You may say: "These shorts are in! Everybody is wearing them and there's nothing wrong with showing a little skin! Besides, it's hot and I know I'm a Christian."
But God says: "You are my masterpiece and I made you for your husband's eyes only. Your clothes shouldn't draw attention to you, but your attraction should come from the good you do in my name."
(That was intended for women, but also applies to you men! Modesty is the best policy for both genders!)
Don't change your body just to fit the world's desires. You are beautifully and carefully made in just the way God wanted you.
(Also applies to males too.)
This is so true, but trust me guys it is will be worth every second of it!!! Sex (I'm sure... Kind of guessing here) is great and all, but God created it for after MARRIAGE! And we're all mature here, so I'm just going to come right out and say it. There is not a condom in the world that can protect your heart. Sure, they can prevent from getting pregnant, but it will not prevent heartbreak and not only that, using condoms multiplies your risk of getting infected with STD's by TEN, most of which have no detectable symptoms, are incurable, can lead to various types of cancers, and can result in the female losing her ability to have children. Guys, save sex for marriage. Please. Do if for yourself.
Abstaining also helps to ensure that your relationship isn't solely based on sexual interaction. Take the sexual stuffs away and then see what's left!
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 "For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God."
And it's not just talking about sex. It means everything. Reading steamy novels, watching porn, sending inappropriate pictures of yourself or others, masturbating, making suggestive jokes or remarks, looking or thinking lustfully of people around you. . . This is all included! Take a look in your heart for a second.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Do you see Christ in me at all?
If you're already caught up in Satan's temptations of lust over love, don't try to go "cold turkey" and change everything at once. Take your time. No body is perfect. We all stumble and fall at some point. Just find something to take the place of that sin. I will be 100% honest with you. I am struggling SO HARD with these types of things right now. Call me a Hippocratic loser if you want, but I really just wrote this chapter for myself. But for me, my replacement is my friends and God. If I spend more time with my friends and talking with God, the less I even think about committing any of those nasty sins.
What is your replacement?
Respect your body.
The respect you have for yourself now is what you will pass on to your husband and your children one day. Let's start off on the right path now.
I know this chapter was just a bunch of jumbled up stuff, but hopefully I got a good point across.
Thanks for taking time out of your life to read this book! It truly means the world to me and I appreciate every one of you guy's support. I love you! Have a blessed week!
God bless! †
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