Hey, guys!
I don't know if you guys have ever heard of the Stripped Down challenge. It's actually a thing on YouTube and basically the person has to sit and simply talk for ten minutes with no editing, no music in the background, no cuts... Nothing. It's just them and the camera for ten minutes.
And today, that's kind of what I want to do! I know it's kind of crazy because this is nothing like a video, but I just want to sit and talk to you guys for ten minutes. I don't have a topic set out or any idea what I'm going to say. I'll just let the Lord lead me. :)
Okay! Here we go!!
Well, uhhhhm...
Oh I have something!
So lately I've seriously considered making YouTube videos when I'm a little older. Like, I've SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY thought about it. Kirby Minnick, the YouTuber whose testimony I shared with you guys, she has been such an inspiration to me and has made me so motivated to do more for Christ because He has done so much for me and I just want to use the talents He gave me to give back to Him.
I am constantly having talks with myself but as if I'm talking to someone else and they're usually extremely interesting! Honestly, Kirby and I are so much alike and I love her videos, so I feel like I could make an impact like she has.
But that will have to wait because I have no money to buy a camera or a computer to do my editing on. And I don't have a job or anywhere to get that money from, so yeah. I'm afraid though, that if I wait too long I will love my enthusiasm and drive to make YouTube videos! I've already got two completely planned out, but again I am just not financially able to do it right now.
Unless someone just randomly wants to buy and send me a MacBook! I'll give ya my address! Lol I'm kidding!!
But yeah. That's just something I've really thought about. They'd be Christian videos, maybe a fun little thing here and there, but always revolving around Christ and joy in Him! Tell me what you guys think!
So it's literally been like six minutes.
I am laying in bed right now. It's kind of where I spend my entire life... I'm a sloth.
OH MY GOOSES! In two days I am going to Georgia!! My family used to live there, so we're just going back to visit some old friends and go to our old church! That church has actually just recently built a new church building because they have grown so much! Like, praise the Lord Jesus!!
But I get to see my best friend ever who I haven't seen in over five years!!I'm making her a painting and surprising her with it! Ah! It's go into be so wonderful! I'll probably be in tears! Tears of joy I promise!!
Wow. That wasn't too bad.
Sorry if that was like the most boring thing ever! I just wanted to test it out! I guess you guys know a little bit more about what I've been thinking lately though! I love you ALL so much and I love seeing us all grow together in Christ!
God bless you and have a fantabulous day!!!!
•Banana 🍌
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