Discussion - Salvation (Part Two)
🚨If you haven't read the first part of this, go do that real quick!! Just go through the contents of this book until you find the one that says "Discussion - Salvation" and boom! 😄
Okay, so in the first part of this we discussed when a person is considered "saved" and if a person can lose his/her salvation or not. 😕
At first I thought a person could lose their salvation, and many of you did too. We said that if a person gives their life to Christ and is saved but later rejects God and the Christian lifestyle, then they have lost their salvation in Jesus Christ.
⏩But today I watched a video of one of my favourite YouTubers, Kirby Minnick (a.k.a. kirbyisaboss), and she really cleared up the table for me and actually changed my entire perspective on it with just a few verses, but this one specifically:
"They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged with us." -1 John 2:19 📖
What I understand from this is that if a person receives "salvation" and follows Christ but then turns away and becomes one of the world, they were never truly a follower of Christ. They were never truly saved to begin with. I don't know about you, but that seems pretty legit to me. 😏
Kirby also mentions how God is constant. He nor His promises never change. He is always the same. (Hebrews 13:8 📖) So when God says that we are saved, we. are. saved. His words will always remain true and His spirit will always live inside of us if we have truly been saved and forgiven of our sins in the name of Jesus Christ! Now, I do believe it takes a special something to take place deep within your spirit to come to the actual point of salvation, but once you've reached it, it's yours for eternity. 🙌 Amen!
I mean, yes we're always going to slip and fall. Romans 3:9 📖 says that all people, Jews and Gentiles, are "alike under the power of sin." We are all sinners, and that is where things tend to get fuzzy with the whole salvation thing. Like, the world convinces us that we have this whole list of fancy things that we need to do in order to keep our salvation in Christ, but dudes, as long as you got Jesus in your heart and on your mind and you try to do His will, you're good! ...But just because we are covered doesn't mean we need to take advantage of God's grace and do whatever we want (Galations 5:13 📖). Freedom has some limits. 😉
Well, I hope you've enjoyed this and maybe learned something or broadened your view on the topic a little! COMMENT what you think!! I love to hear what you have to say and feed off of your ideas! This is a discussion after all!! 😅
Here's the video! ⬇⬇⬇ If you haven't seen any of Kirby's works, boyyyy, you're missing out! She's one true stunner! ❤
Love you!! 😘
Peace out, homies! ✌
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