#1. What were the three signs that God gave to Moses so that the people may believe that the Lord had appeared to him? (Most people only know of one of these.)
#2: How were Paul and Silas freed from prison?
#3. How did Judas die, and why?
#4. On the cross, Jesus cries out "Eli, Eli, Lena sabachthani?" (meaning "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"). Who did the people think He was calling?
#5. How many books are in each the Old and New Testament?
#6. Who was the angel that spoke to Mary?
#7. When Jesus died, there was darkness for how long?
#8. How many jars of water did Jesus turn into wine?
#9. On what mountain did the ark rest on while the waters of the flood went down?
#10. How many times a day did Daniel pray to God?
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Comment all of your answers, and please don't cheat! This is to test your personal knowledge! Trust me, I didn't know half of these things!!
I hope this was fun! Tell me if I should do trivia more often! I wouldn't mind! 😄
*dramatic sniffle* they grow up so fast! Aha! Please keep them in your prayers! And my back, because it's still dying.
Also, who else is just super ready for Christmas even though it's two months away? Because I am!!!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Thanksgiving and Halloween, but Christmas songs are the actual best! My English teacher plays Christmas music in class all year round and I love it! Plus, everyone and everything is just so happy and bright around that time of year, and right now everything feels dead and I'm just really wanting some pep!! THE WORLD CAN BE PEPPY ALL THE TIME IF WE LET IT THOUGH! Come on guys, be peppy with me!! Wooooooh!
Lol, I'm a dork. I'm also a Jesus freak and I am so glad that I have Him because I would have no peace or joy without Him. Gosh, I love Him!!
I hope I'm spreading at least a bit of this joy to ya! Guys, we have NO REASON not to be singing and shouting all of the time! God has forgiven us; our sins - not in part, but in whole! - were nailed to the cross with our Savior. Isn't that just beautiful! I don't know about you, but I think Jesus is a pretty rockin dude, and I can't wait to finally be in His arms. 💜
Have a fantastic day! Be happy and peppy! You deserve it! I love you! Jesus loves you!
•BPL 🔆
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