8. The World Is A Darker Place
Get ready for some good shady quotes from some of these characters meh dudes
In the morning, they all woke up around nine thirty or so and Brock decided to make breakfast. A member of the staff on board came by an hour after they had breakfast and explained that they were to be moved to a larger suite due to a pair of teenagers thinking that using a first class suite and then flying off the ship on their flying Pokémon the next day was a hilarious practical joke. So they all moved their stuff to the suite, only to be blown away. It looked more like an apartment then the small, cramped hotel rooms they were in. It had a kitchen and a living room area, and a hallway with three bedrooms on each side.
Ash and Misty's little competition was concluded as a draw after they both fell asleep at the same time and face planted into their pancakes, which were inconveniently drizzled in maple syrup. It cause everyone a good laugh, but they had to take showers again to get it off their faces and out of their hair. Thank goodness that they had two bathrooms now.
"So what are we going to do today?" Brock asked everyone.
"Oh I know!" Ash exclaimed excitedly, "A Pokémon battle!"
Everyone, and that meant everyone sweat dropped, including the Pokémon.
"What?" Ash asked, a little disappointed.
"I think that we were thinking more along the lines of something relaxing to do," Tracey explained, scratching the back of his head.
"Oh... Well I guess we can do something like that too," Ash replied, embarrassed.
Pikachu and the other Pokémon chattered responses of agreement, wanting to relax.
"Hmm... Oh I know," come from Misty, as her eyes lit up, "How about swimming?"
"Oh yeah! That sounds like fun!" Ash smiled, "Whatda ya say, guys?"
"Sounds great," Ember exclaimed from her spot on her boyfriend's lap, who smiled at his girlfriend's excitement.
"What about you, Teari?" Tracey asked his friend sitting next to him, who was a little distracted petting Chiko's leaf.
"Do you want to go swimming?"
Teari looked down, contemplating whatever it was that was making the choice difficult. Finally, she lifted her head up to smile at him, "Sure," she replied, "but I'll have to talk to the girls for a second," she said, motioning for Misty and Ember to come with her into her room.
They exchanged puzzled looks before following her and leaving the boys in the living area. Ash turned to the others, "What was that all about?"
Tracey looked where they had last disappeared, "Honestly... I have no idea."
"Me neither," Brock mused, finding the girl's actions odd.
"I'll say," Ash started, "Teari seemed like she was worried about something for a second."
"What do you suppose that could be?" Tracey asked the youngest out of the three of them.
Ash shrugged, "Don't ask me, I'm the dense one, remember?"
Tracey leaned back and sighed. Truth be told, he was suspicious, but also worried about her as well.
"Relax, Tracey," Ash said, "it's probably no big deal."
"Ash's right, Tracey," Brock spoke up, "She could just be nervous about swimming in front of all those people."
"Teari? Nervous?" Tracey exclaimed, "No way. Not over something as simple as that."
"Are you sure?" Ash asked.
"Positive," Tracey remarked, "Teari is a carefree, go with the flow kind of person. She wouldn't worry about something like being out in public."
"Well, you have known her longer," Brock concluded, "but it's been years since you saw her leaving for Kanto. She could've very well changed since then."
"Hm... I guess you're right,"
Tracey still wasn't convinced, however. He had a feeling that something was up, but decided it was best to not ponder on it long. They were here to have fun and explore the ancient island region of Inkanni, right?
"Hey, what's that, Ash?" Brock asked the said boy, looking at what he was trying to now hide from him.
"I-It's nothing!" Ash denied, struggling against Brock's advancement towards it. In a fatal attempt to hide it behind him, Brock used the upper hand as he simply just used his long arms to grab it out from under him. Tracey couldn't help but laugh while watching them.
Pulling it out for the other two to see, Brock and Tracey easily recognized it as Misty's fishing lure.
"Wow, Ash," Brock grinned, "I didn't think you'd still have this."
"Neither did I," Tracey agreed, "though I wouldn't be surprised if Dawn or May forced you to keep it with you or something."
"No... I-I just didn't want anything to happen to it at home, like getting sucked up in the vacuum, or something like that..." Ash mumbled, scratching the back of his head.
"Sure, Ash," Tracey said, rolling his eyes at what was probably the stupidest excuse he's ever heard.
The air grew still around them.
Ash sighed, "I just... felt like I needed to... and not because she'd probably hit me for losing it, but because... I don't know... it's hard to explain."
They were quiet. Tracey and Brock looked at each other knowingly. They realized that they took their teasing a little too far. Ash was the stubborn type. They knew that even if this boy had recognized his feelings, he'd be in denial, but this was the closest thing to him admitting that he was in love with Misty that they'll get.
In that silence, they made another realization.
That they were constantly surrounded by suspicion.
That they were always kept in the dark as if a word was spoken, something would shatter.
What was it that made them come here on such short notice anyway?
To travel and reconnect with old friends, or something that not even they knew was ahead of them?
"Listen... Misty," Teari sighed, "There is something I need to tell you concerning that marking on the lower right of your back."
"W-wait," Misty stuttered, "y-you actually saw that!?"
"She has the marking?" Ember asked her cousin, shocked to hear this piece of news.
"Yes... to both questions," Teari said, "Now Misty, how many people have you told and how long have you noticed it?"
"I haven't told anyone but my sisters, but they didn't believe me. I think I started noticing it around when Ash left for Hoenn and I started getting more visits from Tracey, Sakura, and Casey."
(A/N: Lol, I bet y'all forgot about them. Casey and Sakura, that is XD)
"And you didn't tell them?" Teari asked curiously, while seemingly sounding relieved by this.
"No, not after my sisters laughed at me. They may be nicer now, but they're still a bit harsh. Well, except for Daisy. She wasn't really harsh about it, but she did tell me that I probably didn't get enough sleep and should go back to bed..." Misty mused.
Ember just nodded to show that she was still listening while waiting for her turn to speak.
"Hey.. what is this even about?" Misty questioned the dark blonde.
"Well," Teari breathed out, uncomfortably, "I just wanted to make sure that you are aware of... the dangers.. that we'll have to face."
"Wait.. we'll?" The orangette furrowed her brows, wondering what she meant by that.
Teari grew a melancholy expression on her features, looking to Ember like a five year old looked at their parents when they have to go to school for the first time. Ember displayed empathy, and nodded to her reassuringly, signaling the impressionist to follow what needed to be done.
Closing her eyes softly, she gently tugged her sleeve down. What Misty saw made her gasp in shock, grasping her hands to her mouth. Tears even dared to escape the sea of her cerulean-green eyes at the sight.
"T-t-that's.... like-"
"Yes," Teari turned away, fixing her shirt to cover what couldn't be unseen by Misty, "that's why you must never do what I've done, Misty," she explained, "the world is a darker place than we know, and if we keep shielding ourselves from that fact, then, well, we can never move on from what light has now been extinguished. You can't trust every friendly offer, when they come from the mouth of a cheat."
"What do you..." Misty started to ask, before giving in, seeing as she had a newfound respect for the 14 year old impressionist, not wishing to upset her, "... Okay."
"Teari?" Ember spoke out, "Should I...?"
"Yes," she nodded, "go ahead."
Ember, slipping off her denim vest and pulling at the back of the collar of her flannel shirt, bending down to Misty's height to show her what was revealed on the back of Ember's neck.
"You too?" Misty exclaimed in surprise.
"Yup," Ember replied, putting her vest back on.
"Now, Misty," Teari said, catching the said girl's attention, "no one else but us can see our markings but each other. The least they'll see on me is a bruise-"
"-I know," Teari cut her off, "but that's what they'll see. Anyway, don't act like it's there when we are at the pool. If we act suspicious, well, let's just say they're forces coming for people like us."
"What!? Who?"
"Shhhh!" Teari and Ember hushed the water type Trainer almost immediately.
"Do you want them to hear us!?" the dark toned 16 year old whisper-scolded.
"Huh, why-"
"-Because, Misty," Teari answered, "we can't let the guys know about this, not yet."
"But wh-"
"-But why not?" the same impressionist interrupted once more, "Because. There'll be a proper time when I'll explain everything, I can assure you."
'And it may come sooner than I thought.'
Hey, Lilly here.
Just another chapter of the story that has been in high demand by my strongest followers which I am thankful for, so that's why this is being updated on Thanksgiving 😊
I hope you all are having a wonderful time this Thanksgiving and are excited for Christmas!
[EDIT: *looks at original author's note above* Hoe shit, I had planned on updating this back on Thanksgiving!?! Shows how much effort I've been putting into this 😬 It's already 2018. Oh, and for those of you reading this in 2019, do we have flying cars?? Lol jk]
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