(5) Past - Brandeen
Brandeen giggled as he watched their pretty as he walked through one of the less busy streets of Atlantide from his perch beside his brother. After they had taken care of the body, they had lost track of their pretty for a bit but it hadn't taken long for them to find him again. Rian had said that, despite their interference earlier, it would still be better for them to not interact with him directly. At least within the city, considering they did have a bit of a reputation.
So for now, they were just keeping an eye on their pretty. They had to keep him safe after all, what with the previous attempt on their pretty's life.
As their pretty stopped to talk to a vendor, Brandeen turned to his brother and asked. "Ze pretty is too cute, can we pleaseeeeeee approach himmmmmmm?"
"That would just get our beauty in trouble, Brandeen, just stay patient, I'm sure he'll wander somewhere we can approach him alone soon," Rian told his brother sternly.
"And what exactly would you two do to him when alone." The brothers froze, spinning around to face a powerful-looking man. And not just any man either. Reaper, the leader of the Wandering Coins stood behind them.
"Well, what would you two criminals do?" Reaper repeated with a glare at the twins when they did not respond, not that this repetition made them speak either. "Judging by your silence, I assume you were planning on either hurting him or assaulting him-"
"We would never hurt ze Pretty!" Brandeen interrupted, his eyes wide even as Rian agreed vehemently with him. "We may be criminals but we're not going to hurt our beauty."
Reaper looked a little taken aback by immediate protest as well as the use of 'pretty' and 'beauty'. He stared at the two of them before asking in a dark voice. "What exactly do you want with my apprentice then?"
"Apprentice?" Rian asked while Brandeen's eyes lit up. "Oooooooh does that mean you know our pretty's name? We meant to get it back in the forest but we got distracted by the body!"
Reaper started to speak before he realized what exactly Brandeen had just said. "What body?"
"The body of the guy who tried to hurt our pretty!" Brandeen told him, both his and Rian's eyes darkening as they remembered what had happened.
"Someone tried to hurt Silver?" Reaper exclaimed, looking both angry and concerned. The brothers exchanged glances before Brandeen smiled slightly and said. "Don't worry! We saved the pretty!"
"And took care of the one who tried to harm him," Rian added with a smirk.
"... Why would you two criminals take care of the person who tried to hurt him?" Reaper asked, looking at them sternly as he tried to assess them for any hidden motives.
"Because-" Before Rian could finish, there came a loud crash from the streets below. All three of them instantly looked down off the roof to see Silver coughing as he got up from where it looked like he had been slammed into a crate.
Dang it, they took their eyes off of him for a few minutes and he was in trouble. Brandeen and Rian exchanged looks before nodding as they both jumped and climbed off the roof. They imagine that Reaper would have stopped them if not for the fast pace in which they had descended off the roof and onto the streets.
Lucky for the two criminals, there weren't that many people around to witness Rian get between Silver and the guy as Brandeen went straight to Silver to see if he was alright. The man seemed shocked to see them once again even as he said quietly. "You two again..."
"Why is it that we always need to get you out of trouble, Pretty?" Brandeen simply said as he looked him over, smiling slightly at the small blush that appeared on Silver's face at the 'pretty' part.
Once he was done looking Silver over (and ascertaining that he would need some medical care from being slammed that hard into a wooden crate), he glanced back at his brother who had knocked out the guy who had hurt their pretty. He knew that the only reason his brother hadn't straight out killed the man was because they were in Atlantide and killing someone may get their pretty in trouble by association.
Rian walked calmly over to him and Silver before asking. "Are you alright, beauty?"
Silver blushed a little at the beauty part but just as he was about to try and say he was fine, Brandeen interrupted. "He needs medical attention."
"I don't-"
"Don't argue, Silver, if my brother says you need medical attention, you need medical attention." Rian told him sternly.
The man looked ready to protest but stopped himself as he looked at the two puzzled. "How did you know my name?"
"Your mentor let us know," Rian said simply, and as if to emphasize that, this was the exact moment that Reaper approached the three. Before Silver could say a word to that, Brandeen addressed Reaper in the most serious tone he had used all day. "We can talk more later, take care of him first."
While Reaper looked more than ready to take Silver to the infirmary, he also cast upon them dark eyes. These eyes sent shivers down the twins' souls, telling them that the older guild leader didn't trust them in the slightest. Then his eyes seemed to clear as he scooped up Silver and made his way to the infirmary even as Brandeen and Rian were left to worry about both their pretty's health and the guild leader's warning.
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