'ELLO!!!!!!! 👋
🔸Did everyone has a good, presence-filled Christmas?!🔸
YO, NOODLES! IT'S ALMOST 2018!! I've already decorated my room again for the new holiday!
I've decided that this is my holiday pun window, and I'm going to have a new pun for every holiday of the year! So that's ONE thing I am going to start/change this new year! Another is being more consistent with my exercising and healthy eating. I already do exercise and watch what I eat, but its not an every day thing and I need it to be.
My body is the temple of God, the home the Holy Spirit inside of me, so I need to take care of it. 👌
Another New Years resolution/change I want to make in my life is to read my Bible daily and not just a verse or two. I want to dive down deep and get lost in chapters, BOOKS even, if I need to. And I want to do it for the reason of wanting more of God, not so I can make my Bible pretty with highlights and sticky notes. Those are nice to look at, but God doesn't look at my Bible, He looks at my heart and my spirit. So ye. I also want to read the entire Bible, cover to cover this year, or at least start. I don't want to set a time limit or goal by when I want it done because my Bible reading time is GOD'S TIME to work through me and teach me, and I don't need to rush that.
🔸What are some things that you would like to change or initiate in your life in 2018?🔸
But speaking of Bible reading...
I GOT A NEW BIBLE, AND IT IS NOW ONE OF MY FAVOURITE AND GREATEST POSSESSIONS! It is a She Reads Truth Bible. I'd been wanting one for a good while, and last week I discovered that they have them at Wal-Mart fo cheap! Well, cheap for what it should be worth, I think! Here's what it looks like!
Hey, would ya look at that! I CAN be aesthetic! Let's see some more aesthetic Bible pictures, shall we?! 😄😂😄
This Bible is so stinking amazing! It has an amazing introduction with How to Read the Bible and what the Gospel is all about!
It it filled with devotionals!
Lots of charts, references, maps, and timelines!
Wide margins for taking notes and journaling!
A fancy, hand illustrated page of a key verse for each book of the Bible!
As well as the history and time for each book!
And several Bible reading plans/trackers!
And it is GORGEOUS and very heavy-duty! Literally, it weighs as much as my AP World History book! But that means it's FULL and durable! 🙌 I told one of my friends: Honestly, if I could sponsor something, it would be the She Reads Truth company. Go check out their website where they have tons of themed devotional books and studies! I believe they even have an app and an Instagram! Trust me, it is a beautiful community of faithful Christian women!!
Boys, don't feel left out! They have He Reads Truth study books too if you're ever interested! In fact, they have whole family packs!
Wow, I feel like I actually am sponsoring them... I JUST LOVE MY BIBLE SO MUCH!! 110% RECOMMENDED!!
🔸Do you have a favourite Bible or Christian source (other than Wattpad)? If so, please do share!!🔸
•BPL 💙
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