12 - Let Me See You...
Later that night...
I lay in bed thinking about my day spent with my seven, amazing, fiances.
After lunch, Namjoon grabbed my hand and took me to birdwatch with him in the park nearby for a little bit.
An hour had passed since I sat chatting with Namjoon about birds and books, when Taehyung puled me away, taking me to a bookstore nearby. He knew my weakness that bugger! But in his words, he had bought me a "belated birthday present".
It was the entire Lord of the Rings series!
With seven husbands coming my way, I silently asked myself when I'd get the time to read them. The story itself was quite captivating, I'd never make it to finish the entire series.
Seokjin stole me away from Taehyung at the door to the next shop along the outskirts of the park. We found a bench and he pulled out a Chilsung for me to drink while we talked.
Still being so full from lunch, I offered to share it with him. Occasionally, he sipped from me as we chatted about life.
Thus far, from my seven fiances, Seokjin and Yoongi seemed more settled in their careers as lawyers. Seokjin insisted I call him Jin, which was his name shortened.
"I'd prefer if you called me Jin. You don't have to call me oppa, though if you do, I'd like that too." He smiled beautifully at me.
He had the most beautiful, delicate and yet charming smile I've ever seen. Jin's smile was captivating and I found myself lost in his smile.
Realizing I've been staring at his mouth for a few minutes, I blinked twice and took a sip from the soda he'd given me, then I passed him the bottle.
"You know Jagiya, we're technically kissing." He grinned at me, causing me to blush even more.
"I- I hadn't realized it..." I blushed even more.
He chuckled and placed a kiss on my cheek, catching me off guard.
"You're so cute when you blush around us." He said to me, wrapping an arm around me fondly.
I smiled to myself as I thought about the time I spent with them today.
My phone buzzed next to me on my bed. I opened my eyes, picked up my phone and paused my music when I saw a text from an unknown number.
+8282 1234 777: Hey Haneul it's Jin.
+8282 1234 777: How are you doing?
+8282 1234 777: Can I call you?
Haneul: Hi Oppa! I'm good and you?
I quickly saved his number to my phone's contacts list and called him instead.
"Yeoboseyo? Haneul?"
"Ne, how are you oppa?"
"I'm alright. I'm actually just thinking about earlier on with you and the others. It was a lot of fun. I enjoyed myself after a really long time."
"Me too." I replied coyly into the phone.
"I er... I was actually supposed to call you." Jin replied, sounding a little shy himself.
"I know. But I decided to call you instead." I say cheekily.
I grinned at him even though he couldn't see me, knowing why he was feeling odd that I had called him first.
"Let's at least switch to video call?" He suggested trying to gain control over the conversation, wanting to have some advantage no doubt.
I know why he messaged and I was just messing with him.
Finally giving in I said:
"Okay, oppa I'm hanging up, you can call me back."
I hit the red button to end the call and dashed over to the mirror on the tiny dresser next to my bed to fix my hair and dab on some lipgloss. I felt like a teenager all over again.
A few seconds later, my phone rang. Diving onto my bed to answer it, I accidentally hit the green button, and Jin saw me quickly settling crossed leg on my bed against the pillows, fixing my hair and smacking my lips to spread the lip gloss more evenly.
When I finally looked up at my screen, I saw his face and jumped out of reflex. Jin cackled but then he smiled at me sweetly.
Later he admitted that he enjoyed admiring my cute side, which I blushed at once he had admitted it.
"Awwwww you're just beautiful, you know that!" Jin exclaimed to me.
I was slightly red in the face as I blushed, knowing that he caught me smacking my lips to spread the gloss while I combed my hair with my fingers.
"Oh my goodness! You saw that?!" I squealed, covering my face with my free hand.
Still laughing at my "cute" behaviour, Jin oppa answered me, watching me closely.
"Yes. I saw all of it. You rushed off to put lipgloss on, right? That's so cute Haneul!"
"Yes. Of course I had to! It is our first video call!" I pointed out. Jin smiled, but I noticed that he blushed a little too.
His room wasn't very visible because of the lighting, but I think I made out purple glittery curtains behind him.
I studied him for a few seconds and found that he's in his pyjamas just like me, and his hair was washed and left to dry, it's curls sticking all across his forehead, making him look more than handsome.
I noticed his pyjamas are my favourite shade of blue and decided to comment on them. If he can mess with me, why can't I?
"Oppa, you look so handsome in those pyjamas! You're making me so shy! I had to make myself look tidy." I giggled.
"You're already beautiful as you are Haneul." Though I noticed he was also running his fingers through his hair as he spoke to me... It did something I cannot explain... It was so sexy. I felt myself go weak in my knees.
"Thank you oppa." I shyly replied.
Jin smiled at me and then became all serious and business-like, clearing his throat.
"Haneul are you busy tomorrow?" He asked me, looking me in my eyes.
"I actually have work." I say regretfully.
Jin, respecting this, asked:
"Hmmm... Alright then, what time does your shift end?"
"Well, I finish at one o'clock, since it's a Sunday."
"Will you be willing to go on a date with me at three o' clock? I can pick you up from your flat." He asked politely, it made my heart sing.
"Yes! That'll be brilliant!" I exclaimed excitedly.
"PERFECT! I'll see you at three o' clock. Goodnight princess. Sleep well!"
He blew out an air kiss to me then hung up.
I was so excited that I could barely fall asleep.
And it didn't help that Jin called me again and spent over an hour talking to me about ten minutes after the video call.
The next morning...
At the café:
"What happened Haneul? You look like you didn't sleep a wink!" A colleague asked me.
"It's nothing. I was just reading till late." I say offhandedly to her. The staff were all temps and I wasn't particularly fond of sharing my personal life with them. Moreso now that I have seven fiances.
"Of course not... She's nervous about the date she's going on today!" Seojin, my annoying yet amazing boss chimed in.
"Seojin there's no need to blab to the whole café!" I whispered as I felt a blush spread across my face and I threw the cloth I was holding down onto the counter, running off into the scullery to wash up the used mugs, glasses and cutlery in an attempt to disappear.
I needed an excuse to hide. Even if it were just for five minutes.
Seojin was my boss, but he was a caring boss who always accommodated others. He meant well and always looked out for me. I just wanted some privacy.
He followed me into the scullery to apologise.
"I'm sorry Haneul. I'm just really excited for you. Seokjin is a friend of mine." He explained along with his apology.
Seojin was in his late forties and enjoyed helping the youth by up-skilling them.
Jimin had also mentioned that he worked here a few years before me; and so Seojin already knew about Jimin, me and the rest of my fiances.
I felt my face go red when he told me that he understood and had given me the day off yesterday in order for me to attend the meeting deciding my fate, despite giving me the day off for my birthday already.
"I've known long before your appa gave you that call. It's why I offered to give you the day off! In fact you didn't have to come to work today either! You're already a business partner Haneul! You don't have to work shifts too." Seojin explained.
"But I like working. I get to bake and be in the kitchen doing things I enjoy; while at the same time, I also get to see the reactions people have towards my baking! It's rewarding." I replied, trying to explain my way out of sitting and doing nothing.
I was grateful, however, to have such an understanding boss and one who already knew my fiances, but it also made things a little overwhelming for me.
Yet, at the same time, it also saved me from having to make up different excuses or having to lie each time I needed time off. I am glad he knows. It was one less person to avoid.
Seojin insisted I leave the café early.
But just then, the last customer for the day walked into the café wearing an expensive suit, a white shirt and a pair of dark sunglasses, his hair was dyed a glowing golden blond. He was taller than me and his mannerisms seemed very familiar.
The man grinned at me when he saw me and I almost gritted my teeth at him when he removed his sunglasses to order.
"Mochi!" I almost shouted.
"What on Earth are you doing here?" I lowered my voice to a loud-whisper.
"You know me, sunshine. I'm here to dress you up for your date." Jimin exclaimed brightly.
"You didn't have to do that Chimmy." I replied, feeling the pinch in my heart. He didn't have to, but he offered because he wanted to see me.
Jimin shrugged and said:
"Honestly, I was in the area and I figured, why not drop this off... " Jimin gestured to a brown paper gift bag with an expensive brand printed on its side in emerald green.
"Ommo Jimin! That's so expensive!" I covered my mouth in shock.
"I know right. But it's from Jin hyung. He said to deliver it to you before your shift ended. Happy date day!" Jimin added walking off after I accepted it.
"Jimin-ah!" I called out to him. He stopped and turned on his heel to face me.
I ran around the counter to give him a big hug before he said he had to go. Managing to delay him a little longer, I place a cup of macchiato in his hand. It was one of his favourites.
"It's on the house." I grinned at him appreciatively.
"Well in that case, thank you Haneul." Jimin smiled at me, then pinched my nose and walked off.
Thirty minutes later...
At my flat:
I arrived home, excitement and nerves both pulling at me on either end. The butterflies in my stomach meant that I was not able to eat lunch earlier and Seojin had a nice dig at me when he saw Jimin leaving the café thirty minutes ago.
I flopped on my bed, still in my uniform. After five minutes of contemplating what to do next, I rushed into the bathroom to shower and straightened my hair. I walked back to my bed and picked up the pair of jeans my fiance had sent me.
It was a designer pair of jeans with a designer shirt and a nice warm coat. Jin oppa just didn't know where to stop, because he had also sent me boots and perfume!
There was also a beautiful handwritten note, which I read at least ten times since I discovered it in the bag.
I smiled to myself as I got dressed, taking extra care to apply some BB cream and mascara (I usually hated wearing mascara as it messed up the lenses of my glasses) and topped it off with a lip liner, lipstick and an eyeliner.
I wasn't sure if this was overly dressed for the movies, since Jin oppa had said that we were going to see a new foreign movie and then get dinner at one of his favourite restaurants.
Lost in thought I jumped at the knock on my front door in the kitchen.
"Coming!" I shouted from my room, knowing full well the person won't be able to hear me.
Right on cue, they knocked a few more times...
Knock... Knock... Knock
Jin oppa arrived at my flat clad in dark blue jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. He had matched my outfit down to the boots he wore. It was now three o' clock in the afternoon, just as he promised.
He stood on the door step, smiling brightly at me and extended an arm for me to hold on to as he walked me to his car.
"You look beautiful Haneul. Thank you for agreeing to do this with me." Jin oppa said, placing a on my kiss my knuckles.
"Gwaenchanah-ayo (It's okay) Oppa. I wanted to." I smiled at him, feeling nervous about the date.
He texted me again last night, after our video call, to get my address and asked me if I would like to see a movie with him.
I agreed since I had not been to the movies in years. Jin oppa also mentioned that he has a special surprise for me.
He then called me again shortly afterwards and the two of us had spent over an hour on the call.
Oppa asked me which were my favourite movies, my favourite authors and my favourite novels and even my favourite genres of music.
I in turn asked him the same questions, making a mental note that he liked Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings as well as a few other movies. I also asked Jin oppa questions about things I wondered; like what made him study law like his father and what did his mum do?
I am excited to see just what this surprise is, but I am equally nervous because I am still adjusting to all the affection I am getting from my fiances.
To help me get over the nerves, I decided to bake some butter biscuits (butter cookies) last night since I wasn't really able to sleep. I handed Jin a cute jar decorated with my very own handmade Star Wars stickers and a little note.
I added the stickers to the jar this afternoon when I got home from work and left the little jar in my handbag.
It was my first time gifting a man something and I wasn't sure what to get him.
Jin oppa loved the gift and hugged me even tighter, assuring me he genuinely loved it.
Once in his car, we both buckled our seat belts and Jin oppa drove off. I sat quietly next to him, unsure of what to say... (I heard my neighbours maliciously whisper that I had another man in my flat within the last 48 hours and I didn't know how to process their comments).
"Are you always this quiet Haneul?" Jin oppa took a dig at me, grinning, knowing full well that I was shy.
"Aniyo oppa (No oppa)" I broke into a big, nervous smile and decided to ask him something to change the subject. "Which movie are we going to watch?"
"Do you like Gong Yoo? It's his latest movie." Jin replied casually.
"Ommo! Yes! I love him!" I replied naïvely.
"And what about my cousins and I, huh? Have you forgotten us that quickly?" Oppa said giving me a pointed look, raising an eyebrow at me sexily.
"I... I... I love you guys too." I said, feeling as red as a strawberry while Jin oppa enjoyed annoying me.
But I quickly snapped out of my shy behaviour as I notice the road.
"Ya oppa! (Hey oppa!) Where are we going? The movie theatre is that way!" I pointed to the off ramp on the right of the freeway that he had just missed.
Jin oppa glanced at me for a second before his full lips formed a sexy smile.
"Okay you got me! We're actually heading to the outskirts of the city. I have something special planned for us." Jin smiled, his voice dipped an octave lower.
My heart skipped a beat at that...
A few minutes later, he took a different off ramp, one leading to the countryside.
"Oppa, where are we going?"
I asked again, almost bouncing in my seat anxiously, eagerly waiting to see where he was really taking me on our first date together.
Jin glanced at me sideways as he slowed the vehicle to a stop at the traffic lights. He grinned after a few moments' thought and said:
"Just wait and see sunshine."
A/n: Excited? Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for reading thus far.
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