Chapter 5: Time Lapse
"I have been here before, but when or how I cannot tell: I know the grass beyond the door,
The sweet keen smell, the sighing sound, the lights around the shore. You have been mine before - How long ago I may not know: But just when at that swallow's soar, your neck turned so, Some veil did fall, - I knew it all of yore." - Dante Gabriel Rossetti
"Where am I?"
Erin sat up and looked around but saw nothing that is familiar to her eyes...the modern bedroom she slept on was changed to old Japanese designed room with a large bed in the middle, a small bedside table, a lantern hung from the ceiling and an old painting of someone familiar hung at the wall...
"Eriya-sama... we need to go."
Erin faced the voice and was surprised to see a young girl wearing a yukata and formally bowing to her who was still sitting on the bed.
"U-um... who are you?"
The girl gasped and immediately ran to check Erin's temperature, "Daichi sama will kill me if you have fallen ill! Oh this is my entire fault! You shouldn't have ridden that horse! What did I do to Eriya-hime?"
"E-Eriya? I-is that supposed to be me?"
The "girl" panicked and ran back and forth in front of Erin, "p-please calm down..."
"I can't calm down Hime-sama... I'll be killed if I don't... aaaah!!!"
Another lady wearing a purple yukata poked her head into the room, "what's wrong?"
"Raina-sama!!!! Eriya-hime doesn't know who I am!"
Erin's eyes bulged and in a high pitched voice she shouted, "Ran-chan?!?!"
'Raina' stepped back a little and sighed, "Yes it is indeed me... though as always I prefer that you call me Raina than Ran, it sounds like a boy's name."
"B-but y-you..."
Erin's statement was halted when a young lad about their age poked his head inside the room making her attendant blush and Raina turn..."Dai-kun's looking for the two of you... still not ready Eri-chan?"
Raina patted the lad's arm and said before walking out, "Yuu-kun, I'm leaving Eriya to you. According to Mitsuru, she has fallen ill but because she can still recognize me so I cannot say for certain."
The blushing 'Mitsuru' bowed politely to 'Yuu-kun' while worriedly glancing at Erin who was still sitting on the bed, "Y-Yukinori-sama...when hime woke up, s-she asked who I was. I'm certain my hime isn't herself today...she might be possessed or..."
Erin's eyes bulged wider when she soon realized who the familiar face is, "Yuu-chan??"
'Yukinori' chuckled and sat on Erin's bed, "since when was I 'Yuu-chan'? It's 'Yuu-kun' to you little hime."
Erin snorted and hugged a pillow, "since now, Yuu...kun. Stop calling me Eriya or hime. My name is Erin."
Mitsuru cried again, "Yukinori sama... my mistress has gone crazy!"
The young noble raised an eyebrow and motioned for 'Mitsuru' to come closer, "Mitsuru-chan, calm down... tell Dai-kun that Eriya isn't feeling well due the injury she received yesterday but she will be out to welcome their guests in a little while. Oh and tell JunKo-chan that I'm with Eri-chan, she's with Motohiko-nii outside."
The young maid bowed again and went outside following Raina so she can do her assigned task. Yukinori then sat on the edge of the bed facing Erin and smiled, "now that we are alone... mind elaborating about what you said earlier?"
Erin sighed and tried to explain as much as he can to the guy who eerily looks like her friend Yuri. Yukinori listened as intently as he can while rubbing his chin, a habit Yuri has always had...
*sigh* "and that's what happened..."
Yukinori crossed his legs and stared outside, "I have a hunch but I can't elaborate on it right now."
*chuckle*"Your habits are also the same as my friend Yuri."
The young lad stood up and stretched, "I have a feeling that would be the case. Anyhow, we need to get you to Daichi as soon as possible. Your relatives are coming and as the second child to the Higuchis... you need to make an appearance."
"What?! But I don't even... I can't... what am I going to do, Yuu-kun?"
" will be okay. I already made the excuse of you not feeling well because of yesterday so you can just keep silent and leave all the talking to Dai-kun. He doesn't need any help anyhow. And another thing, try not to be shocked...or if you really are, just don't let it show. I'll try to explain more once the pests... I mean guests... leave."
Erin finally chuckled and pulled the sleeves of Yukinori's kimono when he tried to leave, "wait! I'm supposed to be Eriya right?"
Yukinori nodded, "You aren't supposed to be her... you ARE Eriya... second child of the King's favorite magistrate, Takahiro Higuchi. You have an older brother named Daichi who is being trained to replace your father."
"I already said I'm Erin..." *sigh* "How about Raina? You? The people I'm meeting?"
*sigh* "We don't have enough time for this. They are coming and it will be bigger trouble if we don't show up."
"Please? I don't know how to least if I know who would be there..."
Yukinori massaged his forehead and Erin knew she had won, "fine. Raina and I are children of two other magistrates and our parents are the best of friends. There will also be Motohiko and his cousin JunKo. Kiriko will also be there but you don't need to worry about her since she is smitten with Daichi so she won't notice you much. Hm, those are the important ones you need to know. The guests... well, don't worry cause Dai-kun can handle them himself."
"If you say so...I'm still worried though."
Yukinori lightly flicked Erin's forehead and smiled, "I already said it's going to be okay so it will be. Besides, your brother is there and he won't let you be shamed. Raina and I will try to help you as much as we can too."
Erin smiled back, "Thank you Yuu-kun for believing me."
"You're welcome. Now ask Mitsuru to help you with your clothes, we already wasted enough time. Try to make sure she doesn't make any more fuss than earlier."
Just as Yukinori opened the door, Mitsuru was found outside kneeling in front of the door, "Yukinori sama, order has been delivered. JunKo-sama said she will be waiting for you outside with Motohiko-sama."
A grin and a pat on the head was what Mitsuru got before the young noble walked out of the room Erin was in.
"Hime-sama, shall I get you dressed up?"
Erin nodded and succumbed to her fate as Mitsuru smiled and let out a formal kimono fit for meeting guests...
After thirty minutes of tugging and pulling (Mitsuru was a perfectionist), Erin was hauled out of the room and into what seemed to be an office with a large oak office table in the middle.
"D...niichan..." Erin almost called out the wrong name but quickly gathered herself thanks to the look on both Yukinori and Raina's eyes.
Daichi Higuchi looked exactly like Drake Law, from the arrogance in the way he moved to the confidence with the way he carried himself. If not for the polite way of talking, he would have thought his Drake-nii was doing cosplay, "Eriya... I heard from Yuki that you weren't feeling well. "
"I wasn't earlier but I'm feeling a bit better now."
Erin turned left and right, quite confused what to do next when Yukinori moved a chair right beside his brother, "here can't stay standing for a long time."
"Thank you..."
Now that she had taken her seat, she took the time to carefully study the people around her and she gasped (though not as loud as she would have before since Yukinori did warn her). The people right in front of her looked eerily familiar...
The lady standing still beside Daichi was wearing a white yukata with pink floral patterns smiled at her, "urk... she must be Kiriko... that smile reminds me of Karen a lot. It still scares me a bit..."
A handsome man wearing a brown kimono with a phoenix design at the chest smiled at her before turning his attention towards Daichi who seemed to be teasing him about land taxes, "he looks a lot like President Nakajima... and that girl...Jeremy?!?"
The beautiful lady sitting beside Yukinori turned to her with a smile, "is there anything you need from me Eriya-hime?"
Erin silently panicked and turned to Yukinori for help which he gladly gave, "it's nothing Jun-chan... Eri-hime just admired your beauty."
Raina chuckled while Motohiko shook his head when JunKo blushed red, "Y-Yuki...kun..."
"Can you two do that when you are out of my office, Yuki? It's inappropriate."
A chuckle came from Yukinori and a glare from Junko was what he received, "Sorry..."
A knock on the door made everyone still and Daichi's curt command echoed in the silence of the room, "come in"
A tall man in his fifties came in followed by a young man and woman about Daichi's age. Erin could see Raina tense and Kiriko slowly laid a hand on Daichi's shoulder. Motohiko's face was emotionless while Yukinori glared intensely at the young man who glared back making Junko move a bit closer to him...
"Greetings Daichi!!!"
Daichi stood to take the man's hand, a small smile on his face..."It's a pleasure to have you and your children at our mansion Kawaguchi-san. Please have a seat."
The Higuchi heir pointed to the vacant chairs and the guests made their way towards them, "You can call me Uncle Tasuki.... ah... I didn't realize the heirs of other houses are here too...Nakajima-kun, Shinobu-kun and ladies Takahashi, Minamoto and Saga. Come on kids, don't be rude...introduce yourselves to everyone."
The young man sighed and raised his head, "I'm Kawaguchi Toshiro, Elder of the twins and the heir of the Kawaguchi clan."
The young girl giggled and winked at Daichi making Karenko move closer to the Higuchi heir, "I'm Kawaguchi Sumiko... I'm pleased to see you again Daichi-san."
Erin squirmed in her seat and Daichi gritted his teeth, "the girl beside me is my sister Eriya... just in case you haven't noticed."
"Ah of course... little Eriya... I heard about the small accident you had yesterday. I hope you are doing better."
Erin felt scared for some reason and she gave a stiff smile and a nod.
Raina suddenly stood and cleared her throat when she saw the angered expression starting to show on Yukinori and Daichi's faces, "will you and your children be staying for tea Kawaguchi-san? I hope Earl Grey is to your liking."
Sumiko smirked and held a sleeve close to her mouth, "acting like a wife Minamoto-san?"
"I don't think how Raina act is of any concern to you Sumiko-san."
Sumiko snickered but nevertheless bowed politely, "my apologies Daichi...and please call me Sumi. I've been telling you that since a long time ago."
Raina clenched her fists and gave a smile to Daichi who nodded, "I'll go tell the maids to bring in some tea and scones for the guests."
"Thank you, Raina...."
Daichi turned to the head of the Kawaguchi family and clasped his hands, "while Raina is bringing us tea and scones... may I know what you need from me and our father?"
*chuckle* "so straightforward just like your father...can't a man want to visit his family?"
The young heir gave a practiced smile and Erin couldn't help but give an encouraging squeeze on the man who looks like Drake. Daichi turned and gave a real smile to 'Eriya' before turning towards the guests, "thank you for wanting to visit us Uncle. But I'm afraid father will not be returning until next week. He was called by the King and it seemed urgent."
"Ah... I would have wanted to play a game of chess with him today, that's too bad."
Daichi leaned closer to the table and gave a sweet smile, "it really is... if you want, Uncle Tasuki... I can send a messenger over once father arrives so you can visit again when he is here."
Yukinori smiled to himself when he saw the momentary look of irritation that passed by the older man's face. Motohiko lightly elbowed the man beside him and the Shinobu heir stuck a tongue out, smiling wider.
Sumiko moved slightly forward and smiled at the Higuchi heir, "Daichi-san ... it's been a long time since I've been to the gardens of this mansion. Can you accompany me?"
"I'm sorry Sumiko-san... the gardens are being renovated right now. If you wish to see the construction, I'm sure Yukinori or Motohiko will gladly take you there."
Motohiko and Yukinori both threw Daichi irritated looks while the lady Kawaguchi pouted making Daichi smirk triumphantly. The atmosphere of the room became doubly tense and Erin turned a worried look at Motohiko who smiled reassuringly at her.
The door suddenly burst open revealing a young man with light blonde hair and bright blue eyes, "I'm late! I'm sorry Father... the violin session lasted longer than necessary and sensei doesn't want me to leave even though I said I have to and..."
The Kawaguchi head gritted his teeth, "Takehiko... shut up."
The twins chuckled making the youngest Kawaguchi walk slowly towards his family members, violin case still in hand. Motohiko narrowed his eyes and moved to leave a space between him and Yukinori, "Take-kun, come sit beside us. There seems to be no more seats in that area."
Takehiko's face lit up immediately and he walked faster so he could take the offered seat. Raina then came in followed by several maids, "Dai-kun... there was chocolate cake in the kitchen so I got you and Eriya each."
Daichi grinned and accepted the chocolate cake placed in front of him, "Thank you wife..."
Raina shuddered and gave a light smack on the laughing Daichi's shoulder while ignoring the death glares from both Kiriko and Sumiko. She turned red when she saw both Motohiko and the youngest Kawaguchi staring at her and Daichi with interest.
"Takehiko-kun, it's been a while! I haven't seen you around Eriya for some time. Did you two have a fight?"
Takehiko shook his head and gave a sad smile, "we didn't... I was just busy with violin practice."
That loud shout startled everyone inside the mansion. Daichi moved Raina and Erin close to him,"what was that?"
Yukinori lightly pushed Junko towards her cousin, "Daichi... I'll check it out."
"I'll come with you... Yuki-senpai..."
Yukinori shook his head and ruffled the younger boy's hair before rushing out of the room. Worried for the older man's safety, Erin suddenly felt a wave of dizziness rush over her, "augh..."
Daichi steadied Erin and held a hand to her head,"I-I'm fine niichan... just a little... dizzy..."
"Take your seat Eriya... you just fell off your horse yesterday."
"Fell off a horse? I can ride a horse?"
A panting Yukinori appeared in the doorway, "Dai-kun... there is a dead body inside Eriya's room."
That seemed to be the final blow and Erin succumbed to the pounding of her head and the dizzy spell...
Erin opened her eyes slowly, hands reaching out to touch the nearest person/thing and she came in contact with a warm hand..." Are you feeling sick?"
"Yuri, since when have Erin called me Rai instead of Ran?"
Yuri shrugged and leaned against the window frame, ""
Rainier snorted and shook Erin's arm again, "wake up! Drake wants us to come with him to the lawyer's office..."
Erin sat up and rubbed her eyes tiredly as she tried to focus on recognizing the people inside her room..."Rai-chan? Why are you a guy?"
Rainier raised an eyebrow and sighed,"Erin... I was born a guy. Though my heart is not but... you know what I mean."
"B-but... earlier you were wearing an orange kimono and your hair was longer..."
"That's it... Erin has finally lost her marbles!"
Yuri chuckled, "leave her be Ran ... she's just not fully awake yet. Eri, get up and do your morning routine. We'll wait for you outside."
Erin looked around her and noted the TV set in front of a large couch inside the room, "oh... I'm back."
Yuri and Rainier stopped just right in front of Erin's bedroom door,
"You're back?"
"Did you go anywhere last night?"
"I was... I think I..." *sigh* "nevermind... I'll follow outside."
Rainier nodded and the two walked out of Erin's room where Motoki, Jeremy and Drake were waiting.
"Was that a dream?"
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