhhh. I leaned back, the leg of the chair slipped off the platform and I tumbled down along with the chair. i might've done some sort of backflip, who knows omf. It wasn't painful at all, I didn't fall on my head or anything thankfully, but it was freaking embarrassing because pretty much everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me as the noise of me falling was damn loud. Oh, gosh. Ahahaha.
Me: [Oh, my. Hahaha xD ] Are there any stories you're working on that aren't yet published? If so, can you please tell us a little about it?
kyeoul: Hmmm... Well, I haven't decided on anything yet but I'm thinking of doing an applyfic after I finish my book 'the boy next door'. Or maybe a short story in text-message form? Not sure yet! Please anticipate them. Hehe. ;)
Me: Is there anything you would like to add? Any advice or other things you would like to share for our fellow Wattpaders here?
kyeoul: Well, if you're just starting to write your own stories... don't give up on it. Readers, votes, and comments don't come overnight! In time, you'll definitely improve in your writing skills ^^ and if any of my friends or readers are reading this, thank you guys, i love you all <3 Just keep doing what you do. I know this sounds kinda cheesy but, live life. Lmao. Okay. That's all. :3
Huge thanks to @kyeoul for participating! :)
That is all.
Thanks and God bless!
~Jewel 💓
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